The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1925: Killing the Thunder

All the tribes of the three tribes were petrified, and even fifteen people, such as Leng Qingyu and Lin Tingtao, behind Xu Ziyan were stupid...

They have already known that Xu Ziyan is very powerful on this road, and even ... is strong and abnormal. Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao also clearly remember that when the mouth of the canyon was in the mouth, Xu Ziyan once released thousands of swords and instantly shredded thousands of Thunder.

But...that’s just a few thousand handles...and now it’s...100,000 handles...

At this time, there was an impulse to hold Xu Ziyan’s neck with both hands, and she wanted to ask her little sister, what changed? Still not human?

Cao Suifeng reached out and took a hand on Hong Feiyu's thigh.


Hong Feiyu screamed and made the monks look at it. Cao Suifeng on the side took back his hand and muttered to himself with some disappointment:

"It's true, this is true..."

The Mozu monks looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan with such a gaze, and there were memories in their eyes. They recalled the heroic posture of Xu Ziyan releasing the Qijian in the mouth of the canyon. There were fears in the eyes, and one heart was in the dark, waiting for this time to return to the Mozu. Be sure to warn your friends and relatives, don't provoke Xu Ziyan of the Terran.

The monks of the Yaozu feel that their heads are not good at this time. They have never seen this situation. Some are too illusory, and illusory is not true.

The young Emperor in the middle of the age casually released such a powerful fairy, that...they have always looked down on human beings, and regarded human beings as the genie of the ants... and most of them are still Emperor?


The space sounded neatly in the sound of swallowing water...

Even Long Aohai, who has always been proud, is looking at Xu Ziyan with a dull face, completely forgetting the eight-level Thunder. He was so shocked that he could not even stabilize his shape. Involuntarily, two dragons emerged from the head...

His eyes are full of complex colors.


The most prestigious race between heaven and earth has always been a group of people who are proud of their bodies.

But... the scene of what happened today made him feel extremely trembled.

The Thunder fairy, who could not cope with it, was also seriously injured, so he was wiped out by the human being in the middle of the immortal. What is she like?

In the face of this unimaginable fairy, Long Aohai only felt that in the face of Xu Ziyan, he completely lost the advantage of the Yaozu, and his heart was awkward. I was completely stunned for a while...

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not stop at all. She knew that there was still one of the biggest threats. It was the eight-level Thunder fairy. It must be killed as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be called to other Thunder Xian Xian and Xian. That will be a disaster.

The last time she detonated a hundred in the Thunderwood trees, she did not kill it. In the end, the horse will kill the eight-product Thunder, so Xu Ziyan will have a deep guard against the eight-product Thunder.

Immediately released the 10,000-year-old inferior Xianxian Xianbao gas sword, the huge power can be filled in the sky, so that the opposite eight products will be a trace of fear.

"Do not!"

The eight-product Thunder will scream and turn around and run. However, how could Xu Ziyan let it escape?

If you let it escape, isn't it a waste of effort?

The eight-product Thunder will run very fast. But how can you run the sword?

Xu Ziyan’s sleeves waved and slammed:

"go with!"

At the beginning of the 10,000-handed product, the first-class Xianbao-level gas sword screamed toward the Thunder, and it hit the past, crossed the top of its head, and then "hula" slammed open, and the eight-product Thunder will be tightly surrounded. intermediate.


The 10,000-handed qi sword will strike the past in the middle of the Eight-Piece Thunder, and the Thunder will see that it has escaped. Two Thunder hammers are lifted, and the Thunder in the sky is immediately drawn by it. The purple scorpion hangs from the sky and forms a chain. Linked together. The Thunder will be covered in it.


Unlimited roaring is deaf...


Lin Tingtao, who stood behind Xu Ziyan, involuntarily burst into a foul language. He did not know what to say at this time. There was no language at all to describe his mood at this time. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, it is like watching a horrible beast. What kind of freak this is, the release of the peak of the late nine products will be counted. Nowadays, I have created a 10,000-year-old congenital sword. Is she a human being, and it is not a powerful demon who mixes into the Cangwu sect?

Long Aohai has already been ashamed at this time, and there is still a trace of luck in his heart. Fortunately, the Thunder will be timely in the future, and he will not be allowed to fight with Xu Ziyan, otherwise...

Maybe there is no more, at this time he has been smashed into **** by Xu Ziyan...

