The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1952: Confused (2)

I wish my comrades a happy Spring Festival! All the best!


Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled.

"Must you know something about why you left Jiang Shibo to leave Cangwu Zong?"

"Master told me!"

"What do you think?"

Xu Ziyan looks awkward: "What is the point of the teacher?"

"Nature is what you are involved with Jiang Shibo and the Yao women."

"This... is a relatively private issue. I don't think Jiang Shibo has anything... big mistake!" Xu Ziyan said with some hesitation.

The rhythm of the words is as heavy as the face, and the face of the sword is not good, and Shen Sheng said:

"Ziyan, the Terran and the Yaozu are inconsistent. How can the Terran be in love with the Yaozu? Don't say that you are in love with the Yaozu, that is, it is a big deal with the Yaozu, and it is spurned by all the people. Your thoughts later Don't have it again!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked. She did not really think that the relationship between the Terran and the Yaozu in the Upper Yuan Dynasty would be so bad. I couldn’t help but think of the predecessor of Yanshan Soul. I am definitely not a human being. If the future people know the relationship between themselves and Yanshan. Relationship, how will you see yourself and Yanshan soul?

Suddenly and dumbfounded, the current Yanshan soul is not awkward. He has been reborn and should be a human being.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan has some sorrowfulness, the heart of the sword is a hop. Just now Xu Ziyan can say that, isn’t she and the Yaozu have any entanglements? Thinking of this, there is an anxious color on the face of the sword:

"Ziyan, you won't have anything to do with the Yaozu?"

The rhetoric is also staring at Xu Ziyan with a gaze, and praying in the heart of Xu Ziyan, do not have any entanglements with the Yaozu. At the beginning, Jiang Jiuzhong was a genius of Cangwu Zong who had never met in a million years. I did not expect to have a wave of entanglement with the Yaozu. Now Xu Ziyan is a genius that has never been seen for thousands of years. If it is caused by the involvement of the Yaozu, it will be born...

Xu Ziyan was shocked and woke up from the gods, and saw the sword and the lack of expression and nervousness. Naturally, I will not say what I thought in my heart, but I will ask some incomprehensible questions:

"Master, this... I think Master is not right!"

"How is it wrong?" The sword squinted.

"I have seen many monks of the Terran have raised the Yaozu, or as a rider. Or as a helper. And the purple smoke is also raised, is this not related to the Yaozu?"

The sword has no illusion and the words look at each other, and they all have a long sigh of relief, and the sword’s vain look slows down:

"Ziyan, that is the demon pet of our human race, naturally it is not related to the Yaozu."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded quickly.

"Don't say this!" The sword did not see that Xu Ziyan and the Yaozu had nothing to do with it, so he put the matter to the side:

"Ziyan, let's talk about the fall of the Sovereign. What do you think?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and said slowly: "Either find out that Jiang Shibo is the evidence of the murderer or find another murderer."

Xu Ziyan’s words no longer speak, but quickly think in his heart: “When the lord died, he took out the jade card with only the statue of the lord, Tu Yishui and Jiang Jiuzhong. The meaning is already very obvious. The murderer is One of the two people, Jiang Jiuzhong and Tuyishui, and Jiang Jiuzhong’s suspicion is undoubtedly the biggest. Before he returned, the lord did not have any accidents. When he returned, the lord would fall, and where would there be such a clever thing?

But what is his purpose? If you just want to save the demon woman, don't you have to make such a fierce means?

If Jiang Jiuzhong is not a murderer, will there be any reason to kill the sovereign? Master once said that although the earth is not a sovereign, it is no different from the real lord. Most of the things of the celestial sect are treated with water. What reason does he have to do this?

Still the most suspected of Jiang Jiuzhong! ”

"I don't know where Jiang Shibo came back to live this time? Is there any reservation for his former Dongfu? Is he still living in the original Dongfu?" Xu Ziyan asked, whispering.

"Yes. The master was left by the master after he was punished by the master. Later, the master left the Cangzong. But his Dongfu has been preserved. This time the master will come and still live in the original Dongfu. Smoke, do you want to see it?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Then go see it!" The rhythm stood up in the chair, and the sword was empty and Xu Ziyan stood up. Follow the words and go to the Rainbow Peak.

When I arrived at Tianhong Peak, I saw the soil in the water and stood at the peak to meet three people. The rhetoric will not be said to be a purple smoke to see Jiang Jiuzhong’s Dongfu. Instead, say that you want to see.

