The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2002: Magma river

Warmly congratulate you to become the best elder!


and many more!


If it is only to deal with the fire cloud beast of a person's respect, it is not necessary to let Fang Tianhua in the early days of Tianzun personally take it out?

"Liu Shixiong!" Xu Ziyan said: "The fire cloud beast is a human respect?"

"I don't know!" Liu Sheng said: "The monk who occasionally found the fire cloud beast's nest just said that the fire cloud beast is very powerful. He can't see its strength far away. Anyway, it is very powerful, so my master. Just come and see for yourself."

Xu Ziyan’s heart has been raised again. It seems that the repair of the Fire Cloud Beast is more than a human respect!

"It is very dangerous anyway. If you kill the flame lion, the fire cloud beast rushes out, the three big cabinets are bad, so you still have to leave here."

"Nothing, I will follow it later!"

"You..." Looking at Xu Ziyan’s indifferent look, Liu Sheng shook his head helplessly: "You are more careful anyway. I went back, Master asked me."

"Liu brother, you have to be careful!"

"Well! Take care!"

" Take care!"

Liu Sheng left, Zhang Wujie looked at Xu Ziyan and asked: "What is the goal of this Tiancha firm?"

"It is a fire cloud beast!" Xu Ziyan said.

"Oh..." Zhang nodded and nodded, his face did not change.

"It may not be the fire cloud beast of human respect, it is probably the fire cloud beast of the land." Xu Ziyan worried about the sound of Zhang Wujie.

"Well, the legend has been so long, it is normal to improve it." Zhang Wujie's look is still very calm.

"Normal?" Xu Ziyan looked at Zhang Weijie's calm face. Some air knots in my heart: "Normal fart, I don't think you are normal. It may be a demon-like monster, you are not afraid?"

Zhang Wujie whitened Xu Ziyan and said: "You are here, what am I terrible?"


Xu Ziyan was smashed in the chest. She really didn't know that Zhang Wujie had so much confidence in her.

Three Great Courts, more than 1,500 monks fell from the sky and landed in front of a cave.

A very common cave, Xu Ziyan could not help but frown slightly. Because the cave mouth felt the slightest heat, but there was a icy cold.

This makes Xu Ziyan feel very strange, whether it is a fire cloud beast or a flame lion, they should have magma in the place where they live. It should be a hot place. How can there be a flame lion and a fire cloud beast in a place with a cold ice?

At this time, the monk of the Mountain Pavilion has begun to go inside the cave, and then Tianyi Pavilion. The sword court is behind. After the sword pavilion, it was the merchant business. Xu Ziyan looked back and did not find the person of Tianfu Commercial Bank.

It was the turn of the sword, and Xu Ziyan entered the cave with everyone, feeling a touch of ice, but the more he went, the icy cold gradually weakened. It became cool, and even after this coolness disappeared, the air began to get hot.

Xu Ziyan was in a tight heart, and she knew that this sign was really close to the nest of the Huoyun beast. Immediately, he said to Zhang Wujie, Bo Yan, Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian.

"Be careful!"


It’s a buzz, not a buzz.

All the monks are looking tight, and there is an underground open space in front of them. It is very open and endless...

Jumping out of the distance from the distance. The red line of the line surged toward the Three Great Courts like the tide of the sea.


That is countless flame lions.

Xu Ziyan dared to swear. She has never seen so many flame lions, as if the whole world was filled with flame lions.


The human and the flame lion finally smashed into one place, and the two sides began to kill it...

At this time, Xu Ziyan also took out a handful of congenital swords, which could not be used. Too much consumption of Xianyuan. Zhang Wujie, Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian are all members of the Jiange Pavilion. Each has its own tasks. Each of the three great courts has its own role. Only Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan become unorganized and undisciplined.

But Bo Yan remembered one thing, that is, immediately behind Xu Ziyan, where Xu Ziyan went, where he went.

Although there are many flame lions, the three major pavilions are not boasted. They will cut the flame lions everywhere, open up a **** road, and continue to advance toward the front.


The roar of the fairy tales and the bombardment of the flame lions are everywhere.

Suddenly, three flame lions fired three fireballs toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan Xianjian was the leader, and the sword was swaying. A circle of swordsman stretched out to the outside and greeted three huge fireballs.


A burst of fire, flames, swords and sky, covering everything.

Xu Ziyan only felt that his feet were sinking and his body shape fell to the bottom. I just wanted to fly up, but I saw the body shape of Bo Yan falling down.

