The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1938: Sweeping

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Sword turned to look at Xu Ziyan, my heart could not help but secretly nod, no wonder the purple smoke repair is very fast, she is not letting any chance to enhance their accumulation!

At this time, the dream machine suddenly said: "You friends, according to my calculations, this Thunder Xianfu will automatically open after one month, and then close again after half a year."

Time Tianzun is still not very familiar with the dream machine, but Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao still have great trust in the dream machine.

After hearing the words, two people laughed: "The dream lord takes a break, and the two of us continue to look at it. It is rare to have something that we can study."

Xuan Tianao also knows that the two people are telling the truth, and encountering the top presence in their own field naturally attracts the great interest of both of them.

Looking at two people, Xuan Tian'ao's eyes revealed a hint of envy. I am afraid that after returning this time, the two men should understand each other and refine themselves.

Time Tianzun is going back and waiting. In fact, he is still pretending to be there, and he can see what he is.

At this time, all the monks knew that the Thunder Xianfu would be opened in a month, and they all sat like a purple smoke, and entered the waiting for interest.

As time went by, more monks came from the hills and saw everyone watching the interest rate. I don’t dare to ask anything, but I also waited to wait while watching the interest rate on the open space behind me.

The mountain is very quiet, only to hear the sound of breathing.

A month passed quickly, and the door of the Thunder Xianfu suddenly released a thunderbolt. A thunderbolt thundered above the gate for a quarter of an hour, and the thunder and lightning were gradually hidden.

At this point, all the monks have stood up. Xu Ziyan also stood by the side of the sword, and remembered the path that the Thunder giant sword told her.


The two doors slowly opened, and a huge courtyard through the gate was revealed to everyone. Within the courtyard, the trees are sturdy, the grass is green, and there is still a lake in the courtyard, which shows the size of the courtyard.

A rich fragrance immediately floated out of the gate, and everyone's look was a rush, and swarmed toward the door. Xu Ziyan also rushed into the door with Master's side.

As soon as everyone entered the gate, they flew in the direction of the aroma. Xu Ziyan gradually slowed down and gradually fell behind. Everyone’s speed was very fast, and they did not want to fly forward. Xu Ziyan is at the end. Even Lin Dong, who is preparing to kill Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was thrown into the shadows, and I only thought about flying to the front to see. What is it that makes such a tempting aroma.

"Boundary!" Suddenly, Life Zun gave a cry.

This voice exclaimed, the space was immediately silent. Everyone's eyes are staring at the only fruit on the gods tree.

This kind of thing has become a legendary thing, and all of them have been heard. But I have never seen it before, and all of them are the first names of the gods.

At this time, the eyes of the monks were red, and the breathing became heavy.

Xu Ziyan flickered and flew in the direction of the thunder room of Thunder. No one pays attention to Xu Ziyan. At this time, no one has the mind to pay attention to anything else. Their whole mind is concentrated on the boundary.

After Xu Ziyan stayed away from the courtyard, he quickly accelerated the speed and flew quickly in the Thunder. Fly over a room. In a corridor, the Thunder Xianfu was too big. Xu Ziyan knew that the path had been flying for two quarters of an hour before standing in front of a portal.

Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed it gently, and the door opened to the inside. Xu Ziyan said to the Thunder giant sword as he entered:

"Thunder and the Great Sword. How can Thunder God not install a ban on these portals?"

"The entire Thunder Xianfu was refining by the Thunder Tianzun. Does he have that need? Who dares to speculate here?"

Xu Ziyan floated in. The feet left the ground and flew in the house. At this time, she couldn't take care of anything. Everything that could be removed from the house would have been filled with purple smoke, and even the table was no exception.

As for the cheats?

Xu Ziyan is simply a big hand and a wave of books and books are all collected together.

It was only a dozen breaths of time, the whole room was empty, and there was nothing else except the walls around it.

"Thunder and the Great Sword, is there anything left?"

"Do you think there is still? You are going to scrape the skin."

"Oh... maybe there is still secret space you don't know?"


Xu Ziyan immediately pulled Xiaomumu to his own sea of ​​knowledge, and said to Xiaomumu: "Small wood, see if there is a separate and secret space."

The knowledge of Xiaomumu immediately came out, but after sweeping it in the secret room, he said, "No!"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded: "Then you will stay in my knowledge of the sea first!"

