The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1941: Ten-sided ambush

Now the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of Ren Zun, but she still refuses to give up any time to improve herself.

After a day, Shaoguan was the turn of Xu Ziyan.

She pushed the door of the first level and saw the python again.

Xu Ziyan has passed through this time very quickly, and has already passed through it once. It is naturally a lot faster. In fact, Xu Ziyan really has little time to calculate. The time spent waiting in each small space is very long, because there are many monks in the queue at every level.

This situation has become less and less with the customs, and the time for Xu Ziyan to wait is getting shorter and shorter. When Xu Ziyan once again enters the small space of the eighth level, here Only at this time, only Xu Ziyan was one person, and Xu Ziyan had stayed in the trial hall for ten days.

The monks who went to the Thunder Valley have returned, and even Lan Bailing, the dance color coat and Ma Jingying also returned to the Shangyuan League.

Eight scorpions will surround Xu Ziyan in the middle, and a kind of force will be generated instantly around Xu Ziyan...

Xu Ziyan’s look became dignified...

This power...

One life, two, three, three things. There are also two so-called Taijisheng, two instruments and four phases, four students and eight gossips, and eighties and sixty-four, and since then the changes have been endless.

"Master, hands-on!" Array one shouted in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan's knowledge.

“How to do it?” Xu Ziyan was a bit stunned. She felt that the surrounding forces were getting stronger and stronger, and her **** became more and more tight.

"Master!" The sound of the first one is a little anxious: "The eight cymbals are composed of the Eight Diagrams, one life, two, two three. Three things. There are two so-called Taiji two instruments, two instruments and four phases, four generations of gossip The gossip has changed to sixty-four. From then on, the changes are endless.

This kind of power will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time. If the power of the Eight Diagrams is reached, it will be almost impossible to break.

To take advantage of the fact that the Eight Diagrams has just been created, its power is still at its lowest. Use your pure power to break the gossip! ”

"Hard broken?"

"Yes! Master, now your body strength has reached the peak of the people's respect, and the strength of these shackles is not even in the early days, so the master can break it!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly realized that at this time, he was not the first time to go through the customs. Now his own body strength has reached the peak of the late Ren Ren, and these shackles are simply in front of her.


Xu Zi smoked and his right foot was on the ground. The earth is cracked, and the figure is like a straight arrow shot. A punch and a sly fist hit a place.

That cockroach was instantly crushed by the purple smoke.


It was seven sounds, and the remaining seven dragonflies were crushed by Xu Ziyan.

The body shape flashed, and Xu Ziyan entered the ninth gate.

Outside the Trial Hall, hundreds of thousands of monks have gathered at this time. These people are here to learn some lessons from the process of Xu Ziyan.


at this time……

All the monks are petrified...

There is no skill at all, and this is completely a violent break. It is a pure power suppression...

This... Is the body strength of Xu Ziyan more than the peak of the late Emperor?

Has it reached the early stage of human respect?

How can this be?

"This trial hall is so easy? It seems that I have to go!" Ma Jingying said with a big head.

"Idiot!" Lan Bailing did not look at Ma Jingying, spit out two words coldly.

"Who are you talking about?" Ma Jingying was furious.

Lan Bailing was too lazy to take care of Ma Jingying, but her heart was full of shock. She was shocked not that Xu Ziyan easily passed the eighth level, and saw the performance of Xu Ziyan in Thunder Xianfu. Xu Ziyan was even more enchanting, and she would not be surprised.

She was shocked that Xu Ziyan's cultivation was improved, and it was only twenty days later. Xu Ziyan actually broke through and reached the late Emperor.

This...the speed of ascension...

Xu Ziyan was sitting in the small space of the ninth off the knee, but she only operated for a week. I know that the pressure space here is of no use to her.

Stand up from the ground. Going to the gate of the ninth gate.

At the ninth level, there was no monk at the time, and Xu Ziyan was the first monk in the ninth.

Pushing the door of the ninth pass, Xu Ziyan was in the air and went to the ninth level.

Nine cockroaches appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. This time, without a reminder, Xu Ziyan rushed over. Even without giving nine chances to form the Nine Palaces, Xu Ziyan’s double fists were bombarded on the nine skeletons.


Hundreds of thousands of monks outside the trial hall looked strange, and at this time they did not know how to allow the purple smoke.

At this time, all the monks have already known that Xu Ziyan’s body repair has absolutely broken through the peak of the late Emperor, and the worst is also the early stage of human respect, which may reach the peak of the early human respect.

This is too subversive of the understanding of these monks!

Is it true that she is the demon family when she is the master of the early emperor's cultivation?

