The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1946: Zongmen Xin Mi

Congratulations to Eason to become the best elder!


At this time, a Jianfeng was very busy and was prepared for the auction two days later. And the auction held by Jianfeng has now caused a sensation in Cangwu.

At this auction, there are not only one hundred breakthroughs in the immortal period, but also one hundred breakthroughs in the Tianxian period. This alone completely detonated the entire Cangzong.

The breaking of the Tianxian period is Dan! With such an elixir, you can become a true immortal capable of flying. This temptation is enormous.

However, this is not complete.

At the auction of this Jianfeng Peak, there will be auctions of ten inferior Xianxian Xiandan in the early stage of the product, ten inferior products in the early stage of the product, two sets of innate characters in the early stage, and two congenital Xianbao.

The news came out, and the entire Cangwu riots rioted. No one doubted the truth of the news. The sword is not the kind of person who lies. They raised the fairy crystals while they tapped on the side to explore the source of these things, but the monks of a Jianfeng just shook their heads.

The auction can be described as a burst, and a Jianfeng has achieved a double harvest. The harvest of Xianjing and the harvest of fame.

All of this has nothing to do with Xu Ziyan. When she got countless materials, she returned to Ziyanfeng and prepared to go back to Shangmeng with a few days of Xujia disciples. The matter of a Jianfeng is managed by the four-sister brother Song Wanzhong.

Countless inner and outer disciples want to join a Jianfeng, that is, the disciples who refused Song Wanzhong a few days ago also changed their minds and wanted to join a Jianfeng.

Song Wanzhong was so busy that he was so painful and happy.

this day.

Xu Ziyan ushered in a guest. Condensing cream.

"Xu Shimei, are you going back to the Yuanmeng League?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan smiled as a condensation cream tea.

"Today, come and meet with Xu Shimei, it is also a trip for the sister. Tomorrow, the younger sister is ready to retreat."

Xu Ziyan looked at the condensation cream, and there was a slight surprise in his eyes. Then smiled and handed the ball:

"Congratulations to the cold sister, I am sure you will soon break through the early Emperor!"

The face of the condensation cream is full of joy, and the flow of the flow is grateful: "This is thanks to Xu Shimei!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is your chance."

Two people chatted for a while, Xu Ziyan asked curiously: "Cold Master. How did you cultivate before? Do you have any place in Cangwu Zong that is suitable for your cultivation? I have seen the cave house before you. Not suitable for the disciples of Rellingen!"

The condensation frost smiled and said: "Isn't it! This is also the reason why my cultivation has been slow to improve. However, there is also a place in Cangwu Zong who can help me slightly, but it is much worse than the cave house that Xu Shimei built for me."

“Hey?” Xu Ziyan was interested: “There is such a place in Cangwu Zong?”

"Yeah!" The condensation cream nodded. "Go, Xu Shimei, I will take you to see. I always feel that there is a secret there, but I can't find it, but my master can't find it."

The condensation cream said this completely stirred up the interest of Xu Ziyan. Stand up from the chair:

"Go, cold sister, let's go see."

Two people left the Ziyan Peak, Xu Ziyan followed the condensation cream and flew toward the edge of the Zongxuan Zongxuan. The fog around it gradually became richer, and the more you flew forward, the more intense it was. Later, almost no fingers were seen. Two people flew high out of the thick fog. The thick fog rolled over the feet and the two continued to fly forward.

This flight flew for two hours.

"right here!"

The condensed frost with Xu Ziyan fell to a rock exposed from the thick fog. Two people fell on the rock. Xu Ziyan looked around and followed the rock that he had settled on. There were many stars scattered around. Protruding rock.

"This is the top of a cliff. These rocks are all protruding cliffs. Below is the cliff, very deep. I used to try it, but never succeeded."

The condensation cream whispered aside, Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. Let go of the sense of God and feel it around. Sure enough, I felt the power of the weak Thunder.

Looking at the extremely strong fog below. Thinking of the condensation cream just said, Xu Ziyan’s curiosity was hooked up and whispered to the condensation cream:

"Cold sister, you are waiting here. I will go down and see."

"I will go down too!" The condensation cream knows the ability of Xu Ziyan. Maybe Xu Ziyan can detect the secret here. How can she let this opportunity pass?

She played with the mind of Thunder Xianfu, that is, Xu Ziyan eats meat, she followed the soup.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and stretched out the hand of the condensation cream. Two people jumped and fell to the bottom. The more he went down, the power of the Thunder began to thicken gradually, but it was still not very strong.

When it fell about a kilometer, the condensation frost whispered: "Xu Shimei, you have to be careful. Going down will become dangerous."

