The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1929: greedy

Undoubtedly, these four sorcerers are also geniuses, but there is no genius to be able to create their own refining techniques to reach the level of Xianbao.

Imagine Xu Ziyan, a girl less than two hundred years old...

How can it reach their level?

Is this linker crazy?

Is Cang Zong crazy?

Xu Ziyan has stood there and closed his eyes for half an hour!

At this time, there are some ignorant monks who are expecting to say: "If...the purple smoke...can really refine a fairy that goes beyond the peak of the late nine products, should we go to discuss with the celestial sect now? Let's take a look at the past and let us follow the past."

At the end of the four nine-character martial arts, the singer of the singer squinted at the monk neatly, scaring the monk to shrink.


At this time, the monks of Cangwu Zong became a forging sound in the circle!

All the monks were shocked, and they looked at the direction of the Cangzong. However, they are blocked by the monks of Cangwu, and they cannot see it. I dare not release the gods to explore. If the gods are released for exploration, then the monks of the Cangwu dynasty are not burning?

At that time, they were bothered to disturb the Xu Zi tobacco refiner, causing the Xu Zi tobacco refiner to fail, asking them to pay, what compensation do they take?

Each of the monks erected their ears and listened to them, expecting to hear from the hammer the exact level of the refinery.

However, all the monks on the entire Yuan dynasty, who can hear the voice of the proud heaven and the hammer? In addition to listening to the linker in the circle today. Therefore, the monks tried to erect their ears. But I can't hear any results.

The more I can't hear it, the more I feel, especially the four peaks of the late nine princes. At this time they have heard that the hammer has a mysterious meaning, but they can't get the slightest understanding. There are as many as a hundred kittens in the heart, and it tickles to the extreme.

For a long time, the forging continued continuously, and the intercommunicator stood on the side and looked at it. Still as he saw it at Montblanc, all the steps were forged from a forging hammer in his hand.


The last hammer fell. Xu Ziyan regained control of the body and sent the Yuanshen of the device back.

"Refining... is it finished?"

All the monks had the same voice in their hearts, and the other monks of the sects were unknowingly approaching a lot.


The linker was awake from intoxication. For a long time, he completely forgot to observe what kind of fairy wares Xu Ziyan had refining, completely immersed in the arrogant hammer of Xu Ziyan.

And he still feels addicted, very addictive, how much he hopes that Xu Ziyan has been forging for so long, let him indulge for a while. Looking at Xu Ziyan. Stuttered and asked:

"This is... finished?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, his eyes falling on the bridge on the refining platform.

The gaze of the linker also fell on the bridge board, and saw a five-color bridge plate lying quietly on the refining platform, with a majestic volatility.


The eye of the linker flashed a trace of color, reaching out to the bridge, and whispered in his mouth:

"Is not right! This... isn't it a half-step congenital treasure?"

The four nine-character peaks outside the circle were listening to the ears at this time, and heard the whisper of the linker. The four people were relieved at the same time. If Xu Xiaoyan’s little girl really refines a fairy that transcends them, what makes their faces go?

At this time, it was confirmed that Xu Ziyan’s refining was not a half-step congenital treasure, but his face was exposed to the original pride, revealing a naked sarcasm...

"This is... the next product is the innate treasure!" The voice of the linker became sharp and screamed.


The four fairy sects were a scorpion, and almost fell to the ground. What did the linker say? It seems that Xu Ziyan refines a product of the innate fairy treasure?

Is the linker Alzheimer's?

The inferior Xianbao is also a small girl who can refine it?

The entire Upper Yuan Continent has so far had a product of the inferior Xianbao, that is, the lord of the ancestral lord is endless. How is it now?

Xu Ziyan's products are innate.

How old is gold? How old is Xu Ziyan?

If Xu Ziyan’s current age continues to be studied, isn’t it possible to become a Chinese product?

In the late stage of the four nine-products, the singer of the peaks felt that they were going to be dementia!

Leng Qingyi and Lin Tingtao, who have seen the true strength of Xu Ziyan, are now extremely colorful, a very powerful monk, and a subordinate product. what does this mean?

Ma Jingying stood there dumbly. I didn’t know how to drool at the corner of my mouth. For a long time, the woman had a swearword that she had never said before:


Xu Ziyan stood there waiting for a long time, and the linker still used his hands to touch the bridge. The whole body is rushing to the top, and the hands are as soft as touching the treasure!

"Cough..." Xu Ziyan really couldn't help it. Grinding here again, the treasures in Thunder Xianfu are scraped by those gods:

"Lianfengzhu, you see... Should we cross the bridge? It’s not too late..."

