The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1924: Horrible sword

I am very grateful to the book friends 140111124150723 classmates (1888), Wu Yulin classmates (200), Tu Yishui classmates (200), Jie Yi classmates (200), mableip classmates (100) reward!



I saw that the eight-level Thunder in the middle of the Thunder fairy will suddenly lift a pair of Thunder hammers.


Numerous large and dense Thunder squirted from the Thunder hammers and rushed into the sky, forming a Thunder vortex.


From the thunder vortex in the air, the big purple scorpion **** thunder blasted toward the dragon proud sea, and also spread to the tribe monks.

This kind of Tianwei's general strength has caused great damage to Long Aohai in an instant. The dragon has been gambling in the air, and the tribes have been completely flustered at this time. Some of the tribes have already ventured out of their way. The defensive shield flew away toward the bridge that leads across the cliff.

In the face of this horrible power, staying here is waiting for death, and there is absolutely no possibility of living. Instead, there is a chance to survive through the bridge.

But can they pass?

The monks who flew toward the bridge passed by Xu Ziyan and others, and looked at Xu Ziyan with a confused look, because they saw Xu Ziyan rushing toward the thundering celestial soldiers who flew toward them, Xu Ziyan Before, the rest of the people followed, and the sixteen people who had gone to Xu Ziyan had not released the defensive shield.

And Xu Ziyan’s face still carries a kind of calm that they hate at this time, as if the sly Thunder singers in front of them are all clouds.

"Idiot!" This is the voice that comes out of the hearts of the monks.

The monks behind Xu Ziyan have different expressions. The expressions of fifteen people, such as Leng Qingyi, are as calm as Xu Ziyan, because they know that since Xu Ziyan dared to meet, she proved that she had thought of a solution. Anyway, they also saw the miracle that Xu Ziyan showed on this road. They will not be surprised if there is another miracle this time. Even Xu Ziyan told them at this time. She and the eight-level Thunder will be friends, and they feel that they can accept.

With their understanding of Xu Ziyan, if Xu Ziyan has no way, will he stupidly greet the Thunder Xianbing?

They won't. Will Xu Ziyan?

The look of the monks and monks who came over later was not very calm. Although Xu Ziyan was flying forward, it was difficult to hide the fear in his eyes.

At this time, the defensive shields supported by the three tribes were in jeopardy, and the attacked ones produced small cracks, and these tiny cracks were spreading and converging. Once they are connected, it is the moment when the defensive shield collapses.

The thundering squadrons around them completely formed a thunderous ocean, and then continually impacted three defensive shields like islands, and it was at this time. There was a burst of humming between the heavens and the earth.

This humming sound was not only a stunned monk in the three defensive shields, but also stunned the monks behind Xu Ziyan.

Even if I know the most cold and clear of Xu Ziyan, I don’t think Xu Ziyan will release such a miracle...

A purple fairy sword appeared above the head of Xu Ziyan, with a full 10,000 handles, forming a river of purple swords. Each of the purple fairy swords releases the power of the late peaks of the nine products.

"Wan Jian!"

Xu Ziyan slammed.


The 10,000-handed sword blasted from the middle, like a meteor blasting around.



Numerous Thunder squadrons were smashed by gas swords, and each slashed sword was smashed by a Thunder. Immediately strangled the other Thunder Xian soldiers.

Between the whole world, I saw the thunder shining, and countless Thunder fairy soldiers turned into thunder and lightning, and then returned to the sky.

"Burst ~~"

When the average gas sword of each handle is smashed, the gas swords of the two peaks of the thunder and the late nine soldiers are already consumed almost. With Xu Ziyan slamming, the infinite roar sounds between the heavens and the earth, almost covering the thunder's sound... ...

The whole space is full of swords, it is a kind of boiling...

Not bad!

It was the boiling of the sword, but in an instant, there were more than 10,000 Thunder squadrons turned into pieces. Turned into lightning and returned to the sky.

About 80,000 Thunder Xian soldiers are only in this time. There are only less than 50,000 left. The entire battlefield was silent for a moment, and the monks in the three defensive shields looked at it all. The dragon proud sea became a human figure and fell from the air to the ground. Looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes is full of surprise.

However, in an instant these monks reacted again.

The crisis has not been lifted. The other side has nearly 50,000 Thunder Xianbing, and this fairy will...


At that time, the eight-level Thunder Xian will also react, waving a double hammer and issuing a Thunder call, and also ordered the Thunder Xianbing to rush to the Xu Ziyan and others.

Every monk's face has changed, and his eyes are not looking at Xu Ziyan, looking forward to Xu Ziyan...


