The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1913: Eight-level Thunder

I am very grateful to Chishao (588), Shun Shun 666 (200), Susuer (100), zhyuny1233 (100), mableip (100)!


Xu Ziyan adjusted his interest once again in the time array method, and restored his mental strength and Xianyuan power to the peak. This came out of the time array method, and then switched the body with chaos and returned to the crowd.

Looking at the surroundings, I spread the knowledge and saw that the vast majority of the monks were still in the midst of the adjustment. However, Lin Tingtao’s several half-steps were restored and the restoration was completed. for.

Xu Ziyan whispered quietly and chatted with the cold, and did not chat for a long time, from the opposite side of the canyon came a thunderous roar.

Xu Ziyan, Leng Qingyu and the four-and-a-half-step people looked at the opposite side of the canyon, but did not dare to extend the knowledge to the opposite side of the canyon, fearing to attract the Thunder.

The thunder of the opposite thunder is getting louder and louder, and the sound of the rumble is heard from the opposite side if the horse is rushing.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and whispered: "Go and see!"

Leng Qingyi and the four-and-a-half-step people also stood up. Xu Ziyan glanced at the surrounding monks and whispered:

"I, the three division sisters and Lin Shixiong went to the front to see, the scattered division sisters and several of you left to command these monks, in case we all left here, there are Thunder Xianbing."

"Good! You are careful!" said noddedly.

Xu Ziyan, Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao walked out of the crowd and flew carefully across the ground facing the canyon.

"Little sister. Why are we going to take risks, waiting for the end of the battle over there is not better?" asked the cold voice and lowered his voice.

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and said: "We still sneak in the past to see which family is opposite, what danger is encountered. Now we are ready to go through the canyon to be fully prepared."

"But... this is very dangerous." Lin Tingtao, who was on the side, also said with a low voice.

"I know!" Xu Ziyan also lowered his voice and said: "We just look around, we are not helping the people ahead. We just understand what kind of danger they are facing! I feel this canyon After that, maybe the Thunder will begin to appear."

“Thunder will be?” Leng Qing whispered softly: “What is strange about this, have we not encountered it before?”

"Thunder will also be graded. The lowest level is one level, the highest level is nine. We have encountered five levels before, maybe there will be more than five levels on the opposite side of the canyon. This is what I have to go first. Look at the reason."

The fifth grade fairy will be equivalent to the fairy king of the human race, the sixth grade is equivalent to the emperor, the seventh grade is equivalent to the emperor, the eighth grade is equivalent to the human respect, and the nine ranks are equivalent to the Terran of the Terran. And Thunder Xian Shuai is equivalent to the human god.

Gradually, there was a scream of screams from the opposite side. Of course, it was not the scream of the Thunder singer or the fairy. They will only turn into lightning and will not make screams.

From this scream, it can be inferred that there should be no less than six levels of Lei Yixian on the opposite side. The three people looked at each other and saw the shock from the other's eyes.

Lin Tingtao and Leng Qingyu had some fear in their hearts at this time. If it wasn’t for Xu Ziyan, he would come over and look at it, waiting for himself to wait for more than 50,000 monks to rush through the canyon without psychological preparation. It’s just that you are waiting for someone to scream.

He came to the mouth of the canyon, and the three men huddled behind a huge rock, quietly peeping their heads out to look outside. I saw a thunderous glare outside, and I couldn’t adapt to it at the moment. I couldn’t see the opposite situation.

Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao also gathered their mental powers in their eyes at this time, and the scene in front of them immediately became clear.

"It's the Mozu!" Lin Tingtao said with a low voice.

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan said lightly: “Let's lean back, the view here is too narrow!”

Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao nodded, and the three men squatted and leaned against the cliff to touch the front. Going forward for more than a dozen meters. At this point they have come out of the canyon. I found a rock hiding behind, and then slammed my head.

Out of the canyon, the field of vision immediately became wide, and in their field of vision was a fierce battlefield. The monks of the Mozu are about 150,000. At this time, it is a constant casualty.

On the opposite side of them, this is a Thunderian squad who can't see the head, but these Thunder squads seem to be very disciplined. Formed a square team, about every thousand Thunder Xian soldiers form a square team, each side of the team has a number of different levels of level 1 to 4 Thunder Xian Xian, in the center of the party team is a five-level The Thunder will continue to be impacted toward the Mozu.

"Five-level fairy will?" Leng Qing squatting on his own eyes, his face is unbelievable: "Is it just a five-level fairy? When did the demon become so weak? Will be killed by the five-level celestial ? Did I have an illusion?"

