The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1997: Want to solicit

Zhou Dongxu’s heart once again moved. Was the purple Taoist friend in the town killing the Mozu monk with the method released by the bead?

If this is the case, is it true that Zidaoyou is a powerful fairy singer, or is it because the bead is a treasure?

At this time, among the three people in the tent, only Zhang Wujie had no psychological burden. I have been in the Pavilion for a while, and I have a more detailed understanding of the strength of this level. The strength of this level is still a threat to yourself. But for my little sister...

Zhang Wujie thinks that they still wash and sleep honestly. The younger sister will not have any trouble at this level.

Zhou Dongxu frowned slightly and immediately released his brow: "Sun Ce, you are going to interrogate the monks of Tianyi Pavilion and ask in detail what happened. Well, ask them separately, if they say no Unification, it has been judged until they are unified."


Sun Ce’s eyes left in disarray. Zhou Dongxu’s meaning is that he understands that it is necessary to torture the confessions and change the law to toss the monks of a dozen days. The purpose is to get an accurate passage.

It’s just... the owner is the owner, so the cruel thing is so elegant...

Sun Ce’s heart is more and more admired by his own cabinet owner.

Sun Ce went out, and Zhou Dongxu began to discuss with Zhang Wujie some things in the cabinet, and there was no mention of the purple smoke. This matter can be obtained by the monk of Tianyige to get the answer he wants, but he can't ask Zhang Wujie, and he can't ask Yang Linglong.

Organizations like them also have their rules. Your owner can use your means to understand the people you think you should know, but you can't directly ask the person you want to investigate, because that person will tell you if you want to tell you. Not telling you is the freedom of others.

After all, organizations like them are not sects. Everyone who joins has their own secrets.

You can't ask other monks who know that person, like Zhang Weijie. If Zhang Wujie is willing to say that nature is good, if people don't say it, they can't ask.

The underlying world has rules for the underlying world. If anyone destroys this rule, I am afraid that his members will soon disperse, and this organization will exist in name only.

Of course, anyone who joins this organization must also abide by the rules. Even if you are in this kind of organization for one day, you must serve the organization wholeheartedly. If anyone dares to betray the organization, they will face the pursuit of all the cabinets. Because this is related to the survival of all such organizations.

Therefore, Zhou Dongxu did not take Zhang Wujie to do this. Everything is bright and square. And just to understand the passage of things, there is nothing to hide.

Just less than an hour, Sun Ce returned.

"This is all because of the greed of the dozen monks in Tianyi Pavilion..."

Sun Ce gave the story to Zhou Dongxu in detail. After listening to the passage of this matter, it was not that Zhou Dongxu had any thoughts. Anyway, Zhang Wujie was speechless, and the gang had robbed the younger sister. I really don't know how to write dead words.

"Oh..." Sun Ce suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud: "The guys have been there to scream!"

“Hmm?” Zhou Xudong asked for directions.

"When I told them that the true cultivation of the purple Taoist friend was in the middle of the Emperor, their faces were green, and they said that it is not a pit person?"

Zhang Weijie turned a blind eye to the side: "They should find reasons on their own. If there is no greed in the heart, there will be no humiliation. It is not bad for my younger sister to kill them!"

Zhou Dongxu also shook his head very silently. Slightly contemplatively said: "So the purple Taoist friend is really a fairy singer."

"Should be!" Sun Ce gasped with breath.

Zhou Dongxu turned his attention to Zhang Wujie: "Unbounded, can you persuade Zidaoyou to join us?"

Zhang Wujie’s look was a glimpse. He did not expect Zhou Dongxu to have such a bold idea and shook his head without hesitation:

"My little sister will not join the sword!"

Zhou Dongxu’s heart is a little uncomfortable, and Zhang Wujie’s words are very straightforward. The meaning is very clear. That is, the purple smoke simply looks down on the sword court, or that the small pond like the Jiange is not able to hold the big fish like purple smoke.


Fairy singer! It is really scary at their level!

Not to mention the nine high-ranking sects in the world that stand tall in the clouds, it is said that the three major commercial banks have such a large force, not only that they monopolize the fairy. Fairy and Essence, and each of them has a few singers. The existence of the singer is not only in defense and attack, but more importantly, in the treasure hunt, the singer has the advantage of being unpregnable.

These people may be trapped outside the treasure by a group of law, but the three major business firms have a singer who can crack the battle to get the treasure.

This is the gap!

