The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1976: Weird Danpu

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She first set up a congenital fairy squad in the dormitory, then switched the body with chaos, let the chaos practice in the house, and she entered the purple smoke space.

After three days, Xu Ziyan set up a time array. Today's Xu Ziyan has cultivated the time attribute into the realm of great perfection. The time array method that has been laid out is already a hundred and a hundred thousand arrays, that is, it spends 100,000 days inside, but the outside is just the past day.

After that, Xu Ziyan again called the device one and the second, Fuyi and Yuyi into the time array method. Five people studied together for the nine bells, and then researched and developed a new type of fairy charm, Jiu Ling Xian Fu.

For the study of the device of Jiu Ling, and then transform the device into a character, this is already the analysis of the deepest principle and structure of the device, array, and symbol.

That is to say, these five people are now innate teachers. If you change others, don't say that they are research and development, just don't even think about it.

Even so, it took five people all the energy and a lot of time, not to mention the materials that were frequently tested.

In the time array method, a hundred years passed, Jiu Ling Xian Fu did not study, but the realm of five people has indeed been improved. Xu Ziyan has now become the peak of the late product. Only one step has become a Chinese character teacher. A breakthrough in the formation of the Chinese innate fairy sect, the instrument, the second and the first one also reached the peak of the next product.

After another hundred years, Xu Ziyan. Array one, Fu Yi, Yi Yi and Yi Er have all broken through to the end of the middle class, and finally developed the nine bells.

Xu Ziyan made a set of one-piece charms with low-cost materials and released them once. The result was very satisfying to her. Although the power is much worse than that of Jiu Ling, it is because of the grade problem of Xian Fu, after all, it is only a product. If these nine immortals are the peaks of the late stage of the middle class, then the power can be absolutely terrifying.

It's cumbersome to make a set of such a fairy, and each fairy takes three days. Xu Ziyan is ready to make two sets of fairy charms first. The set is the inferior fairy charm, and the set is the innate fairy charm.

According to the estimate of Xu Ziyan, the next product is the first nine bells. If a single sheet is used, it is equivalent to the power of the peak of the late Emperor, but if it is a nine-in-one, it will form a nine-character space similar to the nine-bell space, which is equivalent to the power of the late peak of the human.

The use of a single piece of the innate nine-bell fairy symbol is equivalent to the power of the late peak of the human respect. If the nine-character is out, it is equivalent to the power of the late peak.

But the desire to make these two sets of fairy charms is extremely demanding on materials. Among the two materials, the skin and blood of the demon animal are lacking.

Xu Ziyan came out of the purple smoke space, and the time outside was less than three days. After removing the array in the house, Xu Ziyan walked out of the room and stood at the gate to think about where to get the demon skin and blood.

These two sets of Qiling Xianfu must be made, and now her repair is still low, using the best peaks and nine bells, some power is not enough, and the nine symbols are a good solution to this problem. The set of nine characters is ready to be self-defense, and the next nine symbols can be used at any time, maybe in the rankings.

But where do you go to get the demon skin and blood?

Go on your own?

I don't know if I can play it. I can play it and I don’t know when I can hit it. Is the monster of human dignity so good to fight?

The fastest way to buy?

Where to sell?

At this time, the disciples of Shangyuan League are practicing, and no one can find them. After spending a long time, Xu Ziyan found the cold and clear who was practicing with others. I went to the cold and clear hall and knew that there was a Tianzhu City a hundred miles away. It is the largest city in the north, and maybe it can be purchased there.

Xu Ziyan said goodbye to the cold. He left the Shangyuan League with great enthusiasm and flew to the city of Tianzhu with a baby. At the speed of the cloud baby, a hundred miles away is the moment of arrival, that is, the time of interest, Xu Ziyan has already landed in front of the gate of Tianzhu City.

After paying a piece of Jincheng into the city, Xu Ziyan walked into the city gate and was slowly thinking about where to look first. Then she saw a young girl coming towards herself.

"This fairy, need help? I am very familiar with Tianzhu City!"

Xu Ziyan understood it as soon as he heard it. He knew that the other party was a role of helping others. In this way, he earned some spiritual stones. When the girl saw Xu Ziyan interested, she hurriedly said:

"Fairy, as long as two pieces of the next product, you will be satisfied with the next. This day, the city is too big, I will be your guide, it will save a lot of time..."

Xu Ziyan knows that the girl in front of her is telling the truth. She has already inquired from the cold and clear. This day, the city was originally the trading center of the northern side of the road. It has a history of tens of millions of years. After several expansions, it is very huge. Moreover, this Tianzhu City does not belong to any side door, which means that it does not belong to the current Shangmeng League, but belongs to the scattered Xianmeng League.

