The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1964: marry

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Yanshan soul Huo Ran stood up from the chair: "Take me to the place where the dragon girl is fighting."

"I will take you there!" Tu Yishui also stood up.

Yanshan soul nodded toward the soil, and his eyes softened. These people all stood up from the chair and flew away with the big scorpion.

Although the time has passed less than two quarters of an hour, the rhetoric is anxious to move back and forth in the air, staring at the big array in front of him.

The big array suddenly swayed, and a group of people came out from the big array.

"The Sovereign..." The rhetoric flew past the earth.

"Speaking to the younger brother, you are presiding in the Zong, we are going to the place where the dragon girl is fighting!"

When the words fall, the soil will catch Song Wanzhong to tear open the space, and the Yanshan soul will catch Xu Tianwo followed. In the Wanli, it will seize the extension star and disappear into the space.

Six figures appeared at the gate, then stepped out of the mountain gate and rip the space again. Only in an instant, six people appeared in the place where they first fought with the Dragon Girl.

"Yan Daoyou, here is the place to fight with the Dragon Girl!" Tu Yishui pointed to the bottom.

At this point, the following has become a lake, Yanshan soul is standing in the air, and the gods spread over the top and bottom.

With his strength of the gods, plus his realm on the formation, if there is really an independent space here, you must escape the scan of the Yanshan soul.

An hour has passed, Yanshan soul has recovered the knowledge of God, and his eyes are on the extension of Xing Xing. Condensed asked:

"Stars, do you really feel wrong?"

Texan Mang immediately shook his head: "No, I can't feel wrong!"

Yanshan's soul looked anxiously, and whispered in his mouth: "Ziyan. Where are you? Just let me find that space, I will save you."

At this time, I also took back my knowledge and frowned slightly. "Maybe the purple smoke enters a moving space. At that time, the space has long been known where it has drifted. We can't find it at all."

I don’t know life or death!

This is the result of the exploration of the Yanshan soul and the people. At this time, these people have returned to the Cangzong Zong, sitting on the main hall of the Ziyan Peak.

I took a fight with Tu Yishui in Wanli. At this time, the grievances in my heart have disappeared almost, and after listening to the passing of the incident, I know that this matter also blames the Cangzong. At this time, he was worried that Yanshan soul would not develop it, and he whispered to the Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Spirit..."

Yanshan soul smiled a bit, he saw the look of thousands of miles. Naturally understand what you want to say in miles. For Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul is much better than taking thousands of miles. He knew in his heart that it was difficult for someone to change things once Xu Ziyan decided. Cangwu Zong can achieve such a degree, it proves that Xu Ziyan has attached great importance to it, not to mention the fact that Xu Ziyan is still undecided at this time, at least there is still a living hope.

So, I smiled bitterly at the distance: "I understand!"

"Okay. Just understand!" Take a sigh of relief, and the soil on the side is also relieved. Finally, this cruel double emperor is not looking for trouble.

The atmosphere of the two sides gradually harmonized, and the earth was swaying toward the Wanli: "How do you become the master of Ziyan?"

"I was collecting purple smoke when I was traveling to the lower bounds."

The earth gently nodded, and turned his eyes to the Yanshan soul road: "Yandaoyou and Ziyan are..."

"I and Ziyan are Taoist!" Yanshan soul said softly.

"Oh?" The soil flashed a glimmer of light, revealing a trace of suspicion.

"I know this thing!" said the condensate voice.

"We also know a lot of people in our home!" Xu Tianlang also said softly.

Originally speaking, he said that he still has some doubts in the heart of the water. After all, they are both called the cruel emperor. Who knows if they are partner deception? But now Xu Tianwo said that he also knows. Then there is no doubt about this matter.

"Tuzhuzhu. The mountain soul has something to do!" Yanshan soul suddenly said.

“Oh?” Tuyi looked at the water and then said decisively: “Please say that the sect that can be done must help!”

Is not this nonsensical? A monk like Yanshan soul owes himself a person's feelings. This is a rare event in the millennium. Especially now, the Cangwu dynasty continues to happen. When there is already a decline, people like Yanshan Soul can owe themselves a favor. Maybe it will be able to turn the tide when the Zongmen robbed.

"I loved the purple smoke..." Yanshan soul flashed a trace of remembrance: "But we have not married for various reasons. Now I am married to Ziyan in Ziyanfeng, waiting for her here."

Everyone here understands that Yanshan Soul is going to marry a card of Xu Ziyan and express his non-Ziyan heart. If Xu Ziyan returns early, he is happy. If Xu Ziyan falls, never come back, Yanshan soul will be lonely for a lifetime.

Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan are married!

Yanshan soul dressed in a red robes and finished the process under the supervision of Tu Yishui. At this time, he was sitting on a chair in the Ziyan Xianfu, looking at the wooden sign on the table with the words of Xu Ziyan. .

