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"Fantasy?" Ma Jingying suddenly realized that it was rare for her to bicker with Lan Bailing this time, but to look at the cold and clear eyes:

"Cold sister, is the purple smoke lost in the magic array? She is waving her arms there, is it being beaten?"

The cold and clear mouth passed a smile, his eyes did not leave the tenth pass, and whispered:

"You open your eyes and look good!"

Ma Jingying looked at her for a moment and said: "Colder sister, my eyes have reached the limit, I don't see anything?"

Leng Qing 贞 turned his head and glanced at Ma Jingying, and saw that Ma Jingying was squinting at her eyes. She couldn’t help but whisper, and she said helplessly:

"I don't mean to let you open your eyes, but let you watch it carefully!"

"Oh oh..." Ma Jingying hurriedly squinted her eyes, alleviating the discomfort that had just caused her eyes to blink, and began to watch it carefully.

After watching it for a while, Ma Jingying was confused, and asked weakly to Leng Qingyi: "Sister Cold, I didn't see anything!"

Leng Qingyi shook his head helplessly and explained softly:

"Look at the pace of purple smoke! The frequency of each step is the same. The distance is the same for each step. What does this mean?"

Ma Jingying's eyes brightened. Her nerves don't mean she is stupid. Leng Qingyi is only a slight explanation, she understands that Xu Ziyan is not lost in the illusion.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had walked half a step by step, and her mouth passed a smile. At this time, the fairy can not be used. God's knowledge has also been suppressed. But under this pressure, her soul has produced a wonderful feeling under an extremely calm mind.

This wonderful feeling does not belong to the fairy, nor to the category of God. It has nothing to do with the gods, it is a kind of soul power. A wonderful feeling of the soul, this feeling is sensitive to the surrounding environment, Xu Ziyan even feels more than the gods. The gravity space here cannot actually suppress the power of this soul.

The volatility of the soul spreads around, and is not suppressed by the slightest. All changes around it are presented in her soul. Not presented in her knowledge of the sea, is her soul.

This made Xu Ziyan have a trace of confusion, and she lacked understanding of the power of the soul. But at this time it is not a moment of comprehension. In her soul, she saw four spatial fluctuations spreading towards her very fast.

The volatility of these four directions is invisible to the vision of the purple smoke, but it is clearly felt in the soul.


The four baboons had just arrived around Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s fist had shattered their bodies. These four are not illusions, but real shackles, a kind of shackles hidden in the illusion, but in the face of the power of Xu Ziyan's soul...

At this time, Xu Ziyan has completely controlled the situation and has such a wonderful soul power. Xu Ziyan is like a fish at this time. Still step by step, not moving slowly, the fists continually smashed a illusion, and smashed it when he suddenly came close.

Step by step to the opposite door, Xu Ziyan easily lifted his hand and pushed the door open. All the illusions have disappeared, and Xu Ziyan stepped out.

Stepping out of the door, there was a small space in front of Xu Ziyan. This is a small house with a white jade table in the middle. At this time, Bai Yutai flashed a brilliance, and a jade card appeared on Baiyutai.

Xu Ziyan immediately understood. This jade card is a sign of success in Shaoguan. Holding this jade card should be able to enter the nave and apse of the 12th dynasty.

Going forward, reaching out and taking the jade card in his hand, and then going out from the other portal, it is the outside of the trial hall. As soon as I walked out of the trial hall, I saw cold and clear. Some people like Lan Bailing, Dance Color and Ma Jingying are waiting outside.

"Congratulations!" Leng Qingyi and others shook hands at Xu Ziyan.

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan smiled and returned.

"Ziyan Shimei... You... Did you break through to the late Emperor?" Ma Jingying glared at an incredible pair of eyes.

The remaining monks rolled neatly into a white eye. This Ma Jingying is really big enough. At this time, it was discovered that Xu Ziyan broke through to the late Emperor.

Then naturally it was a congratulatory event. Xu Ziyan was the monk of the Eastern Zongmen after all, and the first monk who had passed through the trial hall. This is the pride of the entire Eastern Zongmen. Therefore, the entire Eastern Zongmen monks felt elated, and it was a great celebration, and then they asked Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not hide the experience of Shaoguan. There is nothing worthy of concealing. It is very detailed to tell the experience of Shaoguan.

Three days after the bustling, Xu Ziyan sat alone in the room to have a quiet heart. Sitting for a while, I can't help but laugh. I even forgot to count the treasures in the Thunder Xianfu, but I got too many things, and I threw them all to the peach blossoms, let them count, and then report to themselves.

