The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1968: Anxious to return to the US

Congratulations to Yan Ling Qing Zhang as the best elder!


Tuo Xing Mang said that he was excited. After the Yanshan soul shut himself in the room, he described it in more detail. Xu Ziyan’s heart was shrouded in a warm and tender feeling, no longer squinting, but turning his head to welcome The eyes of Yanshan soul. The two people looked at each other like this, as if there were two of them in the hall, no one else...

Half a ring, a soft cough sounds Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul awakened, Xu Ziyan quickly glanced at the coughing Xu Zhenshan, his face could not help but a red, hurriedly said:

"All the family is alright?"

Xu Zhenshan smiled and nodded: "Everything is fine."

After this opening, the mood of Xu Ziyan gradually calmed down, and suddenly remembered that he took thousands of miles and asked quickly:

"I have heard my Master recently... Is it the news of Master Wanli?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally shake your head together. Xu Ziyan just frowned slightly, and then stretched and looked away. He took the ghost out of the miles and did not know that his whereabouts were normal.

Looking at Song Wanzhong, he whispered: "What are they good for Master?"

Song Wanzhong sighed softly: "It’s not good. After the incident happened, Master was like a lost soul. The same is true of other brothers and sisters. Right..."

Song Wanzhong jumped up from the chair and said: "I forgot to inform the Master of the news of your return!"

When I left, I took out the jade, and walked outside the hall.

At this time, Xu Haotian stood up from the chair and said with a smile: "Ziyan. Mountain spirit, I see if you will give two weddings again, and we will have a good time!" Ha ha……"

Listening to this statement, there is a creaking sound inside the hall. Xu Ziyan’s heart “squeaky” wants to jump out of the chest, suddenly remembered that Yanshan soul got his own death message, and even chose to hold his own card for a lifetime, and could not help but look at Yanshan soul. Gently whispered:

"Mountain Spirit..."

"Ziyan!" Just at this time. But I saw Song Wanzhong rushing in from outside the hall: "There is something wrong!"

The people in the main hall are a glimpse of it. The purple smoke can’t help but ask: “What happened to the four brothers?”

"I just told the Master that you didn't die. I told him that he was getting a message from the teacher. At this time, he was going to the Shangmeng League. The eastern sect of the Shangmeng League was now surrounded by the disciples of the Yuanmeng, and I was forced to kneel in the square by the elders of the Yuanmeng League. It has been a day."

"What?" Xu Ziyan’s face was anxious: "What are they doing now?"

"I don't know. Master didn't say it."

"I immediately went to Shangmeng! Just..."

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the Yanshan soul, and his eyes were full of apologies. Yanshan soul smiled and took the hand of Xu Ziyan, said softly:

"You owe me a wedding!"

"I am still in your life!" Xu Ziyan clenched the hand of Yanshan soul with his backhand, and said softly.

"I will take you there!" Yanshan soul wants to tear the space, but Xu Ziyan is blocking him, reaching out and pointing to the red cheongsam of Yanshan soul. There was a shame on his face.

Yanshan soul looked down at the big red robes on his body. He smiled and released the hand holding Xu Ziyan. The space swayed and disappeared. However, in an instant, Yanshan soul took another step from the space, and had already changed back to a black robe, but the white hair was more conspicuous.

"You stay in the sect!"

Space just left this sentence, the shape of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan has disappeared...

Only in an instant, Yanshan soul came to the front of Cangwu Zongshan with Xu Ziyan. Out of the mountain gate. Yanshan soul once again tore the space and took Xu Ziyan to shuttle.

At this time, the Shangyuan League was arrogant, and more than 10,000 Eastern Zongmen disciples were still lying on the ground. In addition to the ancient twelve-day honor, the only one in the early Tianzun, Shi Zhongyu led all the Shangyuanmeng monks to the Eastern Zongmen. The monk who came here stopped outside. The two sides are arguing fiercely.

Although the matter of Shangyuan League has been done excessively. However, it is reasonable, and Lin Siping is even more like a bitter and deep enemy. There was no rule in the Eastern Zongmen, and even secretly used the fairy to blow up his own Dongfu and the medicine garden. It was even more guts of the rats. Things did not even admit it.

Nowadays, it is not the Shangyuan League that forced the disciples of the Eastern Zongmen to be here, but the one who did such a thing and did not dare to admit that they were here.

You don’t have to raise sins here in the eastern sects. If you have the ability to let the person stand up, will things not be solved?

If the monks who came to the eastern Zongmen wanted to kill the stone jade and others in front of them, it would not be easy to do so, but they would not have much effort. After all, the masters of the various sects who came here must be higher than the stone jade, not to mention the other monks of the Yuanmeng.

However, they also have concerns. After all, it is Shangyuan League. Although the twelve ancient Tianzuns have not yet come out, but who knows whether the twelve ancient Tianzuns are observing in the dark?

