The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1969: Tianmen

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The day when Twelve Days is over, if you wait for someone to take the disciples away, the ending is unpredictable.

Xu Ziyan also knows that the situation is serious. At this time, it is best to make the big things small and small things. At the very least, it is impossible for the two sides to confront each other in the square. In this confrontational atmosphere, as long as there is a little friction, maybe it will be hit, then things will be a big deal.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately stood up and said to the surrounding Eastern Zongmen monks:

"Predecessors, Ziyan represents the Eastern Zongmen disciples here. Thank you for your predecessors in the busy schedule. Before we take the time to visit our disciples who are studying abroad. I think all the seniors come here to visit us, and I also want to Assessing that we have been practicing in the Yuanmeng League in these years, there are many words to slap their respective disciples."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan glanced at the more than 10,000 disciples: "Do you want to go to your own dormitory to see their respective teachers, and also report their cultivation experience to the teachers?"

No one who can cultivate to such a realm is a fool, that is, Ma Jingying is also a big nerve, not a stupid. How can Xu Ziyan’s words not be heard? Not to mention those monks who are honoured. The atmosphere on the square suddenly became warm and warm.

"Master, my disciple hasn't seen you for a long time, I want to die my disciples. Go to the disciple's dormitory and let the disciples serve you tea!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

"The lord, the disciple entered the country very quickly in these few years, went to the disciple's dormitory. The disciple demonstrated for the lord."

"Master, my disciples don't understand something. I want to ask Master to give me one or two."


Only in an instant, the eastern Zongmen monks and disciples above the square almost walked a clear air. The opposite Shang Yuanmeng monk stunned and looked at everything that happened in front of him...


Too shameless...

But... how can they do it? Only wait for the twelve days to appear. Reward for twelve days.

And to be honest, how can the Eastern Zongmen withdraw, and let them breathe a sigh of relief, they are really afraid that the Eastern Zongmen will kill it regardless of the situation. After all, it seems that the 12-year-old ancient Tianzun is not in the Yuanmeng, otherwise it will be noisy. It’s impossible to come out of such a big movement. Without the twelve days of respect standing behind them, they simply couldn’t bear the blow of these great monks in the Eastern Zongmen.

At this time on the square. Except for the monks of the Yuanmeng, there are only monks of the Clan. Xu Ziyan went to the Master and the words and deeds:

"Master, Shi Bo, you go to the three divisions to sit first. I went to see the twelve days of respect, and I will understand things. Oh, yes. How is this going back?"

At this time, not only the sword and other people’s faces showed a shocking color, but the people of Shangyuanmeng were also shocked.

what does she say?

She said she is going to see the twelve days of respect?

She knows where is the 12th day?

Can she see twelve days at any time?

What is the relationship between her and Twelve Days?

No wonder the original life will respect her like that!

"I will accompany you!" Yanshan soul said aside.


Xu Ziyan nodded, and after the Master and others quit, they went away with the Yanshan soul. No one dares to follow Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan, this is to see the twelve days of respect, 12 days do not want them to know the place, where they dare to follow, it is a taboo for the immortal world.

It’s just that the monks in the Yuanmeng’s eyes looked at the shadows of Yanshan’s soul. They didn’t know who this young monk was, and his expression was always faint. Even if it is said to see Xu Ziyan with Xu Ziyan. The look is also faint, as if to see the twelve days of respect as just drinking water.

What is his identity?

Who is it?

Xu Ziyan fell in front of the mysterious valley with Yanshan soul, and saw the array of the valley still in the line, and then stepped into the battle with Yanshan soul. Enter into the valley.

In the valley, it is still the original appearance. But I have not seen the twelve days.

Xu Ziyan could not help but frown a little, and let go of the knowledge and let go. In order to wait for her to find out what, but see Yanshan soul sticking his finger toward a cliff not far away:

"over there!"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and this reminds me that the Yanshan soul is the real master of the array, and he does not know how much higher than himself. Then he followed the Yanshan soul to the cliff without saying a word.

Before coming to the cliff, Yanshan soul held Xu Ziyan's hand in one hand, and shot a few handkerchiefs on the cliff in one hand, then pulled Xu Ziyan and ran into the cliff.

In front of the scene, when I see the scene in front of me, I see a passage leading to the distance, and this passage does not seem to be long, because I can see the radiance of the passage at the end of the passage.

Xu Ziyan looked around and felt that this passage should not be passed down from ancient times, but it was opened in recent years.

Could it be that the 12 days have found out how to relic? No wonder they have to work so hard to learn the formation?

Soon, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul came to the end of the passage. The look of Xu Ziyan was shocked. The light here was released from a space, which means that the end of the passage is an independent space.

