The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1943: Takeoff plan

"Master, I don't do it either!" Leng Qingyi shook his head like a rattle: "Master, you know what the former Jianfeng is like. Today's changes are brought by the younger sister. The disciple thinks small. Shimei is the most suitable candidate for the position of the peak."

Xu Ziyan jumped up when he heard it: "Master, I am not right, the disciples' cultivation is still low, and they must cultivate. Besides, before the disciples have not reached a Jianfeng Peak, they are all six sisters who are presiding over a Jianfeng. I think it is still Six sisters are the peak owners!"

Zhang Wujie did not listen to it: "Master, this Jianfeng has been a disciple for many years. The other brothers and sisters have traveled through the cultivation, cultivation practice, and now the disciples have been repaired to the lowest, even small The teacher’s cultivation is more than the disciple. The disciples do not do it, and the disciples must practice.”

For a time, the sword couldn’t help but laugh and cry. Other peaks are vying for the peak, and even for the peak of the Lord has appeared in the same door. My own disciple is doing well, as if he had suffered a lot of losses.

However, the sword is also very proud of its illusory, at least its own disciples have not been disabled for the sake of the peak, and their seven disciples have always been harmonious.

However, a Jianfeng can not be without the peak owner?

But I can't force my disciples to be the peak! Today, there is only Song Wanzhong and a thousand cups who are not talking. The sword is invincible and looks at them both. Thousands of cups were drunk and saw Master’s gaze coming over and hurriedly shook his head:

"Master, disciple, in addition to cultivation, the biggest hobby is drinking. If you are not afraid of disciples, you will let your disciples serve as the peak."

The sword has no anger and shakes his head. Other disciples are fine. At the very least, there is a legitimate reason to deny, a thousand cups are drunk, and directly threaten the sword with no drunkenness.

At this time, Song Wanzhong stood up and said: "Master, the disciple really wants to be a sword peak. When the disciple is very young, there is a dream. I hope that a sword peak can become the first peak of the Cangwu Zongbaifeng. The peak of the peak, the disciple is willing. However, the cultivation of the disciple is too low now, if the disciple is now a sword peak. I am afraid that it will attract the ridicule of other mountains."

The sword has no headache, and now it seems that only Song Wanzhong is willing to be the leader of the peak. However, Song Wanzhong said that it is not bad. His cultivation is still low. If he is now the peak owner, he will not be ridiculed by other mountains, or he will deal with Zongmen Baifeng in the future.

The main gates of the Cangwu Zongxuanmen Baifeng Peak are all cultivated by the Xianzun period. How can it be used as a monk in the late peak of the Emperor? Is this not a big joke?

After a long period of indulging, the sword said without a sigh: "This way, Song Wanzhong is the successor of the peak of the Jianfeng. Before Song Wanzhong has not reached the initial revision of the human respect, the size of a Jianfeng is suitable to be presided over by Langyue. ""

Waved to stop Langyue, the sword continued to say: "Long Yue, Master is not to let you travel, but your travel time can not be too long. Come back every time to see it!"

The sword is worthy of the word, and Langyue has nothing to say. The future peak of such a Jianfeng has already been determined, and Lang Yue looks at Song Wanzhong:

"Four younger brothers, you have to hurry up and improve your strength! Hurry up and cultivate to the people's respect, and a sword peak will be handed over to you."

Song Wanzhong smiled bitterly: "Master, I think too! But this cultivation is not a one-time thing!"

"I don't care!" Langyue waved: "You are going anyway!"

Song Wanzhong only had a bitter smile, but there was also a hint of excitement in his eyes. Although he always hopes that he can serve as the peak, let a Jianfeng fly in his own hands. But he has always buried this mind in his heart, because there is a long moon on his face. Cold and clear. He always thought that the position of this peak will never fall on him. I did not think that the position of the leader of this day really fell on him. This can not help but make him excited, the heart secretly determined, must have a Jianfeng in his hands to really take off.

"Okay!" A sword peak has been followed, and the sword is not empty at this time. Looking at Song Wanzhong said: "Wanzhong, now you are already the leader of a sword. Although there is a long moon on the bright surface, you need to work hard from now on." What is the plan?"

Song Wanzhong indulged for a while: "Master, there are still less than four years when Cang Zongzong opened the mountain to accept the disciples. This time the disciples are prepared to recruit more disciples, and before that, the disciples also want to go to the inner and outer gates. If you have qualified disciples and good morals, you also want to recruit some in advance. There are too few disciples in Jianfeng! If you want a sword peak to take off, the number of disciples cannot be less!"

The sword has no need to smile and smiles: "Not bad!"

"But..." Song Wan said with a bitter face: "Master, a Jianfeng, these tens of millions of years, ruined the business, the foundation has been worse than before, we ... we are short of money! The so-called cultivation of the four treasures, the law and wealth .

