The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1930: Intimidate

I am very grateful to Shannee (100), Jie Yi (100), mableip (100) for the reward!


Since it is a treasure hunt, it is natural to be selfish. Not selfish, what kind of treasure are you looking for?

At this time, the monks of the Cangwu dynasty also saw four ancestors of the Danfu dynasty, as well as the changes in the appearance of Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong, all of which were disappointed in the heart. As for the monks who have such a small and medium-sized sect, there is no need to consider them.

At the mid-term peak of the Cangwu dynasty, he hesitated at this time. If the bridge board was given to the other side, the reputation of the celestial sect was for himself to be destroyed in public. And they also lost the opportunity to hunt for treasure.

If you don't give it, maybe you will have to fall again...


Seeing the look of the two mid-level peaks hesitating, Lang Yue’s face was cold.

What is his origin?

He is a sword peak!

A sword peak for hundreds of thousands of years, only the monk who was killed, the monk who has not been scared to death!

Langyue came out from behind and stood at the forefront of the Cangzong. Subsequently, the heart, cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk, Zhang Wujie and Xu Ziyan also came out from the crowd, standing side by side with Langyue, coldly looking to the opposite.

"Step aside!"

Langyue faced six peaks in the mid-term peak without fear, and shouted coldly, as if he was scolding six small monks during the refining period, the overbearing between the eyebrows was compelling.

A Jianfeng!

At this time, the three monks across the street also remembered that these people were all disciples of Jianfeng. There was a disciple of Jianfeng, and they did not want to scare each other with intimidation.

The eyes of the six monks in the mid-term peaks flashed. They are all wondering if they will use this opportunity to kill all the disciples of Cangwu Zongyijianfeng.

They are still sure that they will be sure of the disciples of the swords, but the consequences are equally serious. Nowadays, it is already the sword of the early days of Tianzun that will never let them go. Even if the Cangwu sect suppresses the sword, it is useless. If the sword is not vain, it can be rebelled and the celestial sect will not end with them.

Xu Ziyan saw the hesitation of the other party. I immediately seized the opportunity and said with aloud:

"Master, we can guarantee that the attack of the other side will be blocked within one stroke, will we not have any damage on our side?"

Langyue proudly said: "One stroke? Three strokes are no problem!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the mid-peak peaks of the two ancestors. The two mid-level peaks also glanced at the strength of their own side, estimated it, and solemnly said:

"There are no problems within the three strokes!"

At this time, they dare not lie in front of Xu Ziyan to respect the shelf of the mid-peak monk. Although Xu Ziyan is only a mid-term monk in the emperor, but people have the identity of the inferior Xianbao, it is enough to win their respect.

Xu Ziyan also estimated that he felt that this side is weak, but it is really no problem to withstand the three moves. Then he said:

"That's good! I promise that after a move, the other monks will be degraded in addition to the monks above the ground!"

All the monks present, whether they are the opposite sides at this time, or the patriarchs of the spectators, are shocked.

Xu Ziyan’s sentence is too big!

Big enough to make people believe! In addition to those monks who saw the swords of the purple smoke, everyone showed an incredible appearance. Even the eyes of many monks are ridiculed. They have only four words in their hearts at this time:

Not self-reliant!

Not bad!

It is not self-reliant!

The Shenji Zong, the Xingyu Zong and the Shangyuan League three-party monks add up to more than 2,000 people. In addition to the monks above the honor period, there are also nearly two thousand monks, and the worst of these monks is also the early stage of human respect.

In the middle of a fairy emperor, you said that you want to kill all the more than 800 people who have been in the midst of a move.

What kind of joke?

Is it so young to be demented?

"Ha ha ha..."

On the opposite side of the star domain, the middle-aged monk screamed and laughed, and the tears flowed out, and his fingers pointed out that Xu Zi could not stop shaking...


A qi sword in the early stage of the product spurred the past with his trembling fingers.



An infinite explosion sounded on the finger of the mid-level peak of the land. The monk’s mid-term peak monk’s response was unpleasant, and the fingertips burst out with a powerful fairy, exposing the innate sword of the early stage. The power is blocked out. but. After all, he did not expect Xu Ziyan to be the first to take the lead. Some made him unprepared, and Wei was not fully open, and he couldn’t help but step back.

A face immediately rose red, and in front of everyone was forced to step back by a monk in the middle of the Emperor. This is a shameful shame. I just wanted to have a single hand, and I shot a purple smoke. I heard the faint sound of Xu Ziyan sounding:

"Predecessors, how do you feel the power of this sword?"

