The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1932: Thunder Tianzun

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At this point, these people will understand that these light **** cannot be charged at all.

Some monks are not reconciled, flying up and grabbing a ball of light to catch him, but those **** of light still have no slight movement, no matter how hard they can, they can't move. This made everyone calm down.

One by one, the gods try to transmit into the ball of light. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already begun to transmit the gods into it, because she had already got the message from the Thunder giant sword. These light **** were all set up by Thunder God, not to mention them, the ancient twelve days. Don't even think about taking one here.

Do not look at the twelve ancient Tianzun and Thunder Tianzun are the peaks of the late Tianzun, but according to the Thunder giant sword, Thunder Tianzun is the first person under the original lord, the twelve ancient Tianzun is a **** in front of the Thunder.

Xu Ziyan is undecided about this. This Thunder Tianzun should be much more powerful than the ancient ones in the 12th, but there should be no such thing as the Thunder Tianzun. Otherwise, it will not be surrounded by many Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan transmitted the knowledge into a ball of light and found that it was a practice of cultivation during the refining period and some experience in cultivation. What surprised the most purple smoke was that it was not a practice of Lei attribute. Moreover, there are a large number of cultivation methods of various attributes, the most important thing is that there are other uses of the various attributes of Xian, and how to use the Ray attribute method to break the other attributes.

Xu Ziyan shocked and collected the knowledge of God and looked around. Seeing that there was no one in the hall at this time, looking at the huge staircase, I think these people are here to see the level of the refining period, they went to the upper level.

No one else. Xu Ziyan simply opened his mind and divided it into thousands of gongs. Every cockroach was transmitted into a ball of light. She wanted to see what was collected in the world.

Suddenly, there was a strange look on his face. There are more than 100,000 light **** in it, but more than half of them are not related to cultivation, but some things that happened in ancient times, that is to say, some anecdotes. Topography, strange animals, etc...

There are a lot of records about Thunder Tianzun, which are some records of songs and deeds. At first glance, they should be written by the disciples of Thunder Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan's interest was immediately hooked up. Thunder's giant sword has been reluctant to say what Thunder Tianzun said. Xu Ziyan only knows that Thunder Tianzun is the first master under the lord, and now has his deeds. How can she let go?

Xu Ziyan quickly selected those records describing the Thunder Tianzun, and the gods read it quickly.

Soon, Xu Ziyan was immersed in this legend from ancient times.

Ever since Xu Ziyan entered the cultivation, he has never seen such an interesting thing. He spends every day in cultivation and battle. Now he is immersed in this legend, and the nerve is a rare relaxation.

And Xu Ziyan is not worried, anyway, the ball of light here can not take away, and some of them have time to see, and then the reading speed of Xu Ziyan can not waste much time.

The most important thing is to go through these legends. She has a basic understanding of ancient times. She has a feeling. The lord, the devil, the demon, and the Kuitian distance will not be too long. The more you know about ancient legends, the more you will be able to be more comfortable.

In particular, Thunder Tian Zun’s weapon Thunder Giant Sword has now become his own Ray Ling. Xu Ziyan is more interested in the former owner of the Thunder Giant Sword.

The reading speed of the gods is extremely fast. It is only half an hour. Xu Ziyan has read the tens of thousands of records. At this time, there is only one thought in the heart of Xu Ziyan:

“It’s too shocking!”

Thunder Tianzun was born in a small world called the Thunder continent. Many of the people there are Raylingen, but this Thunder God is undoubtedly a genius in genius.

In less than a hundred years, it has risen to the fairyland, and it has broken through to the Tianzun in less than a thousand years. In five hundred years, it has reached the peak of the late Tianzun!

This speed is the only one in the entire fairy world. However, his repairs were then stagnant. After working hard for 100,000 years, Thunder Tianzun was disappointed, and he walked out of the seclusion and began the glory of his own.

As he struggled around, he was hard to find a defeat. His reputation spread rapidly in the fairy world, and then he gradually gathered a large number of followers around him.

As he grew more and more, his power has expanded to a point of horror.

Moreover, the Lei attribute method would have made the monk's character violent, and as his power became more and more horrifying, his self-confidence also expanded extremely.

The more the character is self-sufficient, the more he can't listen to others, and later becomes cruel. Anyone who dares to violate him slightly will be killed, no matter how many, no matter where you run.

There have been countless monks who have joined forces to conquer Thunder Tianzun, but they have undoubtedly suffered the brutal bloodstain of Thunder Tianzun. He led his huge followers to destroy one by one.

Countless humans mourn under his thunder giant sword...

