The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2001: Task start

I am very grateful to Bu Yi (1888), Jie Jie (200), Yu Yu 645098 (200), mableip (100), Tu Yishui (100), Shenli719 (100), and bookmate 131206173651744 ( 100), Blue 326 classmates (100), mortal? ? Classmates (100), the tearful tears classmates (100) reward!


"Oh, almost!" Xu Ziyan did not say his true age, but said vaguely.


Zhou Dongxu is not only entangled in his heart, but his head is also beginning to hurt. There is no wall here. Otherwise, he really wants to use his head to hit it twice. He can't figure out how the other person is so woody? I’m much clearer about myself, twirling, straightforward, how can the other party not give more reaction?

Zhou Dongxu discovered at this time that things that had always been thought to be very sure were losing their control. Opposite the woman, whether she is sincerely invited or not, using the Tianfu business bank to intimidate, she did not respond at all, has always been that calm look, as if not talking about her, but talking about others who have nothing to do with her .

Zhou Dongxu never felt that talking to others was as difficult as it is today!

At this time, Xu Ziyan, who had never been able to speak from the inside of the tent, spoke up:

Zhou Gezhu, if you have nothing else, I want to go back first!


"I said I want to leave!"


Xu Ziyan left Zhou Dongxu's tent, but Zhou Dongxu stood in a tent with a dull face. He really didn't know where his plan was wrong, why the purple smoker refused to give him a little reaction.

Xu Ziyan returned to his tent with a faint smile. Once inside the tent, the smile on his face disappeared. Slightly frowned.

At this time, she has completely confirmed that Tianfu Commercial Bank is coming to chase her, and now there are two people who have appeared in the early days, which makes Xu Ziyan impossible to worry.

She did not understand the meaning of Zhou Dongxu's words, but she could not join the sword. Zhou Dongxu thought too simple. There is no eternal secret in the world, and the sword can't hide itself. If you let Tianfu Business Station know that she is hidden in the sword court, then the sword court will be erased from the Shangyuan continent by Tianfu Commercial Bank. There are six sisters here, Yang Lingwei, who can't let the swordhouse be in trouble.

This is also because Zhou Dongxu does not know his true identity. If she knows her true identity and knows that she has killed the son and daughter of Tianfu Commercial Bank, I am afraid he will not only dare to recruit himself. Will you still think about sending yourself away?

It seems that I really need to leave here as soon as possible, as long as I can find the Huoyun beast, get its skin and blood, and then return to the Yuanmeng as soon as possible, Tianfu Commercial Bank will run away this time.

What's more, once you get the skin and blood of the fire cloud beast, you can start making nine symbols. I have a nine-character. I don’t know who is going to kill it.

Zhou Dongxu was very angry and very angry. He walked back and forth on the ground and couldn't help but groan:

"It’s really unreasonable, I don’t know how to force, I don’t know how to live...”

Obviously she was helping her, but she was completely unacceptable. Joining Jiange is not the best choice for her now? If it wasn’t for her to save herself in the town, if not she was a fairy squad...

"Forget it, she will do whatever she wants! Anyway, she saved her life. This kind of grace always pays off."

But I think so. Whether you can think about it is another matter. Zhou Dongxu patted the table with hatred. He really couldn't understand why Ziyan refused him. Jiange is one of the top ten pavilions, and the upward trend is very good. Zhou Dongxu is confident that he will establish the first of the ten clubs. He couldn't understand why the purple smoke refused to be such a good organization.

"She regrets when she is killed by the person who is doing it!"


Zhou Dongxu sighed with a sigh of relief, and the cockroaches on his face gradually disappeared. The calm was restored, the gods were spread out, and Sun Ce was found.

"Sun Ce, come over."

"The owner, what is the order!" Sun Ce asked with respect and respect after entering the tent.

"You tell the monk in the pavilion that everything about the purple Taoist friend has closed my mouth. No matter who asked if I saw the purple Taoist friend, I told me that I didn't see it."

"Yes, I will go!" Sun Ce lowered his head and stepped out.

"It's a big problem!" Zhou Dongxu locked his brow: "I have to find a way to secretly send her away!"

Now Xu Ziyan refuses to join the Jiange, and the sword club naturally needs to avoid risks. Once the person of the Tianfu business found that the sword pavilion hides Xu Ziyan, it is a disaster for the sword court. Moreover, Xu Ziyan is not a person in the Jiange, and the Jiange has no reason to take such a big risk for Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan saved his life. This kind of kindness always has to be returned. Only Xu Ziyan will be secretly sent away.

The resident of Tianfu Commercial Bank, sitting in a chair in the autumn, holding a delicate wine glass in his hand, looking at the two people sitting opposite him, his face showed a faint smile, but the smile was Full of ice cold:

"These so-called cabinets are really courageous and bigger, and they dare to deceive us Tianfu Commercial Bank and harbor Xu Ziyan."

