The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1944: Reconstruction of Thunder Cave House

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Sinking into the purple smoke space, God quickly swept through the inventory inside, and could not help but be surprised. This class of six people is still fierce, it seems that they have not stopped refining, Xu Ziyan immediately decided to take out one tenth, and then slowly take it out.

Put the things into the eight storage rings, and the two storage rings of Xiandan Xianzi Xianfuxian. The eight storage rings were taken out, and it was discovered that the seven people in the hall at this time focused their attention on her. Then he smiled and handed the eight storage rings to Song Wanzhong:

"Four brothers, you take these things!"

Song Wanzhong took over eight storage rings, and the gods swept in the inside...

"When oh..."

With a hand shake, the eight storage rings fell to the ground. The sound of the sluggish Song Wanzhong jumped up, and started to kneel down and carefully smashed the eight storage rings, holding them in their hands and smirking.

The sword is not happy, this Song Wanzhong used to be steady, how is it so frivolous now?

Isn't it purple smoke to take out something?

As for?

Even if a sword is poor, don’t you behave like this kind of stuffed buns?

Fortunately, there are no other people here. If the monks of other mountain peaks see such a virtue as their disciples, where will their old faces go?

His face sank and he shouted: "Million, steady! You are the future peak of a Jianfeng! It's awkward!"

"Yes! Yes! Master!" Song Wanzhong looked red. Hurry nodded.

"Give things to the teacher to see, but also help you to check!" Sword said nothing.

"Yes! Master!"

Song Wanzhong came to the sword with a few steps, and handed the eight storage rings to his hands. The sword waved and folded up eight storage rings, and the gods swept away. The hand is a shake. Fortunately, he was the early monk of Tianzun, and he did not throw eight storage rings.

I took a deep breath and looked at Xu Ziyan, then handed the eight storage rings in my hand to Lang Yuedao:

"You look at it in turn!"

Langyue took some of the eight storage rings in confusion. God swept away, the body was a stiff, Huoran turned to look at Xu Ziyan, his face excited red, his lips smashed twice, and finally did not say anything, but handed the eight storage rings to the heart. After the heart was finished, the hands were trembled and handed to the cold. The last thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie.

When everyone saw it again, the sword said without a sigh: "You must remember that the take-off of a Jianfeng is brought by purple smoke, and you must be grateful for the purple smoke."

Looking at the purple smoke path: "Ziyan, what are your requirements, even though. No matter what, Master promised."

Xu Ziyan has already thought about the rhetoric. Whispered: "Master, now we have only four brothers in a sword peak, the five brothers and six sisters are not using the innate fairy treasure, I see from here to let the four brothers, five brothers and six sisters each pick a congenital sword! ”

"it is good!"

The sword nodded proudly, and there was a trace of pride on his face. Which of the mountain's disciples use the congenital fairy? Only they have a sword peak.

This is not proud! With this in mind, the limelight of a Jianfeng will be big in the future!

"As for the rest of the things, I have trouble four brothers!"

"No trouble! No trouble!"

Song Wanzhong's excited face flushed, he can imagine in his mind at this time, as long as he took out some of these things for auction, it is bound to cause a sensation. From now on, he became the most popular person in Cangwu. There will be many people who ask for him. He is no longer despised by other monks...

"Four brothers..."

"Little sister, you said."

"The materials of these things are all from me, so I sold the earned fairy crystals, I took seven, and one Jianfeng took three. Can I?"

"Of course!" Song Wanzhong nodded again and again, to tell the truth, he felt that the younger sister suffered.

"And. You gave me the 20% of the 70% of the crystals I got. The rest of the 50% I need to change the materials for me. The more advanced, the better!"

Song Wanzhong frowned slightly: "Little sister, it takes time to acquire materials..."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is nature! The sister did not say that I want to be immediately. I am afraid I will trouble the brothers to buy materials for the sisters for a long time."

"This is no problem!" Song Wan regained a sigh of relief and nodded happily.

“Well, there is!” Xu Ziyan handed it to Song Wanzhong, a storage bag: “Four brothers, this storage bag contains a thousand broken orders of Dan and a thousand breakthroughs. Dan, you can take it in batches and auctions!"


Song Wanzhong’s eight storage rings, which have been held in his hands, fell to the ground again...

However, this time the sword is not empty and has not been reprimanded by Song Wanzhong. He knows the value of these two types of broken orders. Although the grade is not high, it will definitely cause a sensation.

The breakthrough of the last auction of the immortal period of the Dan has already caused a sensation, but this time Xu Ziyan has increased the breakthrough of the Tianxian period.

