The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1937: Treasure

"I certainly don't have the method of cracking, but I just know how to open the door. But, purple smoke, are you sure you want to show you in front of everyone that you can open this door?"


Xu Ziyan wrinkled his brows. This is undoubtedly reminding everyone that her Xu Ziyan is not generally aware of this Thunder Xianfu. This will lead to endless troubles. This will definitely not work. Xu Ziyan is not depressed there.

In fact, there is still a person who is more depressed than Xu Ziyan. That person is Lin Dong.

He was thoroughly famous for this period of time, and all the monks in the half-mountain's heritage hall knew his name.

"Old friend, tell you a secret..."

"What secret?"

"Do you know Lin Dong of the Yuanmeng League?"

"I don't know, is he famous?"

"I heard that he has a map of the entire mystery..."

"real or fake?"

"Ten percent is true! People who are here are almost aware of it!"

"I know, this is also a secret?"

"I don't know if I just told you?"


"Tell a secret with you..."

"What secret?"

"You have a personal monk called Shangdong in Shangyuan League, do you know?"

"Oh, this person I know."

"So, do you know what he got recently?"

"What did he get?"

"He got the only key to enter Thunder Xianfu!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true, have I told a lie?"


"Tell a secret with you..."


Later, everyone in the entire hall of the temple knew it. In fact, everyone feels that this is unlikely to be true. Who should be in the Yindong. However, the news at this time has already been transmitted and passed. No one knows who actually said it first, so everyone’s eyes are swept away from Lin Dong’s body from time to time. Let Lin Dong's heart bear tremendous pressure.

This is still because everyone believes that the credibility of this matter is too low, otherwise he has already been killed by people back!

The matter is very simple. Everyone knows that Lin Dong has not cultivated out of bounds, and here the space fairy can not be opened. So as long as you use God's knowledge to scan the body of Lin Dong, you know that he has neither a map nor a key.

But this does not prevent the big monks from sweeping his body with God's knowledge over and over again. Anyway, the comprehension is a little tired, and it is good to have fun. This is like Lin Dong being stunned over and over again, Lin Dong is already crazy!

"Oh shit!"

At this time, Lin Dong hated Xu Ziyan in the bones, and some went crazy to find Xu Ziyan. But I couldn't find it everywhere. I finally felt that Xu Ziyan should leave here and hurriedly left here. Flying towards the mountains.

What he now wants is to grab Xu Ziyan and torture him, and finally let her die in the most miserable way.

When he rushed to the foothills, his hatred was poured down like a bucket of ice water. Xu Ziyan stood not far from him, but did he dare to move?

Standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, there is no shortage of swords, and there is still life in the crowd.

This time to catch Xu Ziyan, there is no difference in looking for death!

And... in the face of life. Even the expression of hatred can not reveal a trace, but also to put on a pair of expressions of Xu Ziyan and good.

How painful this is...

"Actually..." Thunder's giant sword said in the Dantian of Xu Ziyan: "These people can't crack the prohibition on the gate of Thunder's fairy house!"

Xu Ziyan's eyes lit up: "You mean that they have no way to take Thunder Xianfu? Does that mean that I can wait until they all leave and go in?"

"They certainly can't open the door, but... doesn't mean they can't get in..."

"What do you mean?"

"At the time when Thunder Tian Zun died in Lei Ting, he basically closed the Thunder Xianfu. Most of the time spent in the space with Lei Ting's body.

However, he has many disciples after all, and he can't care. Therefore, every 100 years, he will return to Thunder Xianfu once, preaching to his disciples, and confusing!

Later, he was afraid that he would forget this thing in the space with Lei Ting, and then redeployed the Thunder Xianfu. It will automatically open every 100 years. After the opening, Thunder Tianzun in the space will feel the change of the prohibition. Then I will come back.

Every time the Thunder Xianfu is opened, it will last for half a year. During this half year, Thunder Tianzun preached to his disciples. After half a year, Thunder Tian Zun will leave. This Thunder Xian Fu will also automatically close.

I think this ban should not change because I have already felt that the ban here is weakening. It doesn't take a month, this door will open automatically. ”

Xu Ziyan scratched his head and said: "Is it a month away? It seems that these gods can't leave!"


"Right! Thunder giant sword, what is the treasure inside?"