There are very few people who know this wedding. Only the people in Ziyanfeng and the soil are water, and they take thousands of miles.

And on the second day, he left the Cangzong Zong, and he was very unsuitable to stay here. If you let the celestial sect know that he is in the Cangwu dynasty, there will be a fierce conflict between the celestial sect and the celestial sect.

Three days later.

The earth left the Zongmen, not only the soil, but the other eight sects also left their respective sects at the same time and went to the Shangmeng League.

At about the same time, they all received the 12-year-old flying swords from the ancient Tianzun, letting them go to Shangyuan League to have major events. The nine major sects of the sects had negotiated with each other through the Feijian Biography, and they all set off.

The entire Cangzong sect was quiet and restored to daily cultivation.

However, after the death of Cang Jiuzhen, Xu Ziyan, who was in the reputation of Cangwu Zong, died and the whole clan was cast a shadow. The whole clan was covered in a layer of grief.

Many monks have chosen to go out to travel, like Satan, Zuo Pengming, Liancheng, Moshen, etc. They all feel that their responsibilities have become heavy, and hope to make a breakthrough through travel.

There is no shadow to go out to travel, but to guard the spirit of Cang Jiu! Under this circumstance, no one has thought that the shadowlessness has actually achieved a breakthrough and reached the peak of the first land.

A Jianfeng.

Song Wanzhong still manages the things in the peak while he is practicing, but he is always so listless.

Yanshan soul is still wearing a red red robe sitting in the purple smoke fairy house, not talking or moving, eyes looking at the wooden sign on the opposite table, as if it has become a stone statue.

There was a footstep outside the door, and the Yanshan soul did not react at all. The shape of Xu Tianwo appeared at the door, watching the back of Yanshan soul sigh gently, standing for a long time, but finally left.

A month later.

A group of people flew outside the Ziyan Peak, but it was Song Wanzhong with Yan Xingyun rising from the Zhongyuan Galaxy, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yidiao, Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan, Xu Qinyang, Gongzi Forging.

These people have successively broken through to the Xianwang period, but they waited to fly up to the Yuanyuan continent, and they were excited to see Xu Ziyan. But I didn't expect them to fly up, but I heard the news that Xu Ziyan had fallen.

After hearing the news of Xu Ziyan’s fall, the son’s forged body was shrouded in grief, and then he broke through to the peak of the early kings on the way to the Cangzong, and when they came to Cangzong, he had a faint breakthrough. The trend.

Following Song Wanzhong’s entry into the big squad, he saw a large character engraved on a giant peak:

Purple smoke peak!

I saw the word "Ziyan", and the solitary smokers in Ximen felt that a sorrowful temper was coming, and both eyes became wet.

After so long, I did not expect to work hard to come to the mainland, but it is farewell...


The body of the male forged a humming sound, the heaven and earth Yuanli gathered toward him, and instantly broke through to the middle of the fairy king...

Purple smoke peaks.

Within the hall, Xu Tianwo entertained everyone to rest, at this time the male forging still absorbed the power of heaven and earth outside. There is no danger in the purple smoke peak, so there is no need to protect the law.

Xu Tianwo naturally knows what is the most important thing for people such as Ximen solitary smoke, and then tells the story of the matter. Then Xu Tiantian stood up immediately:

"So, Xu Ziyan may still be alive?"

"Yes!" Xu Tianlang nodded.

"I went to see the mountain spirit!" Yan Xingyun stood up from the chair and strode to the room where Yanshan soul lived. Pushing the door open, the sun sprinkled through the door and dropped the mark on the ground.

The soul of Yanshan, who was originally sitting in the shadow, was scattered on the body by the sun, and a thorny red appeared.

It was still a red robes a month ago, still sitting there motionless, as if there was no sound of opening the door behind him.

Yan Xingyun went to the side of Yanshan soul, and his eyes fell on the face of Yanshan soul. At this point, Yanshan soul's face pale, a pair of eyes looking at the opposite wooden sign, the body seems to have two breaths in the wave, a passionate and unrestrained, a cold and dead. Yan Xingyun seems to smell a sense of deadness from the body of Yanshan...

"Mountain ~ ~ soul ~ ~" Yan Xingyun shouted.

Yanshan soul's body fretting, the eyeballs slightly turned in the eyelids, then looked sideways at the Yan Xingyun, and the eyes were slightly shocked, and the voice hoarsely said:

"Master, how come you?"

"Oh..." Yan Xingyun sighed and sat down on a chair. He did not answer the words of Yanshan Soul, but whispered:

"The soul of the mountain, isn't it that the purple smoke may not fall? Why are you so self-sufficient!"

Yanshan spirit smiled bitterly, and in the eyes it was easy to have a slight reaction and gradually became hollow:

"That's just a hope..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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