I am very grateful to Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang (588), Fuyang Feixing (100), your worry-free classmates (100), Yunyi 9 students (100), GEEGEE students (100), mableip students (100), A Ting 58 classmates (100), ruptured tears classmates (100), shannee classmates (100), Jie Yi classmates (100), blame geeks and teenagers classmates (100) reward!


When Song Wanzhong sat in Dongfu, he couldn’t keep quiet. Every time he thought of a younger sister, he felt flustered in his heart. Standing up from the ground, walked out of Dongfu, standing in front of a sword peak, looking at the air without a focal length, and sighing from time to time.

Suddenly his eyes were straight. He saw two people standing in the air not far from a Jianfeng Peak. One person was a star, another... another... how is it like... a younger sister...

“Isn’t the little sister really not dead like Tuo Xingman’s? Is it alive?”


Song Wanzhong’s figure flew to the front of Xu Ziyan, and the gods passed it out and scanned it on Xu Ziyan’s body. Then he stammered and said:

"Little sister, you... really... come back..."

Song Wanzhong’s voice woke up the dreaming Xu Ziyan.

"Mountain Spirit..."

Xu Ziyan flew out with a bang, and flew away toward the purple smoke peak. Song Wanzhong and Tuo Xingman followed closely, and both of them had an excited smile on their faces.

Yanshan soul is still wearing a red robes sitting on the chair, motionless. Inside the mountain inside Dantian. The water in the pool was gradually shrinking, and the mountain was gradually closed, and the eyes were closed inside.

The door behind him was pushed open and the sun shone again. But the soul of Yanshan still feels like it is not.

"Mountain Spirit..."

Yanshan soul trembled, but did not dare to look back. He is afraid of this turn, turning his head into the air, everything is his own illusion. Xu Ziyan stood at the door and looked at the Yanshan soul sitting on his chair. The eyes become wet. The red robes are red in the sun, but the black hair has turned into white...

"Mountain Spirit..." Xu Ziyan's lips trembled and called.

Yanshan soul suddenly stood up from the chair, then his shoulders shook and slowly turned over.

The red robe, the white hair, the red heart of the eyebrows, the face became vicissitudes of life, and the original youthful flying became much more sorrowful than Xu Ziyan, but the pair of eyes gradually became star-studded...

Two people are opposite each other...

quite a while……

Yanshan soul opened his arms and walked toward Xu Ziyan. The tears in his eyes rolled down, but he did not dare to blink, staring at Xu Ziyan with his eyes wide open, for fear that he would blink, and Xu Ziyan disappeared from his eyes, making it all a phantom.

at last……

He walked over to Xu Ziyan and folded his arms out. Bringing Xu Ziyan into his arms...

The room was silent, as if entering eternity...

Xu Ziyan raised his head from the arms of Yanshan soul. He reached out and shook his hand and stroking the white hair of Yanshan soul. He only felt the pain in his heart and the tears slammed down:

"Mountain Spirit..."

Outside the door flashed, Song Wanzhong and Tu Xingman appeared at the door. Two people looked at the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, who were embracing each other, and looked at each other and quietly retreated.


The sun is gradually slanting...

On the central square of Shangyuan League, the eastern Zongmen disciples have been stunned for a day.

More than a hundred disciples of the Shangyuan League were watching more than 10,000 eastern sects. Anyone who wants to take out the news of the jade brief notice to Zongmen. Immediately, the jade will be taken away, and then two loud slaps will be fanned.

A figure fell on Lin Siping's medicinal garden. At this time, Lin Siping was directing the boy to replant the herbs, and his face was long and gloomy.

The coming person is a late stage of the Shangyuan League. Called Jiaomu. Falling to the side of Lin Siping, looking at the reorganized medicine garden, smiled bitterly:

"Lin Shidi!"

"Jiao Shixiong!" Seeing is Jiaomu. Lin Siping is very polite.

Jiaomu looked at the medicine garden and sighed again. He knew that there were several precious herbs planted in this medicine garden. It was Lin Siping who couldn’t find the transplant, but this thing can’t continue this way. Zongmen knew this and didn't know how to close it.

"Lin Shidi, how are you going to finish?"

Lin Siping frowned slightly, and now he also has some tigers to eat hedgehogs.

"Can't you just let them squat like this?" Jiao Mu sighed: "I know this thing makes you very angry. But... To be honest, we don't understand the minds of the twelve ancient gods. Just like the thing between Xu Ziyan and your brother who happened before, Life Tianzun is obviously biased in purple smoke. Fortunately, now Xu Ziyan is dead, if Xu Ziyan is here..."

Lin Siping's eyelids jumped involuntarily. When he heard the name of Xu Ziyan, his heart rose with hatred and fear.

His younger brother Lin Dong and his younger brother, Nan Nanping, died because of Xu Ziyan. This hatred is higher than the sky. However, the life **** is extremely protective of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has been listed as a person who can not be provoked by the monarchs of the Yuanmeng League, but fortunately she is already dead.