All the three tribes have neatly issued a 呻*吟, a kind of surprise 吟*吟, with unbelievable eyes...


Numerous lines of purple awns were transmitted from the body of Xu Ziyan, floating on her head, forming a purple river, which is a 10,000-handed purple fairy sword, which also released the power of the late peak of the nine-character fairy!

At this time, all the monks have already understood, this is not a real sword, no one can have so many swords, although there is almost no difference with the real sword.

This should be a powerful fairy in Xu Ziyan, but at the same time as seeing this powerful fairy, all the monks' faces are full of worries.

This kind of fairy must consume a lot of power, no one can support this consumption, can Xu Ziyan hold it?

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan has a big sleeve...


The sword was blown up from the middle and whizzed away. It was a bit of time, and the Thunder Xianbing had less than 20,000. Although the eight-level Thunder will be summoning more Thunder. But that takes time...

All the eyes of the three tribes who looked at Xu Ziyan showed a strange look. Xu Ziyan, who had released two swords in a row, did not reveal a sign of lack of strength!

Is it... can she release a sword?

Xu Ziyan answered them with action, and it was another humming. There was another purple cloud on the head of Xu Ziyan, and then he whizzed away. It was only a matter of time, and the battlefield was silent.

Everyone stood there dumbly, with some stunned eyes. It was just like a thunderous squadron like a huge wave. At this time, all of them disappeared. In front of them, there is only one eight-level Thunder fairy, two seven-level Thunder fairy, five six-level Thunder fairy, Ten four-level Thunder will be, eighteen three-level Thunder will be, two second-level Thunder will be and one hundred first-class Thunder will be.

At this time, the tribes of the three tribes were still very tense. Even if there are no Thunder Xian soldiers, as long as they give them time, they are equally difficult to escape the poisonous hands of Thunder.

If Thunder will come up as soon as they come up, instead of killing them with Thunder's celestial soldiers, I am afraid that they have already died for a long time. Where can they see Xu Ziyan showing miracles?

Only the Thunder in here will seem to have formed a habit, always driving the Thunder Clan to kill them. It seems to be teasing the three tribes.

However, at this time, the Thunder Xianbing was gone, only the Thunder fairy will be left. Can Xu Ziyan still release Wan Jian?

At this time, even the fifteen monks such as the cold and clear scorpion behind Xu Ziyan are somewhat awkward. I wonder if Xu Ziyan can still show miracles?

The 10,000-handed purple air sword in the air has become extremely light, and whistling toward a hundred first-class Thunder.

"Burst ~~"

Xu Ziyan slammed and slammed into an infinite explosion. The entire space was swaying and the space was somewhat distorted. I can't see the figure of the one hundred first-class Thunder.

When the space has recovered calm. Xu Ziyan’s brow is locked, and the one hundred first-class Thunder will be still there, but the body has begun to break.


The eight-level Thunder will finally react and roar in anger. Driven the Thunder fairy will rush to the Xu Ziyan and others.


A humming sound is another 10,000-handed purple air sword like a purple cloud floating on the top of Xu Ziyan. The thunder of the Thunder will be a meal, and some looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan's sleeves waved, and the purple sword of the tens of thousands of products in the late stage reached the front of a hundred first-class Thunder Xian, as a purple torrent crashed away.



A series of infinite roars completely formed a turbulent flow, blocking the thunder of the thunder.

It took a quarter of an hour to calm down.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan and others, the one hundred first-class Thunder Xian will disappear, and the voice of the Thunder giant sword is heard in the gods:

"Ziyan, don't stop, kill all these Thunder giant swords. So the eight-level Thunder will be invalidated before the call, as long as the eight-level Thunder will die, that is the real safety, go here The Thunder and the Fairy will come out."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and now hesitated, and slammed, the fifth time he released the 10,000-six-six-six-six-six-six-swords, and the Thunder will face the past, and the Thunder will be tightly surrounded. In case they escape. Then he detonated the 10,000-handed purple sword.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was robbing the time and could not let the rescuers of Lei Yixian arrive, otherwise it would be a big trouble. Only when the reinforcements of the Thunder Xianbing arrive arrive will these thunders be completely resolved before they can be safe.

This fifth round of bombing only allowed twenty second-level Thunder to dissipate, and the eighteen-level three-level Thunder will also be badly damaged, but it has not yet dissipated.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to release the sixth round of the purple sword...

The seventh round...

The eighth round...

The ninth round...

The tenth round...

Xu Ziyan’s 100,000-handed nine-product martial arts peaks are consumed in the late stage...

At this time, opposite the tribe of the three tribes, the eight-level Thunder will stand there alone...


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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