The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1973: Breakthrough

Xu Ziyan took the bed of crystal marrow and took it out. Then he took out the last sacred sacred gas and sucked it in, and then entered the refining and comprehension.

The Yanshan soul, who stood at the door and looked at Xu Ziyan, had a look of shock and joy on his face. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to accumulate the power of the half-step Emperor to break through the critical point of the early Emperor, and even need that Jingjing One tenth of the bed of the marrow? Yanshan soul thinks about it, even if it is not so much.

what does this mean?

This means that the qualification of Xu Ziyan is no less than his own. Since the qualification is no less than his own, then it is no less than the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kuitian.

Does this prove once again that Xu Ziyan really has the same status as the five holy levels of them?

Yanshan soul can really be blossoming this time. If Xu Ziyan can't become a holy realm, not to mention that when he and the lord play against each other, Xu Ziyan will become his flaw, that is, there is no lord, two people are proud and proud. That Xu Ziyan also had a day when Shouyuan was exhausted. At that time, Yanshan Soul lost his love and was alone.

However, if Xu Ziyan can finally reach that realm, both people can live with the heavens and the earth. As long as they think about it, the Yanshan soul will be full of enthusiasm.

Looking at Xu Ziyan in a blink of an instant, the wind and cloud have changed between heaven and earth. Yanshan soul knows that Xu Ziyan broke through and broke through to the early Emperor.

Just at this time, Xu Ziyan also opened his eyes.

Yanshan soul grabbed Xu Ziyan's arm and reached out to tear open the space, taking Xu Ziyan to shuttle. Only in an instant, two people came to an uninhabited island in the deep sea. Yanshan soul released Xu Ziyan and said softly:

"Ziyan. You are here to rob, I am protecting the law for you!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape swept away toward the center of the island, and the clouds in the sky were rapidly gathering. The whole sky seemed to be dark, and a huge whirlpool of clouds was gradually formed. Rotating slowly in the air, there are golden snakes swaying from time to time in the robbery cloud, and the thunder is thundering.

In addition to these sounds, there is no other sound around. All the creatures on the island trembled on the ground. The creatures in the sea also quickly left the place, and they were so fearful.

Even the waves of the sea disappeared and seemed so depressed.


A portal on the robbery cloud opened wide, and countless Thunder Xian will be rushed out of the tall portal with a dense Thunder Xianbing.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but grin. This time, the Thunderbolt will be a lot more obvious in the thunderbolt. His eyes are swept away, and his heart is slightly comforted. Fortunately, there are still five products. Nowadays, the ontologies of the peaks of the later period of their own respect can be overtaken.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, smashed the double boxing and broke the Thunder and the Xianbing. The Yuan turned to the quenching body and began to absorb the power of the Thunder to quench the body. At the same time, the Thunder's giant sword in Dantian was not idle, madly absorbed through. The power of thunder in the body of purple smoke.

The soul of Yanshan looked at the power of Xu Ziyan’s robbery from afar. He couldn’t help but be shocked when he remembered the memory of the gods. Even if he was in the emperor’s robbery, he did not exaggerate the purple smoke.

This... Doesn't it mean that Xu Ziyan's qualifications are no less than him. It is simply beyond him, isn't it true that Xu Ziyan's future achievements will exceed five of them?

How can this be?

The eyebrows of the Yanshan soul show a trace of anxiety after the joy. The constitution of the purple smoke must not be known to others. As long as Ziyan can grow up alive, her future is the spirit of Yanshan and she is very curious about what it will grow into.

I don’t know how many talented and enchanting people in history, but they didn’t live until they grew up. So Yanshan’s soul looked at the shape of Xu Ziyan’s robbery, and his eyes were full of worries.

After nine days.

The robbery cloud dissipated, and the cultivation of Xu Ziyan grew to the beginning of the Emperor Xian, while the body cultivation grew to the beginning of the land. Yanshan soul flew toward Xu Ziyan. Fingers move slightly. Then they took out a set of dresses, these are the best peaks of the Yanshan soul for the two years of Xu Ziyan refining.

Xu Ziyan finally became a fairy emperor and embarked on the apex of the ranks of his disciples. The next step is to rush into Xianzun and become a great monk in the fairy world. In a good mood. I also saw the dress of Yanshan soul for his refining, and his face was even more smiling.

Put on a sapphire blue best peak congenital fairy dress. He wore the best peaks and squatting on his head. He wore a headgear from Thunder Xianfu, and he wore the Yanshan soul on his wrist to refine the nine bells, looking at the Yanshan soul...

Smile and smile!

Yanshan soul is a serious face, looking at Xu Ziyan condensed and said: "Ziyan, you show a few attributes in front of others?"

