The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1949: Major clue

I wish my comrades a happy Spring Festival!


"Master, why not search for the gods?" Cold and cold said coldly.

The sword smashed the cold and clear eyes: "Sou Shenshu is free to use? If it is not Jiang Jiuzhong, how to explain in the future? If you use the search for God, it is not Jiang Jiuzhong, but also The earth uses the water to search for the gods? They are all the masters of the Cangwu sect. Doesn't this cause the Zongmen chaos? Besides, at the level of Tianzun, the search for the gods may not be able to find the true message. The secret law can be isolated from the search for magic."

"Isn't there any other person besides these two people?" Zhang Wujie also put forward his own opinions.

"What did the master take out of the jade when he was dying?"

The crowd was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere in the room was very heavy. For a long time, the sword sighed without a virtual sigh:

"You are all staying in the peak. Don't run around at this time. I will go to the law enforcement hall and tell us some of the analysis we have here."

"Yes, Master!" Seven people echoed.

The sword stood up from the chair, and a robes of sleeves walked out of the room, and the sky slid and swept away.

The six men of Langyue sat silent for a while, and they all stood up and bowed to Xu Ziyan and returned to their respective Dongfu.

In the law enforcement hall.

Several large monks sat in the chairs, and the law-abiding monks spoke with a pair of faces. Sitting on the side of his body with water, is also a look of ignorance.

The rhetoric sighed with a sigh: "I don't know if Jiang Jiuzhong is awake."

Shi Yishui shook his head and said softly: "Whether the master is awake, I will never believe that this is what he did. You must not be prejudiced. Let the master suffer."

At this time, the sword has come to the law enforcement hall. When I saw that the earth was here, I didn’t talk about it before Xu Ziyan and others. Now I heard the words of the soil. Also whispered:

"This thing is a little more cautious!"

The rhetoric laughed with bitterness: "This box contains the relics of the Sovereign. After discovering the corpse of the Sovereign, I immediately placed the relics of the Sovereign in this box with me and the Tusi brother, and added by both of us. Seal. Now let's see if there is any clue about the relics of the Sovereign."

The words fall. Then he moved a few handcuffs, untied his seal, and pushed the box to the front of the earth. Tu Yishui also moved a few handcuffs, untied his seal, and then pushed the box back to the front of the words.

The words sighed at the box in front of him, and extended his hands to open the box and took out the relics inside. The other relics are clear at a glance, and only one storage ring is left on the table.

At this time, Cang Jiuyi has already disappeared. The storage ring has been banned. The rhetoric quickly took a piece of things out of the storage ring.

The eyes of the people quickly passed from some fairy, fairy, immortal and fairy. Some materials just glanced at them, and finally they all fell on the top of the nine jade.

The rhetoric stretched out and picked up a jade slip, and the gods passed through. His face changed and he immediately recovered his knowledge. Looking at the crowd:

"You brothers, this jade is the practice of our celestial sect, you can check it."

Several large monks, including the soil and the sword, are all transmitting the gods slightly. Once they are determined to be the exercises, they will immediately recover the gods. Everyone is very conscious, in this case, no one raises greed.

After all the people checked, the words followed up with a jade, still the same procedure. Until he picked up the fifth jade slip and transmitted the gods into it. The face changed dramatically.

This time he did not immediately recover his knowledge. Instead, I left God's knowledge in the jade and began to read it carefully.

At this time, everyone saw the dramatic changes in the face of the words, and all the hearts were raised, and their eyes gathered on the face of the words, waiting anxiously.

The rhetoric finally recovered the knowledge of God. The jade slip was passed to everyone, and everyone read it in turn. Yu Jian was returned to the front of the words.

"We will check out the next few jade slips." The rhetoric said with the voice.

Everyone nodded, and the words followed up and picked up a jade, and transmitted the knowledge into it. The sword has no imaginary side waiting for his turn to check the jade, while thinking about the message he just read in the jade.

In the jade, there are some things that Cang Jiuyi thinks are important. Among these messages, a recent message has caused everyone's face to change.

After Jiang Jiuzhong returned to the Cangwu dynasty, Cang Jiuzhen once discovered that Jiang Jiuzhong secretly went to the place where the demon woman was detained. Although she did not see the demon woman, she went to the place where the demon woman was held for a long time. It is proved that Jiang Jiuzhong did not forget the demon woman at all. This made Cang Jiuyi very worried. He once thought about talking with Jiang Jiuzhong, but it seems that he has not waited until he and Jiang Jiuzhong talk about it, or say He was killed by Jiang Jiuzhong when he and Jiang Jiuzhong talked.

At this time, everyone has read the rest of the jade, there is no more value.