In the end, Thunder Tianzun swelled to the extreme, and the lord could not stand it anymore. Two people broke out in the void...

After this war, Thunder Tianzun was conquered by the lord and became the first master of the lord.

Under the constraints of the lord, he established his own Thunder Xianfu, but his character is still unassuming.

Those immortal monks originally thought that Thunder Tianzun had been conquered by the lord, and did not dare to be as arrogant as before, so some people came out to blame Thunder, and even some people asked the lord to kill Thunder.

In the face of these noisy ants, Thunder Tianzun broke out again without hesitation. For ten consecutive days of massacres, eight sects were destroyed and nearly one million monks were killed.

At this point, the monks of the Immortals have lost their voices collectively, and no one dares to have any disrespect for the Thunder.

The lord is helpless. He was sent to the border of the Yaozu, so that it brought disaster to the Yaozu...

Later, the demon Lord personally came forward, and the demon Lord was afraid that the lord would bring the Thunder Tianzun to their borders and bargain with the lord. The lord transferred the Thunder Tianzun back and ordered him not to leave the Thunder Xianfu.

It can be said that before this, Thunder Tianzun got all the bad names, but since he lived in the Thunder Valley, he suddenly became interested in the refining and the tune.

Thunder Heaven is not a genius. In just a short period of time, his refining and manufacturing realms have reached the top of these two fields.

It is said that only the original Emperor Dan Fuzong was able to crush him in the technique, and only the evil master could press him on the refining device.

And because he is a mine attribute, the technique and the refining technique are different, and the description in the record makes Xu Ziyan feel shocked.

He sold the refining symbol and fairy, which earned him a completely different reputation.

He is a legend, an ancient legend!

Xu Ziyan sighed and retracted the gods, such a complicated person let Xu Ziyan not know how to evaluate! Shake his head. Some of the embarrassment in my heart, perhaps the super genius of Thunder Tianzun became cruel, not just because of the attribute of Lei attribute, but because he lost the direction of cultivation. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break through the last barrier and live with the world, which made him cruel.

This is a kind of venting, a helpless vent!

Xu Ziyan can't help but feel awkward. Will you have that day?

No matter how hard you try, you can't take the last step.

If that's the case, what should I do?

Xu Ziyan has some disappointments...

However, the heart of Xu Ziyan did not lose heart for a long time, that is, the time of a few moments was awake. There was a bitter smile in my heart. I am now in the middle of the Emperor, but I am trying to reach the peak of the late Tianzun to break through the last barrier. Is it too early to think about it?

Picking up his own feelings, Xu Ziyan once again released the knowledge of the gods, shrouded all the exercises and the light of the fairy, and transmitted a glimpse of the gods. Immerse yourself.

There was a footstep on the stairs. Langyue’s figure walked down from above, and then the look was a glimpse. He saw that there was only one purple smoke in the first layer, and he looked at the look of Xu Ziyan. She was still intoxicated by the fairy in those light balls.

At this time, Langyue’s expression was very exaggerated, which was too much of his surprise. Originally, he had never seen Xu Ziyan. Some of my heart was not at ease, and I found it all the way. But the scene at this time is very strange.

In the heart of Lang Yue, Xu Ziyan has been strong enough to compare with him. But... what did he see at this time?

He saw that Xu Ziyan stayed on the first floor and was intoxicated at the level of the refining period.

This... too illusory...

Is it necessary for her to show such an intoxicating expression in the realm of the refining period?

No one is watching here?

Langyue really does not understand, but as long as it is nothing to do, he will let go of his heart. I glanced at Xu Ziyan again, shook my head, and looked confused and left.

In fact, this is the reason why Xu Ziyan's repair is too fast. In less than two hundred years, Xu Ziyan has been promoted from the day after tomorrow to the middle of the Xian Emperor. It is no different than the first day of the ancient world.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan is different from Thunder Tian Zun. Thunder Tian Zun is a single spiritual root, and Xu Ziyan has a self-contained space. She has cultivated many attributes. So because of the rapid improvement, her foundation has been tried to fill it, but because of her origins Not high, no matter Xu Jia, Tai Xuanzong is not a big door, big family, and Dan Fuzong's inheritance is too single, in the two aspects of Dan Fu is indeed authoritative, but in terms of cultivation is a lot worse.

This situation has caused Xu Ziyan no matter how hard he tried, there is not much Xianyu, too authentic Xianyu to provide her with a solid foundation. Even the later Cangzong sect experienced a collapse of the fairy world, and its inheritance was also ruined.

The most important thing is that the pace of Xu Ziyan’s advancement is too fast, so she is too late to settle, and it is too late to polish.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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