"Lin Shidi!" Jiao Mu said on the side: "You have humiliated them for a day, and you have not seen a person standing up and acknowledging that it is clear that no one will come out to admit it. I think it is alright!"

"Forget it? My pharmacy was ruined?" Lin Siping's eyes raised anger.

Jiao Mu shook his head and said: "Lin Shidi, that is, forget it now, can this thing be controlled or an unknown. Now the disciples in the league look at the disciples of the eastern Zongmen, and they are not allowed to use the communication jade to the patriarch The door reported the matter. But this thing is unstoppable. When the sects of the various sects are aware of the matter, the Shangmeng League does not know how to deal with it!"

“Hey!” Lin Siping snorted angrily: “It’s Shi Zhongyu’s fear, how to say that he is also an early Tianzun. How can he be afraid of the Eastern Zongmen?

Now that we are on the side of the United States, it is no longer a side door. What is terrible? Besides, this matter is even if the sovereign of the eastern Zongmen came. Do they have faces to ask for sin?

Their disciples in Zongmen did something to steal the chicken and touch the dog. They did not dare to do things in the light, but secretly used the fairy to blow up my medicine garden. When I get there, I have to ask them to explain. ”

Lin Siping said more and more angry: "I didn't beat them, and I didn't use them to search for gods. This is already the righteousness. What do they want in the eastern sect?"

Jiaomu thought about it. I also felt that Lin Siping was right, and nodded. "You said it is good, but if they don't say this, would you let them go down like this?"

"Three days!" Lin Siping gritted his teeth: "Let them squat for three days. If no one has admitted it, forget it. I used a pharmacy to exchange humiliation for the eastern sect. It is worth it!"

"Good!" Jiao Mu also nodded hard and said: "This gang of eastern sects should also be humiliated. I have to look at this thing and publicize what is going on in the Eastern Zongmen. Lin Shidi. You Rest assured, if the Eastern Zongmen is really looking for trouble, we will support you on the Yuanmeng."

"Thank you, Jiao Jingxiong!" Lin Siping's eyes flashed a gratefulness.

All the Eastern Zongmen disciples in Shangyuan League were now in the central square, but only one person was the Lanbuling who was interrupted by the limbs, because she could not move and kept lying in bed. Did not participate in this large-scale conflict, but it has escaped this robbery.

However, how could she not hear such a big conflict between the disciples of the Shangyuan League and the disciples of the Eastern Zongmen?

Lan Bailing released her knowledge and saw it clearly from beginning to end. Later, she saw Lin Siping forced the sect of the sect of the sect to squat in the sight of God. In my heart, I finally remembered that I would like to report to Zongmen, use the knowledge of God to take out the jade, and report the matter to the Qinglian patriarch in detail.

The Qinglian Zongzong listened and listened, and almost angered his own hall. But after she calms down. Immediately began to report to each of the sects. Because this is not their case, this is the sin of the entire Eastern Zongmen.

The news spread out, and this time the whole east was sensational. When can the left-handed disciples squat? When can the side door be able to ride on the eastern gate?

However, the nine patriarchs were not there at this time. But there are also great elders who personally took a large number of monks to go to the Yuanmeng League, in a twinkling of an eye. The east and the north seem to be colliding fiercely...

Cangwu Zong.

The purple smoke peak began to be re-arranged, and Song Wanzhong also took time out to let the famous disciples of a Jianfeng peak clean up the mountain peaks. Such a Jianfeng and Ziyanfeng were completely new and happy.

Nowadays, the soil is not in the Zongmen. I don’t know what to do with the invitation of the 12th Heaven. Nowadays, it is the law-abiding slogan of the town.

However, just now he received news from the Qinglian Zongzong, and he was furious. The matter of sitting in the town of Zongmen was handed over to the town of Chuangongtang, and he personally left the Cangwu dynasty with a group of monks and went to the Yuanmeng League.

These things are not known to people in Ziyanfeng. They are gathering at the main hall of Ziyanfeng at this time, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are sitting side by side.

Xu Ziyan saw the robes on the body of Yanshan in his room, and saw the wooden sign with his own name on the table. At this time, sitting in the hall, listening to Tu Xingmang to say things through the bit by bit, only then know that Yanshan soul has been married to himself, although the original representative of himself is a card...

According to tradition, at this time, Xu Ziyan is already the wife of Yanshan Soul, not to mention the fact that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul are originally heart-to-heart.

Just heard this thing, Xu Ziyan could not help but turn to look at Yanshan soul, see Yanshan soul is watching her silent and laughing. Xu Ziyan’s face was immediately shy and red, and he lowered his eyes slightly, and his hands did not know where to go. I took a corner of the clothes for a while, and touched the armrests of the chair for a while...

The Yanshan soul always smiles and looks at Xu Ziyan. Since Xu Ziyan came back, he has been looking at her all the time, and there is no one else in his eyes.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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