The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1933: Pit man

Xu Ziyan’s fighting power is very strong, and his body’s strength is also very thick. However, some of the subtleties of Xianxie were revealed to be insufficient. These shortcomings did not seem to hinder her entry into the country, nor did she weaken her combat power. But with her improvement in the future, all these subtleties must be her obstacles.

This is not a gift and effort to solve, it takes time and experience to accumulate, polish...

As the saying goes, the book is read a hundred times, and its meaning is self-evident. That is the truth.

Even if it is a monk in the refining period, if he repeatedly cultivates a spur of thorns, his subtleties will naturally be completely transparent in his soul.

What Xu Ziyan lacks is this subtlety. Maybe her metallicity and water properties will be stronger, but other properties will be much worse.

The attributes of her cultivation are really more...

Now in this hall, these light **** have opened a door for her. Here, there are not only the individual sects, but also the images of various sacred battles, accompanied by detailed explanations.

After telling the other attributes of Xian Xian in detail, it analyzes its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to use the method of cracking the magic attribute of Xian.

This is a real treasure house for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan watched those images through the gods, and the analysis of those flowing through her heart, she felt that she was quickly filling up her short board and consolidating her foundation.

It was only an hour of time that Xu Ziyan understood these images and analysis, so that she had a feeling of seeing the clouds and seeing it.

She switched body quickly and chaotically. Came to the purple smoke space. Into the one-to-one-time array of time, began to repeatedly practice those spells in the refining period.

One month!

Xu Ziyan kept practicing in the time array for a month, and the subtleties of the refining period were deeply imprinted in her soul.

And the body that switched back with chaos, Xu Ziyan's face swayed with a happy smile and stepped on the side of the stairs.

Second floor!

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan expected the same. It is a light group in the base period.

Xu Ziyan learned this layer by layer, and then switched to the chaos and entered the time array in the purple smoke space to practice.

When she stood on the first floor of the fairy king, she saw Zhang Wujie. At this time, Zhang Wujie’s body is holding a breath that is about to break through. Xu Ziyan also feels that he has improved a lot without knowing it. Although she was only outside for less than four days, she practiced for more than ten years in the time matrix of Ziyan Space. The foundation below the Xianwang period was sturdy and solid.


A thunder, Zhang Wujie actually broke through to the early Emperor, and this hall is really magical, even in the moment of Zhang Wujie breakthrough, opened up an independent space, let Zhang Wujie begin to rob.

Xu Ziyan tried it. Knowing that this magical independent space completely isolates the outside world, Zhang Wujie will not have the slightest danger, which will release the consciousness of God and begin to comprehend.

After ten days.

Xu Ziyan stood on the first floor of the Emperor's period, as if raising his hand gently, he pushed the door of the mid-peak of the Emperor, and she broke through!

Breaking through the mid-peak of the Emperor!

After that, she also continued to go up, she found that the light ball on the layer of Xiandi can also be transmitted through her knowledge. However, her god's knowledge on the level of human respect can't get in.

However, at this level she saw the minds of the two brothers and many people who respected the monks, and at this time they were silently comprehending there. Some are sitting quietly, some are walking around, some are in Bibi...

Here, she also accidentally saw the master of Yan Nanping, who was wounded by Shang Yuanmeng himself, and the first master of the monk Lin Dong.

At this time, Lin Dong was waking up from the comprehension, with a satisfied smile on his face. Turning around, I saw Xu Ziyan, who was coming up and standing on the stairs.

Lin Dong’s face was changed. In a moment, various thoughts surged in his heart, and his apprentice was disabled by Xu Ziyan. It has just recovered. Scanning his face naked and letting his heart rush. The warning of Life Tianzun makes the heart cold, and thinks that this place is not in the Yuanmeng, but in the secret. If Xu Ziyan has an accident here, there is nothing to say about life.

Just don't let people know that they are doing it themselves!

A variety of complex looks change on the face. Soon he calmed down and even showed a smile on his face.

At this time, he understood very well that he wanted to kill Xu Ziyan, and he did not show the slightest sign so that he could not be noticed.

This is definitely not the case here. There are many monks here. Your actions cannot be seen by third parties. The time here is still long, and I am not afraid of no chance.

Xu Ziyan blinked and his heart was a bit strange. She and Lin Dong’s things she knew, can be described as irresolvable hatred. With the suppression of the life of heaven, even if Lin Dong does not dare to put himself, will not laugh at himself?

