The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1972: Do you know your master and the lord?

Congratulations to mableip students to become the best law!


It seems that in the former purple smoke space, the void is the void, the planet is the planet, and the two sides do not have a relationship, so it cannot make the purple smoke space a perfect whole. However, these emerging living bodies seem to connect the void to the planet. Let the void and the planet produce a cycle through these living bodies, which makes Xu Ziyan feel that although this change has not improved her cultivation for a while, the potential for gestation is enormous.

Perhaps it is because of the birth of these living things that they have undergone qualitative changes. Perhaps because of the emergence of these living bodies, cracks have been created in the barriers that they could not break through.

For only five sacred ancestors from ancient times, Xu Ziyan did not think about it. She has rummaged through countless books and asked about the Yanshan spirit, but both the records of the classics and the words of the Yanshan soul are vague. Xu Ziyan has a feeling that there may be only five holy powers between the heavens and the earth.

However, now Xu Ziyan suddenly has a feeling that he may become the sixth holy power. There is no evidence at all, that is, suddenly, inexplicably gave birth to a thought, lingering. And this idea arises because of the changes in the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan suddenly laughed and laughed. He is now only the peak of the late Emperor, and he really thinks too much.

From the hall of the inheritance, all the way went out, and the cultivation of the monks was increased. I thought about the three divisions who didn't know what it is now, and Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying should also make rapid progress.

Rising back to the valley. Yanshan soul has come out of the bamboo building, looking at her with a negative hand and smiling.

Xu Ziyan, a bird into the forest, cast into the arms of Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul with the waist of Xu Ziyan. The palm rubbed a few smiles on the soft and warm waist:

"Two years, have you broken through?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan whispered in the arms of Yanshan Soul: "You are already the peak of Tianzun!"

Yanshan soul stunned Xu Ziyan, his eyes blurred and said softly: "I really don't want to work so hard, if the fairy world can always be so calm. You and I sit in the clouds and look at the moon, how proud it is."

"Yes! That's the life I yearn for! But...the mountain spirit, don't you want to take revenge?"

"If the lord, the lord and the demon do not join me to seal, I will not be able to meet you. From this point, I would like to thank them three. If the celestial world can calm down, you can Look at it. This hate is put down."

"Or, are we two away from these annoying things and travel to various spaces?"

Yanshan soul slowly shook his head: "I have seen the demon Lord, you have seen the demon Lord and Kuitian, and now only the emperor has not appeared. At the time, the sect of the fairyland was caused by him. When he appeared again, we hid. It can't be avoided. Only by constantly trying to become stronger. Always let him be scrupulous about us, we can get the happiness we want. Oh... I am afraid that among the five people, I am the slowest one..."

Xu Ziyan straightened up from the arms of Yanshan soul, biting his lip and walking into the bamboo building without saying a word. Sitting on the bamboo bed with his knees, he took out a scorpion and sucked it into his mouth...

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan’s stubborn expression, and sighed in her heart: “If she didn’t, would she have a more relaxed life?”

"The lord, huh, huh... I am waiting for you to appear, there is me. I will let the purple smoke be a lifetime!"

Sitting at the door of the bamboo building. While refining and refining the body of the cockroach, while protecting the law for Xu Ziyan.

In a month's time, the heavens and the earth have changed dramatically, and the rich Yuan Li has gathered toward Xu Ziyan. Wrap the purple smoke into a big cockroach. On the ninth day, the amnesty smashed away. Xu Ziyan broke through to the half step Xiandi.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and shook his head with a slight disappointment, and sure enough, he could only break through to the half-step Emperor. This is because the reason for the purple smoke space is strong, but this breakthrough is too difficult. If this is put on someone else's body, I am afraid that it will break through the early days of Xiandi.

Yanshan soul naturally knows that Xu Ziyan has made a breakthrough. When he saw Xu Ziyan just broke through to the half-step Emperor, his eyes were surprised.

"Let you down!" Xu Ziyan said bitterly.

"No!" Who is the soul of Yanshan? He is the complete **** of refining and purifying. Of course, he knows what Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough is difficult. This means that Xu Ziyan’s qualifications are different from ordinary people. At this time, he remembered the purple smoke sword that Xu Ziyan had re-refined. Kind of attribute.

Eleven attributes!

Eleven attributes...

A person has eleven attributes...

This has never been heard since ancient times...

Maybe... maybe...

Yanshan soul double eyebrows, maybe purple smoke can reach an unprecedented height... At the very least, it can reach the same level as himself...

Xu Ziyan saw that the soul of Yanshan had not spoken, and there was a bit of frustration in his heart. Was the mountain soul really disappointed with me?