When the words fell, they came to the door. The big sleeves waved, and a strong wind was blowing in the room, and the dust was rolled up. Xu Ziyan closed the door. The dust inside gradually fell, hiding all traces, and the bookshelves left behind by the purple smoke and the marks left behind the table disappeared.

The shape of Xu Ziyan rushed in the corridor, and after less than two quarters of time, Xu Ziyan reached out and opened a portal, and his eyes became stunned.

This room... is too big...

There are rows of shelves stacked on top of each other. There are storage boxes on the shelves. In the corners of the room, there are many materials that are not important in the Thunder. Just throw it aside like garbage. Xu Ziyan just glanced at it and yelled in her heart:

"Mu Yujing! Ziyun Stone! Paiyunzhu... This... is thrown into the corner like garbage? What will be placed in the storage box on the shelf? Sended... Made... Big Up..."

Xu Ziyan's spirit was invigorated, his body shape swept in the treasure house of materials, his hands waved, and the rows of shelves disappeared. Finally, she did not let the things that were used by the Thunder Tianzun as garbage on the ground. It took only a few hours for the entire treasure house to be swept away. At this time, Xiaomumu, who knew the sea, told her that there was no independent space.

Xu Ziyan's figure quickly came to the gate, waving a sleeve, and a strong wind was blown in the treasure house. Then Xu Ziyan closed the door and flew away to the treasure house of Thunder Xianfu.

She thinks this way, maybe the monks are still there to fight for the fruit, and no one has yet reached the treasure house. If that's the case, she will take away those innate treasures.

However, she has not waited until she arrives at the treasure house, and there is still a long way to go from the treasure house. I have heard the fierce battles and the roar of Xianyu.

Xu Ziyan stopped his body and knew that the battle of the fruit should have ended. At this time, the monks were vying for those congenital treasures, and the pressure from the far distance made Xu Ziyan know that the worst who participated in the battle was also the monk of the honor. In this case, Xu Ziyan did not want to go, let alone those who respected It is also uncomfortable for Tian Zun to be on the beaten by the aftermath of their fight.

The most important thing is that Xu Ziyan is very satisfied now. She can't wait to leave here at this time, find a place where no one is going to count her own harvest.

But she knew she couldn't leave, and that would cause doubts about her monks who knew her. What's more, you can go to other places without going to the treasure house!

Thunder and Xianfu is so big, maybe the garbage that Thunder Tianzun thinks is not important is a good thing for the present Shangyuan continent?

As for the refining and refining of the town’s stone monument, Xu Ziyan didn’t even want to think about it at the moment. Once the township stone monument began to refine, it could not stop. Once it was refining and halfway, it was discovered by other monks. Isn’t it looking for death?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately flew to the place where there was no monk battle, and looked at the room one by one...

"Wow~~ This chair is actually made of billions of years of thunder wood. It is a waste to make a chair!" Xu Ziyan took the chair and took it away.

"Wow~~ This teapot and teacup turned out to be the first-class fairy treasure of Amethyst refining. Why did he get such a high-grade teapot? Received!"

"This bed... is actually a crystal marrow... Where did he get such a large piece of crystal marrow, he could make a bed..."

Xu Ziyan stood in the bedroom of Thunder Tianzun and looked at the bed. With a wave of sleeves, the whole bed was taken up and looked around. I saw a closet next to it, two steps up and opened the closet.

"Wow~~ This big 氅 氅 先 先 先 先! This hat is also the top quality Xianbao! This underwear... 呸..."

Xu Ziyan "snake" shut the closet, and then waved the whole wardrobe closed...

Gradually, there was a voice around, and Xu Ziyan knew that this should be the battle for the treasure house. These monks began to sweep around like themselves. Xu Ziyan smiled in the heart. For such a long time, the entire Thunder Xianfu has been almost wiped out by himself.

Gradually, Xu Ziyan saw some monks, Xu Ziyan tightened his face, and only wanted to laugh.

Those bounded monks are fine, and they have put everything they have in the world. But those monks who did not cultivate the world out of bounds were embarrassed. One by one, the shoulders of the sacred monks are like the power of the mortal...

However, Xu Ziyan soon felt that the eyes of the surrounding monks were sharp, and Xu Ziyan erected his ears and listened for a while. It turned out that these monks found that each room was empty, although no traces were found, but it should not be like this!

At least it is impossible to empty rooms? How come you have a bit of furniture? Is there a chair always there?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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