"There are a lot of babies. The first baby is to enter the Thunder Xianfu. You will see a huge courtyard with trees inside."

"a tree?"

"The tree is called the gods tree! There is a fruit on the tree, called the fruit!"


"Well, this tree is very strange. It has blossomed for thousands of years, and it has been a result for thousands of years. But this is not the most bizarre. The most bizarre thing is that it only has one fruit. And this fruit is as long as no one picks it. It has been growing on the tree, and the tree will not bloom again. Wait until the fruit is picked up before it enters the next cycle."

"What is the use of that fruit?"

"The fruit can be given to the monks who have not cultivated out of bounds!"

The words of the Thunder giant sword made Xu Ziyan sluggish, but the words of the Thunder giant sword pulled her back from the shock:

"But this aspect has no effect on you. You have a purple smoke space that is more advanced than that." The fruit is garbage for you!"

"Also!" Xu Ziyan nodded. The blood in my heart calmed down: "But it can't be said to be rubbish? Is it possible to sell a lot of crystals when you go out and sell?"


"What's wrong? Why don't you talk?"

"Then you have to have a life to say it..."

"Oh... that's it, you still say other treasures!"

"There are some innate treasures and congenital charms of the Thunder Respecting System. In fact, I think these are not very useful for you. And the number is not enough. It is not enough for those who worship."

"How come it is not very useful to me!" Xu Ziyan was anxious. However, I heard a sentence behind the Thunder giant sword, but also silently.


Here is a bunch of heavenly respects, where is your share?

Going to the sky and robbing yourself is to find death!

"I think that if you go to the unintentional rush to grab those congenital treasures, you might as well get the refiners and tactile cheats of Thunder Tianzun. Although you have a very good system, the realm of the refiner is not weak. Thunder's refinery and system do not take it, it will be a great inspiration for you and the instrument."

"These things he didn't carry with him?" Xu Ziyan was overjoyed.

"No, he is in his secret room!"

"Great!" Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel excited. With these things, it would be a pity to give up those congenital Xianbao Xu Ziyan!

"What else?"

"I think the biggest treasure for you is the treasure house of Thunder Tianzun's storage materials. You should store the treasures of materials when the monks compete for the fruit and the innate treasures. I think you and the six of them will be able to get them sooner or later. Achieving the top talent, perhaps even the best innate master, those materials are what you really need."

Xu Ziyan could not help but secretly make a fist.

Not bad! Those materials are what she really needs! And others will be madly robbing the fruit and the innate treasure, which gives them time.

"There is still a place where you have to go!" The sound of the Thunder's giant sword rang again.


"Tianzun Temple!"

"Tianzun Temple?"

"Not bad. There is a statue of Thunder Tianzun in the Tianzun Hall. There is a bead in his hands. The stone monument in the town is in the bead. You want to refine the Thunder and the government must refine the town inside the bead." Stone tablet!"

"Why then why don't I go to refine the town's stone monument? If I refine the town's stone monument, isn't it the thing in the Thunder Xianfu?"

"Idiot!" Thunder screamed: "Do you think it is easy to refine the town stone monument? It takes time, without waiting for you to refine the town stone, I am afraid that things have been robbed, and those days will also search. Go to your front!"

"then what do I do?"

"Go to the secret room first. Then go to the treasure house of materials, and finally go to the Tianzun Palace. If you have the opportunity to refine, you will leave without a chance. Anyway, in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, there is no cultivation of the thunder property to the great realm. No one. It is possible to refine and refine the Thunder Valley, and then have the opportunity to refine it in the future!"

"Also!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "Is this Thunder Xianfu also the same as other Xianfu, can you take it away after refining?"

"No!" Thunder Tian Zun immediately said: "This Thunder Xianfu is built on the environment here, can not leave the environment here. It is the same as the fairy, the demon, the devil and their fairy. They are fixed! ”

"So what do I refine it?" Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye.

"I can't say that! I have to add a place to settle down. Once refining this Xianfu. I am afraid that in addition to the monk at that level, other monks do not want to threaten you here."

"Also!" Xu Ziyan said indifferently: "Let's see it again, refining and refining, there is no chance to wait until later. I still get the secrets and materials of Thunder Tianzun first."

There is a decision in my heart. I also knew that there was still a month before the opening of Thunder Xianfu, and I simply did it next to Master. I cultivated there.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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