In the Upper Yuan dynasty, the Dissident League also belongs to a force that cannot be ignored. Although it is not as good as the Eastern Zongmen, it is not weaker than the northern side door. There are a total of three large cities in this size, scattered in the east, south and north. There is also a medium-sized fairy city in the west.

For Tianzhu City, there was awareness in advance, so when someone saw a willingness to be a guide, Xu Ziyan immediately hired each other. In the chat, Xu Ziyan already knows that this girl is called Yin Sier, and also tells Yin Sier what she wants to buy.

Yin Sier thought for a moment: "Fairy, these things you buy will only be found in those manufacturers. In Tianzhu City, the biggest one in the city of Tianzhu, I will take you there to see."

Under the leadership of Yin Sier, the two people soon arrived at the Tianci shop. Not to mention that it is the largest shop in the city of Tianzhu. The nine properties of the skin and the blood that Xu Ziyan needs are purchased here at once, but the fire and soil properties of the two kinds of hides and blood are not purchased. To. And the boss of the Tianci shop that personally received Xu Ziyan also said that it is difficult to say that the material of this grade depends on the opportunity. It is not possible to determine when it will be available.

Xu Ziyan was very disappointed in the heart, but there was no way to leave the Tianci shop with Yin Sier. Xu Ziyan held a glimmer of hope to ask Yin Sier whether there are other places in Tianzhu City that might purchase other kinds of animal skin and blood. Yin Sier thought for a long time. Suddenly the eyes are bright:

"Fairy, come with me!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are also bright. It seems that Yin Sier thought of something. Two people took a flying carriage in Tianzhu City for an hour before they got off the bus in a street that was not too big.

Yin Sier stretched his finger across the street and said: "Fairy, let's go there and try."

Xu Ziyan looked down at her finger, and her eyes could not help but show a trace of surprise.

Across the street is a row of shops, each of which has a large footprint and a wide door. However, in the middle of many shops with large faces, there is a shop with a face that is less than one meter wide. There are still some plaques hanging on the plaque. There are two words on the plaque:

Dan Pu.

A big tone, other shops, whether it is Danfu or the array, always have to add a name in front, such as the Baicao shop, and the shop with a face less than one meter wide is directly called Danpu. It seems that it is the headquarters of all Danpu.

But is this possible?

Don't say that this door is so small, and that door is also ruined, giving people a feeling of being broken when they touch it. However, Xu Ziyan also knows that there are many strange things in the world, so there is also a glimmer of hope in his heart, followed by Yin Sier toward the Dan Pai across the street.

Yin Sier pushed the crumbling door in front, and Xu Ziyan worried about whether the door would be broken. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan seems to be more worried. The door looks crumbling, and the "squeaky" sounds loud, but it is actually quite solid.

As Yin Sier entered Danpu, the space inside was not large. But it is much larger than the one that I saw outside the door that was less than a meter away.

Look at it. There is a Dan furnace inside, it seems that this is really a place for alchemy. However, looking at the dust on the alchemy furnace, it is estimated that there was no refining of the drug for some time.

The room was quiet and there was only occasional noise. That is where two people play chess.

Looking at the two people who are playing chess, I saw two men who look like middle-aged people who are gathering and playing chess. It seems as if I don’t know anyone coming in.

Xu Ziyan glanced at her eyes, and her face showed a hint of surprise. She couldn’t see through the cultivation of the two men in front of her eyes. She narrowed her eyes and blinked blue in her eyes. The shock of her face was even stronger.

In her eyes, she was blocked by a faint ray of light, and she could not see the other person's cultivation. There is only one explanation. The other person's body is wearing a kind of fairy treasure that is covered and repaired. And the grade is definitely not low, and it can actually block the peeping of Kun Peng's eyes.

Xu Ziyan immediately put away the eyes of Kun Peng and suppressed the shock in his heart. However, there is also a glimmer of hope in my heart. Maybe this place is really the one that I need.

The two people in front of me are very strange, one is dressed in a ragged, as if it is a sly, and one is extremely rich, as if he can't wait to wear all his best things.

From head to toe, hats, clothes, pants, big shackles, boots are all inferior celestial treasures, but also the kind of innate celestial treasure that jewels the eyes.

Xu Ziyan indicated that Yin Sier did not speak, and the two men stood there quietly. After a while, the two men finally finished a set, and the middle-aged man who lost his glory lost a game. At this time, the savage middle-aged talent lazily raised his head:

"Put your materials down and take the medicinal herbs three days later!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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