Law, now a Jianfeng has basically completed the inheritance, and we have plans to slowly recruit disciples. Ground, a Jianfeng has a lot of cultivation. We are poor! ”

"Yeah!" The sword nodded vainly, and his look was awkward. A sword peak had already consumed almost everything. Previously, because a Jianfeng disciple was scarce, he did not think about it. One mind was used to improve his strength. Now that a Jianfeng wants to take off, this wealth becomes a short board.

"do you have any plans?"

"The disciple thinks this way!" Song Wanzhong glanced at Xu Ziyan: "This thing still needs the help of the younger sister."

When Xu Ziyan heard the words and immediately understood the thoughts of the four divisions, he looked at Song Wanzhong: "Please ask the four divisions."

Song Wanzhong said a little embarrassedly: "Small teacher, this requires you to make a contribution to the family. I don't know what level of Xujia four halls have reached now? You can rest assured..."

Song Wanzhong was afraid of Xu Ziyan's thoughts and hurriedly explained: "I will set the rules and will not let Xu Jiabai be busy. I know that Xiaoshimei is preparing to use Ziyanfeng as the development base of Xujia, but only by the power of Xujia. There will be many restrictions, and it may not be beneficial to the development of Xu.

I think so, Xu Jiasi, on the basis of not delaying cultivation, how many Xiandan Xianfu can be rectified in one month, and what is the quality of Xianxian Xianzhen? After these statistics came out, Xu Jia’s four churches only managed refining, and a Jianfeng was responsible for the sale. At that time, the profits obtained by Jianfeng and Xujia are divided into four quarters, one Jianfeng four, Xu Jialiu, how? ”

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it, and she did not want Xu to be too involved in energy. After all, the main energy of the monk should be placed on cultivation. If the Xu family is completely independent, it will involve a lot of energy, and the face of a Jianfeng will not good looking. This is completely a way of opening a sword peak, which will create a gap with a sword peak. And once this matter is passed out, Xu will be considered ungrateful by the whole Xiuxian world, and will be unable to move in the future. Therefore, Xu Ziyan nodded:

"Four brothers, after a while back to Ziyanfeng, I will let Xu's four disciples come to see you, and then you will discuss with them. However, the materials needed for Xujiasi are all a sword peak, or Let's divide it into five or five!"

"it is good!"

Song Wanzhong is also a decisive person, and he is not polite with Xu Ziyan. In the future, I will take care of Xu in other aspects.

"Master!" Song Wan regained his chest and said: "With the support of Xu Family, the disciples firmly believe that the summit of a sword will slowly take off!"

Xu Ziyan frowned and said: "Four brothers, this is still a slow effort. As you said, a sword summit will begin to recruit disciples, so slowly develop a disciple willing to join a Jianfeng? Even if a disciple is willing to join, Can a Jianfeng be able to come up with the same benefits as other mountains to the newly added disciples?

If you can't, it's hard to recruit a disciple later! Once this influence is passed, it will be difficult to change people's minds. ”

Song Wanzhong smiled bitterly: "Little sister, this is just my plan, with the reputation of our Jianfeng, although everyone knows that we have completed the inheritance. But we all know that our Jianfeng has already tossed the family in these years, so I estimate that there are not many disciples recruited, only slowly."

"Then we will first hit the reputation of our Jianfeng!" Xu Ziyan said with a slap in the face.

Song Wanzhong’s eyes lit up: “Small sister, what are you doing?”

"This way!" Xu Ziyan said softly: "I will give you a batch of five products to the inferior level of Xiandan, fairy, fairy and fairy. These are all you watched for sale. It is best to hold an auction on a regular basis. The reputation of Jianfeng will spread quickly. There are several such auctions, and which monk can say that we have a bad peak?"

"Great!" Song Wanji jumped excitedly: "It’s just too late to delay the cultivation of the younger sister..."

Undoubtedly, everyone thinks that the innate Xianbao, the congenital immortal, the congenital fairy and the congenital fairy tales should all be Xu Ziyan refining, which will inevitably take up the time of Xu Ziyan, even the sword is not empty and reveals the color of worry:

"Ziyan, the development of a Jianfeng is not in a hurry, your cultivation is important!"

Xu Ziyan showed a smile on her face. In her purple smoke space, there was a large inventory of one, two, Dan, Dan, Fu and He. What is missing today is the material. Although a lot of materials have been obtained from Thunder Xianfu, they can't help the six people to constantly refine their refinement!

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is very lacking in materials, just after this opportunity to let Song Wan sell it for materials.

Of course, Xu Ziyan could not give these all to Song Wanzhong. It would make people wonder how Xu Ziyan had so much time to refine those things. Doesn't she need time to practice?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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