The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1923: Was caught

The space was rippling, and the fifteen monks around Xu Ziyan were not even laughing, but the smile was still released.

"Hui Ziyan is it?" The cow demon looked up and down in front of this fairy emperor: "You want to die, but don't get tired of your companion."

The words fell, and the threatened eyes swept through the other fifteen people. In his view, the other fifteen must be angry with Xu Ziyan. However, the result disappointed him. From the faces of fifteen people, only a tight smile could be seen, but there was no trace of anger.

"Oh shit"

The cow is angry and has been unable to endure anymore. When he reached out and slap in the face, he fanned toward the face of Xu Ziyan. In his view, he did not need to make any magical powers when he killed a fairy in the middle of the emperor's late stage. As long as he was slap in the face, he could fan the other side.

A small immortal mid-term arrogant in front of his demon in the late peak of the emperor, this is no different from finding death. Just a slap in the face of this nasty ant ant, let other people see the terrible consequences.

Long Aohai's mouth flutters a trace of sarcasm. He most looks down on human beings. In his eyes, human beings are synonymous with the weak, the weakest of the three races. He even looked down on those who were artificially low in the human world but who were arrogant in their own background. All the Yaozu also looked at Xu Ziyan with sarcasm, waiting for the Niu Yao to slap the brain of Xu Ziyan.

Lin Tingtao and others on the side are strange, especially the seven people who followed Xu Ziyan into the Leichi. They know the strength of Xu Ziyan's body. Although they do not know the extent to which Xu Ziyan's body is strong. But after listening to Situ Feng, Xu Ziyan came out of Leichi.

What does this mean?

This means that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has exceeded Situ Feng, and the worst is also the early stage of human respect.

At this time, they simply admire the demon, and the peak of a late emperor dared to slap to Xu Ziyan. Even if the purple smoke is standing there differently, let you fan, do not know if it will shatter the hand of the cow demon.

Like them, they admire the demon and the demon monks. Those demon monks originally saw the purple smoke in the mouth of the canyon. Cleanly kill an eight-level Thunder fairy, and then make a batch of fairy swords to instantly smash thousands of Thunder.

Therefore, they have been afraid that Xu Ziyan will not steal their magic weapon, saying that they are with the Terran, the Yaozu three-legged, it is better to say that they have been guarding Xu Ziyan.

Is such a horrible person, the cow demon dare to fan the slap of such a person?

Doesn't he know that he is facing a enchanting horror that is more horrible than the rest?

Looking for death... there is no such way to find...

For a time, the eyes of the demon looking to the demon are full of sympathy and compassion!


The space sounded a loud slap in the face, and the body shape of the cow demon was fanned out by Xu Ziyan. A bull's head burst into space, and the headless body fell heavily on the ground and landed at the foot of the thirteen masters...

The look of Long Aohai is a stagnation, and there is a feeling of seeing a ghost. Even if his imagination is so rich, he would not have imagined that this kind of result would happen. A fairy emperor actually blew a head of the late emperor, and he was still the head of a demon who was always proud of his body. .

This...who is the Yaozu?

He had already thought about it. Let the cow demon kill Xu Ziyan, and then if the opposite aristocrats are interested, then forget it, but this time they will not give them double the price, if they are not interested, they will all kill.

But... this ending is too surprising...

Unexpected... let the demon not believe...

The whole space was silent, and all the monks looked at Xu Ziyan, and a thought emerged in their hearts:

"Is this gimmick in the middle of the emperor? Isn't it a pig to eat a tiger?"

"You..." The thirteen masters finally reacted.

"I'm sorry, natural reaction!" Xu Ziyan's face showed an apology: "I didn't think that the Yaozu is so resistant, it is an accident!"


Long Aohai’s face was flushed and slowly pushed towards Xu Ziyan: “Are you challenging me?”

"Do you match?"

Xu Ziyan threw a hard sentence. Let the three-legged monks be petrified as a whole.

Who is the thirteenth master?

That is the son of the Dragon King. It is a dragon!

It is the most noble presence of the Yaozu!

When was this ridicule?

Long Aohai was extremely angry and laughed. The right fist was slowly gripped and he was going to scream at Xu Ziyan. Lin Tingtao and Leng Qingyi quickly retreated, and they believed that Xu Ziyan could withstand it. But they are not necessarily.

However, Long Aohai’s fist has just been lifted in half. Suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the back, then the face is a change.

Xu Ziyan’s face has also changed, and it has become extremely ugly.

I saw a sea of ​​thunder from a distance, like a tsunami, rushing toward them. In front of the thunderous sea, there are nearly a thousand people, and the miscellaneous army of the demon and the demon are moving towards this side. The ground escaped. Seeing the thunder and the ocean will drown the nearly thousand monks.

