The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1984: Halfway

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"Xu what else?"

"Apologize, pay the door!" Xu Ziyan said coldly.

The fairy goddess of Tianfu Commercial Bank was stagnation, but immediately ran to the front of Bo Yan, took out a storage bag and stuffed it into Bo Yan’s hand, even apologizing:

"Bo Yan's brother is my fault, I apologize to you!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan with pity. Xu Ziyan sipped a face and said:


"Yes! Yes! Let's roll, let's roll!"

The three monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank crowded out the crowd and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a satisfactory look. I think that Tianfu Business would know his whereabouts, and then you can look at Tianfu’s attitude towards himself.

Xu Ziyan took the broken horse and wanted to leave. By the way, he looked back at the Bo Yan, and he could not help but sigh.

At that time, that Bo Yan held the storage bag in his hand, and the look on his face could not change. Xu Ziyan knows what he is thinking. After I have a purpose shot today, I am afraid it will also harm Bo Yan, regardless of the attitude of Tian Fu Shang. But it will never let go of Bo Yan.

The heart sighed again, Xu Ziyan took the broken horse and walked toward Bo Yan, thinking in his heart, since it was because of his own affairs that was implicated in Bo Yan. I have to solve this problem myself.

"This Taoist friend!" Xu Ziyan walked to the front of Bo Yan, said with a smile: "I have helped you today, you do not ask me to sit in?"

Bo Yan’s mouth groaned, revealing a smile that was more ugly than crying: “Thank you for your friend. Please follow the room!”

The reason why Bo Yan asked Xu Ziyan to enter the house, he felt that he had to remind Xu Ziyan, perhaps Xu Ziyan did not understand the Tianfu business, and felt that he was born in the Cangzong Zong can ignore everything.

"Oh, these disciples are too proud. They don't know the sinisterness of the world. They always feel that as soon as they reveal their background, they will solve all the problems. But they don't know the world is sinister. Every year, I don't know how many disciples there are. I died outside."

The people outside were scattered, and there was a lot of discussion between them. Some said that the Tianfu business would not be counted, and the purple smoke was dangerous. Some said that Xu Ziyan is a nine-disciplinary disciple, and Tianfu Commercial Bank is no longer able to put Xu Ziyan.

Bo Yan invited Xu Ziyan into the room to make tea for Xu Ziyan. Towards Xu Ziyan arching:

"Xu Daoyou, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "I am afraid I am also in order to get into trouble?"

Bo Yan looked a glimpse, and then his face showed a faint color. He knew in his heart that Xu Ziyan should also understand the matter at this time. He was sighed in the heart. In the end, he was a disciple of the big door and soon realized the key to the problem. However, he did not complain to Xu Ziyan, because even if there is no purple smoke, his results will not be good. However, Xu Ziyan slammed the three people of Tianfu Commercial Bank. Give him a bad breath.

"Xu Daoyou. You didn't have any trouble for me. Because my troubles have already come, it has nothing to do with you."

Xu Ziyan looked at Bo Yan's eyes full of appreciation, this is a responsible person. So, Xu Ziyan decided to help. then. Whispered:

"What is going on?"

Bo Yan was speechless for a while, but in the end it was a long sigh: "Xu Daoyou. Have you heard of Tianfu Business?"

"heard about it!"

"My father is the Tianfu business."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan looked at Bo Yan somewhat strangely.

"I grew up in Tianfu Commercial Bank, and Tianfu Commercial Bank is really overbearing, but it is also reasonable. Just like the acquisition of my shop."

Speaking of this, Bo Yan indulged a bit and organized the language: "The reason why Tianfu Commercial Bank can continue to expand its power is because they constantly acquire the manufacturer and recruit the teacher.

But they are not what kind of immortal teachers and shops, they have a bottom line, that is, the monks of the seven-character emperor, they do not. They will also be well treated to the monks who have become the seven-character singer. Like me, there are seven shops of the shop, and they will also give a good price acquisition. This is the reason and reason why Tianfu Commercial Bank can continue to expand. ”

"What if the immortal teacher does not agree?"

Bo Yan smiled faintly: "Basically, this situation will not occur. Before the solicitation and acquisition, Tianfu Commercial will conduct a detailed investigation of the monk or the shop. Those with a big background will not be provoked. Of course, I am afraid you also know that they have successfully recruited monks within the Zongmen. But the sectarian monks they recruited are all unsatisfactory people within the Zongmen. It is your wish. People who have not lived well in Zongmen are usually small roles of Zongmen. Zongmen naturally does not bother to think about such things.

