The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1915: Thunder forest

The sound of thunder and lightning sounded around Xu Ziyan.

"Be careful!" The sound of a cold, anxious voice was heard not far away.

When Xu Ziyan looked up, it suddenly remembered that he had just pulled a Thunder fairy to the side. At this time, she was in the middle of thousands of Thunder soldiers.

However, only the Thunder Xianbing Xu Ziyan did not look in the eyes, she did not know how much to crush when the robbery.

"Wan Jian!"


From the body of Xu Ziyan, thousands of nine-character swords were rushed out and whizzed away. Thousands of purple swords burst like a fireworks from the middle, dazzling...

Thousands of gas swords are coiled in space, impact, cutting...

Like a maelstrom formed by a purple gas sword...


Thousands of Thunderbolt soldiers were just strangled by Xu Ziyan's air sword in an instant, but those gas swords did not have much loss, but the color became a little lighter.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the gas sword hovering in the air merged into a purple torrent to the Xu Ziyan stream, and Xu Ziyan was admitted to the Feng Ling array in the purple smoke space.

This scene fell in the eyes of nearly three thousand Demon monks and cold Qing, Lin Tingtao's eyes, can not be described with incredible.

Nearly three thousand Demon monks suddenly gave birth to fear, and an eight-level Thunder fairy who killed almost all of their 150,000 Demon monks would be killed by the hoe, and then released nearly a thousand swords. Thousands of Thunder Xian soldiers were smashed.

She...just a fairy!

These three Terran monks have subverted the understanding of these demons on the Terran. It is reasonable to say that the highest is the man, the half-step person's cultivation. But the woman in the early days of the Emperor was not weaker than the half-step man. What is even more perverted is the mid-term of the Emperor. Directly penetrated the body of the eight-level Thunder Xian, and then solved all the Thunder Xian soldiers with a sword.

This... is a thing that the emperor can do?

Nearly three thousand demons want to be more and more fearful, and their nearly three thousand devils now have no ability to attack, that is, the meat on the chopping board.

If these three people want to kill themselves, these demons. It doesn't seem to take much time...

Nearly three thousand demon people swallowed a sip of water, and the sound gathered in the air to sway, looking at the three people of Xu Ziyan, his face full of fear. One of the monks, who appeared to be the head of the Mozu, said a little embarrassedly:

"Thank you……"

Xu Ziyan smiled very sincerely: "You're welcome, wait a moment!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan continued her move to collect the thunder. The Mozu monk swallowed a sip again and said carefully:

"This friend... If you agree, we can help..."

Xu Ziyan heard a big smile: "This is a lot of embarrassment!"

"No! No! No!" The Mozu monk quickly puts his hand in his hand: "This is what we should do."

"That will trouble you!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"No trouble! No trouble!"

No need to talk about purple smoke, nearly three thousand Demon monks began to drag the tired body and began to collect the thunder core on the ground. At this point, they have recovered a trace of magic power, barely able to collect the work of the mine.

Xu Ziyan saw a help from a Mozu monk. Simply stopped, looking at the busy Mozu monks to figure out, do you want to kill the nearly three thousand democrats?

In the end, Xu Ziyan decided not to kill them. To be honest, Xu Ziyan does not think that the remaining three thousand devils can survive here, even if there are demons monks to survive, I am afraid there are not many left. Here are the Thunder and the Immortals, and the nearly three thousand Demon monks left in front of them want to survive. It is really difficult.

Since they don't have to do it themselves, they can't get rid of the fate of death. Xu Ziyan certainly chooses a method that saves time and effort.

Moreover, within the Thunder City, it seems that the Terran, the Devil and the Yaozu have reached an agreement on a temporary truce, and Xu Ziyan is not good at destroying. She does not want to cause any trouble, and leaves a handle for those who are against her.

Nearly three thousand Demon monks quickly collected the thunder nucleus on the ground and handed it to Xu Ziyan, who threw the thunder nucleus into the thunder peak in the purple smoke space.

Nearly three thousand Demon monks stood at the opposite end of Xu Ziyan, Leng Qingying and Lin Tingtao. Looking at Xu Ziyan three people one by one.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment. He whispered: "That... Daoyou... How did you meet the eight-level Thunder fairy and conflict with it?"

Xu Ziyan asked this question, and the look of the nearly three thousand monks was awkward. Finally, the leader of the demon sighed and said:

"We are too unlucky... After we left the Thunder City, we chose a different direction from the demon. Then... we lost our way.

