The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1919: Fierce beast

I am very grateful to Yu Zhen (8888), mableip classmate (200), Wu Yulin classmate (200), Qingfeng broken string classmate (100), Susuer classmate (100), Ye Yunshu classmate (100) for the reward!


Xu Ziyan doesn't know how many homes he has. One item looks at the past, and he is very satisfied with his heart. Time flies and feels faster.

After three days passed, Gu Teng got out of the ground, revealing that an ancient vine looked up and down on the ground, and then he slammed out from the ground and turned it into a green robe. .

Sixteen unwrapped characters were taken from the storage ring, and a pair of Xu Ziyan’s sixteen monks were released. Slowly, sixteen Thunderbolt trees changed and changed back to human form.

Gu Teng hopes that the first one will release a de-suppressed character to Xu Ziyan's body, so that the purple smoke first relieved the solid state. I felt as if I was all rusted. I first took the old vines back and sent them back to the purple smoke space. Then I started to move my body and made a series of "squeaky" sounds.

At this time, the other fifteen monks also dismissed the solid state, and they were all active there. The thunder woods sounded like a fried bean.

The monks looked at Xu Ziyan while they were active, and they couldn’t understand how Xu Ziyan released the unwrapping. They saw that Xu Ziyan was the first to release the avatars and solid characters. The first one turned into Thunderwood.

And they also experienced the power of the solid character, which completely sealed the gods. It turned out to be a thunder tree. Such a purple smoke has become more mysterious in their hearts.


There was a light "squeaky" sound behind Xu Ziyan, and the sound was accompanied by a slight thunder of "咔嚓".

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a trembling. She heard that this voice did not belong to any of them, and it was accompanied by the sound of lightning. The heart suddenly gave birth to a trace of bad.

I haven't waited for her to look back, and I heard the condensation cream screaming in the ear: "Ah~~"

At this time, everyone has already seen what is the sound of something, and they are all petrified...

A huge eagle, which is completely composed of lightning, is floating in the air, holding a hammer in each of the two giant claws. Against the backdrop of lightning in the air. It is even more shocking.

"Eight level... Thunder will be..." Situ Feng said with a hard voice, and the voice was dry and shivering.

"And... it's going to fly..." Lin Tingtao swallowed a sip of her mouth, not finding her voice trembled.

Looking at the huge figure that lingered around the thunder, there was a voice in everyone’s heart:

"What are you doing? People are going to go with the Xianbing and you are leaving here. What are you doing here?"

Xu Ziyan is also full of bitterness. Although this guy is just an early eight-level Thunder fairy, it is equivalent to the early stage of human respect, but Lin Tingtao’s half-step respect is the highest. And can human monks compare with Thunder?

As long as you can't beat him. He has been releasing lightning and banging you, is that Xu Ziyan can't stand the bombardment of lightning? What's more, since this guy is already at level 8, he can summon more Thunder Xian Xian and Xian Jiang, this... Is this not dead?

"Awkward humans..."

The huge eagle eagle danced slowly with a pair of thunder wings, and smashed out countless electric flowers. The sound of lightning in the sound was very harsh.

I heard the Lei Ying speak. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shock, and the gods know the thunder and the sword:

"Don't you say that they are only slightly sensible? Look... you see... it will talk... you can talk..."

"How do I know? I have been away for a long time, big sister!" Thunder giant sword is also very depressed.

"Who is the old monster who is called the big sister?" Xu Ziyan was angry.

The Thunder giant sword sighed and said no more. At this time, Xu Ziyan also refused to argue with the Thunder Giant Sword, because the Thunder Eagle was falling towards them, stopped at about three meters from the top of their head, and a pair of thunder eyes looked at them.

Seeing that Lei Ying approached himself, sixteen people were waiting at this time. Because they know that they want to escape and escape the pursuit of Lei Ying, it has a pair of wings, must have Thunder magic. There was only one battle at this time, and it was not able to make it call. Otherwise, these people will die.

But... face such a terrible eagle. Do you have the hope of living?

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart. Here, I can temporarily have a fight with Lei Ying. After all, my own body repair has reached the peak of the late stage of Zhongpin Xianbao, which is equivalent to the peak of the late Ren. Should be able to withstand the attack of the Lei Ying, but if it summons more Thunder Xian Xian and Xian will be worse.

Xu Ziyan immediately condensed into a beam: "You flee. I will drag it."

