The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1914: Flash off

Congratulations to laozhaotou students to become the best law!


Xu Ziyan’s face showed a shocking color. With the darkness of her dark attributes, she immediately felt that the magic power of this super power was released. I am afraid that the magic power of the 30,000 monks will be lost. 90%, only 10% of the magic power, and in the fierce battle, I am afraid that the fate of these 30,000 Mozu monks will only die.

"Be prepared to fight, the goal is that the eight-level Thunder will be!" Xu Ziyan said with a low voice.

"Why do you want to help the Mozu?" Lin Tingtao's face is puzzled.

"We are not helping the devil, but helping ourselves! If we can't solve the eight-level Thunder fairy, we will be blocked here!" Cold Qing whispered.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes still locked in front and gently nodded: “Not bad! If the Mozu is destroyed by the Thunder, who knows that the Eight-level Thunder will not leave. If it does not leave, it will always block. Here, we don't want to move forward. What's more, if Thunder will bring these celestial soldiers into the canyon, to the other side of the canyon, and discover us, the fate of the Mozu today is the fate of our human race."

"Just..." Xu Ziyan locked his eyes in front of the battlefield and flashed: "We have to choose the right moment."

"What kind of moment?"

"Of course it is the best time for us!"

At this time, the hearts of Leng Qingying and Lin Tingtao also understood the mind of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is to use the demon's life to forget to give the eight-level Thunder fairy the most powerful blow, if the eight-level Thunder fairy will be seriously damaged, it is the best moment for their three shots.

And it is at this time. The Mozu monk lost nearly 20,000 and finally got close to the eight-level Thunder. The super-powerful magic of the 30,000 Mozu monks in the middle seems to have reached the final moment of preparation. The speed of flipping hands one by one is getting faster and faster, pulling out the residual image of the road. The bright space that was originally due to lightning has become dark. The dark attribute elements began to gather from the battlefield in all directions, a dark, tyrannical, cold. The bloodthirsty breath is filled with space. The whole sky seems to have entered the night.

A black hurricane suddenly came, like a black hole swept away from the Thunder's celestial soldiers, countless Thunder celestial soldiers will collapse instantly, becoming vulnerable in the hurricane sweep.

The long night is only a quarter of an hour, but it seems to have gone through centuries. Xu Ziyan's eyes are blue and strobe, and the 30,000-year-old monk's breath in the middle is drastically weakened. Xu Ziyan is shocked. This super-powerful magic is completely beyond the cultivation of the Mozu monks themselves. They turned out to be the devil in the way of giving their lives. After the release of this super-powerful magic, the 30,000 monks would not have lived for a long time.

At this time, the remaining less than 30,000 Mozu monks in the periphery madly rushed toward the eight-level Thunder, and they completely ignored the 30,000-strong Demon monks in the central government. come out.

So, only in an instant. The 30,000-year-old monk who had just released the super-powerful demon was killed by the Thunder. At the same time, the nearly 30,000 Mozu monks who charged the same cut a big cake like a sharp knife, and almost rushed to the front of the eight-level Thunder.

At this point, the eight-level Thunder will also be seriously injured by the eternal night of the magic, and can no longer summon more Thunder Xianbing. Only a thunderous roar can be made, so that the Thunder and the Immortals around it will madly collide with the Mozu monks.

The Mozu monk is also desperate, and this opportunity is exchanged for the 30,000 monks who sacrificed their lives. Countless konjac screamed that the night was still raging to the opposite side.

The entire space was violently slammed, and the power of the Thunder and the power of the konjac violently collided in the air, and both sides were experiencing sharp consumption. The Thunder and the Immortals will be fragmented in large numbers, but they will be empty in front of the eight-level Thunder. The surrounding Thunder Xian Xian and Xian will only be less than a thousand in the time of this interest. The Mozu monks are even more pitiful. The original 150,000 Mazu monks have only lost less than 3,000.

At the same time, a large number of devils rushed to the eight-level Thunder. In particular, the 20,000 or so dead demons almost did not pay any attention to the attack of the Thunder Xianbing. Almost half of the devils fell on the eight-level Thunder fairy, even if it is an eight-level Thunder fairy will not be able to withstand this intensive bombing, this is the ant multi-bite. The eight-level Thunder will be faltering, and the success of the ten will be less than 10%.

but. The remaining less than three thousand demons can only watch the eight-level Thunder in the absorption of the thunder between the heavens and the earth, slowly recovering. Because of this round of attacks, the remaining nearly three thousand demons also almost exhausted the magic power of the body. Don't say that releasing the konjac at this time is that you can't even lift your hands.