"Oh oh..."

The linker was sober, and both hands clasped the bridge, and even said: "Let's leave!"

Xu Ziyan waved and retracted the refining station and other things. The monks of the Cangwu dynasty were also extremely happy. They surrounded Xu Ziyan and the linker and walked toward the broken bridge.


Suddenly a few figures stopped the way, and the monk's eyes were condensed, and his face immediately showed the look of anger. At this time, the few figures that stopped the Cangwu Zong to go to the road were the Shenji Zong, the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, and the other sects of the sect of the sect of the sect I also reacted, one by one, flew behind the monks, and completely obstructed the path of the monks.

The monks of the Tianzun period and the monks of the late Ming Dynasty have already crossed the bridge before. At this time, the monk who stayed here is the highest level of the monk. At this time, the Stars of the Zong, the Shenji Zong and the Shangyuan League put together a gesture of joining hands, both in terms of strength and number of people, and stabilized the Cangzong.

These three gestures made Cang Zongzong understand the other party's attempt at once, and each face was very ugly. It seems that the other party wants one side to agree to take the bridge with some of them.

There was nothing in the original. They had seen the bridge of the inferior Xianbao, which was the endless refining of gold. It completely guaranteed nearly two thousand monks to pass quickly, and there were only more than 500 people on the side of Cangwu. It doesn't matter if you bring some people.

However, why do you bring the **** machine, the star domain and the upper yuan alliance? Are they not allies of Cangwu?

However, the monks of the Cangwu dynasty still underestimated the greed of the sacred sect, the sacred sect and the sect of the sect!

Underestimated their embarrassment!

Underestimating their fear of a rapid growth of Xu Ziyan, who has hatred with their ancestral halls!

What they thought at this time was not to let the Cangwu ancestors bring them. What they want is to grab the bridge board. It is best to kill Xu Ziyan here and kill the seeds of the rise of the Cangwu sect in the cradle.

"What are you doing?"

A mid-peak peak of the celestial sect of the Cangwu sect sighed coldly. There is still a triumph in my heart, my heart, this time it is your turn to the celestial sect, the **** machine sect and the Shangyuan ally to ask us to be sacred? Thought of this, but also quite a chest, end of the shelf.

"Oh..." Opposite the star field, Zong Dizun said in the middle of the peak: "You send the bridge board, there is nothing for you here?"


The middle of the sky, the peak of the sacred land, seems to be suddenly caught in the neck of the duck, the face is incredible, without the imaginary of the other party's petition, but a direct order, ordering them to send out the bridge plate of Xu Ziyan refining Then they are out of the game!

Unbelievable, it is shameful and angry, and after being angry, it is dignity, then fear...

There are more than 2,000 people in the other three, which is four times that of the Cangwu. And the other party adds up to six mid-term peaks, and there are only two on their own...

Cangwu Zong, the land of the middle of the middle of the peak, opened his mouth, want to say something, but found that what is said at this time is very pale and powerless, everything must be based on strength.

Looking towards other Zongmen, the four monks of the Danfu squad were hesitating there, and the monks of Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong were hesitating, but they followed the Luo Tianzong, Baihuazong, Qingmuzong, where Xu Ziyan came here. The disciples of Qinglianzong and Baiyunzong still stood behind Xu Ziyan, and thought of it in their hearts.

Is the mid-term peak of the land very great?

Oh shit

Dare to play the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan!

Let Xu Ziyan release the Wanjian smash and die this gang is not dead!

At this time, Xu Ziyan was very heavy in his heart. At the beginning of the blast, an eight-level Thunder fairy, which is equivalent to the human respect, will cost her the sword of the late peak of the 100,000-character wares, and the 10,000-year-old congenital sword. Hundreds of products in the late stage of the peak of the sword. Today, there are only four hundred of them in the seal of the spirits, the late Xianfeng Xianshen sword, one thousand lower grades of the congenital fairy sword, two thousand lower grades of the mid-stage peak congenital sword, five thousand lower grades of the mid-term congenital sword, 10,000 lower grades of the initial peak of the congenital sword and one Wan Xianpin early congenital sword.

The other party's cultivation is not a human respect, but a respect for the land, is the mid-peak of the land!

Can these swords block each other?

Four of the Danfu Arrays, Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong monks finally decided to watch, it is best for both sides to lose both, they can afford to be cheap.

Their lords are not here, and this is not a battle of the Zongmen. If it is in the sect, the lord has issued an order, that is, the situation is severe, and they have to turn their backs.

However, this is just a treasure hunt.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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