The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1951: confusing

I wish my comrades a happy Spring Festival! All the best!


The rhetoric shook his head: "Master, at our level, search for God is not necessarily useful. Each has its own secret method, which may not be able to be searched. Unless it is like the level of the lord of ancient times..."

Having said that, the rhetoric laughed with a bitter voice: "If you really have the level of the lord, you don't have to search for God. I am afraid that you are lying, and he can feel it. Master, you still have to think about it. Is there any evidence that is good for you?"

"Ha ha ha..." Jiang Jiuzhong suddenly laughed wildly: "Is it good for me? Do you want me to say that there is a Tusi on the jade card? Would you like me to say that the Tusi brother is also suspect?

Do not!

I won't say that, we will not understand the feelings of our three brothers, I will not kill the second division, and the Tusi will never kill his second brother. ”

"Master brother..."

"Stop!" Jiang Jiuzhong's look became fierce: "I am not your master!"

The words are stunned with a look, but for a moment they sigh. I didn’t know what to say for a while, sitting there silently.

Jiang Jiuzhong’s eyes screamed sharply and eloquently, saying coldly: “With the words, you are the master of the law enforcement of the Cangwu sect. It is your duty to find out that the murderer is revenge for the lord. I will stay here and so on. Waiting for you to find out the real murderer.

If you find out the real murderer, the life of Jiuzhong is your slave. If you can't find it, Jiuzhong will not let you go. Even if I am born again, I will definitely find you. ”


"I will find you!"

Yanshan soul walked out of the south and walked toward the east. There is a color of missing in the face: "Ziyan. I don't know if you have come to the mainland. Now I have already had a passion, I am not dead, I am coming. I will find you!"

Lower the cloud head. Enter a city. Sitting in a restaurant, thinking about his future destination with a wine glass. Suddenly, the eyebrows were picked and I heard a name that he was very familiar with.

"Do you know? The Xu Ziyan of Cangwu Zong is just a fairy emperor who can kill thousands of people in the moment!"

"Are you stupid?" Another monk said disdainfully: "A singer kills a group of people and respects the monks? Is it instantaneous? Still thousands? You are not practicing and getting mad?"

"Cut! That's your ignorance!" The monk said in disdain: "Many people know this thing. And there are many people who see it with their own eyes. The purple smoke has a powerful power. It is called Wan Jian... ..."

Yanshan soul heard the name of Wan Jianyi could not help but laugh, and he muttered to himself:

"Ziyan, have you already arrived in the Upper Yuan Dynasty? Are we going to meet?"

With a smile in his mouth, he quietly listened to the neighboring monk who spoke in the spit, and the smile of Yanshan’s soul was expanding.

"Ziyan, you are already a fairy emperor? You have also made a big name!"

At this time, several monks were talking about Xu Ziyan, and Yanshan soul heard the heart. The mood in my heart that I want to see Xu Ziyan is even more urgent.

"Cang Zongzong! Shangyuan League! What is this on the Yuanmeng?"

Waving a small two, throwing him a superb fairy, and soon learned the matter of the Yuanmeng. Waved to let Xiao Er leave, Yanshan soul fell into meditation.

"There will be ancient heavens to survive! This world is more and more interesting!"

Out of the restaurant, Yanshan soul went to the city.

"It seems that Ziyan should be in the Yuanmeng League now, then I will go to the Yuanmeng. Give the purple smoke a surprise!"

Yanshan soul came to the outside of the city, and the sky flew into the air, waving a handful of a fairy boat and flew toward Shangyuanmeng.


A Jianfeng.

Xu Ziyan and the sword are sitting opposite each other, and the sword is not looking at Xu Ziyan and whispering:

"Ziyan, what are you thinking about?"

"Master, this thing can hardly find any clues. The only evidence points to Jiang Jiuzhong, but that is not absolute evidence..."

"I know!" The sword is swaying: "It’s not for you to preside over this, just to get you involved. Everything is for the teacher."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently. This matter is related to the safety of the Cangzong. In relation to the future of Xu, Xu Ziyan finally agreed.


A figure walked in the passageway under the Tianhong Peak, holding a jade card in his hand and passing a ban, and the guardians who saw each other saw the jade in the hands of the man.

Jiang Jiuzhong sat on the floor with his knees on his knees. The slightest squint seems to have been settled. I heard the door open and raised my eyes. There was a hint of excitement on his face, and Horan stood up from the ground:

"Three teachers, you are here!"

The earth came in with water, turned the door and closed the door, silently looking at the opposite Jiang Jiuzhong.

Jiang Jiuzhong stepped forward two steps, standing in front of the earth and water, his face showed a gentle smile:

"Three younger brothers, you have reduced a lot!"

