The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 131: Mountainside

His heart retired, and the monks on the side of the Cangwu sect naturally saw the retreat of the other side, one by one, and the temperament of the moon marched forward. He can't give the other person more time to think about it, so as to avoid the change, go forward and coldly:

"Step aside!"

The monks of the Cangwu dynasty approached the front of Langyue and approached.

The opposite monk's face couldn't help but change. Seeing that the monks of the Cangwu monk were getting closer and closer to them, and the warfare of the body was washed away. At this time, the monks of these celestial sects were supported by the powerful fairy scorpion of Xu Ziyan, and the momentum had climbed to the extreme, as the essence generally pressed toward the opposite side.


In the end, the three monks on the opposite side retreated, and his face was extremely ugly. Although his mouth was cold and his eyes were fierce, his body could not help but flashed away.

The monk of the Cangwu dynasty soon came to the broken bridge, and the squadron put the bridge down, and immediately pressed the fountain of the purple scorpion to the bottom. The fountain of the purple scorpion thundered the bridge quickly, and it was able to see that the bridge was melting from the bottom.


The monks of the Cangwu dynasty hurried through the bridge. When Xu Ziyan crossed the bridge, he stood there. Just a quarter of an hour's clock, the monks on the Cangwu dynasty all rushed across the bridge deck, and Xu Ziyan gathered the bridge deck with a wave of his sleeve. Let the opposite monks face a despair.

Originally, Xu Ziyan did not have this thought, and there was no problem for other monks to pass the monks. However, the three monks actually robbed, and other sects watched the excitement. Xu Ziyan did not have such a broad mind. Therefore, the bridge deck was taken up decisively and did not give other Zongmen monks a chance. Besides, this bridge deck is kept and can be used when it comes back.

After everyone passed through the broken bridge. Fly forward quickly. About a thousand hours of flying, Xu Ziyan and others finally came to the Thunder Peak.

The entire Thunder Peak was shrouded in a thunder, and from time to time there was a thunder that blew from the sky and blasted the mountain into a pit.

Langyue looked back and looked at the monks who had respected them. "You still think about it and decide whether to move forward. Just step on this road up the mountain. It is likely that you will be killed by a thunder."

His eyes fell on the cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, Thousand Cups drunk and Zhang Wujie four people said: "Senior brothers suggest that you do not go up, I have already seen that the bombs that have been bombarded from time to time are not purple, but It’s a purple scorpion, not you can hold it.”

The words of Langyue did not say to Xu Ziyan at all. In his heart, Xu Ziyan is already a person who can be compared with him. Zhang Wujie whispered:

"Why don't you advise the younger sister?"

Lang Yue slammed Zhang Wujie. They are too lazy to take care of him, and those immortals are also watching Zhang Wujie like watching an idiot.

"Look what? Anyway, I have to go, I have come here, why not go up!" Zhang Wujie continued to mutter.

The other monks and Zhang Wujie have a mind, have reached the foot of the mountain, this time let them retreat, how not reconciled.

"Hey..." Longyue sighed. I know the temper of my younger brothers and sisters in my heart, and I don’t want to persuade them, so I am cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, Thousand Cups drunk and Zhang Wujie:

"You guys are with me, heart and little sister!"

"Hey!" The four faces were happy and nodded happily.

Some other monks looked enviously to the four people who were cold and clear, but at this time they did not have a face to Langyue. They could only look at the thunder peak in front of them.


Langyue whispered, and all the monks began to march toward the Thunder. Pull some distance between each other.


A purple scorpion thundered. The direction of the fall is the end of a person's respect, the person's late body shape flashes, the purple scorpion rubbed his body and smashed down, and the man was shocked by a cold sweat.


Another purple scorpion thundered down. The direction of the fall is a mid-season. The fairy king could not have the dodge speed of that person, and it was turned into a powder in an instant. Death and death.

All people are shocked, a fear spreads in their hearts...


Another purple scorpion thunder fell, this time the direction of the fall is Xu Ziyan, and Zhang Wujie next to Xu Ziyan smashed the past.


Lang Yueli snorted, and Zhang Wujie’s face was dodging pale, but her speed was still slower, and she saw that the purple scorpion was on her head.


The first congenital sword of the first product was placed on the head of Zhang Wujie.


The purple scorpion was thundered on the inferior sacred sword of the stalk, and the original congenital sword was smashed in the early days and continued to fall. However, it was a momentary block, Zhang Wujie rushed out, and the purple scorpion was thunderous in the place where she stood.

