The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1985: Midnight Inn

When Bo Yan’s look was stagnation, he understood in his heart that Xu Ziyan was preparing to kill all the people who intercepted him, so that he could safely travel to the South in a short time. This purple smoke is completely ignorant of the crimes of the business. Grateful in his gaze, he said:

"Xu Daoyou, is this... is it too dangerous?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said faintly: "I am afraid they will not come!"

Xu Ziyan said the truth, and sure enough, there was an hour in the past, and no monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank appeared. Xu Ziyan’s look is somewhat gloomy. This shows that the Emperor of the Tianfu Firm, who was hit by himself, is the monk who is responsible for monitoring and intercepting Bo Yan. Now he has reported his whereabouts, so there is no monk in the Tianfu business. There are only two results. One is that Tianfu is not ready to provoke himself, and one is convening a master.

Don't provoke yourself?

Is it possible to fall into the character of Tian Yu?

Since it is impossible, there is only one result left, that is, Tianfu Commercial Bank is convening a master. Once their masters arrive, they will chase them.

I want to understand all of this, and Xu Ziyan has relaxed. Since Tianfu Business wants to kill yourself, then compare it! Although he is not an opponent of talent business, now, if the Tianfu firm dares to shoot for himself, as long as he does not die, he must let this day business disappear in the mainland.

Since the coming will definitely come, Xu Ziyan will stop thinking about it, but will start thinking about the trip to Huo Rongshan.

Before coming, Xu Ziyan also had a detailed understanding of Huo Rongshan, although it was understood through the mouth of others. But it also made Xu Ziyan feel amazed.

Huo Rongshan is also considered a treasure in the north.

There are many hidden veins and even some precious veins. At the same time, there are also treasured herbs and many monsters of different grades.

Like such a treasure, there are usually many monks coming here to take the opportunity. There are quite a few monks who have collected precious ore and herbs here and made a fortune.

As for the fire cloud beast is just a legend, it is said that someone has seen it. And there are still monks killed by the Fire Cloud Beast. However, there was a monk in the Xianzun period to hunt it, but no master of the Xianzun period found it.

This shows that this fire cloud beast is very embarrassing, and has an extremely hidden hiding place, not easy to find.

This makes Xu Ziyan a headache. I don't know if my trip to Huo Rongshan can successfully find the Huoyun beast. However, there is some hope in her heart, that is, since someone has seen the fire cloud beast, but the great monk of the Xianzun period can not see, which proves that the fire cloud beast has a keen sense that it can feel the arrival of the person What is repaired.

If it is a monk in the Xianzun period, it will not hide. If it is not, it will come back and engulf the monk. And his own cultivation is obviously not a fairy, as long as he has gone within its sphere of influence, should it be able to come out?

but. Even if the fire cloud beast came out, Xu Ziyan had some headaches.

After all, the Fire Cloud Beast is a monster in the early days of a human being, and after so many years, who knows if it has improved its strength?

And he is only a middle age of the Emperor, and it is not without a bit of control to deal with the monsters in the early stage of a person. If there is no grasp, Xu Ziyan will not come.

But what if the strength of the Huoyun beast broke through?

"Oh... you should spend a little time concentrating some swords!"

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart. But now there is no way, Bo Yan is by his side, and she is not good at the face of others to condense the sword.

Fire cloud beast!

If you can find the Fire Cloud Beast and kill it, is this harvest not only the skin and blood of the Fire Cloud Beast?

Since the Huoyun beast can be called a monster of human descent, should its old nest have a fire attribute vein?

At dusk, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan came to a small town just ten miles away from Huo Rongshan. And on this road, I did not see the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank.

Sitting in the carriage, Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "Bo Yan, are you leaving here, going to the south, or continue to go with me to Huo Rongshan?"

Bo Yanlian did not consider it. Immediately said that he would go to Huo Rongshan with Xu Ziyan. He has already thought about it on the way. You must follow Xu Ziyan and leave after you are sure there is no danger. As the monk of the Shangshang Bank has not appeared today, he has determined that he has been following himself, only because of the existence of Xu Ziyan. They dare not shoot. Once he left Xu Ziyan, he would immediately be taken away by the monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank.

and so. His determination to follow Xu Ziyan is very firm!

"Then let's stay first, waiting for tomorrow, tomorrow we are heading to Huo Rongshan."

The town is very small, and there are no walls, so there is no guard of the fairy.