In the heart of the move, Xu Ziyan did not rise and fall, and fell to the bottom.

The time of the fall was very long, and it took about a quarter of an hour. The feet of Xu Ziyan fell to the ground, and the figure next to them fell. It was Bo Yan.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the top, could not see the entrance to the fall, and the gods spread around and saw that they fell into a criss-crossed cave, as if it were a huge and complicated natural maze.

Above the ground.

In the midst of fierce battles, no one found Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan suddenly disappeared.

The three great pavilions completely opened up the battle and the endless flame lions rushed to kill a piece of flame lion. The monks of the merchants did not do it. They followed the three big pavilions, but the look on their faces was very tense.

At this time, the swordsman suddenly came to the center, and the monks and monks had a tacit cooperation. For example, the same sword was inserted into the flame lion group. On both sides of the Pavilion and the Mountain Pavilion and Tianyi Pavilion, they rushed forward violently.

If Xu Ziyan sees this scene here, the heart will be shocked by this violent. Although these monks attacked, there was no such thing as a sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, and no sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, but it was full of violent, a brutal collision...

Moreover, although there is no such thing as a match between them, it is extremely tacit understanding. It is a tacit understanding formed by thousands of battles. It seems to be chaotic, but its power is not inferior to the battle of Zongmen.

The entire underground open space is like a sea of ​​fire, and countless flame lions are coming from the opposite side. Their bodies are released with flames, and their mouths are sprayed with fireballs, fiercely throwing at human monks. The human monk shattered and rushed to the top...

Every squeak is accompanied by a dense fireball intertwined into a sea of ​​fire from the air to the human monk, without having to experience the power of the fireball, as long as you see the dense fireball, it is scalp and numb.

The more you push forward, the more the number of flame lions, and the higher the temperature...

All this purple smoke didn't know at this time. She was walking along the extremely complicated labyrinth passage, releasing countless leeches, bringing the situation of the passage to him, and then she continued to choose the passage. Go ahead.

Bo Yan stalked behind Xu Ziyan without saying a word. He had a big head at this time. He didn't know where he was. He didn't know where he was going. Only the bulky head followed Xu Ziyan.

I don't know how long I have gone, and I suddenly screamed with Bo Yan behind Xu Ziyan:

"There is... there is light..."

Xu Ziyan naturally knows that there is an exit in front, and still walks forward at the previous speed. Two people soon came to the exit. It was a hole, looking down, and there was a faint red light beneath the darkness.

Bo Yan threw a symbol and released a light to illuminate the bottom. Two people looked around and it seemed to be a river formed by magma.

"I will go down and see! You are waiting for me here!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"I... follow you down." Bo Yan did not want to leave Xu Ziyan, only staying beside Xu Ziyan, he felt a little security here.

"okay then!"

Xu Ziyan stepped out and Bo Yan followed closely. The two men slowly descended to the bottom. Bo Yan threw out a symbol from time to time, releasing a bright light to illuminate the surrounding space.

The space is very quiet.

As the distance got closer and closer, the sound of magma flow came from below, and the flames that came out of the magma from time to time.

Xu Ziyan called out the fire spirit in the purple smoke space, and called in the gods: "Fire spirit, defense."

Huo Linger quickly spread out the surface of Xu Ziyan, forming a defensive film on the surface of Xu Ziyan.


Two whispers, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan fell to the ground, Xu Ziyan looked around, and his heart was slightly shocked.

An extremely hot air came to Xu Ziyan and Bo Yanyong, and looked around as if he had come to hell. The rolling magma flows like a big river not far away, and from time to time it emits a flame.


Extremely dry!

Xu Ziyan can feel the moisture in his body evaporating rapidly...

Bo Yan released a symbol, and then the light shone, looking around, only one word to describe it.


Light red, bright red, dark red...

It seems that this is a world of flames.

"Have you been to Huo Rongshan?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

“I have been there many times!” Bo Yan further explained: “You know that I am a fairy teacher, always come here to hunt some monsters and get their skin and blood.”

"So, do you know where it is?" There was a glimmer of hope in the voice of Xu Ziyan.

"I don't know!" Bo Yan shook his head decisively.

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye and felt that he should not ask. At this time, Bo Yan looked around with great interest and said with excitement:

"Ziyan, do you have any precious herbs here? To say that it is also considered a Jedi, should it be?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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