The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1965: Art is not high, people are daring!

I am very grateful to Xue Xin (1888), Qiantuzi (1888), Chi Yu (588), Tu Yishui (588), Deep Thoughts (588), Broken Tears (100), A Ting 58 Classmates (100), blame café teenagers (100), book friends 130608090321193 classmates (100), shannee classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), anna1978 classmates (100) rewards!


"But..." Yan Xingyun's eyes are full of worry.

"Master, you don't have to say it, I know how to do it!"

When the words fall, Yanshan soul no longer goes to see the Yan Xingyun, and looks at the opposite wooden sign again. The light in the eyes gradually dissipates and slowly becomes hollow...

Xu Ziyan woke up on the third day of the coma, and her headache was split. She was awakened by the Thunder giant sword. She hurriedly took out several Yuanshen Dan clothes. She was not injured, but she was shocked and comatose. Five days have passed and it has fully recovered.

However, Xu Ziyan did not immediately go out from the purple smoke space, but awakened the chaos, and then let the chaos go out and the purple smoke space flew in the direction of the Cangzong.

She knows that the entire Cangzong people think they are dead, and they must go back as soon as possible to make everyone feel at ease. Even if you are safe through the communication of the jade briefing, only if you personally appear in front of everyone, will you be able to believe it.

However, she was unable to leave the purple smoke space at this time, because the purple smoke space was damaged by the dragon girl's self-explosion, and she began to organize her own space in the purple smoke space.

A planet that deviates from the trajectory gradually returns to its own trajectory. Some of the blasted planets re-agglomerate, awakening all living creatures, and then the planets begin to restore their original landscape.

All the creatures also began to rebuild their homes, a busy scene in the purple smoke space...

And at this time. The chaos also flew over the sky and then got in touch with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and Chaos switched their bodies, and they stood in the air and looked down.

Cangwu Zong is very calm, and there are still sixteen monks at the gate of the gate. It seems that Master and Tubo should have no problem.

Xu Ziyan is slightly in the heart. Landed from the air a hundred meters away from the mountain gate, then hike to the mountain gate...

"Come on..."

The monk who guarded the gate of the mountain just shouted out three words, but suddenly seemed to be caught in the neck, standing there dumbly, looking at Xu Ziyan getting closer and closer.

"you you……"

"The sky..."

The sixteen guardians of the guardian gate suddenly sang the fairy to Xu Ziyan, and a headed monk shouted:

"Bold sorrow, I dare to slam the mountain gate in the broad daylight..."

Then he held the fairy and turned to Xu Ziyan's hand: "Xu Shimei, we don't want to do it with already died...don't come back..."

Xu Ziyan looked at each other with a smile. In fact, she also knows that these other people are not really afraid of themselves, but that they are dead and can't bear to shoot their own ghosts. I just hope that I still have memories and I can take my words away.

The key is that you are not dead!

"This brother..."

The opening of Xu Ziyan, the face of the sixteen monks on the opposite side immediately appeared a tense color. Because they all know that the level of sorrow that can speak is high, they may not be opponents.

I saw the appearance of the sixteen people on the opposite side. Xu Ziyan only looked at the helper's eyes to a female monk:

"This sister, I am not dead, you can come up and touch me to see if I am warm!"

The woman’s body was a glimpse, and the fear of the ghost in her heart hit her heart, not to tremble with the teeth:

"Don't... touch me..."

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I don't touch you, let you touch me."

"I too... no... touch you..."

At this time, Texan Mang in the Ziyan Peak suddenly jumped up, she felt the existence of Xu Ziyan, and was very close to her.

“Is it purple smoke back?”

When the next star, it rushed out of the house. Going away from the big bang. I rushed out of the big array. Then he flew away toward the gate. Far away, I saw sixteen Shoushanmen disciples who were offering a fairy to a person.

That person... that person... is Xu Ziyan... is... the master...


Texan Mang rushed out of the mountain gate and stood in front of Xu Ziyan. He said excitedly: ""

"Stars, I am back!"

"Great!" Tuo Xingman grabbed the hand of Xu Ziyan: "I know that the master will not die. Great!"

When the words fell, Zhang Ziyan flew into the mountain gate with a bang. Fly to the purple smoke peak. Sixteen guardian disciples face each other, and then the disciple who took the lead took out the jade briefing and hurriedly reported.


Shangyuan League.

The nine masters and the twelve ancient Tianzun have been secretly discussing. No one knows where they are, and no one knows what they are doing.

The twelve-day sage that has not appeared for a long time gradually gradually allowed the entire Shangmeng to be in the hands of the monks who were in the left side.

The power of the side gates at the disciples level is often stronger than that of the sects of the sects, because they have chosen some of the early fast-moving and powerful exercises. But the consequence is that it becomes very difficult when it breaks through the humane period. Therefore, the monks are often strong disciples on this level, and even overwhelming many of the same-class disciples, but often the Zongmen monks who once lost in their hands broke through the human respect, those paragons still linger in the Xiandi period, Behind the Zongmen disciple.