Most of the people walking in the town are monks who come to Huo Rongshan to meet the opportunity, and dare to go to the Huo Rongshan where the monsters are scattered. The repair of these monks is not weak.

At this time, I saw a broken horse and a regular car coming in from the door of the town. They all thought it was an ordinary person. No one cares about the carriage of Xu Ziyan. So the two cars stopped in front of an inn. .

Entering this inn, I asked for two rooms. When I went upstairs, Xu Ziyan also asked the buddy to take care of his carriage. The guy looked at the carriage of Xu Ziyan, although his face still had a smile, but his eyes showed disdain.

"It’s a dumpling! It’s not too shameful to make such a carriage!”

Looking at Xu Ziyan's figure disappeared on the stairs, the man muttered in a low voice.

When Xu Ziyan entered the room, he set up the array in the room, then switched to the chaos and entered the time array in the purple smoke space to start condensing the sword.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has been able to condense the gas sword of the early Wei Neng. She will converge the first stage of the land and the peak of the people's respect, the late stage of the people, the mid-peak, the middle stage, the initial peak and the initial power. handle. After that, it condensed a thousand swords of the late Emperor's peak, and then condensed the sword of the peak of the Emperor's late peak.

She felt that it was almost the same with these swords and self-defense, and they switched to chaos. Going back to the room, I will disperse the battle.

First, I drank a pot of Wudao tea, and then Xu Ziyan sat in the bed and began to accumulate Xianyuan.

The noise outside was gradually quieted down to midnight. The surrounding area has been quiet, Xu Ziyan can even hear the sound of the air.

In this silent night, suddenly there was a bang from the downstairs, no need to go. Xu Ziyan knew that this was the sound of the door being shattered, because she had just heard the sound of Bo Yan’s door being shattered and familiar.


The spirit of Xu Ziyan was shocked, and the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank chased it.

Xu Ziyan quickly got out of bed and pushed open the window and looked out. When he saw more than 200 monks standing in front of the door, the door was shattered and rushed into the door one by one. .

Xu Zi’s eyes are blue and strobe. There are some accidents in my heart. Can such people kill themselves?

Are you kidding?

The highest level of cultivation is the late Emperor of the Emperor. Tianfu Commercial Bank will not be proud of this level. Do you think that you can kill yourself with these people?

Are these people not monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank?

At this time, the owner of the inn also hurriedly ran out of the house and saw so many people rushing in, his face could not help but change. I hurriedly pushed my smile forward:



A big mouth fan is on his face, even if the boss is a fairy emperor, but he can't stand the fan but he is a fairy emperor. The whole body is turned around on the ground, and half of his face is swollen. The period begins with Ai Ai:

"Predecessors you..."

"Standing honestly! We are not coming to you for trouble, but to find someone. When we find someone, we will leave. But if you dare to have small moves, you will die!"

The innkeeper didn't even dare to put one, and he ran to the side and stood up.

"Brothers, turn that person out!"

"it is good!"

More than two hundred monks rushed in. Starting from the downstairs to the upper floor, I opened a door. They are very arrogant. It is true that they also have arrogant capital. Here, a fairy emperor can be completely arrogant, and the monks of the Xianzun period will not stay here. The fairy gods have everything to fly, and fly back in the "嗖". Which Xianzun will live in such a broken place to live in the inn? It is their own fairy boat that is ten times stronger than the inn.

If Xu Ziyan is not to attract Tianfu business, she will not live in this inn. I have been sitting on the cloud baby to go to Rongrong Mountain.

So, from this perspective, the emperor can go sideways here!


The sound of the rags of the clothes was uploaded from the stairs, and Xu Ziyan transmitted the mental power. Now the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has reached the middle of the human respect. She believes that no one can discover her own knowledge.

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept all the people, and suddenly she browed a little. She found an unusual monk. The monk was very ordinary. If it was just from the outside, it was easy to ignore him. However, Xu Ziyan felt that his body counseling woman was full of a dark atmosphere, reminding her of the Mozu Holy Land.

And the most shocking to the purple smoke is that she feels the strength of this monk. Although his strength outside is only a late Emperor, but Xu Ziyan feels that his strength is definitely more than that. It’s just that he has any secrets that make Xu Zi’s knowledge of the gods unclear. It’s only clear with the eyes of Peng Peng.

At this time, there were already monks who rushed to the second floor. There were probably more than fifty people, and everyone’s body exuded a sigh of relief.



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*(To be continued~^~)

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