The gaze of the earth became complicated, and he sighed a bit: "Master, you too!"

Jiang Jiu looked at the complicated eyes of the opposite side of the earth, laughing at himself, and even stopped speaking, but his eyes became sad.

"Master!" The voice of the earth is very dry: "The second brother is holding the jade in his hand when he is dying. There is no doubt that the murderer is pointing to two of us, I have not done it!"

The earth is not talking down, but the meaning in the words is very obvious.

Jiang Jiuzhong looked clear to the soil and looked at the water. He said: "I have not done it! If the younger brother does not believe, I have nothing to say, you can leave now."

The eyes of the earth became bitter and said sadly: "Not what you did, the master can tell me who did it?"

Jiang Jiuzhong stared closely at the soil, and his eyes were cold. His breath suddenly floated, and the chilly eyes became a huge disappointment. He said:

"You think it's me. That's me! Just don't know how the younger brother is going to deal with the brothers?"

"I do not know……"

The tears of the earth's water could not stop flowing, and they smashed toward Jiang Jiu:

“Why? Why do you want to do this?”

Jiang Jiuzhong hangs his eyes, his look becomes ugly, and he no longer cares about the earthy water.

On the water, the hands of Jiang Jiuzhong grabbed the collar of Jiang Jiuzhong. Shaking hard, his mouth groaning:

"Master, you said that you didn't do it, you said..."

Jiang Jiuzhong’s mouth plucked a smile. I lifted my eyes and my eyes softened. I raised my hand and gently licked the tears on the face of the earth. It was like the water of the earth when I was bullied. What Jiang Jiuzhong did before he avenged him. Second, let the soil be lost for a while.

"Three teachers, I never said that I did it!"

The soil and the tears of the water looked at the faintly looking Jiang Jiuzhong, and gradually raised a glimmer of hope...

"Three teachers. I was thinking about this time. The second teacher took out the jade card when he was dying. Why can't we understand that he wants us to avenge him? Or have other meanings, why? Do we have to drill into the horn of the designated murderer?"

The soil slowly loosened the collar of Jiang Jiuzhong and muttered to himself:

“Can you think like this? Can you think so?”

"Of course!" Jiang Jiu said with a resounding voice: "I have not done this, and I firmly believe that you have not done it."

The soil stood there in the water, and it was half-sounding: "But...but... who is the real murderer?"

"This requires the younger brother to check. The brother is now imprisoned here and is powerless, but I will wait patiently, waiting for you to take out the real murderer and avenge the second division."

Soon after the water left, Jiang Jiuzhong sat on the ground with his legs wide, and his brow furrowed as if he was thinking about something. Suddenly the door was opened again. Jiang Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows and looked up. He looked like a god, and then smiled:

"You are coming from a virtual brother!"

The sword was empty and Xu Ziyan entered the room. Looking at Jiang Jiuzhong silently. At this time, Xu Ziyan was a deep-locked brow looking at the old man in front of the white beard. A thought is getting stronger and stronger in my heart.

This **** Jiuzhong must have seen it, but how can he not think of it?

At this time, Jiang Jiuzhong seemed to look at Xu Ziyan and was familiar with it. He frowned slightly and looked up at Xu Ziyan. Finally, he still looked at the sword without a virtual road:

"No virtual brother. This is..."

"Master, this is my disciple. Xu Ziyan. Purple smoke, but still come to see you master!"

"Ah?" Xu Ziyan remembered that he had seen the other side there: "It is you..."

Jiang Jiuzhong slightly frowned and said: "Sister, have we seen?"

The sword is not empty, but also turned to Xu Ziyan and asked: "Ziyan, have you seen your master?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and went to the front and said: "Ziyan once saw Master Bo in the time and space of the Lower Yuan Dynasty, and also gave Master a master of painting, but at that time, he did not expect to be a master!"

"It's you! The old man remembered..."


A Jianfeng.

Within the cave house where the sword is not empty, the sword is not empty, and the words are easy to sit with Xu Ziyan. The sword is not empty. For his disciples, it is like being a child of his own. There is not so much courtesy. In the identity of Xu Ziyan, the innate immortal teacher, there is also the qualification to talk with the law with equality, so the words do not mind sitting with Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, let you participate in one aspect because your mind is meticulous, and on the other hand, because you are new to the Cangzong, you can be more objective. I hope you can boldly say your opinion, don't have your heart. Pressure." The words followed Xu Xuan slowly said.

"Yes, the teacher said!" Xu Ziyan said softly: "It is just that the purple smoke is not long after the first arrival in the Cangwu dynasty. It is not known about everything in the Cangwu dynasty, let alone the understanding of Jiang Shibo."

"That... Ziyan, what do you think should start with this matter?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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