The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1998: advice

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Even in the late Zongmen, the peak of the Emperor was not weak, and the age of the monk was only slightly larger than that of the master. Of course, this person could not be compared with the elite disciples of the Nine Zongmen, but it also surpassed. The vast majority of disciples, not to mention the comparison with small and medium-sized sects.

Coupled with the nine-product peaks in his hands, even if he is a shot, he is not sure that he can defeat the other side. He is capable of more and more challenges, but who can guarantee that the other party has no ability to challenge more?

There was vigilance in the heart, Xu Ziyan did not go forward, but stood quietly.

Perhaps it was because the monk had just killed a golden-eyed eagle, and the murderousness under his body was still tumbling, giving Xu Ziyan a feeling that the other party could pose a threat to himself.

At this time, the young man seemed to feel that there was someone behind him, and he turned around a lot of Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan showed the same realm in the middle of the Emperor, but the face of the young man. But there is no trace of contempt, but instead smiles and says:

"The two friends are polite!"

"I have seen friends!" Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan also hurriedly returned.

"In Xia Liusheng, the two Taoist friends are the ones in the cabinet?" the young monk asked politely.

"In the purple smoke, this is Bo Yan, we are from the sword!" The other party is polite. Xu Ziyan also said gracefully.

"Oh. You are the swordsman. You are this..."

"Distribute! Come out and spread!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"Oh... well... so happy..."

"The scenery here is very good..." Xu Ziyan’s look also shouted: "I came to Huo Rongshan for the first time..."

"Yes, the scenery here is really good!" Liu Sheng seems to have accepted the reasons for Xu Ziyan, and looked at both sides:

"I was told by you, I want to go back for a walk!"

"That brother. Why don't we go for a walk together?"

"Okay, thank you!"


Liu Shenggang wanted to close the sword in his hand, but found that Xu Ziyan’s eyes fell on his own sword, and his face showed a smug look:

"Zi Daoyou, how do you see this sword?"

"Good sword!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "It's a nine-product late peak fairy!"

Liu Sheng laughed proudly. It seems to be poked in the itch: "Ha ha ha ... purple road friendly eyes, my sword is called the sky fire sword, this sword is my own refining, even my master praised me with the level of the master... ”

"The level of Liu Dao's refiner has indeed reached the level of the master!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and praised this sentence. Xu Ziyan said it with sincerity. The refining level of Liu Sheng’s sword really reached the realm of the master. It can’t be said that it was the first person under the innate fairy treasure, but he also stepped into it. The top ranks.

Walking along the way to the foot of the mountain. Xu Ziyan and Liu Sheng are more and more speculative.

A monk in the late peak of the Emperor's Emperor did not have a trace of arrogance in front of her monk, who is now showing only the mid-level realm of the Emperor. This is not pretending, but a real feeling for Xu Ziyan.

Such a person seems to have a feeling of making him a friend, and this character and temperament can not help but let Xu Ziyan appreciate. Therefore, the two heats are more and more speculative. In the end, Liu Sheng is disregarding the difference between men and women. He stretches his hand and pats the shoulder of Xu Ziyan:

"Zi Daoyou, if you want to refine what kind of fairy. Take the materials, I will give you free refining!"

"Good! I must be troubled by the time, thank you brother!"

"There is nothing to thank!" Liu Sheng took a big shot and was very heroic. Then there was a hint of hesitation in the face, and finally said:

"Zi Daoyou, the two of us talked about speculation, so I will also advise you, this time you still do not participate in the mission of your sword."

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, she understood that this is Liu Sheng thinks that she and Bo Yan's cultivation is too low, afraid that she is in danger in this mission.

"This mission..." Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"Very dangerous!" Liu Sheng did not let Xu Ziyan wait for a long time. Said immediately.

This statement not only did not persuade Xu Ziyan. On the contrary, Xu Ziyan’s interest is even greater, and his eyes are shining. Liu Sheng saw the look of Xu Ziyan, and could not help but shake his head gently. He knew that his words were just white.

"Right. Zidaoyou, just now you recognize that my sword is a nine-piece fairy. You also understand the refiner?"

"Slightly understand!" Xu Ziyan smiled modestly!

"Great, let's say we are still peers!"

Liu Shengyi was happy and took another shot of Xu Ziyan’s shoulder. Aside from the side of Bo Yan, the heart is dark, is the purple smoke not a fairy singer? So how do you understand the refiner? However, after thinking about it, I think that disciples like the nine masters should be a little bit better in all aspects.

Bo Yan just stayed for a while, but Liu Sheng was in a daze from time to time.

