The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1934: Weird headdress

I am very grateful to a classmate (200), Yunyi 9 (100), ASITA classmate (100), mableip classmate (100), soul jump ~ ~ classmate (100) reward!


This place should be the place where the monks of the Tianzun period are comprehended, and those monks who should remember the fairy tales here will leave, and their purpose is not these. These can be slowly learned and their purpose is real. Thunder Xianfu.

"Thunder the Great Sword, the last layer... You are going to talk to me! What is the treasure here?"


"Do you say nothing?"


"Don't say pull down! I am looking for myself!"

Xu Zi was swept over and over again with the knowledge of God, and eventually found nothing. Looking around and looking down on a statue, it is a beautiful woman statue, located in the center of this floor.

Xu Ziyan noticed her as soon as she came up, and she looked at it seriously, but she did not find anything of value. I have been looking around now, only once again on the statue.

"There is no difference!" Xu Ziyan locked his brow and muttered: "There was no trace of the power fluctuations!"

Opened the eyes of Kuang Peng and looked up and down, and found no change.

However, Xu Ziyan is not reconciled!

With her understanding of the Thunder giant sword, there must be something baby here! And it is a precious baby, otherwise the Thunder giant sword can't be silent all the time. There must be something here.

Look at this layer no one. Xu Ziyan will have a palm of water, Xiaowudao, Xiaomumu, Xiaojin. Fire Linger and Xiaotu both summoned them and asked them to help.

A palm of water, Xiao Wudao, Xiaojin. Huo Linger and Xiao Tu are standing there blankly, only Xiaomu wood sticks out a small finger and points at the statue:

"Master, there is a space in this statue!"

“Space?” Xu Ziyan’s spirit is astounding: “Small wood, is there really a space here?”

"Yeah!" Xiaomumu nodded in a certain place.

"That... why can't my gods and Kuangpeng eyes see?"

Xiaomumu grabbed the head and said: "It should be the reason for the master's knowledge and the quality of the eye of Peng Peng!"

Xu Ziyan was so stunned that even the ancient Tianzun of the 12th Yuan did not find the abnormality of this statue. This should be the space that Thunder Tianzun personally laid out.

The first master under the celestial master is unusual!

However, the method of Thunder Tianzun is so brilliant that he has a small wooden wood that ignores any space!

Xu Ziyan smiled and put Xiaojin, a palm of water. Xiaowudao, Huo Linger and Xiaotu have both collected the purple smoke space, and any said to Xiaomumu:

"Small wood, take me in!"

"Well! Master, come to my mouth!"

Xiaomumu nodded hard and then opened his mouth toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was speechless for a while, only narrowed his body and turned it into a stream of light into the mouth of Xiaomumu.

Just a moment in time. Xiaomumu spit out Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stood on the ground and looked around, his eyes showing a shocking color.

Here... it’s so beautiful...

Beautiful... can't describe...

Not far from the horizon is a small lake. There is a nine-curved corridor on the lake to the heart of the lake. There is a pavilion at the heart of the lake. There is a woman sitting inside...

Xu Ziyan walked toward the lake along the green grass and walked along the nine-curved corridor to the gazebo at the heart of the lake. At this time, the woman was facing away from Xu Ziyan. Just look at the woman's back, it makes people feel heart, together with the woman's Xu Ziyan has an impulse to immediately see the woman's face.

"The younger generation Xu Ziyan met the predecessors!"

Xu Ziyan leaned down and bowed to the ceremony, but the woman opposite did not respond.

in fact. From the beginning, Xu Ziyan suspected that the woman in front of her was not a living person. But once it is alive? She did not dare to use the knowledge of God to explore. So I leaned over and asked for a gift:

"The younger generation Xu Ziyan met the predecessors!"


Xu Ziyan straightened his waist and stared at the woman's back in front of her eyes. Suddenly shocked in my heart, isn't that the back of the statue?

Carefully turned to the opposite side of the woman. Looking towards the woman's face.

A beautiful face is hung with a sigh of relief, which is pitiful...

Even the purple smoke has an impulse to care for her...

Take a deep breath. Let your emotions calm down, this time seriously look at the opposite woman. From the perspective, I can't see that this woman is not a living person, that is, a living person is sitting opposite her.



Xu Ziyan carefully transmitted the knowledge of the woman and scanned it, finally confirming that the woman in front of her eyes was dead.

He spread the gods to the surrounding area, slowly retracted the gods, and determined that there was no danger in this space. This made a long breath and the whole nerve relaxed.