All the people are silent, and this thing seems to have no need for investigation. Jiang Jiuzhong returned to the sect for the demon woman, but there are only two ways to save the demon woman. One is that Cang Jiuyi promised to release the demon woman, so that the Jiang Jiuzhong demon woman is far away. One is that Jiang Jiuzhong won the position of the sovereign and then released the Yao woman himself.

Because only by becoming a lord will know the path to enter and exit the demon woman, and only the lord has the key to unlock the demon woman.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the face that followed the words gradually gave birth to anger: "This thing must have been judged in everyone's heart. If Jiang Jiuzhong continues to be crazy and sells silly there, are we waiting for this?"

The sword did not squander and said: "I think it is still prudent. I think Jiang Jiuzhong will soon wake up. We always have to listen to what he said. For nothing else, just give justice to the dead sovereign."

On the side of the soil, I left two lines of tears in the eyes of the water, and whispered in a low voice: "I don't believe it. I don't believe that the master will not do this. He will not do this... ”

Everyone couldn't help but look at the earth and see the water. At this time, the face became pale. There is deep pain in the dullness of the eyes, and a trace of blood oozes from the corners of the mouth.

"Tudor brother!" The voice sighed with a sigh: "You still go back to rest!"

The look of the earth depends on the water, and then stands up lonely, whispering: "I am the second brother of death. The suspect is my master, I... my heart is up, I will not participate in this matter. If there is definite evidence and the result is made, the trouble tells the younger brother."

"for sure!"

The earth left the water, and everyone looked at the back of the earth with some ripples, one by one. After re-sitting. The people fell into a silence again.

"Everyone..." The sword finally decided to say what he wanted to say. As Xu Ziyan said, the real murderer must be thrown out. Otherwise, it would be a big hidden danger for Cangwu. Although all the signs now indicate that Jiang Jiuzhong is the murderer, he is not afraid of 10,000. Once things are wrong, it is a big disaster.

Therefore, the sword has seen all the attention of the people has been attracted. I organized the language and expressed my thoughts clearly.

Everyone followed the sword without a false statement, and a face became serious. The sword was indifferent from the situation on the whole Yuanyuan, and he had already guessed the five powers such as the lord, and then told him. The impact of the death of the Sovereign on the Cangwu Zong, the importance of the real murderer, will be discussed with the disciples discussed by Xu Ziyan and other disciples.

The sword is empty, and the room is silent. Before these monks and monks were only limited to the fall of the lord. Although the matter is significant. But it does not affect the Zongmen Foundation. Nowadays, they all know that this matter is not handled well and is related to the survival of Zongmen.

Everyone is thinking about all the details of this matter in his heart. For a long time, the rhetoric looks like a sword:

"There is no virtual younger brother. We don't need to be able to talk between our teachers and brothers. The brothers have a word to ask you."

The sword nodded ignorantly: "The brothers have something to say!"

"There is no virtual younger brother. With your brother's understanding of you, your strength is very strong, and all your thoughts are placed on cultivation. I am afraid I can't think so much?"

The sword is not worthy of a red face, and the rhetoric is well said. If he has this wisdom, I am afraid that a Jianfeng will not be operated by him like this. He is a genius in cultivation, but it is not the piece of material for the control and analysis of the situation.

After a sigh of relief, the sword decided to introduce Xu Ziyan. This is his decision after careful thinking.

Regardless of the qualifications and wisdom of Xu Ziyan, in the future, it will be in the Cangzong Zong... No, it will shine in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. So when Xu Ziyan is still weak, he needs the protection and attention of Zongmen. If you want to get the protection and attention of Zongmen, it is necessary to improve the popularity of Xu Ziyan.

Now Xu Ziyan has revealed his qualifications and savvy. From the time of flying up to less than ten years, he has cultivated to the realm of the late Emperor, and is the identity of the inferior Xianbao and the inferior fairy singer, and through this auction. Breaking the order Dan, although everyone does not know that Xu Ziyan is also a product of the inferior Xiandan, but also knows the purple alchemy talent of Xu Ziyan.

If Zongmen is allowed to know that Xu Ziyan has a meticulous thinking, it will surely receive the greatest degree of protection and attention from Zongmen. This is the most favorable environment for Xu Ziyan. Moreover, as a member of the Cangwu sect, Xu Ziyan has such a meticulous mind, and should stand up for the celestial sect.

Therefore, after the sword was inconceivable, Xu Ziyan said it.


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Brief introduction: This is a narcissistic, belly black. Low-key, connotation of the immortal girl, imagining drunken three thousand beautiful men all over the world, but also lying on the couch next to the beautiful people laughing and shouting three people: "Queen of the Queen!" story.


*(To be continued~^~)

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