The monks looked a glimpse, and then their faces became firm. No one moves, but the body releases a strong sense of war.

At this moment, they chose to fight side by side with Xu Ziyan and die together.

"Hehehe..." Lei Ying laughed: "Not self-reliant!"

The pressure of extinction came to the fore, and the thunder erupted a large thunderbolt, forming a thunder giant net. The entire sky three meters above their head was shrouded by the power of wide thunder, which was shocking in the middle. Lei Ying, the power of the majestic descends from the sky, but this power can cause people to collapse.

Although Xu Ziyan's strength has reached the peak of the late Renren, her spiritual power is only in the middle of the immortal. This fascinating power can come, and Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea immediately turns like a huge wave, and the gods are in the Ming Dynasty. In the midst of a crash.

"Still to overestimate yourself!" Xu Ziyan thought hard.

In the purple smoke space, the chaos opened her eyes. She was the same as Xu Ziyan Yuanshen, and immediately felt the situation of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen. Only in an instant she knew what was going on.

The brow wrinkled, and there was a flag in her hand between the hands. It was the gloom of the black creatures in the black space deep in the mid-sea starry sea.

When the mind was moved, a black gas emerged from the gloom. This black gas came out from the feet of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the monks looked nervously at the thunder eagle. No one saw Xu Ziyan’s feet. There was a black gas. It floated behind everyone.


A huge bang, shaking the world.

This snoring directly scared Xu Ziyan and other people from the ground, and Cangjie looked back and saw a horrible thing.

A horse-like thing, the black body of the body, the head has a horn, the teeth, the four feet are claws, and the screams are like giant drums. The huge powers exude a huge power from its body.


This is another fierce beast in the early days of the people. All the people in the time are sluggish. Xu Ziyan feels dry and dry. At this time, he does not know what to say.

"Just let me die!"

This is the idea that Xu Ziyan floated up in an instant. The fifteen people around her were completely petrified. They opened their mouths and completely forgot to close. There is a eagle above, there is a ground... a beast that doesn’t know what...

At this time, if someone tells them that they can still live, they will immediately kill each other!

Come over and try it out?

"Ziyan..." Xu Ziyan’s **** suddenly heard a chaotic voice: "Remember the hundreds of thousands of black creatures in the Nether? Now that this one is left, the rest are swallowed up by it. The beast is called Ma Jiao, it will help you!"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan asked incredulously in the knowledge of God...

"Ziyan..." Ma Jingying, the most nerved of the nerve, still asked a very unreliable question on the edge of this death:

"This thing...what is it?"

"I heard... called Ma Jiao... and you... a surname..."

Xu Ziyan did not know how to say such a sentence is not as reliable as Ma Jingying. She was shocked by the continuous shock at this time.


The horse was handed over with four claws, and the figure was volleyed, and the eagle rushing toward the air rushed over.

The eyes of the monks involuntarily moved with the figure of the horse, only to see the Lei Ying double hammer hit, a person with thick legs and purple thunder blasted to the horse.

The one-horned horn on the horse’s head of the horse actually opened a large thunder and rushed to the front of Lei Ying. The two front paws were torn apart in the body of the Lei Ying, and they even opened a hole in the wing of the Lei Ying.

Lei Ying was angered, and picked up two hammers and slammed the horse toward the horse. Lei Ying and Ma Jiao are both people's respect for the cultivation of the period, fighting each other up and down, noisy and unusual. The attack of Ma Jiao was very sharp, and even let the Lei Ying go all out, there is no chance to summon other Thunder Xian Xian and Xian.

The Lei Ying is composed entirely of Thunder, but the Ma Jiao is the essence of the magic power. Both of them are good at destruction and destruction, and their attack power and defense are tyrannical. Every attack on both sides left a scar on both sides...

The power of the killing between the two powerful people’s early existence allowed Xu Ziyan and others to retreat. The raging thunder and the black spears released by the horse kept slamming in the air, and the two were powerful. The existence is still fighting in close combat.

Lei Ying’s double hammer and the four-claws of the horse’s cross were constantly colliding. From time to time in the sky, there was a space crack along with the collision between them.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan remembered. This horse is a bunch of oneself. Ma Jiao and Lei Ying are both early in the people, and they can be described as opponents. At this time, even if it is only a small pressure on the Lei Ying, the situation will change greatly. And these sixteen people are not ants, and the power they send is definitely not a small pressure.

What are you doing stupidly standing here?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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