The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1983: Clean and neat

"Little girl, hurry to get out of here, the things of Tianfu Business are not something you can manage."

Xu Ziyan did not hear these people talking, went straight inside, looking at the Tianfu business, the emperor tightened his small face and shouted:

"Why do you break the door of others!"

Before the Emperor of the Tianfu Commercial Bank had spoken, the shop owner had anxiously ran to the front of Xu Ziyan:

"Little friends, you don't care about this matter, you go quickly!"

The voice of the shop owner just fell, and the Emperor of the Tianfu Commercial Bank was sneer: "Want to go? I blamed the Emperor for no reason, and then I want to go? Where is it so easy?"

"Why should I go?" Xu Ziyan is like a little girl who doesn't care about the world, staring at the fairy emperor:

"You must apologize to this uncle, and you have to pay for someone else's door, otherwise I won't go."

"Hey..." there was a sigh around.

"Good! Good! Good! Don't go well!" The emperor's face of Tianfu Commercial Bank showed a sorrowful smile:

"Little Fairy, you are waiting here first. After I have finished the matter with Bo Yan, we will find a quiet place where no one is."

When the words fell, they turned their eyes directly to Bo Yan, and the voice said: "Bo Yan, give you another chance today, go back and organize the shops, I will come over tomorrow."

At this time, Xu Ziyan remembered that Luo Tianba had told himself about the behavior of Tianfu Commercial Bank, and he secretly said:

"This day, the business of the firm is really overbearing, and it really is exactly the same as Luo Tianba."

"Roll!" Bo Yan gritted his teeth.

What is Xu Ziyan coming here? It’s just a matter of nostalgia. So immediately step forward and scream:

"Why do you want to receive people's shops? Are you not robbing?"

"Little Fairy. You are wrong!" said the Emperor of Tianfu, who smiled and said: "I am not robbing, I am buying. Do not believe you ask him."

Xu Ziyan turned his eyes to the side of Bo Yan, and Bo Yan nodded his face and said: "But I don't want to sell it to him."

Xu Ziyan heart turned. It seems that Tianfu Commercial Bank is indeed buying, and it seems that the price is fair, otherwise Bo Yan has already shouted out. It’s just that Xu Ziyan’s appearance this time is not to fight for the injustice, but to find something. So I immediately glared at the fairy emperor:

"You heard it? People don't sell it!"

"Oh..." The Emperor smiled, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan no longer concealed their **** desires: "Where are you coming out of a little fairy, you can dare to control anything, and your family is assured." Let you come out. Since it is out, let the uncle teach you and let you gain a little experience. So, let's find a quiet place and talk about it?"

“Not how!” Xu Ziyan said coldly: “Apologize. Lose the door!”

"Okay, don't make trouble!" The fairy tales of Tianfu Commercial Bank looked at Xu Ziyan up and down unscrupulously, and reached out with a hand to grab Xu Ziyan:

"Go with your uncle!"


A large fireball burst on the chest of the Emperor, and the figure of the Emperor flew out like a meteor, and crossed a bright arc in the air and fell heavily on the ground.

No one thought that Xu Ziyan would do it, and no one thought of Xu Ziyan. The Emperor of Tianfu Commercial Bank flew out.

At this time, someone paid attention to the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. Some people naturally saw that Xu Ziyan was the mid-century cultivation of the Emperor. Although some surprises in my heart, I still shook my head in regret, with pity on my face.

"Hey, this little girl seems to be a genius of cultivation. I feel that my cultivation is growing very fast. I feel that I am invincible in the world. Where is the business of Tianfu Commercial Bank?

At this time, the two emperors of Tianfu Commercial Bank also woke up from the shock and stepped over to Xu Ziyan.

"Little girl, you are looking for death!"


The same two big fireballs burst on the chest of two emperors. The two figures flew out. "噗通噗通" fell to the sides of the Emperor.

Xu Ziyan walked slowly toward the three monks who were getting up from the ground at this time, and the monks of the three Tianfu firms knew that they had kicked the iron plate. Because they knew this time to explore the repair of Xu Ziyan, but found that they could not see through the other's cultivation, this has only one explanation. It is the repair of the other party that exceeds them.

But they are not afraid, because they still stand behind a giant. That is the Tianfu business. So after the emperor climbed up from the ground, he still screamed very hard at Xu Ziyan:

"You dare to provoke the Tianfu business? You are dead! If you are willing to kneel down now, I will consider forgiving you..."