You must know that only the monks who have reached the fairy season can fly, and they are counted as true immortals. The emergence of such a broken Dan, I am afraid that the sensation is not just the Cangzong, but the entire Yuanyuan.

The reputation of a Jianfeng is going to be far!

No need to worry about recruiting disciples!

I am afraid that the troubles after the Jianfeng Peak are too many disciples who want to join a Jianfeng!


Be sure to choose well. From now on, no one can join a Jianfeng!

After the eight masters and apprentices were excited to plan a little, Song Wanzhong followed Xu Ziyan to the Ziyanfeng and Xujia four halls to discuss matters. Xu Ziyan handed the four divisions to the four homes of Xujia. By the way, he also visited Xu’s disciples. After chatting with the crowd, including the intoxication, it began to plan to rebuild the Thunder Cave House.

Today she has black stones and large demineralized beads. Naturally, it is necessary to rebuild the Thunder Cave House.

A large array of squadrons shrouded the Thunder Mountain Peak, which brought out the one and the first one, then picked out one of the largest mine-clearing beads and half of the Blackrock and gave them two people, let them start to rebuild the Thunder Cave House. .

Xu Ziyan took a space fairy out of the place where he did not bother them. Then you enter the space fairy. In the space fairy, a one-to-one-time array method was set up. After thinking about it, I went to the purple smoke space to give a small one-to-one small array of six people, and then returned. In the space fairy, the cheats of the various genres from Thunder Tianzun were taken out. I started reading them one by one.

Xu Ziyan stayed in the time array for ten years. The outside world had less than four days. At this time, Xu Ziyan could not stay in the time array because she felt that her own skills would break through. Integrate with Heaven to find the opportunity in the heavens.

From the time array method, standing shoulder-to-hand, the accumulation of ten years has come to mind. The thoughts of a road are flowing in the heart, and her body floats with a mysterious atmosphere.

This kind of atmosphere is getting more and more intense, gradually peeling off a mysterious breath from the heavens and the earth into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, sparkling with a mysterious light, hovering around her god, sneak into Xu Ziyan God of the gods.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly looked at the eyes, and each of them had a pattern of circling among them. Gradually hidden in the depths of the eye.

Xu Ziyan broke through and became a peak in the early days of the next product. He stood on the top of the Shangfu division on the Yuan Dynasty.

I will sink a glimpse into the purple smoke space, and I will see one eye and one device. I will see that the two are still in the time array method. However, if I look at the atmosphere of the two of them, I will probably not be able to use it for a long time. The peak of the congenital fairy teacher.

Looking at the busy ones and the first one, knowing that the two of them still need a period of time, they took out the materials of the syllabus and caught the pen of the inferior celestial treasure from the chaos of the purple smoke space. Come out. Start making the first peak of the next product.

Half a month's time. Xu Ziyan produced ten pieces of the first peak of the original product, and in the past half a month, Fu Yi and Yan Yi also re-established the Thunder Cave House. Xu Ziyan simply pulled the Yuanshen into the sea of ​​his own, and handed his body to the first. Let him re-arrange the entire purple smoke peak of the Wanli Yellow Sands and the Magic Array, and replace the late stage of the nine products with the next generation of fairy tales.

Xu Ziyan will take a line and a one into the purple smoke space. And the Thunder Tianzun's cheats were handed over to Fuyi, and then they walked into Thunder Cave House.

All the way into it, and surely the Thunder quality in the Thunder Cave House has increased too much. Xu Ziyan found that here is not only the ability to quench the body, but also the cultivation of the Thunder property method here. It is a cave of the Rylingen monk.

Thinking of the magical blessing of the monk of Rellingen, Xu Ziyan naturally remembered the condensation cream, and thought of it. The thunder property that was obtained at the auction at the auction appeared in her hand. At this time, the thunderbolt of Thunder’s house has been changed. It became the biggest, and the original thunderbolt was taken up by Xu Ziyan.

At this point, the thunderbolt was taken out and re-established on the hilt of the Thunder property congenital sword. The congenital sword instantly restored its original power.

"This sword will be given to the cold sister!"

Xu Ziyan waved away the surrounding array, which would be Xu Tianlang, Prince Ao, Xu Lin, Ling Xiao, Fire Dance, Ling Yijian, Ximen Yu, Xu Tianma, Xu Tianqi, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tiancheng, Tu Xingmang and Indulging in the flowers, they told them that they could enter the body of the Thunder Xianfu, and they informed them of the importance of the quenching body. Finally, they passed the Thunder quenching body to them, and left the sleeves. Purple smoke mountain peaks.


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Author: Jade C

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Title: "Da Qing Royal Abandoned Woman"

Brief introduction: clearing the rice worms and abandoning women, farming and watching the tiger


*(To be continued~^~)

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