On the other hand, the lords of the nine major sects are now absent, which makes the nine major sects have no heads. This matter is not handled well. It will cause the Eastern Zongmen and the Northern Yuanmeng Alliance to fully open the fairy war. This responsibility is not something they can afford. The most important thing is that they don't take care of it. If their medicine garden is secretly blown up, they may be doing more than Lin Siping.

At this time, Ma Jingying in the crowd felt very shy, but at this time she did not dare to stand up. If she stood up, she would not be afraid to die, but she would bear the nickname and die, and she would be implicated in her own. Zongmen’s reputation, this ruined death law made her fear.

This kind of fear and shame are mixed in the heart, which makes Ma Jingying gradually out of control. Suddenly yelling loudly:

"Why do you say that we are doing in the Eastern Zongmen disciples, not in the enemy of the Yuanmeng League?"

Lin Siping's face sinks: "The palm of your hand!"

"Do you dare?"

"I don't dare to treat this kind of disciple who is not worthy of respect." Lin Siping also went out at this time, and at this time he could not be weak. Whether Shangyuan can be above the eastern sect, or is always riding on the head of the eastern sect, it depends on today. So, he calmly shouted:

"What are you waiting for? Palms!"

The eastern Zongmen was angry. In front of them, their disciples are squatting, and some of the disciples are still hurt, which has made them unable to bear, and is on the verge of violent walking. At this time, Lin Siping actually made people feel the mouth of the eastern Zongmen. This is not a slap in the face of a fan, this is the slap in the face of these gods, fanning.


All the Eastern Zongmen Tianzun's body released the imposing manner, and a fairy scorpion quickly formed in the hands. Their eyes were unrecognizable and murderous. Their attitude was very obvious. If the disciples of the disciples of the Yuanmeng would dare to fan their faces on Ma Jingying, they would have slaughtered the Yuanmeng League today.

Shi Zhongyu’s look changed and just wanted to talk. Lin Siping screamed and said: "What? Are you scaring? Is it scaring me or scaring the 12th day?"

When I heard the twelve-day esteem, all the Eastern Zongmen monks couldn’t help but flash a bit of hesitation, and the momentum could not help but weaken.

All of this is in the eyes of Lin Siping, and there is a trace of disdain in his eyes. What is the Eastern Zongmen? Shit! Just use the name of the twelve days to succumb.

"Twelve days of disdain to meet you, but it does not mean not paying attention to the things here. I would like to see who in the eastern sects dare to do under the eyes of the twelve days of respect?"

Having said that, he has already seen that these eastern Zongmen monks have no hands-on momentum, and there is a sneer on his face. He turned his head and said to the disciple of Shangyuan, who was standing in front of Ma Jingying.

"Open your mouth!"

"Do you dare?" 冷 跪 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马 马

"If you dare to fight today, I am swearing here and swearing, you must let your gods die!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Lin Siping said with amazement: "First palm her mouth!"

The disciple was violently screamed by Lin Siping, and his slap in the face reflected in the cold and clear face.


A figure flew out, but it was the disciple of Shangyuan. At this time, there was a figure in the side of the cold and clear, and it was her master's sword.

"The sword is not empty!" Lin Siping looked a change. Screamed: "You are not afraid of the 12-day sin of you?"

The sword is full of fingers and pops out **** to unwind the acupuncture points of the knees. Then she unlocked the seal in her Dantian and reached out to help the cold, and then turned to look at Lin Siping, slowly said:

"We never know the fear of a sword peak! Even if it is twelve days, it will not work!"

"Master said it!"

A clear and beautiful voice rang in the space. Two figures appeared from the air and fell to the side of the sword and the cold and clear.

"Xu Ziyan? You are not dead?" Lin Siping looked at Xu Ziyan with a shocked look. Blurt out.

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of him. He waved and removed several people from the side of the seal. At this time, other Eastern Zongmen monks saw the sword and Xu Ziyan successively shot, and the twelve days did not appear. What's more, the singularity of the sword that has been revealed by the sword has provoked the blood of the people, and they have forced the past to the monks of the Yuanmeng.

At this time, it was the Yuanmeng League, and the 12 days did not appear. Are they the opponents of the Eastern Zongmen? This is the case, the 12-day esteem still does not appear, and where do they dare to shoot to the Eastern Zongmen?

At this moment, the fear of the eastern Zongmen in the bones rose to the heart, one by one flashed to the side, that is Lin Siping is no exception.

The monks of the Eastern Zongmen quickly dismissed more than 10,000 disciples and sealed them up. At this time, the Eastern Zongmen and Shangyuan League were re-divided into two camps.

The monks of the two camps looked at each other. At this time, the disciples of the eastern Zongmen were also somewhat uneasy. The man was saved, and the twelve days did not come out. But this does not mean that things are over.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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