The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1975: Sudden whimsy

Even Ma Jingying, who has always had a big nerve, has two eyes that look like two bronze bells. The eyes are eagerly shining, but the eyes are full of enthusiasm. The eager eyes have lost their focal length and immersed. In the dream of her becoming a lord.

Lan Bailing's gaze could not help but look to the distant step. Her and her own hatred made her pay attention to him from entering the Yuanmeng League. I always hope that I can close and distance between the two steps, I hope that one day I will be able to step on my feet. However, the ending made her disappointed. The distance between her and her own step was not only not pulled in, but was widened.

Today's unique step is already the peak of the first emperor, and the combat power is very strong. In her view, among the more than two thousand disciples, the single step has occupied the apex position.

In the unwilling view of Lan Bailing, the one-step body sat straight on the chair, the look on the face was very calm, and occasionally talked with the monks next to it, gentle, sometimes smiling and relaxed smile.

His words, its shape, its gods, all show his extreme self-confidence, as if the position of the first place in the rankings, the glory of the future ancestor of the founding ancestors is generally desirable.

Lan Bailing was very reluctant to sigh in her heart, she is also a genius, but in the heart can not help but admit, but the only step is enchanting.

I thought that she and the one-step cultivation were still in the middle of the game. When they lost to him, they were humiliated and they lost slightly to the other side. But since then, the only step-by-step cultivation has been a thousand miles, and after entering the Shanghai Union, it has grown by leaps and bounds. Now the only step is to reach the critical point of breaking the human respect, touch the film of the real big monk, as long as he splits the film. It will step into the top level of the human monk.

How strong is the strength of the independent step, Lan Bailing does not know, but she knows that ordinary people are not his opponents at the beginning.

She knows that she has been unable to overcome her own revenge in her life.

There are always people in this world who have the air transport that others don't have. Everyone is also practicing, but some people are born to be masters. Some people are born to repair slag, but fortunately such people are not only one person, but also a friend of their own, Xu Ziyan.

Only Xu Ziyan is able to overcome the unique step. It is only the cultivation of Xu Ziyan that is only the middle of the Emperor, but it is still not as good as the peak of the late Emperor.

Lan Bailing couldn't help but look at Xu Ziyan, who was leaning over his head. Xu Ziyan was now tasting the food on the table, but every time he tasted it, he frowned slightly, as if he was not satisfied with these foods.

Xu Ziyan was completely unaffected by this exciting news that he was going crazy, as if he came here to eat.

Calm and maddening, calm and embarrassing...

Xu Ziyan is naturally calm. She never thought about what she wanted to do. It was not her ideal.

That... how tired...

Take one person to raise one?

Does the richness of Xu Ziyan need to raise one person?

Her wealth may not be comparable to the nine major sects, but none of the medium-sized sects can now match her.

The most important foundation for the creation of a Zongmen, or the four foundations of a monk's cultivation of immortals: the law and wealth.


Is Xu Ziyan missing?

She has a complete heritage of Dan Fuzong, and has a real 乾 诀 创立 created on the basis of five attributes. And in these years of Xiuxian, she has received countless cultivation exercises. Before I said it, she said that she had received countless exercises in the heritage hall at the halfway up the thunder.

The same way of cultivation?

Xu Ziyan is not lacking. With the ancient power of Yanshan, she will lack the same way to cultivate immortals?

She also has two talented masters like Wanli and Jianwu.

What's more, Xu Ziyan is now in the position of Cangwu Zong, even if she does not understand the place to run for the sovereign soil, the soil will do its best to answer it?

And she still has gold endless, Liu Jinsong, Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao four old brothers...


The most important thing for Xu Ziyan is the wealth, even if she is consuming the fairy crystal, but don't forget that she is the four masters of the Danfu Array, and then she will make a fortune.

Cultivation of holy places?

Today, Ziyanfeng feels very good.

So why is she going to be the one who made the Laos?

Say. Others are excited about the lack of oxygen in the brain because of this news. Xu Ziyan is very calm.


Where is that?

That is the most chaotic place on the mainland, even more chaotic than the land of the Western Mozu.

There are people, demon people intertwined, and various forces are complicated and complicated. Although Xu Ziyan did not know much about the situation there, it has been tens of millions of years. There has never been a sect in the South, and there must be a reason for it. Therefore, the establishment of the Zongmen there will be very difficult.

