The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1960: Fighting dragon girl

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Xu Ziyan’s gaze gradually became firmer, and his eyes looked cold and clear: “Three sisters, you and the other brothers of Zongmen will go back to the Yuanmeng. After you leave a few, I will go to the Yuanmeng alone.”

"Little sister..." Leng Qing screamed.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "The dragon girl will wait for me along the way. She has not seen me and will not do it for you. Because she is afraid to alarm me, let me hide in the sect."

Speaking of Xu Ziyan, he turned his head and looked at Master. "Master, this thing still needs your help. Find a reason to go out and say that I have to stay in Zongmen for three days, so the dragon girl will hide after hearing it. If you wait for your disciples, you will not be able to do it for the three divisions."

"Ziyan..." This time, the sword was full of words, and his face was full of anxious colors.

"Master!" Xu Ziyan grabbed the words: "I must go back to the Yuanmeng. I have the inheritance I need. But I can't bring this danger to the sects. From here, I went to the Yuanmeng, the three sisters. It is estimated that it takes about 20 days to ride the fairy boat.

After the sisters arrived at the Shanghai Union. Master then let Zongmen tell the news that if the disciples did not go to the Yuanmeng, they would prepare for the submarine repair in Zongmen, and then the disciples would secretly go on the road. ”

The sword did not squander and sighed: "Ziyan. This way, let them clear them first. After they arrive at Shangyuan League, the master will send you to the Yuanmeng."

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it. The master of the early days of Tianzun sent himself, as long as the space was torn, and soon arrived. The dragon girl herself used to see her cultivation in the eyes of Yan Peng, although it was the middle of the Tianzun, but it may not be able to find Master's trace. This is a very safe method.


Do you really want to do this?

Master has protected himself once, can he still protect him for a lifetime?

This time because Master's **** was not dangerous, but it was even more dangerous. The dragon girl did not kill herself and will definitely continue to look for opportunities. Always lurking around yourself, waiting to kill yourself.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, where is the truth of a thousand days to prevent thieves?

Isn’t it just that you can hide in Shangmeng and Zongmen? What is the difference between being imprisoned?

In this case, is your own heart really stable?

With fear, will there be a firm belief in the cultivation of immortals?

Do not!

Xu Ziyan looked up at the sword and said nothing: "Master, I still decided to go alone. Some things always have to face alone."

The sword did not look at Xu Ziyan, half a ring. I nodded and agreed.

"Master..." Lang Yue and other six disciples called together.

The sword has no big hand and waved: "This is the case! You will leave in the next few days. Master will go and discuss with the lord to spread the news that Ziyan has something to stay in Zongmen for a few days."

If the words fall, I will ignore the congregation and go outside the hall, leaving only Lang Yue and others to face each other.

Rainbow Peak.

The earth is in the study room.

The earth depends on the water, and the sword and the sword are sitting in the air. The earth is watery on the face:

"Without the younger brother, how can you promise purple smoke? Do you know that this is to let the purple smoke go to death?"

The rhetoric on the side is also on fire, and the table is shot straight toward the sword: "There is no virtual brother, you don't think that purple smoke is your disciple, you can be Hu, she is the chief chief disciple of the future. The future sky Zong Zongzhu. What are you doing this? Do you want to sever the hope of the Zongmen?"

The sword is not empty, but the old **** is sitting there, and he has taken a cup and took a sip, and he said:

"Slightly, don't you, do you know that purple smoke is my disciple? Will I harm my disciples?"

The earth depends on the water and the words. Slowly sat down, waiting for the sword to be empty. Waiting for him to explain.

"The Sovereign, the brother of the teacher." The sword said slowly: "Only a thousand days to be a thief, where is the truth of a thousand days to prevent thieves? And the dragon girl must not stop the purple smoke. So, we all follow Purple smoke plans to act. But behind it is not able to listen to purple smoke."

"What do you mean?"

"When the purple smoke left alone, we secretly followed. The dragon girl did not come out, if she came out, we would kill her!"

The earth and the water and the words shine with the eyes, and suddenly patted the table: "Good way, when we go to a few more, we must kill the dragon girl and always remove this danger."

Xu Ziyan did not ride the cloud baby, but walked the cloud and flew in the direction of Shangyuanmeng. The white clouds blossomed around, and the purple purple sleeves fluttered.

Above a peak, a blue-shirt woman stands silently under an old tree, a jade flute across the lips, and the whistling sound of the whistle flutters in the wind...

The leaves of late autumn have been yellowed, falling with the wind, like a piece of gold leaf fluttering, hovering around her, making it more and more blurred...

