The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1920: Can't write two horse characters

Congratulations to Yan Zhen as the best elder!


At this time, don’t you marry the Thunder Eagle and wait for it? Waiting for other Thunder Fairy and Fairy Soldiers to find themselves and others?


Xu Ziyan suddenly released the gas sword of the ten peaks of the late stage of the product, and screamed toward the impact of the Lei Ying.

Lin Tingtao has been holding a defensive hood to resist the power of the fight between the two powerful existences. There is a kind of fear in the heart that magnifies. He does not know that waiting for the two beasts to win the game, waiting for What is their ending, let alone know if they are running away, will they lead to the common pursuit of two beasts. So when I heard the sound of Xu Ziyan, my look was a glimpse:


Then he understood, because he saw Xu Ziyan release ten swords and smashed to Lei Ying. Now he no longer hesitates, and sacrificed his own sword to attack the past with the Lei Ying.

Lei Ying's right-hand sledge hammered the front paws of the horse, while the left-handed giant hammer was cited in the air. The thunder net in the sky was led by it and several large lightnings greeted the attack by Xu Ziyan and others.


That thick thunderbolt blocked everyone's attacks, even Xu Ziyan's sword is no exception.

"I rely on..." Xu Ziyan couldn't help but swear: "This is its home..."

Yes, the sky is full of thunder, and the eagle catches the benefit of the home, and even barely resists the attacks from sixteen people including Xu Ziyan. However, it was also injured by the horse and injured several places.

The screams of the Thunder Eagle came from the air, and it was completely angered. It’s still okay to be beaten by the horse. It’s a human attack by Xu Ziyan in its eyes. Thoroughly angered the Lei Ying.


In midair, weaved a thunder net to temporarily block the attack of the horse, and the wings spread, and a dive rushed toward the cold.


At this time, Xu Ziyan never dared to hesitate, and instantly detonated the ten-handed sword. The tyrannical powers blocked the way the Thunder Eagle swooped, and at the same time, Xu Ziyan immediately released the remaining ninety-six sneakers in the late stage, and bombarded the past with Lei Yong.





Xu Ziyan kept detonating the gas sword, and a handle of the sword blew up the thunder of lightning. Approaching the eagle quickly.

Lei Ying is not at home, borrowing the thunder of the here is constantly blocking the approach of the sword. When the eighty-nine qi sword detonated, the last qi sword finally hit the front of Lei Ying.


At the end of the last stage, the peak qi sword detonated, and there was a scream in the air. Lei Ying’s front chest was blown out of a big hole.


The cold and clear 贞 万 万 万 万 万 , 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万

"Endless ice!"

Ma Jingying released her strongest fairy. The Thunder Eagle, which was entangled in the vine, was frozen into a large ice cube.

"The earth cage!"

Hong Feiyu, a soil-based fairy, appeared a square wall outside the big ice.


Thunder and lightning flashed inside the earth wall, and the eagle was about to break out.


An ink-colored figure fell from the sky like a meteor...


The cages of the earth were broken, and there were ice cubes and ancient vines with splashes. The shape of the eagle eagle appeared again in front of the monks...


The figure of Ma Jiao fell on the body of the Lei Ying, and the four claws were inserted into the body of the Lei Ying, four points...

"Tear off..."

Lei Ying’s body became a few pieces. Immediately after the sound of "咔嚓嚓", it turned into a thunder and lightning and disappeared into the air.

All the people looked up at the direction in which the thunder and lightning disappeared, with a lingering expression on their faces, and then they heard the trepidation of Situ Feng:

"Did you die?"

No one answered him, because everyone’s eyes were trembled and looked at the horse that was less than 50 meters away from them. Even the eyes of Xu Ziyan looked curiously at the horse.

Ever since she handed the Nether to the chaos, time has passed so long, she has forgotten this thing. I did not expect that after experiencing mutual engulfment, I actually produced such a product.

Xu Ziyan was looking at the horse with curiosity, but the other fifteen people turned pale. Ma Jingying is holding the sleeve of Xu Ziyan. Stuttered and said:

"It... it... came over..."

At this time, the horse was moving toward Xu Ziyan step by step. Leng Qingying and Lin Tingtao and others immediately turned their hands and wanted to attack the horse. Xu Ziyan hurriedly said:

"do not move!"

The hands of the monks were stopped, and then they looked at Xu Ziyan without understanding. Then I watched the horses that were coming step by step.

The horse handed over to Xu Ziyan and lowered his head. With its big head licking Xu Ziyan...

"It’s too fake..."

