The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1950: homesick……

I wish my comrades a happy Spring Festival!


Unexpectedly, the sword has no unexpected expression with these people. In fact, the top of the Cangwu dynasty has long begun to pay attention to Xu Ziyan. In particular, the dead lord Cang Jiuyi paid more attention to Xu Ziyan. He once negotiated with the high-level private officials and wanted to use Xu Ziyan as the successor of the sect.

With the ability of Xu Ziyan to be revealed a little bit, the repair is rapidly improved, revealing the inferior Xianxian treasure division, the next product of the innate fairy singer, and alchemy has great talent, especially the horror of Xu Ziyan in the Thunder Xianfu The strength of the battle, the top of the Cangwu Zong has reached a consensus, that is, after Xu Ziyan returned to the Yuanmeng League for ten years, he will promote Xu Ziyan as the chief disciple of Cangwu, and all the resources of Zongmen to her. tilt.

Therefore, when the sword said nothing about Xu Ziyan, these people did not have an accident, but instead revealed a hint of excitement in their eyes. In the past, I was worried that Xu Ziyan was a short board in terms of the situation. Now it seems that it is not the case at all. Xu Ziyan thinks more than these old guys.

How could her age think so much?

There are some doubts in the rhetoric, and there is some doubt in my heart. Is it true that the sword is not exaggerated? These analyses are the result of a joint analysis of eight Jianfeng masters and apprentices, but the sword is in vain in order to let Zongmen attach importance to Xu Ziyan, and all these credits are placed on Xu Ziyan.

If Cang Jiuyi is not dead, he will not doubt it. Because Cang Jiuyi and Xu Ziyan went to Colorful Island together, they saw Xu’s respect for Xu Ziyan and the ability to see Xu Ziyan. And he also secretly walked through the space to investigate Xu Ziyan. I want to determine the sovereign of the future of Cangwu. Cang Jiu is very cautious.

When Cang Jiuyi learned about the past of Xu Ziyan, from the beginning of the capital city to the Cangwu dynasty, it was that Cang Jiuyi couldn’t help but admire Xu Ziyan. Her experience in this life was even more than that of his ancestor. rich. At the same time, he made up his mind to wait for Xu Ziyan to return from Shangyuan League, and immediately promoted Xu Ziyan to the chief disciple of Cangwuzong. All resources of Zongmen were tilted toward Xu Ziyan.

However, he did not mention these things with the monks of Zongmen. When Xu Ziyan did not return to Cangwu Zong, he decided to suppress Xu Ziyan and make the matter as low-key as possible. Because Xu Ziyan is not inside the Zongmen, it is not safe enough.

However, he did not think that he would suddenly fall, and this would not blame the law and others suspect that Xu Ziyan’s control. The sword is not empty for the past of Xu Ziyan is still very well understood. Although he did not personally shuttle the space to investigate like Cang Jiuyi, he could talk to Xu Tianwo and others. When he learned about the past of Xu Ziyan, he really wanted Xu Ziyan to become the peak of a Jianfeng, but Xu Ziyan did not want to. He still regrets so far.

At this time, the sword was abandoning the face that he had made, and Xu Ziyan from the capital city of the world, repairing the immortal world, Xuanzong, establishing the Xu family to the lower Yuan galaxies as the command of the fairy kingdom, the Zhongyuan galaxies established the Xu family to the commander In the Xinghai fight against the Mozu, the family community was established on the hidden world, and it was up to the mainland. Come to Cangwu Zong to bring a change to a Jianfeng...

The sword was empty, and he was greeted with a pair of shocked eyes.

This experience...

No wonder you have such a thoughtful mind and superb control!

The rhetoric immediately made a decision: "There is no such thing as a younger brother. Since Xu Ziyan has such an opinion, you go back and talk to Xu Ziyan, let her join the investigation into the fall of the sovereign?"

Seeing the face of the sword without imaginary revealed a distressing color, the words followed the condensate voice: "There is no virtual younger brother, the lord is very optimistic about Xu Ziyan before the fall, once decided to wait for the purple smoke to return from the Shangyuan League, let her become the sky The chief disciple of the sect, and now he is involved in the matter as Xu Ziyan’s innate priest and the celestial singer, and no one can dare to say anything.”

"I am not worried about this!" The sword shook his head and shook his head. "I am worried that Ziyan is not willing to participate in this matter. As for the identity of the chief disciple you said. Purple smoke will not be interested at all. Before I wanted to The position of the chief of a sword peak was passed to her, and she refused. Her mind is not in this respect, I understand her well, she wants the improvement and freedom of cultivation."

The words followed the silence for a long time: "Try it! Even if she does not intend to be the chief disciple of Cangzheng. This matter is related to the safety of Cangwuzong. She is a member of the Cangwu Zong. It should also contribute. And we It is impossible for Xu Ziyan to preside over this matter. This burden is still played by our old guys. The purple smoke is just for us to investigate and analyze."

"Well, I will go back and talk with Ziyan."

Rainbow Peak.

A long passage in the ground, a figure walked forward without a sound. Every time he took a step, he would raise a wave of air under his feet. Like a lotus flower, his feet never really fell to the ground.