The Yaozu is not so perverted, right?

How did she cultivate?

Is she a martial arts teacher?

At this time, Xu Ziyan has stood in the tenth level. As soon as I entered the tenth level, it was an empty space that reflected in the vision of Xu Ziyan. I could not see a cockroach.

This can not help but make her a little confused, no jealousy, how does this make her pass?

Xu Ziyan began to be confused...

"Master!" Array one in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan called: "This is one of the top ten ancient arrays of the ancient times, tens of ambushes."

"Dozens of ambush?"

"Yes, Master. This is one of the top ten ancient arrays. The ambush on the ten sides will induce the enemy to enter the designated scene, and the monks will be exhausted by the assassination, poisoning, traps, etc., and will give a fatal blow at the most vulnerable time. There is no fixed mode of law, anytime, anywhere. According to the location, people, and days, it is very dangerous.

"How is it broken?"

"If the heart is clear, the sky is not shocked!"

"If the heart is clear, the sky is not shocked! What do you mean?"

"Keep your own calm. Step by step to the opposite door."

"Step by step to the opposite door? Only a few kilometers away, just rushing past, why should we step by step?"

"You can't fly, as long as your feet are off the ground. The whole big array will change and you will be sent."

"Is it sent back? If I dodge in battle, my feet will leave the ground, will it be retransmitted back here?"

"Not bad!"

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan's look became dignified: "Let me experience this ambush!"

At this time, hundreds of thousands of monks outside were also stunned. It is reasonable to say that Xu Ziyan has entered the tenth level. How can there be no slight change in the tenth level?

All the spirits of the monks are alive, and the tenth pass is too surprising, and people can't find their goals. But every monk's heart became dignified. Every monk knows that the more the tenth performance is, the more dangerous it is.

Just getting experience from Xu Ziyan's Shaoguan, let the secret of the tenth pass completely present in front of them.

The eyes of hundreds of thousands of monks are tightly locked in the body of Xu Ziyan in the tenth Guan...


"She moved!"

Hundreds of thousands of monks whispered softly, and the gaze of the one-step glimmered, the spirit of unprecedented concentration.

Xu Ziyan walked forward very slowly step by step. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s mood had completely calmed down. Since you want to get through, you have completely experienced the tenth level. This ten-faced ambush.

She just wants to go slowly and see what is the secret of the tenth level?

When she took the ninth step, the scene in the field of vision changed and the space began to distort.


The original scene of the space suddenly disappeared completely, and countless monsters rushed toward Xu Ziyan, dense and inexhaustible...

"The beast tide?" Xu Ziyan looked awkward: "Is this true and false?"


The animal wave flooded Xu Ziyan, and at this time Xu Ziyan also understood what these animal tides are?

This is a fantasy, a illusion of spiritual power.

Although it is an environment, it does not mean that there is no harm to the monk. That is a kind of mental injury. Let the monks become confused, become exhausted, and become weak...

Then there is a dark attack!

At this time, Xu Ziyan has understood that this animal wave cannot be simply regarded as a fantasy. It is impossible to let these monsters attack themselves. Every time the monster is attacked on his own body, his own knowledge will be hurt a little. When your own knowledge is hurt frequently. I will inevitably panic, exhaustion, weakness...

Xu Ziyan went forward step by step, and the fists were bombarded with each other. Each punch brought out a strong hurricane, exploding the air and making a "beep" explosion.

A monster was smashed by her, and the frequency of her footsteps did not change at all. The distance between the two feet was as measured by the ruler, and there was never a slight change.

At this time, the frequency of Xu Ziyan’s double boxing has already pulled out the residual image in the space. The speed of the double boxing is as fast as the body has produced thousands of arms.

Trial of the temple, hundreds of thousands of monks looked at the tenth Guan Xuyan. In the vision of Xu Ziyan is an endless wave of animals, but in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of monks is an empty space, where there are any monsters, and some are just a purple smoke, where they are constantly waving their fists.

"This... Is the purple smoke gone into flames?" Ma Jingying asked worriedly.

"Idiot!" Lan Bailing's voice appeared in the eyes of Ma Jingying as usual.

"You are an idiot, can you see what?" Ma Jingying was not surprised and angered.

"Fantasy!" Lan Bailing spit out two words very cheaply, too lazy to take care of Ma Jingying.


I was still hesitant, and I groaned with my comrades. I didn't think that my comrades reacted so much. There was a speech in the book review area, and there was a message in the small window of my penguin. Some hope not to break, some to understand.

Thank you for your bells, and here is a determination, try your best to keep improving!


*(To be continued~^~)

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