The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1971: The peak of the emperor

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The black robes on the opposite side are not the soul of Yanshan, but take thousands of miles. Looking at Xu Ziyan’s small face and white appearance, he couldn’t help but laugh happily:

"Ha ha ha... how? Seeing Master, not the mountain spirit, disappointed?"

Xu Ziyan’s white face turned red and became a red foot. “Master, why are you wearing a black robe?”

Take a look at Wanli: "I don't even blame the stupid boy of Yanshan Spirit. I learned from him and I couldn't beat him. I learned more times, all my clothes were broken by him, so I wear him. Clothes."

Xu Ziyan looked up and down for a thousand miles and suddenly jumped up and said: "Yeah, Master, you are late!"

The joy on the face of Wanli said: "Don't say that the boy of Yanshan is really powerful, not only strong, but also very powerful. It has been a great part for him to get along with him for half a year. I am now very helpful. I am now I really doubt him who is the ancient reincarnation and rebuilding."

"He is more than an ancient power!" Xu Ziyan secretly muttered in his heart, but his eyes looked around: "Master, mountain spirit?"

"That kid said that there is still less material for the refining of the market, go out and find the material!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a burst of space. Yanshan soul stepped out of the space crack, seeing Xu Ziyan, his eyes could not help but shine:

"Ziyan, are you back?"


Xu Ziyan greeted her with joy. Take a mile in a robe sleeve. I went away with interest and disappeared.

Two people sat down on the grass by the lake in the valley, and Yanshan soul finger moved slightly, and there was a sword in his hand. Handed to Xu Zi flue:


Xu Ziyan took over the sword and his eyes fell on the sword. From the outside, this is an ordinary fairy sword, giving people the feeling that it is the appearance of the five or six. There are seven holes in the sword, and the word "purple smoke" is carved in the hilt. However, when Xu Ziyan passed by the gods, the eyes were shocked, and Huoran turned to the first:

"This is... the best peak treasure?"

"Well. Although this sword is only a superb treasure, but it is not inferior to the super treasures that surpass the peak of the best. It has eleven kinds of attributes, namely, the golden wood, the fire, the light and the dark wind, the time and space. The realm of this is not enough to fully exploit the power of this sword, if in the future you can fuse the attributes you have learned..."

Yanshan soul hopes to become deeper than Xu Ziyan's eyes: "At that time, your cultivation is probably no worse than me, and then use this sword, that is, the lord may not be able to do it with you."

"Really?" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed like stars.

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded gently, but in the heart is another thought: "The demon Lord once said that this world is transported by the lord. The demon Lord, the devil, the Kui Tian and I are equally divided. Will a monk like us be produced?"

"Well, I will call this sword a purple sword!"

Yanshan soul sighed with a sigh, his fingers moved slightly, and took out nine bells and handed them to Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, these nine bells I have re-made for you, and they are now the best of the best."

Xu Ziyan happily took the nine bells and placed them in the palm of the hand. The nine bells were small and cute. Released the treasure of the earth. Xu Ziyan took out a rope. The nine bells were strung together and tied to the wrist. On the white wrist, nine bells of different colors were shaken with the wrist, and a pleasant ringing sound was heard in the valley.

"Mountain Spirit. Look good?"

"good looking!"


The breeze strokes, the lake is simmering. The leaves are lightly shaken and rustling...

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan, who was ignoring his eyes in his arms, and wanted to reach out and touch the smooth face of Xu Ziyan, but he was afraid of destroying the atmosphere at this time.

There is a warm atmosphere around the two people, and a feeling of heart and soul flows between the two hearts. Yanshan soul eyes looked at Xu Ziyan without hesitation, and his mouth floated from time to time with a smile, and he did not know what he thought of there...

The sun has passed through the sky, and it has gradually plunged...

A figure appeared in the sky above the valley, Yanshan soul's fascinating gaze flashed a bit, Xu Ziyan closed eyelids beat a bit, but neither of them moved, do not want to break this warm and quiet atmosphere.

Above the clouds, look at the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan below, and the beard is awkward, and he mutters:

"Can you still sit for one day?"

Then he shook his head again, and the sleeves disappeared without a trace.

The mouth of Yanshan and Xu Ziyan’s mouth floated a smile at the same time...

"Mountain Spirit..."


"How did Master find it here?"

"do not know!"

"That... how did you both fight? Listen to Master saying that his clothes have been broken by you, only to put on your clothes and make me admit the wrong person!"