This is the dungeon of the Cangwu sect. It is surrounded by a heavy ban, and the words are stopped in front of a door. The whole door is cast with cold iron. The cold iron has no other effect, it is sturdy. Moreover, the entire door was covered with a ban, which made the whole room solid and abnormal.

A monk untied the ban, opened the door lock, and walked in with the words. The monk covered the door again and stood outside.

Sitting in the room with Jiang Jiuzhong, the eyes are no longer sluggish, the door is heard, the eyes are lifted, and the eyes are showing a wave of fluctuations:

"Speaking brother!"

The rhetoric follows the direction of Jiang Jiuzhong: "Master!"

Jiang Jiuzhong stood up from the ground and said with a smile: "I am not a master, and the teacher should not be called."

The words of Jiang Jiuzhong, who are opposite to each other, are no longer the style of thousands of years ago. The white beheaded the head. At this time, the face is intertwined with grief and sorrow...

The rhetoric can't help but blurt out: "Master, why are you coming back?"

Jiang Jiu slammed his mouth and didn't know if he was crying or laughing: "Homesick..."

The rhetoric is in vain, and Jiang Jiuzhong’s life experience is natural. He was brought back by the old lord in the middle of the shack, and the celestial sect was undoubtedly the home of Jiang Jiuzhong.

A sentence of "homesickness", full of bitterness...

Sighed a little, and the words were sitting slowly on the floor. Jiang Jiuzhong also sat down opposite him and asked softly:

"Speaking to the younger brother, what is the situation of Zongmen now? Didn't cause any fluctuations?"

"There is no..." The rhetoric looked directly at the opposite Jiang Jiuzhong, and asked: "Master, you are the biggest suspect. Don't you want to say something?"

"What do you say?" Jiang Jiu raised his eyebrows and straightened his spine. The master who was arrogant and arrogant seemed to be back again:

"I have a bright future. If it is what I do, I will never deny it. I am not doing it, and I have nothing to say. Speaking of the younger brother, don't you believe me?"

The speech was silent, and four dishes and a jug of wine were taken from the storage ring. Two wine glasses were placed in front of each one, and the wine was filled with ginger.

"Master, this is what I bought in the Cangwu Restaurant in the outside door city. I think the favorite of the old man is the wine of the Cangwu Restaurant!"

Jiang Jiu nodded and nodded, picked up the glass and drank it, then put a few mouthfuls of food, then put down the chopsticks and slowly chewed. As if slowly chewing his memory. For a long time, a warm smile appeared on his face:

"How long has it been? For thousands of years? I thought that we used to drink in the Cangwu Restaurant. At that time, there were two younger brothers and three younger brothers. I can't think of..."

When the words fell, grabbed the jug and filled it with a glass of wine, and picked up the glass and drank it.

In the eyes of the words, there was also a trace of memories, filled with wine for himself, and after drinking, put down the glass and whispered:

"A million years ago, the master brother left the Cangzong ancestor. Later, I served as the law enforcement lord, busy with the Zongmen, but the master traveled outside, and sentimental scenery..."

Two people began to talk about their own affairs, and the words followed some of the sects. Jiang Jiuzhong said some travels, as if both sides had forgotten their respective identities, just as the two brothers who had been separated for a long time were telling the parting. situation.

This chat was more than an hour, the voice gradually quieted down, and the room was silent. The harmonious atmosphere just disappeared and gradually became dignified.

"Master, you are coming back this time except... homesick... I am afraid it is related to the Yao woman?"

Jiang Jiuzhong looked awkwardly: "Speaking to the younger brother, what is your intention?"

The rhetoric took Wu Yu and handed it to Jiang Jiuzhong. Jiang Jiuzhong took the jade in confusion and transmitted the gods into it. He still read it.

Just as soon as I read it, Jiang Jiuzhong’s body was a shock. After reading the message completely, his eyes were full of panic, anger, grief...

"Master, you also know that when the lord was in the fall, he held the jade card that you gave to the lord in his hand. The jade card carries the friendship between the master, the lord, and the earthen brother. The above is your own hand carving. The three of you statues..."

The words followed with a sigh: "Master, can you give me an explanation?"

Jiang Jiuzhong’s face showed a trace of tragicness, sneer: “Explain? I just go home and see, I want to give an explanation? Since there are three people engraved on the jade card, why do I only explain it? ?"

Jiang Jiuzhong closed his eyes, and the two lines of tears went down: "Jiuyi... The brothers missed you for thousands of years. I didn't think that I had just reunited for a few days... even the heavens are forever..."

"Master brother!" The gaze of the rhetoric suddenly became sharp: "Now the situation of the Cangwu sect should be very clear. The fallen of the lord can no longer be dragged down, and the sect must also choose a new one as soon as possible. The Sovereign. Therefore, the accidental fall of the Sovereign must be explained as soon as possible. If the Master can't say the evidence that is good for you, there is only a grievance."

Jiang Jiuzhong bit his teeth and said: "You can use the search for God!"


Going back to my parents' house for the New Year, I will try my best to update my parents as soon as possible!


*(To be continued~^~)

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