Xu Ziyan looked down and recalled that many of his five-characteristic roots knew that he had revealed the light attributes in the nine major sects of the sects, and that his own thundering technique had also been revealed. I know all the people I trust, so I can reveal eight kinds of attributes without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but be nervous. At this point, she already understood the meaning of Yanshan soul in her heart, and revealed the tension in her voice:

"eight kinds!"

"eight kinds?"

The face of Yanshan soul became ugly, and the eyebrows were deeply locked. Seeing the Yanshan Soul is so serious, Xu Ziyan said weakly:

"The five properties of Jinmu Shuihuo are almost known to everyone. This is no longer concealed. The time attribute is only known to my master and my brothers and sisters. They will not say it. I have not used the Thunderbolt in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. So now no one should know, and I have rarely used the previous meta- and galaxy galaxies. It should not be remembered. The light attribute was used in the nine ceremonies, so there should be many people now. Know that I am six attributes.

Of course, if you count the attributes of life, then there are seven attributes. But I don't think it should be counted as an attribute. I realize that it does not increase the cultivation. ”

Yanshan soul scratched his head and said: "Ziyan, from now on, you only use the six attributes of Jinmu, water, fire and earth in front of people. Of course, life attributes can also be used. But other attributes should not be used anymore, unless it is absolutely necessary. When, and once used, it is best to kill each other."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Let's go back!"

Yanshan soul stretched his hand to tear the space, and took Xu Ziyan to shuttle. In an instant, I returned to the valley where two people lived. Xu Ziyan did not immediately return to the Yuanmeng, but gathered with the Yanshan soul in the valley for a while.

In this period of time, Xu Ziyan will give Yanshan soul the various innate treasures that she refines, including the fact that the array is completely refining, and then the peach blossoms are called out, and various kinds of fairy fruit and fairy vegetables are taken out from the purple smoke space. The immortal fish, etc., let the peach blossoms cook for two people every day, while the two of them taste the fairy fruit, drink the tea, and sometimes the Yanshan soul cares the piano, Xu Ziyan plays the flute, and lives the fairy life that Xu Ziyan yearns for...

This happy and happy time passed quickly, and half a year passed. Both people know that at this time, they are not happy, Xu Ziyan returned to Shangyuan League, Yanshan soul is to continue to refine the body of the sputum, began to impact the realm of the holy level.

In Shangyuan, at this time, only the time left by Tianzun, the inheritance of the temple, Xu Ziyan has not been to. After Xu Ziyan returned to the Shangyuan League, he went straight there.

While thinking about flying, I don’t know if the ancient Tianzun and the Nine Great Masters had cracked the Tianmen of the Palace of the Immortals. It should not be there yet. The mountain spirit said that the prohibition on the door was the best innate fairy tales. I am afraid that there is no millennium, and it is difficult to crack it for thousands of years.

From time to time, there are monks in and out of the door of the 12th Passage. From the volatility of them, they can see that they are growing. Moreover, they learned from their occasional dialogue that many monks have now passed the ninth floor of the Trial Hall and entered the nave of the Twelve Passage Hall.

"There is this legacy of the temple! In the years that followed, I must realize the time attribute to the great realm!"

Xu Ziyan shook his fist and walked into the hall of time.

At this time in the hall of time, the three monks still sat in the front hall and realized that Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept from the three of them. She had the realm of time attributes and she immediately felt that these three people had reached the realm of Xiaocheng. .

Seeing that three people are in the midst of comprehension, Xu Ziyan took a light footstep and walked toward the nave. After the monk guarding the nave gate checked the jade card of Xu Ziyan, the eyes revealed a hint of surprise, but there was no words, let the purple smoke enter. Go to the nave.

Time spent in intense cultivation. Whether it was the Eastern Zongmen disciple or the Shangyuan League disciple, since the last large-scale conflict, it seems that they all want to understand the truth, and put all their minds into cultivation, no more big. Conflicts, of course, are still in the form of small conflicts, but they are all within acceptable limits.

Because everyone knows that they are only ten years here, and every day they waste a day to reduce the time of comprehension. Gradually, there are more and more people breaking through. Not to mention other people, it is said that Xu Ziyan's roommates, Ma Jingying have reached the late Emperor, while Lan Bailing and dance color clothes have reached the peak of the late Emperor.

The cultivation of Leng Qingyu was also promoted to the peak of the mid-century Emperor, and the disciples of the three Cangzong who were originally the peaks of the late Emperor's Emperor, now have a breakthrough to the early stage of human respect, while the other two have reached the beginning of the breakthrough. The critical point.

However, the most dazzling among these people is the unique step of Shangyuan League. I don't know what chance he encountered at the beginning. From the beginning of the late Emperor's peak, he broke through to the peak of the late Emperor, and the fighting power is very amazing. Once with a monk who had just broken through the early Zongmen, he had a duel on the ring, and in the ten rounds, the man was slammed down. Known as the first person in this class.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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