The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1953: Cliffs under the cave

Xu Ziyan’s head is a bit big, and she feels that it is more difficult than comprehending the meaning of the property. This is why she has always resisted the family patriarch, the peak owner and so on.

Three people left Tianhongfeng, everyone broke up in the clouds, Xu Ziyan followed Master back to a Jianfeng. After chatting with Master, Xu Ziyan returned to his residence on a Jianfeng peak and locked his brow and wondered there.

The light in my mind suddenly appeared, remembering the place where the condensation cream took her. At the beginning, I saw a dispute between Cang Jiu and Tu Yishui under the cliff. Where should I be the place to imprison the Yao women?

Xu Ziyan came out of the room and flew a sword peak. The sword sitting in the Dongfu opened his eyes and slowly closed. He was very relieved that Xu Ziyan, he would not ask Xu Ziyan what to do, and did not want to ask. If Xu Ziyan wants to say, he will naturally tell him.

Xu Ziyan came to the cliff and his body shape fell to the bottom. It has already come once, and it is a light road. Out of the thick fog, the front is wide open, here is the place where Cang Jiuyi and Tu Yishui had a dispute.

Xu Ziyan walked slowly in this small valley, his eyes looked at it, and he saw a stone door soon. The arrangement on the stone gate is heavily banned.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of Shimen, his eyes swept down, and saw the traces that had recently been opened under Shimen. It should have been before Cang Jiu or the soil.

Pulling Yuan’s Yuanshen into the sea, let the team go and study the way to open the gate normally. She does not want to destroy the prohibition here.

Soon, the first one taught Xu Ziyan some handcuffs, Xu Ziyan repeatedly remembered. Then they handed out a handcuff into the stone gate.

On the top of the stone gate, the brilliance flashed, gradually showing the quaint old colors.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and extended his hand to push Shimen.


The heavy voice came and Shimen gradually opened. A dusty breath rushes over...

Xu Ziyan stood quietly at Shimenkou and looked into the dark and deep cave. He couldn't see the scenery inside the cave, and the cave was silent. There is no sound.

Xu Ziyan gently stepped into the hole and followed the passage toward the inside...

"Treading step..."

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps are very light, but in the silent caves, they are clearly audible, and the echoes waved wave by wave...

The light gradually appeared in the distance, and with the footsteps of Xu Ziyan, the light became brighter and brighter. It was faintly seen that the light was falling from a night jewel on the top of the cave, and the next figure in the light seemed to be sitting cross-legged.

The surrounding walls are dark brown and the darkness shrouds towards the middle. Just another circle of light faintly resisted the spread of darkness. In the faint light of the circle, the vaguely visible figure gave people a strong sense of loneliness. Just looking at it, Xu Ziyan fell into a A lifeless, lost world of hope.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps, the “stepping” sound that echoed in the space gradually disappeared...

The figure sitting across the knee from the other side was still motionless. I didn't even lift my head.

Gently vomited, Xu Ziyan stepped again, and the "tread" sound once again reverberated in the cave...

Soon, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the man, only five meters away from her, ready to fly back, this is to look at the opposite person.

Sure enough, it was a woman sitting cross-legged and slightly squinting, as if she was asleep.

Very beautiful. But not the kind of enchanting. It is a noble beauty.

Xu Ziyan stood there quietly and looked at the woman opposite. She did not speak, and the woman opposite did not even hear the footsteps of Xu Ziyan, still maintaining her posture like a statue.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, she wants to know if the other party is the Yao woman. This is very simple, as long as you see the other person's true body can be determined.

A blue flash in my eyes. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of surprise. The other party turned out to be a dragon. No wonder the body exudes a noble atmosphere. You must know that the dragon is the oldest and noblest race in the Yaozu.

Xu Ziyan has already determined that the other party is the Yao woman, but she did not expect that the original Jiang Jiuzhong could have a relationship with the oldest and noblest dragon in the Yaozu, and saw the breath of the woman in front of her. The captivity of the year is still noble and graceful. It should not be an ordinary dragon. It may belong to the royal family of the dragons.

It seems that the original Cangwu sect blocked this thing very dead. Not many people knew about the whole Cangwu sect. Otherwise, the dragons might have sent people to save, or they attacked Cangzong.

Xu Ziyan took a breath and took a quiet breath, standing there quietly. At this point she determined the identity of the other party, but for a moment did not know what to say.

The opposite dragon girl also sat quietly there, a petrochemical look.