That thunder is nothing but a tens of thousands of Thunder. Xu Ziyan instantly opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and his face became more ugly.

There are about 80,000 Thunder squadrons who are flooding here. There is an eight-level Thunder fairy in the middle of the Thunder squadron. It is commanding 80,000 Thunder squadrons to cover the nearly thousand monks.


The front is the cliff blocking road, followed by the Thunder fairy...

At this time, Long Aohai also refused to allow Ziyan and others, but immediately returned to the camp of the Yaozu, nervously watching the flooded Thunder Xianbing.

At this time, crossing the bridge, you will be killed by the Thunder!

But the bridge, this is a monk on your own side? Stepping on will also be trampled by Thunder Xianbing!

Xu Ziyan estimated that it would take about a dozen times, and the Thunder Xianbing would rush to his own.

"Little teacher, what should I do?" The voice of Leng Qingyu is full of anxiety. Even if she looks at her little sister again, she does not believe that the younger sister will survive in this situation. Even if there is a horse crossing, the ants will bite back, and this truth is ignorant.

"Or... we will force the bridge!" Lin Tingtao, who was on the side, said anxiously.

There is no problem with the forced crossing of the bridge. Xu Ziyan can guarantee that the 16 people will spend the Thunder Bridge safely, but...

Xu Ziyan sighed softly. She had already seen it clearly. There were many monks in the nearly thousands of exiled monks, if she escaped...

If you escape without being able to escape, you will not violate your own heart. But if you have the ability to ignore the life of the same door, you will leave a shadow in your heart...


The three-legged Terran, the leader of the Mozu and the Yaozu also screamed at the same time. The three camps immediately swayed, and each of them gathered the power of all the monks to release three defensive shields.

The nearly a thousand escaped monks were completely chaotic at this time. They saw that the three shields did not stop at all, but flew directly across the cliff.

"Don't!" Xu Ziyan screamed!


The power of the Thunder in the air strangled and instantly smashed more than a hundred monks into powder.

The remaining hundreds of monks stopped suddenly, and in a moment they understood why the Terrans, the Devils and the Devils would rather form a defensive shield than a cliff.

These monks immediately panicked, which was undoubtedly forced into desperation. They immediately dispersed, and the Terran flew away to the Terran's defensive shield. The Mozu went to the Devil's defensive shield, and the Yaozu went to the Demon's defensive shield. Only the monks of the Cangwu Zong saw Xu Ziyan. One by one flew toward the side of Xu Ziyan.


Countless Thunder squadrons hit the three defensive shields, but only three defensive shields were in jeopardy.

"Fast! Fast! Fast! Hold up the defensive shield!" Now less than one hundred Clan monks fell to the side of Xu Ziyan and others, and immediately shouted.

However, they immediately squatted there, because the sixteen people of Xu Ziyan did not move, and everyone looked at Xu Ziyan.

This way Xu Ziyan gave them a strong confidence, and now Xu Ziyan can still stand there calmly, which shows that she still has a way. These people know that Xu Ziyan has a five-color sword of congenital Xianbao. If Xu Ziyan feels that there is no way, she has already crossed the bridge.


A scream of the dragon, the thirteen masters rushed out of the defensive shield, and showed the body. It was a huge dragon, rushing toward the Thunder squad, but it was smashed thousands of times in an instant. Thunder Xianbing.

"It's amazing!" Xu Ziyan couldn't help but praise, then turned and looked at Lin Tingtao: "Lin Shixiong, this dragon proud sea is also a young master, is he not a congenital treasure?"

Lin Tingtao smiled bitterly: "The demon family will not refine the knives, that is, some demon people who will refine the knives, and they will barely reach the six products. So the celestial devices in the demon are exchanged with the human race. How can the Terran use? Congenital Xianbao to exchange with the Yaozu? So, even if there are a few innate demons in the Yaozu, it is impossible to give a half-step, even if he is a young master."

"Hey, the dragon is strong! This is more than 80,000 Thunder Xian soldiers. If there is only one or two thousand, he can solve it all by one!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked up and down the dragon in the air and whispered: “How good is the refining material!”

Lin Tingtao can't help but smile. When is it, this purple smoke still has these thoughts.

"Ziyan, do we also support a defensive shield, you see those Thunder celestial soldiers coming to us." Lin Tingtao said very helplessly.

"Oh! No!"

“Don't?” Lin Tingtao said with amazement: “That dragon is almost unable to stand up!”

Lin Tingtao’s words just fell, and he stayed there...


*(To be continued~^~)

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