The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1947: Zongmen change


A number of physiques flew up on a sword peak, it is the sword is not empty, Langyue, heart, cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie.

"It is the bell coming from the direction of Tianhongfeng..." The condensation cream was pale and the eyes were horrified.

Xu Ziyan was also a move in his heart, and his face changed. Is it what happened between the sovereign and the soil?

She couldn't think of it like this. She just discovered that there was a fierce conflict between the Sovereign and the Tuyi Water, and then there was a bell in the Rainbow Peak.

Is this a coincidence?


The sword and other people went to the Tianhong Peak, and Xu Ziyan and the condensation cream looked at each other and flew toward Tianhongfeng.

Came to the Tianhong Peak. At this time, the Tianhong Peak has been filled with monks, but they are all elders and disciples. The peaks of the peaks have entered the hall. Those elders and disciples did not have the summons of the peaks and peaks, only waiting outside.

Inside the hall.

The peaks of the peaks and peaks are extremely ugly.

When Cang Jiuyi was sitting on a chair at this time, he had been dying for a long time, and his eyes were wide open, revealing a completely unbelievable.

All the monks in the hall are standing still.

In addition to the peaks and peaks in the main hall, it is the soil and a white-headed dagger.

"What is going on here?" asked the sword without a sigh.

"I found the brother's body in the back of Tianhongfeng..." Tu Yi said with pain.

At this time, the monks standing outside the main hall also heard the explanation of the earth in the hall, and the door of the hall was not closed. The monks in the hall did not avoid it. This kind of thing can't be avoided.

The sovereign is dead?

Who killed it?

There was a commotion in the elders and the disciples outside the door, and Xu Ziyan was there. This happened too suddenly, and Cang Jiuyi was so suddenly collapsed.

Is a late monk in Tianzun so degraded?

Listening to the words inside the hall means being killed? I am afraid that there are very few people who can kill Cang Jiu in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. And it is still on the Tianhong Peak of Cangwu.

工具: The smoky smear is moving from here. She can only rely on her eyesight, so she is choosing the angle and hopes to see the appearance of Cang Jiuyan’s death through the open door.

Move quietly, looking commonly into the hall. Suddenly look a glimpse. She saw the old man who was beheaded by the white beard. He intuitively felt that the old man was very familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen it.

I thought about the time of more than ten interest, I still can't remember where I saw the old man. I hesitated in my heart:

"Maybe the peak of the mountain, after all, I have not seen all the peaks, maybe I have seen it occasionally."

Looking at the Cang Jiuzhen in the hall, I saw Cang Jiu’s eyes wide open, an incredible look. Xu Ziyan’s look changed slightly. With her experience, it can be seen that Cang Jiuyi is very surprised by his death, the person who killed him must know someone, and the relationship is different, so that Cang Jiuyi can show this appearance.

At this time, the earth was coming out of the main hall, and the eyes swept over the monks outside the hall, and said with deep sorrow:

"The lords fell. The monks of each peak returned to their respective peaks and called the disciples to return to the mountains."

The monks silently left the Rainbow Peak. Everyone’s heart was like a big stone, and the sorrow was abnormal. Many monks also saw the look of Cang Jiu’s face through the door. The heart was fluctuating at this time, feeling the celestial You must have something big to happen.

Xu Ziyan also returned to a Jianfeng with uncertainty. In this case, she naturally would not return to the Ziyan Peak, but temporarily stayed at the Jianfeng Peak, waiting for the Master's sword to return.

Lang Yue and others did not return to their own Dongfu. Instead, sitting in the room of Xu Ziyan. It’s just that everyone didn’t talk, and they frowned slightly and frowned, thinking about the incredible things that happened today.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, originally thinking about returning to the Yuanmeng tomorrow. It seems that this plan has to stop.

Time passes by in silence...

I don't know how long it took, the sky has been slightly brightened. Outside the door, the sound of the clothes smashed, and the savage **** swept, and then a figure pushed the door and came in.

"Master!" Seven people, such as Langyue, immediately stood up from the chair and bowed to the sword.

The sword was a little tired, sitting down on a chair and whispering, "Sit down."

Seven people, such as Langyue, sat down with the words, and looked at the master's eyes. The sword sighed with a sigh:

"The lord has fallen, and... it has been determined that it was killed!"

"Which person can so quietly sneak into the sky, the Zongtian Hongfeng, kill the lord?" Langyue eyebrows pick one, murderous.

The sword said with no bitterness: "You are doing a good job. No one can sneak into the sky and kill the lord."

"That..." Langyue was stunned, but the look became extremely ugly: "Master means the people in the sect..."

"Not bad!" The sword nodded gently.

"Who is it? Is it detected? Did you catch it?" Lang Yue asked in a hurry.