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, Xu Ziyan is not interested in creating a sect in the south, and his mood is naturally calm.

At this time, the cold and clear cockroaches around him also noticed the calmness of Xu Ziyan. The cold and clear cockroaches only started to be shocked, and then calmed down. After all, she was not interested in this. At the beginning, she also gave up the position of a sword peak, so also Soon calm down, turned to look at Xu Ziyan, my heart can not help but burst into a sigh, I did not even have a younger sister calm.

At this time, the twelve-day lord and the nine masters in the center of the front are also observing the disciples below, and the soil is more concerned about Xu Ziyan. Seeing Xu Ziyan's lack of interest, his face could not help but smile. As expected in his mind, Xu Ziyan was not interested in this.


The earth shook his head and shook his head. He looked at the cold and clear eyes again, then shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart, looking at the other three disciples of Cangwu.

At this banquet, almost everyone did not eat anything, and then they were dissipated. When almost everyone left, they had an excited and firm look on their faces.

On the second day of the banquet, the disciples who came to practice here were obviously nervous. And the past practice methods have also undergone great changes.

In the past, everyone was very quietly practicing, not comprehending in the hall of the inheritance, or choosing to retreat. Because the purpose of their coming here is to comprehend inheritance and improve their own cultivation.

But now it is different, they have a new purpose. And if you want to achieve this goal, you can achieve it without tightening the training. What's more, there are only two months left, even if the retreat can improve the number of repairs? I am afraid that a trace of repair can not be improved.

Therefore, what they need to do most now is to improve their own combat power, or to win the first place in the ranking competition two months later.

Although most of the monks understand that they are unlikely to win the first place in the rankings. Because the reputation of the one-step is too loud, but the hearts of those who cultivate the immortals are firm. And in the future, it will be something that can happen. Perhaps there will be some accidents in Lien Chan in the first step. The opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If the opportunity is delivered to them in front of them, but they are not sure, then they must not cry.

Therefore, these people are ready to upgrade their combat power in the past two months. Some people choose to constantly challenge others to achieve their goal of tempering. Some people choose to go out and smash the monsters. No matter which method is used, the atmosphere is suddenly tense and uncontroversial.

It was the three roommates of Xu Ziyan who disappeared. The three men agreed this time and went out to kill the monsters to improve their combat power.

The three of them also invited Xu Ziyan to go with them, but they were rejected by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan didn't mean what was the first, so she decided to take advantage of this time to comprehend the alchemy and the technique.

Alchemy, she has reached the inferior Xianxian Xiandan division, and the technique is to reach the peak of the inferior product. But she still did not understand alchemy, but decided to continue to comprehend the system.

That was because the last time she looked through the techniques of the legacy of Thunder Tianzun, she found that something was very inspiring to her, especially the secrets left by Thunder Tianzun, as well as the genre of various genres, she felt There is no integration.

However, she only stopped in the dormitory for three days, because she suddenly had a whimsy. This whimsy was caused by the inadvertent seeing of the nine bells on the wrist.

Although Jiu Ling is now the best peak of Xianbao, but subject to Xu Ziyan is only the mid-century cultivation of the Emperor, but can not fully stimulate the power of Jiu Ling.

Don't say that at the same time, the nine bells are formed to create the nine-bell space. It is a single bell that uses a certain attribute. The current cultivation of Xu Ziyan cannot fully stimulate its power.

Xu Ziyan's cultivation is improved, but the quality of Jiu Ling has also improved, and the requirements for the monk's cultivation are higher. It is because Xu Ziyan now has a strong body in the body. The single use of one of the nine bells will also greatly reduce the strength of the force. It will not last long. If you use the nine bells at the same time to form the nine-bell space, I am afraid that the body will be exhausted in an instant. The power of the force, and will hurt yourself, just like the original amount of the nine bells.

However, when Xu Ziyan began to comprehend the technique, he suddenly thought of it, that is, can he imitate the nine fairy charms produced by Jiu Ling, so that he does not need to consume his own body, but only consume some spirits. It is ok to control some of the charms.

Therefore, in the following time, Xu Ziyan began to try to imitate the nine bells to make the fairy. She made all the products, one is that the materials consumed are relatively low, and the other is that the production time is short, and the test can be carried out quickly and continuously.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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