On this road, I have not encountered too many Thunder Fairy, and we have also killed a lot of Thunder and Fairy. I feel that they are just like that.

I don't know how long it took, we finally found this canyon. So we sent a small team to explore through the canyon, and did not find any powerful existence, so we took a rest and walked through the canyon.

There was no accident when I walked through the entire canyon until I walked out of the canyon, just laid out the battlefield, and I was ready to move on. I didn’t know what was going on, and I came across the eight-level Thunder.

There is nothing here, even if it is an eight-level Thunder fairy, we have fifteen thousand demons. That is, the heap will also pile it up.

But who knows, these eight-level Thunder Xianbing will actually summon their accomplices..."

Having said that, the demon monk was frustrated with a look: "You have seen everything after that!"

Xu Ziyan listened and listened nervously to the surroundings, and there were no more Thunder Xian soldiers. Only a sigh of relief in my heart.

This is a plain, at the end of the plain is a purple forest, Xu Ziyan eyes flashed in a different color, the purple forest turned out to be thunder wood.

"Thunder giant sword, we are going to Thunder Xianfu, is it necessary to cross the Thunderwood forest?" Xu Ziyan asked softly in the knowledge of God.


Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she couldn't guarantee what it would be like. A heart could not help but mention it again. Looking at the opposite Mozu monk asked:

"Are you outside the Thunderwood forest, but have you explored it?"

"No!" The Mozu monk shook his head immediately. At the same time looking at the Thunderwood forest, his face also showed a very cautious look.

"I will go see it!" Lin Tingtao said on the side.

"Be careful!" Xu Ziyan said softly.


Lin Tingtao nodded and quickly moved away from the Thunderwood Forest in the distance.

The space was quiet, and Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyu looked at the Thunderwood Forest opposite. The faces of the Mozu monks around them have always been uneasy, and at this time they finally couldn’t help but say:

"This Taoist friend, our three tribes had an agreement in Thunder City. Before we reached the end of the mystery, we lived in peace and did not fight each other."

Xu Ziyan looked at the cold and clear eyes, and nodded coldly. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile:

"You can leave!"

The demon monk's mind is a loose, the 150,000 demon monks are now less than three thousand, and under the strong purple Xuyan's strength for a long time, this time finally put down the heart. The spirit was relaxed, and immediately felt the weakness of the body. The body of nearly three thousand monks was shaken.

Looking at the Thunderwood Forest, the Mozu monk could not help but reveal a bitter smile. Is it based on the strength of this side of the party to smash the Thunder forest?

Doesn't it seem to be any different from finding death?

And he also wants to know what is going on outside the Thunder Wood Forest, hesitated and looked with a flattering expression on his face:

"Daoyou, can we wait a little while here, we also want to know the situation outside the Thunder forest?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and turned to the cold and said: "Three sisters, you go back to the side of the canyon and bring our people over."

"Okay! You are careful!" Leng Qing looked at the nearly three thousand demons with no confidence.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

The cold and clear figure flew toward the canyon and soon disappeared into the trail.

Before the Qingqing dynasty left, the leader of the Mozu also heard it. In order not to cause Xu Ziyan’s misunderstanding, he waved his hand to the other Mozu monks and ordered a few words. The Mozu monks began to retreat to the distance, choosing A place sat on the ground and began to adjust the interest rate, leaving only the leader of the Mozu to stand opposite Xu Ziyan.

After a long time, Lin Tingtao swept back and said: "Xu Shimei, an empty space outside the Thunder forest, did not see the Thunder Xian soldiers. Outside is a plain, very large. And this Thunder forest is along The edge of the plain stretched all the way, and I didn't return to the end to find it."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the look on his face was relaxed. The monk monk also relaxed.

"Xu Shimei, cold sister?" Lin Tingtao looked around and asked.

"She went back to bring someone over."

"Oh!" Lin Tingtao nodded.

After the monks saw the ceremony, they returned to their camp. But his look is not good. Originally thought that only the three people of Xu Ziyan, did not expect to have a Terran monk opposite the canyon. Although Xu Ziyan promised not to kill them, their hearts were not stable.

However, at this time they did not have the slightest way. There are only two ways to go now, one is to go back through the canyon, but that will come with the Terran monks who are coming here. The other way is to continue through the Thunderwood Forest.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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