One of them was initially stunned and asked some questions: "Three young masters, are you sure that the purple smoke is hidden in those three cabinets?"

Falling autumn and sorrow smile, the light in the eyes is transmitted: "Today we have visited the Jiange, Tianyige and Shange, and they all denied seeing Xu Ziyan. However, these three pavilions have come here for some time, And almost blocked the passage of the ground and the air to the Huo Rongshan, Xu Ziyan came to Huo Rongshan, even if they did not block, it is impossible to not see.

Now they say that they have not seen it, which proves that Xu Ziyan is hidden in one of the cabinets. Otherwise the pavilion told us directly that they saw Xu Ziyan. Where are you going, don’t you end up?

And they just said that they didn't see it. When I fell into the autumn, is it a fool? ”

"What do we do then?"

"It's very simple!" Falling Autumn sent the wine glass in his hand to the lips and drank it. The eyes showed a trace of irony: "We just have to stare at the three big cabinets."

"What about the day?"

"Don't pay attention to the merchants!" The look of fall and fall is gloomy. There was a glimmer of gloom in the eyes.

In the tent.

Xu Ziyan is a bit embarrassed. If it’s just that she just said it, but now she has a Bo Yan. If you leave with Bo Yan, it is a great possibility to be discovered by Tianfu. But if you don't leave with Bo Yan, if Bo Yan is discovered by Tianfu. There will be no good results.

Frowning and frowning, Zhang Wujie walked in and chatted with Xu Ziyan for a while, and told her that the three big cabinets and the celestial business would start acting tomorrow morning.

After sending away the six sisters, Xu Ziyan pondered a bit, or decided to hide in the sword court, and tomorrow with the sword cabinet, and then looking for a chance to leave with Bo Yan.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan mixed in the Jiane monks and began to fly to the depths of Huo Rongshan.

Xu Ziyan and Zhang Wujie flew side by side. Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "Six sisters, now they have started to act, you should always know what the task is?"

"Well, I know." Zhang Wujie nodded and said: "It is to let us help the torso with some flame lions."

"Rescue the flame lion?" Xu Ziyan blinked: "Is there a flame lion in Huo Rongshan?"

"Occasionally, but I have not seen a lot of appearances!" Zhang Wujie also frowned.

"Then...the celestial business hires you three big cabinets will not just deal with a few fire lions?"

"It shouldn't be possible?" Zhang Wujie's eyes suddenly brightened: "Can't Tianyi firm find a flame lion's nest?"

“Most likely!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Your mission really only drives the flame lion?”

“Well!” Zhang Wujie decided to take the lead: “And the merchants of Tianyi have assured us that the flame lions who have no one to honor the time are all Xiandi and Xiandi.”

And it is at this time. A figure flew over the air in the air. In order not to be discovered by the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank, Xu Ziyan has been flying in the middle of the 500th monk of the Jiange Pavilion, but when the man flew over, the monk of the Jiange Pavilion not only did not block, but also opened a passage.

"Liu brother!"

The coming person is Liu Sheng, who is very speculative with Xu Ziyan. When he sees Xu Ziyan, there is a trace of blame on his face:

"Sister, why are you still coming?"

Not waiting for Xu Ziyan to answer, Liu Sheng said in a voice: "Sister, listen to the advice of the brothers. You still have to go back."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth can’t help but pass a bitter smile. She knows that this is Liu Sheng’s concern for himself. She was able to feel the true meaning of Liu Sheng, and suddenly she was moved. This task was released by the merchant company, and Liu Sheng was a disciple of Fang Tianhua, the head of the merchant company. You should know the true purpose of this action. Then he asked Liu Shengsheng:

"Liu brother, the purpose of this mission is not just to kill some flame lions?"

Liu Sheng slightly frowned. In the end, he said, "The mission of the Three Great Courts is to kill and expel the Flame Lion."

"So, the merchants have their own goals?"

"Well! So it is very dangerous to say that this mission is very dangerous. We can't guarantee that when the Flame Lion is killed, the Fire Cloud Beast will not rush out."

"Fire cloud beast?" Xu Ziyan's heart is tight, but his face is calm and asks: "The legendary fire cloud beast?"

"Well, there is a monk in our celestial business firm who accidentally discovered the nest of the Huoyun beast, so we have prepared this action for us. You know the demon of a person, but a good material for a refiner. ”

Sure enough, it is a fire cloud beast.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart, but his heart was also embarrassed. Fang Tianhua of the celestial firm has come personally. What else is there? How can I get some skin and blood from the fire cloud beast?

For a time, Xu Ziyan was a bit big.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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