The bombardment of the 10,000-handed inferior fairy sword caused the Thunder chain to collapse, and the entire space ravaged a violent energy, making all the monks retreat unconsciously...

All the monks showed joy in the eyes. They saw the collapse of the Thunder chain and saw that the eight-product Thunder will be overwhelmed by the tyrannical energy...

After drowning, it is calm...

The eyes of the monks were shrinking, and the figure of the eight-in-one Thunder was revealed, still standing opposite them. Although the body was broken and not seen, even the two Thunder hammers in the hands disappeared, but no doubt it did not Dead, still standing there, glaring at them.


All the monks turned their heads in the direction of Xu Ziyan. This movement was too neat and gave a unified voice. Their eyes are full of expectations, and hope that Xu Ziyan can release a fairy, even if it is not Wan Jian, Qian Jian, Bai Jianhao!

Xu Ziyan really did not live up to their expectations, a hundred swords of squirts swarmed out, and the already ruined eight-product Thunder fairy would whistle away, like a meteor dragging purple light...


When the world is quiet, you can no longer find the shadow of the eight-product Thunder.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, she did not consume a trace of fairy power, but the mental power is a lot of consumption. After taking a few Yuanshen Dan, the figure flew away toward the front.

There are a lot of Thunder nucleus in the Thunder, which is what Xu Ziyan needs, and can't let others go.

But where will someone grab her?

At this time, except for occasional flashes of lightning between the heavens and the earth, everything is quiet. Every monk’s gaze moves with the movement of Xu Ziyan. Looking at her where the nucleus is, it is like watching a Monster!

Just this pet is more petite! How beautiful! How can you break out such power?

Continuously release the powerful fairy scorpion, releasing the sword of the 100,000-handed nine-product peak.

This is even...

Later, I even made a 10,000-year-old fairy sword of the original Xianbao Xianbao...

This is also considered...

Finally, ... also made a hundred of the inferior swords of the late peaks...

Do you want to let the tribes look at him like a monster?

Everyone is so quietly watching Xu Ziyan busy, large pieces of land to collect the nuclear nucleus on the ground, not to mention that these nuclear nucleus is useless to them, is useful and dare not go up and Xu Ziyan grab!

After Xu Ziyan finished the thunder nucleus on the ground, he walked over to Leng Qingyu and others. All the monks watched Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was also very helpless at this time. He didn't want to make such a show at the moment, but he couldn't make it out of the matter. Now that it has already made a splash, Xu Ziyan no longer cares about the limelight.

I came to the front of Leng Qingyu and looked at the monks who followed their fifteen people and more than a hundred ancestors:

"Everyone, I think it will be more dangerous in the front. If you don't want to move on, let's go back!"

The fifteen people who have been following Xu Ziyan naturally will not return, and the more than one hundred monks who have just returned to the team look at the opposite city and are not willing to return. Seeing the attitude of the monks, Xu Ziyan only sighed slightly:

"Well, I will take you to the past, but in the future, you will see your chances!"

The monks heard that Xu Ziyan could take them over and reveal their happiness on their faces. Xu Ziyan took out a space fairy to receive the one hundred people, and then sacrificed the soil property bell to cover his head and swept toward the bridge leading to the opposite.

The Yaozu and the Mozu looked at the back of Xu Ziyan but did not dare to speak. The monks of the Terran squirmed and finally did not dare to open their mouths. They watched Xu Ziyan’s body shape and quickly passed the thunder-filled bridge.

Arriving on the opposite bank is a square, opposite the square is a huge gate.

Xu Ziyan released more than a hundred monks from the space fairy. Everyone was excited to stand behind Xu Ziyan and looked up at the huge city gate.

No one was rushing to the gates of the city. Even the monks standing side by side with Xu Ziyan did not stand one by one, standing behind Xu Ziyan, whether it was the Emperor or the Lin Tingtao who was half-step. . At this time, in their hearts, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has been neglected. He only knows that the strength of Xu Ziyan is absolutely terrifying. Xu Ziyan has already taken Xu Ziyan as their leader.


Xu Ziyan first stepped toward the magnificent city gate, including Xu Ziyan, all the monks will be repaired to the peak at this time, and the whole body is ready to walk toward the gate.

Not bad!

Just go, not fly!

Every step is very careful.

However, when they walked into the city gate, they found that there was no danger at all, let alone the Thunder fairy, that is, the Thunder fairy.

At this point, the monks only reacted. It should be the same as the Thunder City. As long as you enter here, there will be no more thunder and celestial beings.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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