"Ha ha……"

"stop laughing……"

"When he first came, he said that he wanted to get to know me as a master of refining, and also thanked me for the five-color sword that I made for him. Then we both would inevitably talk about cultivation. In some ways he Different from my point of view, it is inevitable to initiate an argument. So it is better to start with the move, and the two of us will fight. Don’t look at your Master’s superficial repair is higher than me, but it’s really hard to beat me. But after playing for so long, Instead, he changed his cultivation to the late Tianzun."

"Your cultivation is improving too fast, and now it is already the peak of Tianzun!" Xu Ziyan said leisurely.

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "You don't know my condition, as long as you refine the body of the sputum, the natural entry is very fast. Last time I went to see the demon Lord. I found that his cultivation has been restored to the demon Lord. level!"

"The demon Lord he... has completely recovered?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"There is no complete recovery, probably a return to the first layer."

"The appearance of a layer? The mountain spirit, what is your level? What is the division of strength?"

"In fact, we don't know what our level should be called. In ancient times, the monks in the world called us five for the five saints. But the five of us prefer the name we call ourselves, the evil master, the demon Lord, the lord. And Kui Tian.

As for the level of our level, we are not clear. I have broken through seven times at this level, and it should be counted as the seventh floor of this level, and the demon Lord, the devil, the lord and the Quebec. We also fight each other from time to time, and we are very clear about each other's strength. All of us spent hundreds of millions of years on the seventh level, but we did not get the slightest breakthrough. So the lord, in fact, is not only the lord, but all of us suspect that this is the last barrier. If we can break through this last barrier, we will see an unprecedented world.

Therefore, although the demon Lord has now returned to the realm of the Holy Level, it is still far from his heyday. ”

Xu Ziyan straightened up from the arms of Yanshan soul: "My cultivation is still too weak! However, I will soon break through to the peak of the late Emperor, I will catch up with you soon."


Xu Ziyan sits in the bamboo floor at the knee end, and Yanshan souls are placed under the eaves of the bamboo building. The rafts are finely falling, and the water flows on the roof, down the eaves, like a string of bead curtains in front of the Yanshan soul. Drooping...

Xu Ziyan has been retiring in the bamboo building for more than a month. At this time, she holds the scroll of the wind in her hands, and the knowledge of God is completely melted into the volume of the wind. The clothes on the body gradually became windless and automatic, and then a circle of breeze was born. Spread towards the surrounding...

The breeze spreads out of the bamboo building. Ascending to the sky, picking up the clothes of the Yanshan soul, the curtains hanging from the eaves slightly raised upwards, and the breeze was undulating. Form a wave...


Tiandi Yuanli suddenly converge toward the bamboo building, blowing away the drizzle. Wrap the whole bamboo building, the strong Yuan Li makes the shape of the Yanshan soul standing in front of the main building looming...

During the three days, the rich Yuan Li dissipated, and the wind attribute of Xu Ziyan was cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, and the whole body was upgraded to the peak of the late Emperor.

The shape of the Yanshan soul appeared at the door, smiling and looking at Xu Ziyan: "Congratulations!"

"Mountain spirit, you cultivate, I refine the nine bells and purple smoke swords."

"it is good!"

Yanshan soul seated and began to refine the body of the sputum, and Xu Ziyan took out the Yanshan soul and refined the purple smoke sword for her.

After spending nearly a month, Xu Ziyan refining the purple sword and the nine bells. The purple smoke sword was collected, but the nine bells were still worn on the wrist.

At this point, Yanshan soul also opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "I have to practice again?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

The eyes of Yanshan soul fell on the clothes of Xu Ziyan: "You have a little difference with this fairy. Just when you go to practice, after I have refining the market, I will refine it for you. a dress."

The whole people of the Upper Yuan Dynasty had a rare calm. There was no invasion of the Yao and Mozu, and the monks who went to the Western Mozu were also withdrawn. Because at this time, the Mozu and the Yaozu are in chaos, and they have no regard for the Terran.

The twelve-day esteem of the Terran League disappeared as a whole. Although there was always an ancient Tianzun in Shangyuan, there was almost no matter what. The nine masters have disappeared for nearly four years, and the entire Terran seems to be in a state of stagnation.

this day.

Xu Ziyan has been in the temple of life and respect for two years. She has realized the meaning of life has reached the realm of great perfection. Although she still did not make a breakthrough, she felt the change in the purple smoke space.

Some planets in the purple smoke space began to appear life. These lifes are not caught by the foreign smoke, but they are not caught in the life, but they are born in the natural world. Although it is only some very simple marine life, Xu Ziyan is keenly aware of the difference.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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