Xu Ziyan's body shape immediately opened the eyes of Kun Peng. The richness in front of her eyes disappeared in her vision. The look on her face was slightly changed. The bottom is actually a pinnacle of the late stage of the nine products, and it is a very powerful attack.戮仙阵.

Xu Ziyan immediately pulled the one into the sea, and then let Yan Yi observe the fairy squad through her own eyes, and she whispered to the condensation frost:

"Have you been there before?"

"Yeah!" The condensation cream nodded. "But I just went down less than a meter and immediately retired when I felt the danger."

"Here is a celestial array. You are just going down less than a metre. If you go on a little more, I am afraid I will die."

A small face of the condensation cream immediately became pale, and asked softly: "Xu Shimei, can you go down?"

"There should be no problem. Hold me tight!"

At this time, the first line has already outlined the route in the sea. Xu Ziyan began to circling in the air according to the route, and his body shape fell to the bottom bit by bit.

After about two hours, the two feet touched the ground. The surrounding area is still extremely rich in fog, and the fingers are not visible. Xu Ziyan took the hand of the condensation cream and walked one inch away from the ground along the route. He flew very slowly and gradually flew to the edge of the fog. He was able to faintly see the extremely wide valley outside the fog, and There is no fog in the center of the valley, and there seems to be a film that blocks the tumbling fog.

Suddenly, the purple smoke stopped, and his eyes revealed the color of shock. The condensation cream on the side is also a shocked color, with a slightly open mouth looking at the valley outside the thick fog.

At this time, two people stood at a distance of hundreds of meters away from them. One person was Cang Jiuyi, and one person was earth-water. At this point, the two seem to be arguing over what is going on. In the end, it seems that the soil is very unpleasant, and the robes are sleeved and the body is gone. Cang Jiuyi stood in the original brow and locked, and finally sighed, and also flew away and disappeared into the dense fog.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan and the condensation cream dared to breathe slowly. The shocked colors on the faces of the two people were still on the face, and they looked at each other and resigned.

Needless to say, there should be no treasures here, but it involves the secret of the Zongmen.

Xu Ziyan could not help but gently shake her head. Every time she saw the Sovereign, she was surrounded by water. Moreover, the soil is very respectful to the sovereign.

This kind of respect is not pretending. Xu Ziyan can feel the respect from the heart. The lord also respects the earth. In Xu Ziyan's view, the relationship between the sovereign and the soil is very harmonious.

But today she saw a conflict between two people, and it was the first time that the soil was angered and left.

I can't stay here anymore, but the two people didn't dare to leave immediately. I was afraid that I wouldn't leave the soil or the Cang Jiu.

The two people stood quietly in the same place, their faces were breathing, and they used the method of fetal interest to dare to make a slight sound.

Time passed quietly, and it took a whole hour. Xu Ziyan only tightened the hand of the condensed cream, and the two men flew slowly upwards.

According to the direction of a pointing point, he slowly left the Xianxian array. At this time, the two people were more careful and did not dare to release their knowledge. Two people quietly floated in the air, listening to their ears.

For a long time, I didn’t hear the slightest sound, and it slowly rose upwards.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng and looked at it. Fly to the top little by little. The two men finally flew up to the rock, and there was no figure of the lord and the earth, which made both people breathe a sigh of relief.

The two did not dare to stop, and immediately flew toward the Ziyan Peak. The condensation frost panic did not expect to return to Baihuafeng, but returned to Ziyanfeng with Xu Ziyan.

Inside the purple smoke fairy.

The two men were silent and did not know what to say for a while.

What is the secret of Cangwu Zong?

What kind of secret will make a strong dispute between the sovereign and the soil that has always been in harmony?

How does this affect the Cangwu Zong?

With a sigh of relief, Xu Ziyan said: "Colder sister, this thing has not happened, don't talk to others, even your master should not mention it."

The condensation cream hurriedly nodded and said: "I know!"

The two men were silent again, half a ring, and the condensation frost screamed: "Xu Shimei, I am going back!"

"Well! I will send you!"

Xu Ziyan also stood up from the chair, and left the purple smoke peak with the condensation cream, flew toward a Jianfeng.

It was near midnight and there was silence all around.

Suddenly, a heavy bell came from the silent night sky.


The shape of Xu Ziyan and the condensing cream was in the air, and the look was changed. Now Xu Ziyan is no longer a rookie. She knows what the bell means. When I was in the middle of the city, when I was in the middle of the beast, I used the bell to summon. What happened to the Cangzong? Or is there a demon and a demon?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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