"This is the moment!"

The voice of Xu Ziyan has not fallen. A big move has moved to the eighth-level Thunder Fairy, and the five-color sword has also been seized in his hand.

Now the body of Xu Ziyan is a congenital Xianbao, which is equivalent to the peak of the people. The five-color sword in the hand is also the innate treasure of the early stage of the Chinese product.

"Boom ~~"

Xu Ziyan and a sword smashed into the eight-level Thunder fairy, wearing the middle of the body of the eight-level Thunder.

Lin Tingtao and Leng Qingyu started to work at the moment when Xu Ziyan made a sound. Both of them were old monks who had been through the battlefield. Do not have to negotiate with each other, the perfect tacit cooperation. In the Xu Ziyan has not moved to the level of the eight-level Thunder fairy, the two began to quickly move the handcuffs.

Just after the appearance of Xu Ziyan passed through the eight-level Thunder, the two people also broke out. At the foot of the 8th-level Thunder Xianbing, there are countless large ancient vines, and the eight-level Thunder will be wrapped like a scorpion, and will be stretched toward it.


The eight-level Thunder will be more fragmented, and Lin Tingtao releases a fire dragon, roaring and bombarding the body of the Eighth Thunder.


Lin Tingtao broke his mouth in his heart, and his heart was really very weak. When I first arrived at Thunder City, I felt that I was the first master of the Clan Clan. Who knows that they have encountered the two metamorphosis of Leng Qing and Xu Ziyan. Leng Qing 贞 贞 贞 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙In the middle of the emperor, in the middle of the emperor's emperor, Lin Tingtao completely confused the strength of Xu Ziyan.

Now it is even in front of Xianxie. Before he has released the fairy, Xu Ziyan has already passed through the body of the eight-level Thunder fairy. At this time, Lin Tingtao has a tendency to go crazy...

The eight-level Thunder will have less than 10% of the original strength, and Xu Ziyan penetrated the body, and was smashed by the cold, and then a fire dragon shocked it, directly to the eight-level Thunder It will burst into a thunder and dissipate in the air.

This sudden change made the less than three thousand Mozu monks sluggish in place, one by one as if they were dreaming, and thought that there was an illusion in front of them.

This...the ups and downs are a bit too big...

Just now these three thousand Demon monks are still desperate, and their hearts are very clear, as long as the eight-level Thunder will be slightly restored, waiting for them is death. But... suddenly burst into a subversive scene, the horrible eight-level Thunder will be bombarded...

Nearly three thousand Demon monks couldn’t help but look in the direction of Xu Ziyan. I wanted to see who bombed the eight-level Thunder.

Xu Ziyan is very busy at this time. To know that the Mozu and the Thunder are fighting in the war, it is a real war. There are 150,000 Mozus. The Thunder and the Immortals will be countless.

The Thunder and the Immortals will have a mine core. At this time, there are thunder cores everywhere. These mine cores are not used by others, but they are useful for Xu Ziyan. Although her thunder attribute has now reached a great consummation, her repair is still necessary for Lei Yuanli.

The power of Lei Yuanli provided to Xu Ziyan between the heavens and the earth is relatively rare compared to other attributes, and the repair of Xu Ziyan requires a balance of various forces, how can it be lacking Lei Yuanli. The lightning core of this place is the best Lei Yuanli.

A wave of hands, first of all, the eight-level Thunder will be collected by the thunder, and then began to smash the thunder core, and a face smiles like a flower.

"Ziyan!" The Thunder giant sword in Dantian suddenly said in the knowledge: "You put these thunder cores on the thunder peak in the purple smoke space."

“Why?” Xu Ziyan asked while holding the thunder core on the ground.

"Let there they won't dissipate, and they will grow. The most important thing is that I also need to absorb them to restore strength."


Upon hearing that there was a Thunder giant sword to rush with her to use the mine core, Xu Ziyan was even more reluctant to let go of a mine core, even if it was the first-level squadron's small mine nucleus would not let it go.

The entire space saw Xu Ziyan flying everywhere, his hands waving constantly, and a large number of lightning cores on the ground quickly disappeared.

"This Thunder giant sword is really a foodie, the thunder of the entire Thunder Pool has been sucked by it, and I grabbed the mine." Xu Ziyan muttered in the heart, while manually.

"Get out!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes only stared at the thunder nucleus on the ground. He felt something in front of him blocking himself. He reached out and pulled the Thunder scorpion in front of him to the side, swept past it and continued to collect the nuclear.



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*(To be continued~^~)

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