The gaze looked at the woman again, and the gaze was a shock. The woman wore a dress and the shoes on her feet were actually the first-class fairy treasures.

However, the look of Xu Ziyan was hesitant at this time. The woman in front of her is not a statue, but a real person. After the woman died, she was forced to change her color with the power of Daxian.

If you just smash the clothes on this woman, this...


The thunder giant sword inside Xu Ziyan Dan Tian sighed and reverberated in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan...

"Are you finally willing to speak out?" Xu Zi said with a sigh of relief.

"Purple smoke... You don't want to take the clothes on Lei Ting!" The sound of Thunder's giant sword is full of loss.



"Talk about her story! Since I have already come in, you don't need to keep it secret!"

"Ziyan, don't blame me. I swear in front of Thunder Tianzun. Don't divulge the traces here. Since you have come in, the story here can tell you..."

The Thunder giant sword fell into silence, and Xu Ziyan did not urge him to sit down on a stone bench opposite the woman. The woman who looked quietly at the opposite side seemed to be another statue.

"Her name is Lei Ting, the daughter of the Lei family patriarch in ancient times. After being met by Thunder Tian Zun, Thunder Tian Zun fell in love with her madly. She refining her innate fairy treasure. She wore it. They are all refining by Thunder Tianzun.

However, Thunder Tianzun had killed her uncle before the encounter with the Thunder, that is, the Lei family patriarch, the brother of Thunder's father.

And this matter Lei Ting has been practicing at the time of the fall Xia Zong, I do not know. When she returned to the family with Thunder Tianzun, the Lei family chief did not dare to say anything in the face of Thunder Tianzun, but told Lei Ting that night. Lei Ting was left to the Thunder Tian Zun for a final letter. I left the family alone.

The moment when Thunder Tianzun lost his favorite person, he immediately went mad, and killed the Lei family up and down, and then returned to the Thunder Xianfu.

However, only half a year later, Lei Ting came to the Thunder Xianfu alone, and committed suicide in the face of Thunder Tianzun.

In fact, after Thunder Tianzun returned to the Thunder Xianfu. He regretted it, and when Lei Ting committed suicide in front of him, he became even more unhappy.

He is not unable to stop Lei Ting's suicide, but he saw a firm death from Lei Ting's eyes. It is a kind of dying death.

Poor when she was dying, she was wearing all the innate treasures that Thunder Tianzun refined for her...

This made Thunder God know that Lei Ting’s heart still loves him...

After that, Thunder Tianzun established this inheritance hall, and built the statue of Thunder on the top layer, and announced that Lei Ting is the master of all the disciples of Thunder Xianfu.

But no one knows the space inside the statue, only I know. He immersed Lei Ting's body with Daxianli and placed it in this space.

Before the Great World War, he spent almost all his days here..."

The Thunder giant sword no longer speaks, and Xu Ziyan has been silent.


a long time. Xu Ziyan sighed sigh...

Looking at the innate fairy treasure of Lei Ting. How can Xu Ziyan bear with her heart...

Finally, Xu Ziyan fell on the Thunder's headdress, which is a heart-shaped gem, with a thin chain on both sides. The heart-shaped jewel just stuck to the eyebrows on the forehead.

Xu Ziyan saw that it was also a top-grade fairy treasure, standing up from the stone bench. Whispered:

"Thunder sword, I only take that string of headwear!"

"Oh..." Thunder's giant sword sighed and said nothing, Xu Ziyan was able to do this, and it was extremely kind. If it is to meet other monks, Lei Ting will have a good time.

Xu Ziyan gently took the headdress and asked him to the Thunder giant sword: "Thunder giant sword, what is this congenital fairy?"

"I can't say it!"

"I have come in..."

"This is two different things!"

"Do not tell to pull down!"

Xu Zi smoked into the time array in the purple smoke space and began to refine this headdress. The top grade Xianbao refining and refining is really hard, and it took a month for Xu Ziyan to refine the headdress. It’s less than an hour before.

But she still didn't get any information, I don't know what it is!

Xu Ziyan came out of the purple smoke space and sat on the opposite side of the Thunder. He wore this headgear on his head and there was no reaction. I took it from the head and put it in my hands and looked at it carefully. I still didn't find it.

Scanning with the gods and using the eyes of the Peng Peng did not get the slightest result.

Xu Ziyan caught the hair.

"Isn't this a decoration?"

She also put the headwear on her head and shook her head. Xu Ziyan was a little discouraged, but she did not want to ask the Thunder giant sword, and made clear that the Thunder giant sword would not tell her.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan began to permeate the heart-shaped gem from the eyebrow.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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