At this time, I saw Yanshan soul madly stepping into the front of Xu Ziyan, pulling the hands of Xu Ziyan and laughing:

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Ziyan was somewhat confused by Yanshan Soul, and could not help but stretch his fingers and sway in front of Yanshan Soul:

"Mountain Spirit... Mountain Spirit..."

Yanshan soul laughter gradually stopped, looking at the face with joy and Xu Ziyan said: "Ziyan, I want to understand, I want to understand!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the Yanshan soul like a child at this time, recalling the Yanshan soul of the five-year-old in his mind, his face could not help but show a gentle smile, whisper:

"What do you want to understand?"

"Ziyan, in the future, it is best to reveal that you have eleven kinds of attributes. If you want to reveal them later, you must kill the people you know."


"Others can't think of it, only think that you understand the miscellaneous, and even some people will despise you. I think that you have so many attributes that it is a waste material, and you will never break through to the fairy.

However, if this matter reaches the ears of the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec, their views are absolutely different. You are likely to become the sixth holy monk, or a higher achievement. I am afraid that a few of them will give you a bad heart. ”

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, only the heart blossomed...

Can you be a holy monk like a mountain soul?

You don't have to be the burden of the mountain spirit, dragging the hind legs of the mountain soul!

Push the Yanshan Soul with both hands: "Mountain Spirit, you continue to refine the body, I want to cultivate."

"You... still have to cultivate?"

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan, just broke through the half-step Xiandi, need to practice immediately? Is it useful to practice immediately? Can you break through to Emperor Xian?

Seeing the expression of Yanshan's soul, Xu Ziyan smiled proudly: "I still have a sigh of emperor!"

Yanshan soul scratched his head and said: "Even if you still have a sigh of emperor, but your strength is not enough!"

"Don't worry about it!"

Xu Ziyan's hands will push Yanshan soul out of the door, and then began to deploy a one-to-one time array. Yanshan soul flashed, he naturally recognized that this is a time array. He knows that Xu Ziyan has a time attribute, but he did not expect that Xu Ziyan has already realized the time attribute to such a point.


A large bed was taken out by Xu Ziyan and placed in the time array. Looking straight at the Yanshan spirit, stunned and pointed his finger at the bed:

" the bed of Thunder Heaven..."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan took a shot of the bed of the crystal marrow: "This is what I collected in Thunder Xianfu, right, I also scraped some congenital treasures in Thunder Xianfu. Clothes, mountain spirit, look, are there suits for you?"


A large closet was taken out by Xu Ziyan and placed on the ground. Xu Ziyan opened the door of the closet and said to the soul of Yanshan:

"Mountain Spirit, come see..."

As the door of the closet opens, a pair of underwear falls from the inside...

Xu Ziyan stood there red-faced, trying to throw the underwear into the closet, and was embarrassed to be in the face of Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile and a smile.

"You have completely scraped it in Thunder Xianfu, do you know Master and the Sovereign?"

"Do you still say?"

Yanshan soul put a pair of robes on the floor and put the underwear dropped on the floor back into the closet, and closed the door of the closet with a voice in the mouth:

"Hey, even the wardrobes have been moved away." Then he glanced at the bed again: "The bed has also been moved away. You won’t even move the chair of Thunder Xianfu?"

Xu Ziyan did not go to see the soul of Yanshan, but his face was red and nodded...

Yanshan soul shook his head and shook his head and said: "These things are still thrown away. I can refine the clothes I wear. The level of the refining device of Thunder Tianzun is not as good as me!"

Xu Ziyan heard it and hurriedly put the wardrobe up and said: "Don't, wait for me to find a chance to sell, I should be able to sell a lot of fairy crystals."

Yanshan soul did not laugh at her this time, but nodded and said: "Yes, your physique determines that you want to break through the need for a lot of strength, and the use of Xianjing cloth to set up a spiritual array is the best way, so you need a lot The fairy crystal. Purple smoke, you should go to practice first, I would like to see how many cents you need from the half-step Xiandi to accumulate Yuanli to break through the critical point of the early Emperor."


Xu Ziyan nodded, and in the time array method, he sat on the bed of the crystal marrow and ran. The Yuan Li in the crystal marrow is hundreds of millions of times of Xianjing. At this time, the force in the crystal marrow is being madly absorbed by Xu Ziyan's Qiankun, and it can be seen that the crystal bed is shrinking extremely slowly.

In the time of more than half a year in the time array method, it was only less than four hours in the past. Xu Ziyan accumulated Yuanli to the critical point of breaking through the Emperor, and the bed of the marrow was also reduced by one tenth.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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