In the middle of the star field, the peak of the land is a meal, and the eyes are full of killing and said: "You want to use this power to kill more than a thousand people to honor the monk? 嗤~~ It is not without this possibility, just you how many?"


There was a cicada between the heavens and the earth, and a purple cloud appeared on the head of Xu Ziyan. It was the purple sword that exudes the innate spirit of the early days of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. The voice of Xu Ziyan sounded again and again:

"Do you think this is enough?"

The look of all the monks is a stay, and the whole space is silent. Half-sounding, the star field Zongdi respected the mid-peak peaks:

"not enough!"

It is not enough. This purple smoke is also very clear. It is not enough to release all the swords in her squad, and it is impossible to kill more than 1,800 people on the opposite side.

This is impossible!

Xu Ziyan This is intimidation, naked intimidation!

To exert psychological pressure on the other party, let them yield under such pressure.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh: "Well, this is not enough. If you add these?"

The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine qi swords above Xu Zi’s head were instantly hidden into her body. Another sigh of sorrow, there appeared a 10,000-handed first-class fairy sword on her head.

The faces of the three monks on the opposite side changed, and Xu Ziyan still said nothing:

"If you add a 10,000-handed mid-term congenital sword next time? Is there a 10,000-handed mid-term peak congenital sword? Or a 10,000-handed Chinese congenital sword?"

"You..." The opposite monk's face changed dramatically.

Xu Ziyan suddenly put away a 10,000-handed sword and stared at each other coldly. At this time, it is a rapid condensing of this sword in the body. Concentrated with a peak of the middle of the product.

Nowadays, the body strength of the peak of the late stage of Xu Ziyan is naturally the sword that can condense the peak of the middle of the product. The reason why there was no cohesion in the past is that the energy consumed is too much. If you can't condense a few handles, you have to adjust your interest rate and recover. It's too much trouble.

At this time, the force of Xu Ziyan's body was running rapidly, and a sacred sacred sacred treasure was condensed in the dantian of Xu Ziyan, and the Thunder giant sword also joined the fun and sent a force to the slash. At once, the power of this sword was raised to the congenital sword of the early stage of the last product, which is equivalent to the power of the early stage.

It is only the cohesion of this sword that consumes one-third of the celestial force in Xu Ziyan.

"Ha ha ha..." On the opposite side of the star field, the mid-level peak of the sacred land suddenly burst into laughter: "Xu Ziyan. Don't pretend to scare me there. There is also a 10,000-handed innate sword, only you can release a handle, Today we are no longer embarrassing you.

"It’s not that you are embarrassed by us, but we don’t want to cause the Zongmen War because of this. You feel that if one of our two sides is completely destroyed, the Zongmen will really not happen at this time. Isn't the person here not a fairy king! It is a fairy god! And I am sure that if we fight here, it must be you, if you are a monk on your side, I will be killed in one stroke. Death. Just because of your more than 200 honorable monks can resist the siege of our more than 400 centuries? Okay..."

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a trace of regret: “If you want to try it, try it. Are you ready?”

The "good" word of Xu Ziyan has not yet fallen, and the sword of the early stage of the Shangpin spurt out, and instantly reached the front of the peak of the starland.

However, this time the middle of the land is cautiously cautious, and in a moment it has a defensive hood.



This blast is deaf, and the violent energy will drown the middle of the land...

The monks around are stunned...

This Nima is really...

The tyranny of space gradually disappeared, revealing the shape of the mid-peak peak of the celestial domain. The clothes on his body were still flat and there was no trace of dust. A great monk in the middle of the earth is not a middle-class fairy sword that can be hurt.

However, his face is very dignified. He is very clear that the Xianjian that Xu Ziyan shot just now is a congenital sword of the peak of the top grade.

Of course, with his cultivation as an instant, he recognized that it was not a true congenital sword, but a kind of gas sword. It is a powerful fairy.

However, the problem is that Xu Ziyan can condense the innate sword of the peak of the 10,000-year-old product. It is able to condense the 10,000-year-old Zhongpin Xianxian Xianjian sword.

If this is the case, Xu Ziyan in front of him is really able to let the people on his side fall behind in a stroke. Even if there is something left, I am afraid there will not be many.

He could not afford such a loss, and he could not explain it to Zongmen. And once the two sides hand in hand, it is impossible to stop halfway, it is definitely an endless situation.

At that time, there were only two hundred people left in this group. Although the rest were repairs of the land, the Cangwu Zong also had nearly 100 monks and more monks, and nearly 300 monks. Coupled with the existence of Xu Ziyan's horrible fairy, I am afraid that it is a situation of both losses. Not only is it a serious loss, but it will also be cheaper by other sects on the side.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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