Besides, those monks are not rebelling to the sect, just joining a business, and there is no reason for the sect to limit.

But for those monks who have no background, Tianfu Business will not be so polite after being rejected. They will use various means to force the refused monks to join. If the monks do not join, the final result is that the family is broken. Or sneak away and live in seclusion. ”

"That... your father is a person of the Tianfu business, why should you refuse?" Xu Ziyan is very confused.

“Oh...” Bo Yan smiled bitterly and smiled: “Tianfu’s business is not a leisure person. After my father’s accidental death, I was driven out of Tianfu’s business. Because I not only cultivated talents, but also The talent is also poor. It is impossible to become a talent, so it was driven out.

I used to be so mixed, but by chance, I entered the cave house of an ancient monk. I got a nine-yang fruit in the medicine garden of Dongfu. This nine-yang fruit changed my qualifications and made me completely reborn. What surprised me even more is that I also got a cheat in the Dongfu. So I became a seven-character charm teacher last month. but……"

Bo Yan’s look became bitter: “I didn’t think that I just became a seven-character sorcerer. Tianfu’s business house came to the door. I was the one who was swept away by Tianfu Commercial Bank. I just died and would not join again. Tianfu Business."

Xu Ziyan glanced at Bo Yan and whispered, "What are you going to do?"

Bo Yan fixedly looked at the air, and sighed for a long time: "I don't know."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "If you think that Tianfu Commercial Bank will implement any embarrassing means for you, you can choose to leave here!"

Bo Yan smiled a bit: "The person who is pegged by the Tianfu firm will be so easy to leave."

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of coldness: “Do you mean that they will kill you?”

Bo Yan nodded and nodded: "I am not as strong as I am, and there is no background. Even if they don't kill me. At the very least, I will catch me first."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but turn a blind eye, and the heart said: "This day, the business is really arrogant and overbearing."

"I... still ready to leave!" Finally, Bo Yan bit his teeth and said: "I am going to the South. Although there are also forces of Tianfu Commercial Bank, there are many weaker than this."

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "I am going with you! I will see what kind of person is killing you."

At this time, Bo Yan, who knew his situation, was not polite with Xu Ziyan. He did not refuse Xu Ziyan at all, but thanked Xu Ziyan.

"Right, Xu Daoyou, where are you going?"

"Oh. I am going to Huo Rongshan to see!"

When Bo Yan thought about his situation, he said carefully: "Would you like me to go to Huo Rongshan with you first!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at Bo Yan, and he understood what he thought in his heart. It is impossible to send him to the south if he wants to go to Huo Rongshan. And he did not have this obligation, at most he took him out of the town a little further. However, such a Bo Yan is still very dangerous.

However, he followed Xu Ziyan to Huo Rongshan, and if someone intercepted himself, Xu Ziyan would not sit idly by. If you arrive at Huo Rongshan. Waiting for Xu Ziyan to finish the matter there, nothing happened. At that time, Bo Yan left a lot safer.

For this little bit of purple smoke will naturally not refuse. Nodded and agreed.

Then Bo Yan quickly packed up. Then, as Xu Ziyan walked outside. Looking at Xu Ziyan still holding the broken horse, his lips moved, and finally said:

"Xu Daoyou, do you think you are throwing this horse away? We are flying faster than this horse!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head, not only did not sell the horse. He also bought a carriage to match the broken horse, and then invited Bo Yan to sit in the carriage, and did not take care of the broken horse, so he sneaked out of the town.

This horse is said to be a broken horse, but compared to those flying horses, in fact, if you take it to the mortal, it is definitely a horse. So I didn't have to use the purple smoke to tell me, I ran along the road toward the front.

This is not everyone's ability to rest on the mainland, even if those who can cultivate the immortals are not everyone can practice. So when I was out of town, there were some ordinary people or people who were low-lying people walking. After half an hour, the whole part gradually calmed down. Only the hoof of the broken horse echoed in the air.

Bo Yan wanted to talk to Xu Ziyan several times, but he had to go back. At this time, there were no ones at all, and Bo Yan’s face became a little worried. In the end, he couldn’t help but whispered:

"Xu Daoyou, why don't we go to the cloud and take this carriage?"

Xu Ziyan’s mouth showed a smile: “I am waiting for the person who intercepts you.”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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