The sects who have been defeated by the disciples have often challenged the name after breaking through the period of respect. He will defeat his own monk who has defeated himself. This has caused the hatred between the Zongmen and the side door to get deeper and deeper.

The monks who came to the Yuanmeng in the Eastern Zongmen were all disciples. The previous twelve ancient Tianzuns occasionally appeared once, and the Shangmeng League was just established, and the monks could restrain themselves as much as possible.

but. As the twelve ancient Tianzun no longer appears, the courage of the monks is getting bigger and bigger. The conflict between the disciples of the Shangyuan League and the disciples of the Eastern Alliance has also begun to grow.

Lin Siping.

Lin Dong’s brother, the middle of the land, was repaired.

This repair is already among the top ranks in the side door. Thousands of side gates in the north, that is, the entire Shangyuan League. In addition to the twelve ancient Tianzun, there is only one early Tianzun, one land is in the late peak, two in the late stage, three in the middle of the peak, and five in the middle. I can imagine Lin Siping's position in the Shangyuan League.

The investigation of his own younger brother, Lin Dong, was very clear. He was sinned by Xu Ziyan. Lin Dong’s apprentice, Nan Ping, was shot dead by a friend of Xu Ziyan. Before Xu Ziyan died, he did not dare to deal with Xu Ziyan. Because life Tianzun is very clear about Lin Dong’s warning. I can only watch Xu Ziyan live freely.

Therefore, although Xu Ziyan is dead now, his resentment is still stuck in his heart. And Xu Ziyan died, and he has no scruples. First of all, he looked at the Lanbuling who caused the incident. If there was no hatred between Lan Bailing and Min Nanping, then there would be a struggle and there would be no follow-up.

Lan Bailing was interrupted by Lin Siping’s disciples. This is because Lin Siping has scruples in the Shangyuan League. If he left the Shangmeng League, Lan Bailing would have died long ago.

This incident has become a fuse. In a few days, the conflict between the Eastern Alliance disciples and the Shangyuan alleys has intensified. The Eastern Alliance disciples are also helpless. Lin Siping is very arrogant. He believes that the eastern Zongmen is now weak. The Shangyuan League has twelve ancient celestial beings, what is the Eastern Zongmen, and what are the nine sects. That is all the past. And this is still on your own site. Since your Eastern Alliance disciples want to learn the inheritance of our alliance, it is indispensable to whisper, and they should be proud of their original side door.

Therefore, he did not conceal the fact that he had instructed his disciples to kill the Lanbuling and instructed his disciples to suppress the Eastern Alliance disciples.

What about my Lin Siping’s instigation?

How do you have a group of disciples who dare to treat me as a monk?

As for the lords of the Eastern Zongmen. Still good to come and ask me for justice?

I am instructed to be good, but it is a disciple. Are there disciples who can withstand the sects of the Eastern Zongmen also smash the disciples of our Shangmeng League?

However, he ignored the pride of the Eastern Zongmen disciples, and this pride in front of the disciples has been maintained for thousands of years, and has formed a tradition, but now the situation has turned over, which makes these proud sects How can I endure?

A large-scale conflict took place. The disciples of the Eastern Zongmen and the disciples of the Shangyuan League were all in full conflict, and tens of thousands of disciples were in a mess.

At this time, Lin Siping, the elder of the Yuanmeng Alliance, realized the seriousness of the matter. Almost all the top leaders of the Shangyuan League were dispatched, and they were quelling around.

Ma Jingying.

Art is not high, but people are daring. Moreover, her brain structure is very strange, she often thinks of things that others think of, and she often thinks of things that others can't think of.

At the moment when a large-scale conflict broke out between the disciples of the Eastern Zongmen and the disciples of the Shangyuan League, Ma Jingying thought that the high-level members of the Shangyuan League would all be dispatched to calm the conflict. So she hid early in the cave house near Lin Siping.

After Lin Siping took the person away from Dongfu, Ma Jingying determined that no one was around, and quickly ran to Lin Siping's Dongfu before releasing more than a dozen characters, and the roaring voice attracted some of the left-behind children, including taking care of the medicine garden. Some of the discerning disciples who were reduced to low grades made Ma Jingying very smoothly destroy Lin Siping's medicinal garden with a few plaques.

Then she quickly left here, quietly choosing an area that is still in a fierce conflict, rushing to the past...

The conflict was finally suppressed by the sects of the Yuanmeng League. The matter was handed over to a large monk who was respected by several people, and Lin Siping’s great monks returned to their respective caves.

However, just a few moments, Lin Siping snarled and rushed back. At this time, the Eastern Alliance disciples and the Shangyuan alleys were still standing in the square and were scolded by a monk who was respected by a man.

"Who? Who? Give the deity out!" Lin Siping stood in the air and shouted to the bottom.


The essence of this week has been used up, and I can only give points. Thank you for your support!


*(To be continued~^~)

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