The whole cave was silent, as if it was empty.

a long time……

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, she saw the dragon girl's ankle wrapped around the lock fairy rope, locked in this square inch for thousands of years, I really do not know how she spent.

"Predecessor..." Xu Ziyan finally made a sound, and the voice was very light. It seemed to be afraid of disturbing the tranquility of the dragon girl.

The dragon girl's slightly drooping eyes trembled. She thought that when she came, she was either a squat or a soil, but she did not expect a woman's voice to come across, and the voice was just a girl.

Lifting his head slightly, looking to the opposite side, his eyes flashed a little strange, the opposite is really a girl, it looks like it is only two hundred years old. Just a fairy...

What is this for Cangwu Zong?

What is the identity of this little girl?

How did she know this place? How come you come here?

The dragon girl’s eyes showed doubts, but he did not speak, just quietly looking at the opposite Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan saw the dragon girl look at himself, and immediately decided to tell the truth, whispered:

"Predecessor, Jiang Shibo is back!"

The dragon girl's body was slightly shocked, and her eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. She was thrown into a stone and flashed. It took a long time to say like a nightmare:

"What are you talking about? He is back? Did he ever leave?"

Suddenly, her gaze became sharp, as the two swords shot at Xu Ziyan, and the pressure came to the surface, letting Xu Ziyan breathe.

"What did you say about Jiang Shibo? Jiang Jiuzhong?"

"Yes, seniors!" Xu Ziyan said with respect.

There was a blush on the face of the dragon girl, and the breathing slowly became hurried: "He has left the Cangzong Zong? Is it back now?"

Xu Ziyan looked a bit stagnation, and her heart was somewhat clear. It seems that the dragon girl has been imprisoned here and does not know the changes that have taken place outside. I can't help but sigh:

Outside the sea, she is only eternal.

"Predecessors, disciples don't know much. Just know that thousands of years ago, the old lord fell, and Cang Shibo succeeded the position of the lord. Then Jiang Shibo left the Cangwu sect and disappeared. It only returned a few days ago. Zongmen."

"That...when he left the Cangzong Zong... How was it?"

"It is said that Jiang Shibo will cultivate on this cliff and accompany his predecessors!"

The face of the dragon girl is excited, and her eyes contain tears. Xu Ziyan did not bother her, knowing that her mood was very volatile at this time.

For a long time, the look of the dragon girl gradually returned to calm, but Xu Ziyan still saw a stern color from her eyes:

"But after Cang Jiuyi succeeded as the sovereign, he will be forced to leave?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This thing is not clear to the younger generation, but I have never heard of this rumor. After the seniors, Jiang Shibo came back, haven't you seen it?"

The dragon girl bitterly shook her head: "I have never seen Jiuzhong since I was imprisoned here. There is a ban on the gate of this cave. Only the contemporary lords of the Cangwu sect know the way to enter. Outside the cave Even if I was screaming at the throat, I wouldn’t hear it. When I first saw Cang Jiuyong coming in, I knew that he was the lord. I also asked him about the nine things, but he just stared. I watched for a while, my eyes filled with disgust, and then I left. So... I never knew."

Suddenly, the dragon girl’s look changed. She looked up and down with Xu Ziyan, and the sharpness in her eyes gradually became sharp:

"How did you come in? Can Cangwu Zong not let you be a lord?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "The younger generation will not be the lord, but the younger generation is a descendant of the inferior celestial singer. I accidentally discovered this place. The prohibition on this stone door is hard to beat the younger generation!"

Xu Ziyan did not wait for the dragon girl to continue to ask questions, but asked first: "So, in the past few days, was the Congzhu Lord here?"

The dragon goddess stagnate: "Not bad!"

Then I asked first: "Isn't things as simple as you said? If you just found out here, how do you tell me that I am coming back? You shouldn't know about me and the nine things about your age. What?"

Xu Ziyan sank and said: "It is Master and I said, my master is a sword!"

The dragon goddess stunned, and a smile appeared on his face: "You are the disciple of the little boy!"

When the words fall, they will no longer speak, and they will look at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan immediately understands the meaning of the dragon girl:

I asked a question, you asked, then I asked again.

Understand the meaning of the other party, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, immediately asked: "What did the Clan lord come to tell you a few days ago?"

The dragon girl's look immediately became gloomy: "What can he say to me in death? But standing in front of me, staring at me in disgust, watching it for a while and leaving!"


Every day is in a hurry, it is so tired.


*(To be continued~^~)

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