His voice has not fallen, and there is a burst of vibration in the air...


The three big fireballs suddenly appeared on the chest of the three monks who had been on the chest, and the three monks screamed and flew out.

This time, the three monks who got up from the ground showed fear. The first time they were shot, it was an exception. The second time they were shot, they were afraid.

They were fully prepared this time, but when the fireball appeared, they found that they were simply tied up, and they could not move. They could only watch the fireball burst on their chest.

this is too scary!

What is the other party doing? How can you let yourself have no responsiveness?

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already reached their front. The fairy emperor looked at Xu Ziyan with horror, and sighed slyly:

" are you doing? We are talented businessmen."

Xu Ziyan did not speak, just standing in front of three people, looking at each other coldly. At this time, the face of the emperor was full of panic, and he was trying to use the power of the Tianfu business to intimidate the other side, and suddenly he looked at Xu Ziyan’s gaze...

At this time, he felt that Xu Ziyan was familiar with some...

Then he seems to think of the identity of Xu Ziyan. I hurriedly separated a glimpse into a piece of jade in my storage ring, where there was a female repair image, but it was Xu Ziyan.

The patriarch of Tianfu Commercial Bank was filled with anger after learning that his son and daughter had been killed by Xu Ziyan. In his heart, Xu Ziyan is already a dead person.

She got the image of Xu Ziyan, copied countless copies, and sent it to the numerous monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank, telling them that as long as the traces of Xu Ziyan were discovered, there would be a big prize.

At this time, the Emperor determined the identity of Xu Ziyan, but his heart was more and more afraid. At the same time, my heart is full of surprises.

The other party turned out to be Xu Ziyan, who turned out to be the one who killed the son and daughter of the patriarch. In my mind, I quickly remembered some rumors about Xu Ziyan. I know that Xu Ziyan is a person who kills and decisively. He is killing himself and others here. I am afraid that Xu Ziyan will not think that this is a matter.

How can this not make him fear?

Nima! You are a purple smoke! The disciples of the nine great sects of the sect of Zongyi Zongyijianfeng! You said that you have such an identity, why do you take a broken horse? This pock is not a pockmark. This is a pit person!

However, as soon as I thought that I could escape the looting in front of me, I would report this news to the news, and I would like to wait for myself, and my heart was excited and throbbed.

Although Xu Ziyan controlled the strength, but the two fireball bombardments also made the three people on the opposite side very embarrassed, and climbed up from the ground, not only the body of the fairy has been smashed by Xu Ziyan, but also the face has been affected, the corner of the mouth Blood is flowing out.

Xu Ziyan's clean and neat hands thoroughly stunned all the people, whether it was Bo Yan or watching the lively monks, no one thought of such a little girl, said that they would start by hand, and only three moments would be arrogant. The monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank played like three waning dogs.

"You... little friend..."

Bo Yan looked at Xu Ziyan, and his face was unbelievable. When the little girl in front of me just came out, she took a broken horse...


Now she is still holding...

The feeling for Bo Yan is that Xu Ziyan has no background, no identity. Although he is a bit taller and stronger, but Bo Yan thinks that Xu Ziyan is not the opponent of the talented business.

After all, Tianfu Commercial Bank is the old emperor, although the level is slightly worse than Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan's repair is presumably not high, and the fighting power may not catch up with the old Xiandi. Because of the age of Xu Ziyan, and Tianfu Commercial Bank has two Xianhuang can help.

However, he is wrong!

Xu Ziyan not only started, but also took the lead, and more importantly, the three monks of the Tianfu business were cleanly played like a dog.

In fact, the three monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank should be thankful at this time. If Xu Ziyan needs them to report their whereabouts, the three people in front of them will be killed by the purple smoke. There is only one way to deal with the hegemonic behavior of Tianfu Commercial Bank, which is more overbearing than them.

Xu Ziyan, who had the intention to go to the front of the three people, looked at the three people with a look of fear and said:

"I am Xu Ziyan, a disciple of Cangwu Zongyi. I have saved this shop. Do you still want to accept this shop?"

Xiandi, who had already planned in his mind, immediately shook his head: "No, no!"


"Yes! Let's roll! Let's roll!" Three immediately turned around and left.

"come back!"

I heard the voice of Xu Ziyan, the one who had turned his head and the color of the sinister poison in his eyes was a shock. The look on his face immediately became pitiful. He turned and looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu what else?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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