At this time, the sword had no hesitation, and he hesitated. "It can be said that it is caught, or it can be said that it has not been caught."

"What does this mean?"

"Oh..." Cang Jiuyi sighed and said: "You are outside, but there is a white-bearded dagger who you have never seen in the hall?"

Mind, cold and clear, thousands of drunk and Zhang Wujie look stunned, Langyue, Song Wanzhong and Xu Ziyan are gently nodding. In particular, Xu Ziyan raised interest in his heart at this time, eager to know who the white-beard dagger is? I have clearly seen this person, why I can’t remember it.

The sword is not satisfied with the Lang Yue, Song Wanzhong and Xu Ziyan nodded: "This person is called Jiang Jiuzhong. Ten million years ago, when the old lord was still alive, Tianhongfeng had three of the most outstanding disciples, big The brother Jiang Jiuzhong, the second brother Cang Jiuyi, the third division brother soil.

These three divisions and brothers have very good feelings, and each person's qualifications and conduct are also good choices. In particular, the master brother Jiang Jiuzhong is the highest, man-made, and has a chest, and is regarded as the successor of the patriarch.

However, when Jiang Jiuzhong went out to travel, he fell in love with a Yao woman, and... He brought the woman back.

The old lord was furious and imprisoned the demon woman and deprived Jiang Jiuzhong of his mastership..."

"Oh..." The sword sighed for a long time: "Now I want to come. The old lord still has expectations for Jiang Jiuzhong’s heart. Otherwise, the demon woman will be killed directly, and where will it be imprisoned? I am afraid that Jiang Jiuzhong’s heart will not be able to open, and I will be decadent. I hope that Jiang Jiuzhong will be able to solve the happy knot one day. At that time, as long as he does not have any relationship with the Yao woman, even if he releases the Yao woman, it is not bad.

Jiang Jiuzhong became silent and moved to the cliff of the imprisoned demon woman for a thousand years. He never came out. Later, the old lord fell, and Cang Jiuyi succeeded him as the sovereign.

The next day, someone saw that Jiang Jiuzhong had left the Cangwu Zong and disappeared from then on. ”

The room was silent. At this time, all the people knew something, but they were not sure. Only the eyes of the inquiry were directed to Master.

And the sword is not in the virtual seems to be caught in the memory, for a long time, a long sigh in the room, the sword said slowly:

"I didn't think that thousands of years later, Jiang Jiuzhong came back. So Cang Jiuyi and Tu Yishui are naturally very happy. The three brothers and brothers have not seen for thousands of years, but their feelings are still deep.

But...but...but I didn’t think that all of them were loaded out by Jiang Jiuzhong. He actually used Cang Jiuyi’s feelings and trust in him to kill Cang Jiu...”

"Why is it that he killed him? Did he admit it?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

The sword looked at Xu Ziyan: "The sovereign is killed by a trick. In this world, there is no one who can kill the sovereign. It is not necessary to say that the ancient gods of the twelve gods, that is, the monks and monks also kill the sovereigns. Ability. But if you want to kill the Sovereign, no one in the whole Yuanyuan can do this, that is, the 12 Ancient Heavens will not do it.

There is only one explanation, that is, the person who kills the lord must be a person whom the lord is very trusting. He has no defensive mind for him, and his cultivation cannot be lower than the lord. Only in this way can we kill the lord when the lord is not prepared.

The two factors are Jiang Jiuzhong. I said that 10 million years ago, Jiang Jiuzhong was the master of Tianhongfeng. At that time, his strength was above Cang Jiu, and now it is impossible to under. Moreover, Cang Jiuyi has great trust in Jiang Jiuzhong, and he has the conditions to kill Cang Jiu. And... found a jade card in the hands of Cang Jiuyi. When I saw the jade brand, I was crying at the time..."

"Yu brand? What kind of treasure is that?"

"That's not a treasure." The sword shook his head: "It's just an ordinary jade card, but the pattern above was hand-cut when Jiang Jiuzhong was young."

"Oh..." Cang Jiuyi’s sighs at this moment caught up with the number of times he sighed for a lifetime, and his face was very ugly:

"The jade card is engraved with three people, Jiang Jiuzhong, Cang Jiuyi and Tu Yishui. That is the birthday present given by Jiang Jiuzhong to Cang Jiuzhen. Now Cang Jiuzhen took this jade card at the dying pole. Come out and hold it in your hand, the meaning is self-evident."

"Does he confess?"

"No!" The sword shook his head: "Jiang Jiuzhong has been in a daze after seeing the body of Cang Jiuyi. It was later sealed by a man, and he was still in a daze. Now he is locked. In the dungeon of the Rainbow Peak. After he is awake, the Law Enforcement Hall will interrogate him."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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