The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1961: Mountain spirit clearance

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The earth shattered, and a huge dragon paw print fell deeply into the earth, and water in the depths of the ground spewed out.

The violent vibration spread to the depths of the earth, and the purple smoke space was shaken, and it flew out toward the surface. There was a buzz in the space...


The sword is red and red, and the eyes are rushing toward the dragon girl. Before the man has come to the front, a sword has already been smashed out. At the same time, the five gods such as the earth and the water are also red-red and their eyes release their biggest fairy.

"Nine, I am coming..."

The dragon girl already knows that she is hopeless and she is daring to blew herself...


The whole sky seemed to collapse, and the cracks in the space were moving around. The whole mountain was razed to the ground, and the figure of the six heavenly statues was blown off by self-destruction.

"Puff puff……"

The six great gods spurt blood, a self-destruction of Tianzun, and it is also a self-destruction of a dragon. This power can not be said that the sword is not empty. This is the beginning of the Tianzun. The six figures are like six meteors flying far away...

The purple smoke space made a huge humming sound, and countless stars began to fall and collapse. At this time, the purple smoke space is like a big clock, and Xu Ziyan is buckled inside. The big bell was bombarded by the dragon girl and made a huge humming sound. The whole space is shaking, and the difference in the realm makes the purple smoke space have a tendency to collapse, and it has been shaken from the ground. Flying out into the distance.

Numerous low-order monsters in the purple smoke space were killed by the earthquake, that is, the first-class people and the peaches and other demons were also stunned and passed away.

Ancient vine, white, chaotic...

One by one fainted in the past, Xu Ziyan as the owner of the purple smoke space suffered particularly serious damage, and finally turned his eyes, fainted in the past...

The purple smoke space has no destination to drift away. If Xu Ziyan died, this space will become a non-main space, slowly become a small world, perhaps in the future one day will be discovered by monks on the mainland, and then enter here to try... Treasure hunt...


The sword squirmed with blood and madly flew back. The earth and the water also flew over to the place where the dragon girl blew himself. Six powerful sensations were swept. Then all the changes were made, and then these six gods spread indefinitely...

For a long time, six people took back their knowledge and stood alone in the air. The sword's imaginary eyes became hollow, and suddenly the body swayed, and a blood spurted out of the mouth, and the body fell from the air...

The soil flickered in the shape of the water, and the sword caught the sword, and the eyes revealed extreme grief. The sword is full of emptiness. One day, the great monk is so sad that he has fainted in the past. How much grief!


The soil sighs sadly. A flash of body shape disappeared into the space. The remaining four gods looked at each other and looked at each other. Their body shape flashed and disappeared in the space. Only a few long sighs still hovered in the sky...

The news of Xu Ziyan's death was spread in the Cangwu sect. In the heart of the six heavenly respects such as the earth and the water, Xu Ziyan has been photographed by the dragon girl. Otherwise, it is impossible to find out with their gods.

When the sword returned to a Jianfeng, he woke up and then sat still in the cave. Occasionally mutter a few words from my mouth:

"Ziyan, all Masters are hurting you. If Master does not want to kill the Dragon Girl, once and for all, resolutely prevent you from leaving Cangzong Zong... Master has harmed you..."

Song Wanzhong’s two eyes have been crying like two rotten peaches. After the Ziyanfeng informed the Xujia disciples, they were busy using the communication jade to inform Langyue one by one, the heart, the cold, the thousand cups drunk and Zhang. Unbounded.

At this time, the master's sword was completely ignorant, and one of them locked himself in the Dongfu. Even Song was not seen. The whole Jianfeng’s affairs were handled by Song Wanzhong, who was strong in spirit.

Fortunately, at this time, a Jianfeng peak has been different, and some registered disciples have been collected. At this time, under the command of Song Wanzhong, things have been done in good order.


The more you see the trend of the prosperity of a Jianfeng, the more sad Song Wanzhong’s heart is, these are the changes brought by the younger sister...

Purple smoke peaks.

Xu Jia disciples have been crying, and only Texan Mang is frowning there. She felt that Xu Ziyan did not die, but she was not sure. If Xu Ziyan died, she would have a feeling. After all, she and Xu Ziyan had a relationship with the soul, but she could not feel the slightest message of Xu Ziyan.

This situation is a bit like the situation when the Ziyuan smoked into the Mozu Holy Land in the middle of the galaxy, and was blocked by a space barrier.

However, Tuo Xing's heart is also very clear. If Xu Ziyan died on the mainland, she will definitely feel it. If Xu Ziyan is trapped in a separate space and then dies, she will not feel anything. Therefore, she is very uncertain whether Xu Ziyan is alive now or dead.