If there is a fairy strategist in his own swordhouse, and then dig a few treasures, the sword court will soon develop, and he will be the only one in the organization.

At this time, a monk walked in from the outside and said: "The owner of the house, the chief of the party has arrived, and he let the owner go to see him."

"The patriarch of the celestial business firm came in person?" Zhou Dongxu's look was a surprise.

Jiange, Tianyige and Shange joined forces to pick up the mission of the celestial business, but did not expect to be the leader of the celestial business, and the patriarch Fang Tianhua would come here personally.

Fang Tianhua is not only a simple patriarch of one of the three major commercial banks in the mainland, but he is a great monk in the early realm of Tianzun. It is the existence of Zhou Dongxu and these people.

At their level, what are the nine sects, and what are the twelve ancient gods, they don't care too much. Because they are too far away from them, they have almost no contact with them. They are completely two worlds.

However, the three major commercial banks are different. The business of the three major commercial banks is almost all over the mainland. They usually have a lot of contacts, so they have instinctive fears for the three major commercial banks, not to mention the Tianzun period monks they look up to. Fang Fanghua?

At the bottom of the Shangyuan continent, you don't know who the sovereigns of the nine major sects are, but no one knows the names of the chiefs of the three major commercial banks. Now, when I heard Fang Tianhua personally summoning myself, how can Zhou Dongxu’s heart not be excited?

Not only is the heart excited, but the face is excited and red!

I gasped a few mouthfuls, but my emotions calmed down. Suddenly in my heart, a flash of light flashed in my eyes, and said to Zhang Wujie and Sun Ce:

"Sun Ce, from now on, we must entertain the Zidaoyou. No matter what she needs, as long as we have it, we will give it to you! Unbounded, if possible, you still persuade Zidaoyou to join us. I can give her the position of the deputy."

"Understand!" Sun Ce nodded immediately.

Zhang Wujie's look is still very dull, Zhou Dongxu's meaning she understands.

The singer’s singer is incomprehensible. Now, let the squad meet one. How can Zhou Dongxu, who is the chief of the squad, not to win?

And if this matter is known to Fang Tianhua, Fang Tianhua will probably immediately start to recruit Xu Ziyan. The price offered by the merchants is not comparable to that of Xiaojiange. Therefore, Zhou Dongxu wants to start with strength.

However, let alone a small and deputy cabinet owner of the Jiange Pavilion, even if it is a condition opened by the merchants, the younger sister may not agree. I want to know that the younger sisters of the younger sisters are not willing to do it. Will they look at the Jiange and the merchants?

Shakelessly shook his head: "The owner, my little sister will not join the merchants."

The meaning of Zhang Wujie’s words Zhou Dongxu immediately understood, that means that the purple Taoist friend not only looked down on the sword, but also did not look at the merchants.

However, Zhou Dongxu’s mind is really not strong, and there is a kind of imposing manner that does not reach the goal:

"Unbounded, I have tried, at least there is still a chance, if you don't try, there is no chance."

When it comes to this, Zhang Wujie is not good at attacking Zhou Dongxu’s enthusiasm, and he smiles and says:

"Then let's try it, I won't participate in this matter. Don't be blamed by the younger sister."


At this time, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan were coming out from the southwest corner. The two of them searched for a half-sound in the southwest corner, but they never found anything of value.

Xu Ziyan is in a very good mood today. She has got a heart of trees. These hearts of trees are of great use to her. So in a very good mood, she proposed two to walk back in the forest.

She did not know the sensation that she had caused at Zhou Dongxu and Sun Ce at this time, and she did not know the grievances and resentment against her in the hearts of more than a dozen monks in Tianyige.


Even if she knows, will she care?


There was a sudden burst of sensation in the sky, and a big guy fell from the air.


A golden eye eagle fell in the front of Xu Zi's body five meters, fluttering two wings and died.

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter came from the air, and a figure slammed into the front of the golden-eyed eagle. With a big hand, the golden-eyed eagle was collected.

Xu Ziyan looked toward the man. The age of the person gave Xu Ziyan a feeling more than the master brother Lang Yue. He wore a gorgeous robes and held a big sword in his hand. The sword had a purple glow. Xu Ziyan just glanced at it and knew that it was a late stage of the Jiu Pin, and it was a fire attribute fairy.

Although the sword in this man's hand is large, but the person is not tall and mighty, but rather a little delicate, with a light and noble temperament.

At the same time, this eye also makes Xu Ziyan jump in the heart, the other party turned out to be a peak of the late Emperor.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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