Just leaving the cheats in the Thunder Xianfu, Xu Ziyan calmed down to classify those cheats, this can not help but be overjoyed.

At the beginning, she collected everything in the secret room of Thunder Xianfu, including the bookshelf. At this time, we will know the classification of cheats. It is not only the magical techniques and refining techniques of Thunder Tianzun innovation, but also the secrets of the various genres in the ancient times about the symbols and refiners.

Xu Ziyan gave the cheats about the refiner to the device and the second, and the two people retired with great interest. However, Xu Ziyan did not choose to retreat to comprehend the system, and decided to go to the 12th.

After all, these cheats have fallen into their own hands, and later there is time to comprehend. However, he has only been in the Yuanmeng League for only ten years. Now that he has passed more than a year, it is the most important thing to realize the inheritance of the twelve ancient Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan only used half a year to fully comprehend the inheritance of the Jinmu water and fire in the 12th. In fact, it is not accurate to understand. After all, Xu Ziyan has already realized the great perfection of the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo. In the inheritance hall, he only gained some details in comparison with his own comprehension.

In this way, she only has the inheritance of life, Tian Zun and Qi Qing Tian Zun, the inheritance of the three inheritance halls. This is the place where Xu Ziyan needs to be conscientiously comprehended.

In the first half of the year, the twelve ancient Tianzun did not come to Xu Ziyan again. It is obvious that they have not fully realized the seven-piece formation.

Just as Xu Ziyan had some thoughts and was ready to enter the inheritance hall of the Seven Loves, the communication jade hanging from the waist shook. The opening of the jade briefing was originally a message from the master's sword, which made her and Leng Qing return to Cang Zongzong.

There is no reason to ask, and she also wants to go back and see how Xu family is developing in Ziyanfeng. After Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyu merged, they took the baby to fly to the sky. Today's original cloud baby is already the late peak of the next product, its speed has a qualitative change. It took only half a month, and Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyi returned to the peak of Cangwu Zong.

Entering the main hall of Jianfeng, Xu Ziyan’s look is a slight sigh, because not only she and Leng Qing’s return, Song Wanzhong, who went to the Western Mozu field, thousands of drunks and Zhang Wujie also came back, plus stayed in A sword peak of the moon and heart, a Jianfeng master and eight people gathered together.

This is not to let Xu Ziyan’s heart stunned. Is it something that has happened to Jianfeng?

When the two men met with Master and met the same door separately, they were only in Master’s permission to drop the seat, and the Master’s sword that looked at the inquiring eyes was in vain.

The sword has no eyes on his seven disciples, and his eyes are proud. In the seven disciples of his own, Lang Yue has now reached the critical point of breaking through the mid-term of the land, and the heart has reached the peak of the early respect of the people. The cold and clear has reached the critical point of breaking through the middle of the Emperor, Song Wanzhong, Thousand Cups of Drunk and Zhang Wujie After experiencing the baptism of the Mozu field, there has also been qualitative progress.

Song Wanzhong and Thousand Cups of Drunken have now reached the critical point of breaking through the early days of Emperor Xian, and Zhang Wujie is already the peak of the Emperor. The smallest Xu Ziyan is the late Emperor.

As long as it follows this trend, the rise of a Jianfeng is just around the corner.

"The disciples!" Sword's face became serious, and the voice said: "Master is now the beginning of Tianzun, but recently Master feels that his cultivation is somewhat stagnant. So Master decided to go out again, hope Can make a breakthrough."

The appearance of the seven disciples is a bit stunned. It is not the first time that the sword has gone out and traveled. Is it necessary to bring everyone back for this?

"I don't know how long it will take for the teacher to go out this tour, maybe a year, maybe a hundred years, or a thousand years..."

The bodies of the seven disciples were all shocked, and some of them understood the idea of ​​a sword. Only with such a big event can Master let all the disciples come back. Sure enough, I heard the sword no longer continued:

"If you leave the millennium, you can't have a peak, so you are ready to pass the position of the peak to one of you."

Having said that, I look at Langyue. When Lang Yue saw Master’s gaze coming over, he stood up and said:

"Master, this peak, I don't do it! I still want to go out and travel. The disciple is now at the critical point of the breakthrough, stuck here. I also want to go out and find the opportunity to break through, you still let the second division be the peak. !"

The heart heard the words and stood up from the chair. "Master, this is not the main disciple. The disciples are only interested in cultivation. If you give the position of the peak to the disciple, maybe the disciple will A Jianfeng made a mess."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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