Xu Ziyan’s mourning meeting was held in the grand sect of Cangwu Zong, and Tu Yishui personally posted a painful eulogy on the monks of the Cangwu dynasty:

"............, such a person, she can make a big change in the Zongmen..."

The Xutian wolf standing under the stage was a bit weird. He remembered that when he was in Zhongdu City, after the animal tide, the original patriarch Xu Haoran was also such a sad expression, and it was such a similar words, but... I am alive again...

Xu Tianwo involuntarily looked back and hoped that Xu Ziyan appeared in his vision.

However, he was disappointed...

Above the high platform. The sword sits there with no expression and no expression...

Going back to a Jianfeng, this time the sword has no emptiness and has not locked himself in the Dongfu, but sits on the main hall, Langyue. Mind, cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie sitting there silently crying...

"Oh..." The sword sighed without a long sigh. Finally, I said: "If you leave the Zongmen for a few days, you will go out and travel. You will also follow each other according to your original plan."

Having said that, my eyes swept through six disciples and said, "Come and take care of Xu!"

Ziyanfeng, Xujia disciple sitting in the hall, intoxicated flowers also sitting on the side of the eyes and tears.

Xu Tianwo seems to be traveling outside the sky, remembering from the bits and pieces of Zhongdu City, and the scene is replayed in his mind. Suddenly his body trembled. He remembered that Texan Mang and Xu Ziyan had a soul connection.

Huo Ran turned to look at the extension of Xing Xing, saw Tuan Xing Mang did not cry, but his face was not good-looking, sitting next to his brow, his face filled with worries.

Not bad!

Just worry, not sadness...


Texan Mong **** ho **** ho **** Xu Tianwo’s lips squirmed a few times, and his eyes showed his wings, trembling and said:

" it...not dead?"

Xu Jia disciples heard the words of Xu Tianwo, one by one, looked up, and they all looked shocked and pleasantly at the extension of Xing Xing.

Texan Mang shook his head and said: "I don't know..."

"do not know?"

"Yes!" Tuo Xingman still locked his brow and said: "Maybe dead, maybe not dead!"

Xu Tianwo stepped forward to the front of Tuo Xing Mang, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at Tuo Xing Mang Road: "What do you mean?"

Tuo Xingman said with some godlessness: "This time the host is very similar to the scene of the last fall of the Mozu Holy Land. I lost contact with her. However, if she fell in that space, because of the isolation of space barriers. I won't know."

"So it is impossible to determine the life and death of purple smoke?" Xu Tianwo said excitedly.

"Not bad!" Texan Mang nodded.

"Ziyan is not dead!" Xu Tianlang said categorically.

"Why?" All the people focused on the body of Xu Tianwo.

Xu Tianwo’s face has already appeared with a smile: “The purple smoke master said that the purple smoke was shot by the dragon girl in the battle with the dragon girl. However, if that is the case, the star will definitely feel get."

Having said that, Xu Tianwo looked at Tuo Xing Mang. Texan Mang’s eyes were also bright, and he nodded hard.

"Now, the star said that the purple smoke seems to be very similar to the situation of the last fall of the Mozu Holy Land. Presumably, the place where the purple smoke and the dragon girl fight should have a mysterious space, the coincidence of the purple smoke, in life and death. On the edge of the edge into the mysterious space."

"Not bad! It must be like this!" The other Xu family disciples were also excited.


Shangyuan League.

Twelve ancient Tianzun gathered in the valley to face each other for a long time, time Tianzun said:

"Now Xu Ziyan is dead. Although we have already learned the seven elements, we will stop here. What do you think?"

Half-sounding, Qi Qing Tian Zun sighed: "There is nothing to say, we will immediately discuss cooperation with the nine masters."


The space reveals a gap, and a young man in the black robe walks out from inside. There is a flame mark in the eyebrow, which is the Yanshan soul that broke through to the early Tianzun.

After the Yanshan soul broke through to the early days of Tianzun, it immediately tore the space and came to the Shangyuan League. At this time, I looked down from the air and my face was missing.

"Ziyan, I am coming!"

With a big sleeve, the figure fell to the ground and walked toward the gate.

"There are people to stop, here is the Shangmeng League..." A monk guarding the mountain gate shouted.

Yan Nanping walked on the Qingshi Road leading to the mountain gate. While walking, he stretched out a comfortable lazy waist and his face was full of joy.

The days before Yan Nanping have been very sad reminders, and I was beaten by Xu Ziyan. I finally recovered, but I can only live low-key, because Xu Ziyan’s reputation and strength are getting louder and louder in Shangmeng.

Sometimes he really wants to run and ask twelve ancient Tianzun, why should I protect Xu Ziyan? Xu Ziyan is not a member of Shangyuan League. She is a person of Cangwu Zong. Why did she watch her cultivation improve so quickly without killing her?

Isn't this about raising a tiger?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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