The flute echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the clouds opened, and the shape of Xu Ziyan’s flying swayed leisurely. He stood in the clouds and listened to the sound of the squeaking voice. The sad music was talking about endless thoughts, but it was hovering. Endless tenderness, and the heartbreaking pain...

The wind is on the line...

The clouds are floating...

The tree is moving...

There are two people in this world who are as quiet as a virgin. One is the dragon girl under the ancient tree of the peak, and the other is the purple purple smoke of the cloud.

Xu Ziyan saw the dragon girl and heard the flute. She didn't want to escape, and she couldn't escape in front of a god. Her heart is quiet. Gradually immersed in the sad flute.

I don't know how long it took, and the whistle of the flute gradually became silent. The dragon girl put away the jade flute and looked up at the Xu Ziyan in the cloud.

Xu Ziyan leisurely sighed. From the flute, she heard the true feelings of the dragon **** Jiang Jiuzhong, making people make people, why do you let one person fall in love?

The figure was sinking, and the clouds broke away toward the peak. In front of the dragon girl, Xu Ziyan leaned over and prayed:

"Ziyan sees the dragon girl predecessor!"

The space was quiet, and the Dragon Girl did not immediately start. Although the eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, it seemed to be a little lost. Half a ring, gently sigh one channel:

"Purple smoke, drink with me!"

If you fall, wave out two glasses and a jug and place the glass on the ground. I stood up and pointed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan started the wine glass:

"Predecessors. Seniors respect you!"

The dragon girl smiled a little and drank it. Xu Ziyan also took a cup and drank it with both hands.

This time, Xu Ziyan picked up the jug for two people, but this time the dragon girl did not pick up the glass, but looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I am in love with Jiuzhong, are we wrong?"

Xu Ziyan quietly said for a long time, said softly: "According to the younger generation, this thing is not wrong in itself! But... the wrong time is different in your time. You don't know the relationship between the Terran and the Yaozu!"

The dragon girl is silent.

a long time. The dragon girl sighed: "You said that I am not wrong. I am not wrong with Jiuzhong. There is nothing wrong with Cangwu Zong. You are even more wrong as a disciple of Cangwu. But..."

The dragon girl's gaze suddenly became sharp and the voice became sharp: "Nine is due to you, and this hatred can't be reported!"

"The younger generation understands!" Xu Ziyan said calmly.

"Ha ha ha..."

Suddenly there were several laughs in the space. Six figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the dragon girl. The Tianshou’s late peaks were in the water, and the Tianzun’s later words followed, and the three Tianzun’s mid-peak peaks and the early Tianzun’s sword were ineffective. At this time, Xu Ziyan has been separated from the circle.

"Master..." Xu Ziyan instantly realized that this was Master's plan and could not help but shouted excitedly.


The dragon girl realized her situation when she saw six people in the soil. Today she has lost the possibility of escape. I also realized that this is a trap to kill myself.

The same is true for the enemy to see each other!

She instantly restored her body. A huge dragon circled the sky, and the dragon scales on the body suddenly burst out. The dense dragon scales were carried with dragon blood on each piece, and instantly turned into countless dragons and rushed toward the six heavens.

The six great gods instantly fell into the ocean of a dragon. And the dragons that hit the front of the six great heavens also blew themselves up, although they couldn't make the six big gods. But he broke through a crack between the six great gods.

There was no dragon scale on the whole body, and the dragon girl who was covered in blood rushed out from the crack. A huge dragon claw descended from the sky, and the power of the ruined land could be photographed toward Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he wanted to use his big move to escape from here, but he was helplessly found that he could not move under the power of such destruction, and looked at the heavenly dragon. The claws patted the face toward himself.

However, Xu Ziyan’s face did not have the slightest panic. She left the Cangwu Zong to be fully prepared. The heart called out:

"Small water!"

Since Xu Ziyan left the Cangwu Zong, the water that formed a layer of defensive film on the surface of Xu Ziyan suddenly widened outwards. Although it was difficult, it still survived the destruction of the earth. The pressure was propped up and formed a sphere, which covered the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan was covered by a palm of water, blocking the pressure and immediately restored his freedom. Quickly took out a space for the inferior Xianbao, and the body shape will enter it.

All this was done between the minds, the huge dragon claws descended from the sky, just touched the edge of the water of a palm, Xu Ziyan has entered the space fairy, and the mind will receive the water of the palm of the hand, while After entering the purple smoke space, he sneaked into the ground from the bottom of the space fairy, and slanted to the depths of the ground.


The dragon girl smashed the space fairy with a claw, and the next product Xianbao was just broken down like a piece of paper under the dragon girl's claws.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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