It is not a matter of water, and three people entered the cave house of Jiang Jiuzhong. In fact, Xu Ziyan’s heart did not expect any clues to be found here. If the assassination of the Sovereign is done by Jiang Jiu, he will naturally not leave any clues. If it wasn't for him, Jiang Jiuzhong was used to it, and any clues were erased. What's more, the rhetoric can't be searched.

However, Xu Ziyan still wants to take a look, maybe there is any prohibition of the words that they did not find.

After a round in the Dongfu, Xu Ziyan did not find anything. And she pulled Xiaomumu into the Dongfu, and found no abnormalities. She couldn’t help but feel a little depressed.

The earth is watery, and the easy-going and easy-going swords stand in the empty Dongfu, looking at everything in Dongfu, and I can’t help feeling.

"Hey, I don't think many masters of a generation, just because of a demon woman..." The sword couldn't stop talking.

Tu Yishui also sighed a sigh: "Yes! At that time, Master's hopes of revitalizing the celestial ancestors were placed on the master's brother. Masters are not only qualified, superhuman, but also heroic, mindful Open. Not only the monks of this class are extremely admired by the masters, but the outstanding monks of the other eight sects are also very good with the masters. If there was no such thing as a demon woman..."

The look of the earth is more awkward: "Master will definitely pass the position of the sovereign to the master. Maybe the celestial sect has already taken off in the hands of the master, and there will be today's embarrassment!"

Xu Ziyan stood by and listened to the three elders talking about Jiang Jiuzhong’s past. He couldn’t help but whispered:

“Wang Shibo had such prestige at the beginning?”

"Not bad!" The words that have been spoken a lot are also admired and said: "To tell the truth, the master is the spiritual leader of our generation. He has always been the best master of our hearts. It is he and the Yao woman. After that incident, we also respected him very much in my heart.

If you change to another person, you can completely conceal the demon woman's affairs and wait for the position of the lord to find a solution. But the master is not, he is a bright and upright person. Therefore, now that the master said that he did not kill the lord, we will investigate further.

The master is a man, saying that he did not kill without killing. If he did, he would not hide it! ”

Xu Ziyan and Jiang Jiuzhong have no contact, she thinks more objective. Jiang Jiuzhong's qualifications are the best choices, and he is regarded as an idol by the monks and monks, and Zongmen also determines the position of his chief disciple, the next generation of the best, and friends all over the world.

However, it is really the hope that the entire monk of the Cangwu sect is convinced that Jiang Jiuzhong will become the sovereign.

This is impossible. A good person can't get everyone's appreciation and surrender. For example, Cang Jiuyi and Tu Yishui...

The qualifications and savvy of these two people are probably not inferior to Jiang Jiuzhong, and they are almost limited. Otherwise, it will not operate the Cangzong sect to such a degree. At that time they were also young people. Didn't they have wild vision in their hearts? Willingly suppressed by Jiang Jiuzhong?

Jiang Jiuzhong, Cang Jiuyi, Tu Yishui, the three best disciples of the Cangwu dynasty, did they really have no collision?

Xu Ziyan’s heart beats violently, and a thought emerges and lingers. Jiang Jiuzhong is such a good person. He knows that he is the lord of the future. He shoulders the burden of revitalizing the celestial sect. He was influenced by the traditional traditional thoughts. How could he be associated with a Yao woman?

Is there any secret here?

What conspiracy?

And Jiang Jiuzhong is the victim of the conspiracy?

One of the nine masters of the Cangwu dynasty, known as such a sovereign, its benefits are self-evident.

Today, Xu Ziyan has become a real immortal, and experienced too many setbacks and conspiracy in the process of becoming a fairy. I don’t have so many fantasies about immortals when I’m still a mortal.

At that time, she thought that the immortals were kind, there was no dispute between them, and everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. Now she understands why the earth is changing cactus and prickly pears to two kinds of thorny plants. I don’t know the name given by the immortal. It’s so apt.

It is not good to say that immortals are not good, but they are undoubtedly dangerous people, and they will be stabbed if they are not paying attention.

"But..." Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Jiang Jiuzhong has almost no contact, but Cang Jiuyi has been in contact for a few times. Whether he gave him a sea soul, he still took his own shuttle space. The Master Xu Jia brought to Cang Zongzong, and what he had done in the past, proved that he is a man with a heart, can he really do the things that framed his master?

There is also the soil according to the water. After Jiang Jiuzhong left the Cangwu dynasty, he did not compete with Cang Jiuzhen for the position of the lord. Would it wait until now to kill Cang Jiu?

Besides, is Jiang Jiuzhong really so bold and open-minded? Even if he is truly heroic and open-minded, after experiencing such a thing, his own lord is gone, his beloved is imprisoned, and he has been wandering for thousands of years. Has his character changed? ”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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