"Thank you... Xie... Little sister..." Zhang Wujie was pale and his voice was trembling. At the crucial moment, Xu Ziyan released a sword to stop a moment of purple scorpion, which allowed Zhang Wujie to escape.

"Be more careful, six sisters!"

Xu Ziyan said softly, while looking towards the mountain, he quickly looked around.


Another purple scorpion thundered down.


Xu Ziyan released a gas sword and greeted him. He blocked the purple scorpion and blocked it for a moment, letting a fairy emperor evade the past.

"Thank you……"

"Be careful!"

Xu Ziyan was released as a sword.

From time to time on this road, there is a purple scorpion, and Xu Ziyan releases a handle and a sword to intercept. Although it only plays a little bit of blocking, it is enough.

So about four hours of walking, Xu Ziyan has released more than 6,000 swords of the inferior Xianbao level, but also saved the monks without a death. Every monk’s heart is full of gratitude to Xu Ziyan.

At this time they had already reached the mountainside, where a huge palace appeared. When everyone saw the palace, they immediately stepped up and rushed into the gate of the palace.

It wasn't until they rushed into the gate that they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the purple scorpion from time to time outside the gate.

If there is no sword of the purple smoke, I am afraid that the monks brought by Xu Ziyan have fallen below this time. This is why the people in the Xianzun period are also suffering from the purple sword, because they are in the process of marching. It was the beginning of the death of a person. From then on, Xu Ziyan began to incorporate the early monks of the people into the scope of care.

At this time, all the monks below the initial stage of the people respected Xu Ziyan, that is, the monks who were above the peak of the people also gratefully looked at Xu Ziyan. After all, most of the monks rescued by Xu Ziyan were monks and monks. As a member of the Cangwu sect, they are naturally grateful to Xu Ziyan.

Not to mention the monks who followed Xu Ziyan’s low revisions, these Xianzuns in the front hall, who saw the Xu Ziyan refining congenital treasures, one scared off the Shenji Zong, the Xingyu Zong and the Shangyuan League three Xianzun, after guarding the people into the hall, has already neglected in their hearts that Xu Ziyan is only a mid-Emperor, and Xu Ziyan has been treated as equal to himself.

Even... at this time, some are centered on Xu Ziyan...

At this point, everyone is looking at Xu Ziyan, seems to be waiting for her to take the idea. Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly and looked around. He saw that it was a large hall. Apart from entering the gate, there was only one door opposite.

"Master!" Xu Ziyan said politely: "Let's go in and see?"

“Yeah!” Langyue nodded: “Go!”

At this time, it is naturally high to walk in the front, and to be low in the back. Xu Ziyan was surrounded by the middle of the door and walked toward the door.

This is a long corridor, and the monks are cautious along the way, but what surprised the monks was that there was no unexpected situation.

Out of the long corridor, the monks suddenly stayed in front of each other, and the eyes suddenly opened up. The front was actually a green meadow, and there were some fairy trees and flowers.

Looking up, I saw a blank cloud, and a sun hangs in the air. However, all the monks immediately saw that it was not a real sun, but a sun stone.

I regained my gaze and looked to the front. I saw a huge arch in front and I didn’t know what would be inside the arch.

Everyone was excited at this time. Although it is not a mountain, it is only a large hall on the mountainside, but when you see such a scale, you should gain something.

The people walked through the green road through the stone road and came to the huge arched facade.

At this time, everyone was in a state of turmoil, and each of them looked into the huge arch with excitement. Xu Ziyan’s mood was not calm, because she had already learned from the Thunder giant sword that this huge arch was a huge treasure house. , a fairy treasure library.

It is home to the fairy tales and experiences collected by Thunder Tian Zun and Thunder Tian Zun, all of whom are the real disciples of the Thunder Xianfu.

It is thus certain that although there is no real inheritance of Thunder Tianzun, it is also a place of inheritance with rich Xianyu.

Entering the arch, you can see countless light **** floating in the hall. Each of these light **** has a fist size, floating above the hall, like a starry star.

In addition, there is no one in the hall.

There is only a huge staircase on one side of the main hall, so there seems to be a second floor.

Many Xianzun didn't want to think about it at this time. They immediately waved their sleeves and wanted to put those light **** into their own realm. But to their surprise, the ball of light floating in the air did not move at all.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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