"Three sisters!" Xu Ziyan pointed his finger to the middle of the thunder in the distance: "Look at it!"

Leng Qingyu looked suspiciously and looked at the fingers of Xu Ziyan. He saw a thunder fairy standing there, and his purple hair was lingering. It was no longer a thunder and a spear, but a thunder hammer. One, the body exudes violent energy.


The cold and clear look has changed. This level is equivalent to the monk in the Terran. And look at the energy that erupted from it, it is also equivalent to the appearance of the middle of the human respect.

Xu Ziyan, Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao did not dare to make the slightest sound, and some looked at the fierce battle in front of them. In this way, the three of them lurked behind the rock for a day, and saw that there were less than 100,000 Mozu monks left around 150,000.

"These Mozu monks will not die here?" Lin Tingtao said with a low voice, there is still a trace of excitement in the voice.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, I see that the Thunder and the Fairy will be consumed almost!"

Just as Xu Ziyan’s whisper had just fallen, he saw that the eight-level Thunder will suddenly lift his right hand, and the thunder hammer in his right hand suddenly illuminates, sending out a thick lightning to the sky, seeing Countless Thunder and the Thunder will be heard as if they were summoned from a distance to the eight-level Thunder.

The Thunder squad, who was already less than the number of the Mozu, suddenly increased. It has gone far beyond the Mozu monks, and the spear of a Thunder spear slams.

The situation on both sides has changed dramatically, and it is completely one-sided. The Mozu monks are continually dying. At this time, the three sides of the Mozu monks have been surrounded by Thunder's celestial soldiers. Only behind them, that is, the gorge has no Thunder. That is to say, the Mozu monk has lost the opportunity to escape at this time, the only way is to go back down the canyon.

However, the reason why the canyon was become a canyon is because it is very narrow, so many Demon monks simply can't escape from the canyon.

Under the call of the eight-level Thunder Xian, the Thunder Xianbing will continue to gather here. It was broken up by the monks and monks, and another batch came. In the past, the Thunder Xian soldiers encountered by Xu Ziyan and others, no matter how many, they will be eliminated. Because they have met an eight-level Thunder fairy. Now, how lucky they are, an eight-level Thunder will be able to summon the Thunder and the Lesser Thunder.

This is terrible!

Not to mention that it is the Thunder fairy, that is, the Thunder fairy, so continuous, endless, that is, slowly grinding will also kill the powerful Mozu, not to mention the devil, the demon and the Terran here is the highest Half-step people respect, that is, Tianzun will also be tempted to the danger of the consumption of Xianyuan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already seen it. Don't look at the Mozu monks at this time there are nearly 80,000 left, but at this time the number of Thunder Xian soldiers has exceeded five times the Mozu monks. This is still the eighth-level Thunder Xian will not take the initiative, but from time to time summoned the Thunder Xianbing. These Mozu monks want to survive, and it has become very difficult to see them in Xu Ziyan. Unless the Mozu monks can kill the 8th-level Thunder, they will have a chance to survive.

Looking at the current situation, this line of opportunity has become difficult.

Between the Mozu monks and the eight-level Thunder fairy, there are a large number of Thunder Xian soldiers and Thunder Xian between the first and fourth levels. It is impossible for the Mozu monks to attack the eight-level Thunder.

Suddenly, a bright scream came from the Mozu monk. After the loud screams were remembered, he saw less than 80,000 Mozu monks quickly moving into a cone array. The eight-level Thunder fairy will be in the middle of the Thunder.

"They are..." Lin Tingtao said in surprise.

"Desperate!" Leng Qingyi said the words that Lin Tingtao did not say.

Xu Ziyan looked at the impact of the Mozu with his eyes shining. If the Mozu could succeed, it would be like cleaning up the obstacles for them. Otherwise, even if the Mozu were killed by the Thunder, the Thunder squad sealed the canyon, but Also let Xu Ziyan they are difficult to pass.

The Mozu really struggled. It seems that the Mozu monks realized it at this time. There is only one way to survive. That is to kill the Eight-level Thunder.

Nearly 80,000 Mozu monks have about 50,000 outside, struggling to move forward, and under the protection of the 50,000 Mozu monks, there are about 30,000 Mozu monks in the middle. At this time, the 30,000 demon monks were discounting the same handcuffs, and they still read their sorrows, but in an instant, Xu Ziyan and others felt that the surrounding forces began to fluctuate drastically. In particular, Xu Ziyan originally cultivated the dark attribute to the realm of great perfection. She clearly felt that it was the magical martial artist who released a super power in the joint force.


*(To be continued~^~)

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