Fifteen monks were stunned, and Ma Jingying was a big mouth that blurted out in an incredible way.

Everyone knows very well at this time that Ma Jiao’s gesture is to show that he surrendered to Xu Ziyan.


Ma Jingying’s eyes turned around in her eyes, her eyes patrolling around Xu Ziyan and Ma Jiao’s body, and finally could not help but say:

"Purple smoke... isn't this what you raise?"

"Almost!" Xu Ziyan reached out and stroked the horse, and the horse made a pleasant cry.


Ma Jiao was excited to walk around the horse, trying to reach out and touch, and was afraid of the horse to bite her, but the eyes showed no love.

This horse is really too powerful, the whole body is dark, and there is a kind of symbol on the hair of the body. The symbol on the root hair is connected into a piece, forming a pattern of scales and looking at it. It seems to be full of scales. A single horn on the top of the head, but the four hooves are powerful claws. Anyone who saw it, rose in love.

"Ziyan, waiting to return to Shangyuan League. How about letting me ride in the Yuanmeng League?"

Xu Ziyan directly turned a white eye: "You said it to yourself!"

"Oh! Ok!" Ma Jingying came to the head of Ma Jiao, and looked very seriously: "I said Ma Jiaoying! My name is Ma Jingying. You see, I am also surnamed Ma, we both have the same surname. Hee... ... one can't write two horse characters. We are two people, do you want to let me ride you on a lap?"


The horse first sang a nose, sprayed a slobber, and then the body began to fade. Then he got into the body of Xu Ziyan and returned to the gloom of the purple smoke space.

"Ha ha ha..."

Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes laughed with both hands on their stomachs, and other monks saw Ma Jingying's appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything ridiculous?" Ma Jingying glanced at Lan Lanling and the dance dress. "At least I dare to talk to the horse. Do you dare? If you both talk to the horse." Seeing that the horse has not caught a paw and killed you."

At this time, Xu Ziyan was relieved in his heart, and his strongest bottom card was gone. He did not expect to have another person’s respected horse.

Suddenly a jump in her heart, she suddenly remembered the chaos. I just said that there is only a horse left in the gloom. Does this mean that the horse has not swallowed up things, and will not grow up in the future?

After sinking into the purple smoke space, I came to the chaos and asked:

"Chaos. Is this horse trade no longer growing?"

"Not!" The chaos gently shook his head and said: "There is also ample dark attribute power here. You can also absorb the dark attributes here to nourish the horse. Only grow up very slowly."

“Do I have to go back to the black space of the Zhongyuan Galaxy?” Xu Ziyan muttered: “No, it would be bad if it was discovered by the Lord. But... how to do it?”

"There is no way!"

"any solution?"

"Let it devour the demon!"


Xu Ziyan thought about it for a moment, and then made up his mind to find a chance to use the Nether to collect a group of demons to come in and let the horses upgrade. With the intention in mind, I will return the sacred knowledge. Looking around, I saw a ray of light shining from a few tens of meters away. I saw a fist-sized mine core. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart. This is a thunder nucleus of the Eighth Thunder, and he reached out and took the Thunder nucleus of the Thunder Eagle and held it in his hand. Can feel the power of a trace of thunder.

Such a mine is enough for her to absorb for a long time. Just thinking about throwing it into the thunderstorm of the purple smoke space, I suddenly thought of the Thunder giant sword in Dantian.

This guy won't preempt it, will it be absorbed?

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan still did not put it on the Thunder Peak in the purple smoke space, but placed it alone in a storage ring. There was a cold scream in the gods.

When Xu Ziyan’s right did not hear, he greeted everyone to move on. At this time, everyone knows that they have experienced such a big battle. In particular, the movements that occurred during the Ma Jiao and Lei Ying wars may attract other Thunder Xian Xian and Xian will come. It is the best decision to leave here immediately.

Sixteen people flew away toward the front.

While listening to the guidance of the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan flew toward the front and followed fifteen monks tightly behind her. But at that time, the fifteen monks could not want to be as silent as the purple smoke, but chatted happily. I have just experienced a big battle, especially when I saw the excitement of the two people’s respect, everyone is very excited. If it is not for Xu Ziyan to constantly communicate with the Thunder giant sword, and identify the direction, she will also participate.

It seems that the Terran, Mozu and the Yaozu who came out of the Thunder City were almost killed by the Thunder and the Immortals. The Thunder and the Immortals were not interested in finding the fish that were so poor that they were on the road. It was very calm, and even the squad's Thunder Xianbing was rarely encountered, let alone the Thunder fairy.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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