On this road, he had a long talk with Xu Ziyan about the refiner, but he did not expect that Xu Ziyan only occasionally inserted a sentence, but he gave him a feeling of suddenness and openness, often it was a place he had been tangled for a long time, or blurred. Therefore, whenever Xu Ziyan inserts a mouth, he will stay for a while.

All the way, his heart also had some doubts that Xu Ziyan was an extremely powerful refiner, but after thinking for a long time, he did not come up with a refiner named Ziyan.

After pondering the way that Xu Ziyan occasionally inserted a mouth, he shook his head. Because he felt Xu Ziyan interjected, he said it in a questioning tone. The expression and tone seemed to have suddenly thought of a certain point with Liu Sheng’s conversation, and asked Liu Sheng:

"Why not?"

"Do you think this will work?"

This made Liu Sheng feel that Xu Ziyan was a good embryo of a refiner. In the end, I couldn’t help myself. I sincerely said to Xu Ziyan:

"Zi Daoyou. Are you interested in refining? If you are interested, I will introduce you to my master, let my master accept you as a good apprentice?"

Xu Ziyan shook her head, and she pointed to Liu Sheng. It is she who really thinks that Liu Sheng is a friend who can make friends, and Liu Sheng is also a talent with a refining device. After a hundred years, he can break through the current shackles and become a congenital treasurer. Leave a chance. It may be rewarded in the future.

Xu Ziyan’s refusal made Liu Sheng feel very sorry, but he was really a free and easy person. He put this thing aside in an instant, and began to talk to Xu Ziyan about the refiner. Xu Ziyan still hinted at him.

With the realm of the first genius of the genius and the second genius of the genius, the singer of the ninth product of the ninth product, Liu Sheng, is a silent sorcerer. It is really silent, and Liu Sheng is constantly fascinated.

What Xu Ziyan has to do is to relay the words of the device and the second to Liu Sheng.

Waiting to go to the foot of the mountain. Liu Sheng has been excited about the muscles on his face, and Xu Ziyan is reluctant. At this moment, he firmly believes that as long as he goes back to retreat for a period of time, his refining realm cannot break through to the innate fairy treasure, but he can completely surpass his master.

At this time, his heart was full of gratitude to Xu Ziyan, and full of regrets. Opened his mouth, still did not hold back:

"Sister. You may not know yourself. You are a genius of a refiner. You really don't want to learn a refiner?" At this time, Liu Sheng has already called up with Xu Ziyan's brother and sister. If this is for others to see, I will never believe that they will not know each other for an hour.

The exchange on this road, Xu Ziyan has been able to see that Liu Sheng is a very cultivated person. At this time, he can invite himself once again after he refuses. It is definitely because he is a genius in refining. But Xu Ziyan knows what is going on with him, and genius is not himself. It is one and two.

But look at the true and sincere look and tone of Liu Sheng. Instead, Xu Ziyan was a little embarrassed, and some said:

"Liu brother, I am so jealous... that is, you said that you have a reputation..."

"No, no..." Liu Sheng shook his head like a rattle: "You are definitely not saying. You are definitely a genius in refining, and you have a natural sensitivity to the refiner. Sister. I said to you, you have been in this life." If you don't learn the refiner, that's a pity."

"I... still want to focus on cultivation..."

"That... it's a pity!" Liu Sheng said with a sigh of relief: "When I was learning the refining device with my master, I was proud of my talent in the refining machine. I learned the speed of the refiner very quickly. It takes a year for a person to learn a skill. I only have one month. But Master told me that some people in the world don’t need to be as diligent as I am. They often look at a strange skill. It doesn't even have to be seen, just listen to it again.

To be honest, I have been dissatisfied, that is, I did not accept it. But now I am serving, you just listen to me talking about it here, you can point out the key to the refiner, you... really is a peerless genius in refining, it is a pity! Really a pity! ”

Then Liu Sheng was sighing there, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan were filled with sorrow and grievances. I don’t know if Xu Ziyan had a peerless refining talent and didn’t choose a refiner and complained, but he still complained why he didn’t have such talent.

At this time they have already reached the foot of the mountain, Liu Sheng lived in the footsteps, looking at Xu Ziyan seriously said:

"Sister, I really don't have a opinion on your cultivation, but this mission is really dangerous. You should not participate. Or I will tell your cabinet owner that he will not refuse me."

"Oh, I will consider it!"

Xu Ziyan is telling the truth. She really wants to think about it. She is looking for the Huoyun beast. If she can get the trace of the Huoyun beast first, she will not participate in this mission.

"This is the best, my sister, waiting for me to complete the task, we must gather together once. Come to the brothers and sisters, let the brothers entertain you, my master will love you."

"Well, when you get rid of your brother!"

"That... leave!"



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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