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a policeman. She will never think that this is the goodwill of Lin Dong’s release to himself. Since it is not the release of goodwill, then there is a ghost in the heart.

Such people are even more terrible!

Lin Dong walked over to Xu Ziyan and said to Xu Ziyan in the knowledge of God: "I really can't think of your repairs coming here?"

Looking at the smirk on Lin Dong’s face, Xu Ziyan’s heart was aversion. In my heart, I believe that Lin Dong has an attempt at myself.

"Former Lin, is your apprentice okay?"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile, since he has already determined that the other party’s laughter is a smirk, he is uneasy about himself. Xu Ziyan is also not polite. It is best to irritate each other and expose the other party's true intentions so that they are better prepared.

"Xu Ziyan..."

Lin Dong’s face was stiff, and his chest was almost angry.

"Oh, yes!" Xu Ziyan said with a very concerned expression: "I remembered, the last time you were injured by the life Tianzun, how is your body now? Is there any discomfort?"

Lin Dong’s expression began to distort, and his eyes spurted out anger. The bite of the tooth bite, this is the biggest humiliation in his life, not only that his apprentice was disabled, but also he was injured, and finally was forced by the life Tianzun to protect in the Yuanmeng League. Xu Ziyan.

I ask, is there any more sad reminder than this?

"Predecessors, you are a little excited!" Xu Ziyan softly persuaded: "The injured person can not be excited, should keep the mood calm. Especially for your internal injuries, you are not too small, this kind of thing does not need to remind the younger generation ?"

Looking at Lin Dong on the verge of violent walking, Xu Ziyan did not care about his own language. It is best to let Lin Dong do it yourself. There are two brothers in this heart, and they will not suffer. The most important thing is that there are many monks here. If Lin Dong is worried about himself here, he will be seen by all the monks.

After he was united by himself and the two brothers to calm down, he never dared to shoot himself in the process of exploring the secret.

So many monks saw Lin Dong doing it to himself. If he had an accident, Life Tianzun would definitely find him. Lin Dong is not stupid. After calming down, he will only endure.

What's more, with the help of the two brothers, maybe you can kill this Lin Dong here. One hundred, the province is always remembered by Lin Dong.

However, Lin Dong, who was about to run away, suddenly felt like a balloon that had been punctured, and there was a smile on his face. He walked to the side of Xu Ziyan and said kindly:

"Thank you, you are a well-educated junior, knowing to care for your predecessors."

When the words fall, and through the gods, Xu Ziyan is full of killing and said: "Xu Ziyan, you are a curse, you will wait to die!"


Xu Ziyan screamed exaggeratedly, as if she had heard something that shocked her, and she was so excited that she could not hide it:

"Foreigns... You...have the entire map of this mystery?"

Xu Ziyan screamed in disappointment and immediately attracted all the monks on this floor. A pair of eyes looked at the surprise and looked over here...

Locked by the eyes of many monks, Lin Dong’s face was changed, and then his face showed a hint of laughter:

"Oh, you are really joking..."

At this level, Lin Dong was able to laugh, Xu Ziyan felt boring in his heart, and politely greeted Lin Dong and ran to the front of the second brother:

"Two brothers!"

"Little sister!" Xindao nodded with a smile, and then asked through the gods: "The thing just happened is true, does that person really have a map?"

"Oh, he is my enemy, I am teasing him!" Xu Ziyan answered in the knowledge of God.

The look of the heart was a glimpse, and then I couldn’t help but smile. However, I did not mention this at the same time. Instead, I asked some of the things that Xu Ziyan entered here, and chilled them. Then Xu Ziyan and the second brothers left their words and went on to the upper level.

For the above light ball, Xu Ziyan has been unable to comprehend. Because her gods can't get in, but always visit.

This time, Xu Ziyan’s mood was a lot easier. Every layer carefully searched, no longer pay attention to which light balls, and I hope that I have any good luck and find what kind of baby.

She also asked the Thunder giant sword in the gods, there is no treasure here, but the Thunder giant sword seems to sleep, and simply ignore her.

The more the Thunder giant sword, the more Xu Ziyan feels there must be treasure here. Therefore, while constantly chanting in the knowledge of the gods to ask the Thunder giant sword, while the eyes are squatting around, but also scanned with the gods.

Layer by layer is up, when it comes to the last layer, it is found that there is no one in the open space. After pondering it, Xu Ziyan understood.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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