Xu Ziyan looked at the independent space in front of her eyes and quickly thought about it in her mind: "This should be the first time to find the place here, and then build the Yuanmeng League here. They come from ancient times, naturally they know some ancient secrets. Just what is the first secret that they look for after they are free?"

She was thinking here, but the Yanshan soul was stretching her hand to tear the space barrier in front of her, pulling Xu Ziyan and walking in.

As soon as I entered this space, Xu Ziyan was shocked!

With the experience of Xu Ziyan, she rarely has been shocked. But this time it was really shocked!

Can't describe this space in front of you. If you don't want to find a word to describe it, it is:


As for how beautiful? It is impossible to describe in words. There are two words that can describe the feeling of Xu Ziyan at this time.

Fairy world!

This is the real fairy world!

It can't be described in words, but it makes people think of the fairy world at a glance.

"Mountain Spirit..."

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the soul of Yanshan. However, I saw Yanshan’s soul sullenly face, looking at the eyes and watching it with vigilance.

"Purple smoke, be careful. This is where the fairy lives!"

Xu Ziyan’s nerves were immediately tightened, and his eyes looked around. Asked in a low voice:

"Mountain Spirit, are you sure?"

Yanshan soul nodded lightly, and there was a bitter bitterness on his face: "Why have you been here many times, how can I not know?"

Xu Ziyan looked around and could not help but sigh: "Sure enough, it is the land where the Lord lives. This is the real land of the Immortals!"

I took back my eyes and looked at the soul of Yanshan: "Soul of the mountain, I think that the lord should not be here. He will not heal in his own palace? He is not afraid of being found by the enemy?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "It's hard to say that the demon Lord is healing in his demon palace!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked: "Have you seen the demon Lord?"

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded gently: "I will tell you later, we are still careful about the situation!"

Yanshan soul light road familiar with the road with Xu Ziyan flying toward the front, about an hour later, saw a huge portal, engraved with two words:


Under the Tianmen, there are twenty-one villains who are like ants in the Tianmen, but they are the twelve ancient gods and the nine masters.

"Great door!" Xu Ziyan could not help but blurt out.

Yanshan soul said to Xu Ziyan's voice: "Only enter this Tianmen. Inside is the real fairy palace."

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and said to Yanshan soul: "What do you mean by saying that this door is an independent space?"

"Not bad!" Yanshan soul nodded gently.

At this time, the twelve-day lord and the nine masters at the gate also found Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. The earth saw the Xu Ziyan in the water, and the look was awkward. The face immediately showed a surprise color and flew over to Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, are you really dead?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan also welcomed the past with joy.

"Ziyan!" Twelve days also flew over.

"Little girl!" The four lords of the Danfu Array also flew over.

Luo Tianzong and Tianxiang Zongzong also smiled and flew over. Only the gods and the celestial patriarchs looked at Xu Ziyan intricately.

"Ziyan!" Xuan Tianao, the sect of the ancestor, said to Xu Ziyan: "You also come to see the prohibition of this door. We have been studying for a long time."

Xu Ziyan nodded. Together with the Yanshan soul, with the Tianzun, everyone fell to the front of Tianmen. Looking towards Tianmen. Looking around, while talking to Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Spirit, can you go in?"

"Can!" Yanshan soul said: "But what about these people?"

Xu Ziyan licked his eyebrows and said: "Is there a lot of good things inside?"


Can let Yanshan soul say "OK". It is proved that the Imperial Palace within this Tianmen must have many treasures.

But in front of Xu Ziyan, there is only such a tall Tianmen, who wants to enter the Palace of the Immortals. It is only possible to enter from this Tianmen, which makes Xu Ziyan difficult.

When the soul of Yanshan was not exposed to his identity, his cultivation had not yet fully recovered. If this banned gate was broken, it would certainly cause suspicion among the people. And Xu Ziyan is not likely to take Xiaomumu out, which reveals her cards. Shake his head secretly, or deal with the business first, this fairy palace will be released later.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan said to Xuan Tianao: "Older brother, you can't crack the ban on the formation, how can the purple smoke be cracked?"

Having said that, the whole look is: "The purple smoke is here, there is an important thing to say to the seniors."

Everyone saw Xu Ziyan’s serious look, and he couldn’t help but ask, “The purple smoke, is there something wrong outside?”

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "The sovereign, it is really an accident!"

Next, Xu Ziyan did not wait for everyone to ask, and he said what happened. After the purple smoke is finished, these Tianzun faces are very ugly. It is the twelve ancient heavens that are no exception.

The nine masters were ugly, because their disciples were humiliated. The twelve ancient Tianzun faces are ugly, because Lin Siping has disrupted their plans.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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