The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2008: Jiang Tianshui's resentment

I am very grateful to xy_Ying Yu (10000), Qiantuzi (1888), Zhuangzi (588), Yu Yu 645098 (200), Jie Yi (100), mableip (100), shenli719 ( 100), Lan Yan confidant ぁ classmates (100) reward!


For Xu Ziyan, he was able to treat a person who was a monk who didn’t even know his mother. Bo Yan’s heart was very shocked. At this time, he was full of respect for Xu Ziyan, and in such a strange environment, how Do you dare not respect? For the order of Xu Ziyan, he is simply unconditionally executed.

Then Bo Yan will sternly look at Jiang Tianshui and say: "Stand up!"

Jiang Tianshui’s heart is crying. When did he swear by a monk in the turn of a monk? And the swearing is unrelenting. The most painful thing is that he still has to stand up from the ground like a dog who obeys the command, and reveals a flattering expression to a fairy king!

"He *Mom*, I am laughing at a fairy... I am laughing..."

Xu Ziyan walked in front, and Bo Yan walked behind Jiang Tianshui, walking through the green grass and passing through the lush forest. They saw a palace.

The heat wave came to the surface, it was a fiery palace, releasing an endless flame, like a fire phoenix...

The ancient atmosphere spread around...

Xu Ziyan stopped, she did not have too much excitement, after all, she was not the first contact with this ancient relic. Just the heart is still beating and shocked.

The shape of this building is a phoenix. The most important thing is that this building is not a dead thing, but a living fire phoenix, because it is exuding a kind of majesty from its body. A noble, supreme majesty, as if in this world, it is the noblest existence. The rest are cockroaches.

Xu Ziyan remembered some legends about ancient times.

Legend has it that it is farther than ancient times. At that time, the masters between heaven and earth were not human beings, nor demons, but demon.

At that time, the Yaozu was the most powerful race in the world, and the two most powerful races among the powerful Yaozu were the Dragon and the Phoenix.

I want to be a leader of the dragon and the phoenix under the leadership of the dragon and the phoenix.

It is a big era belonging to the Yaozu.

However, the war that determined the fate of the Yaozu finally started...

The dragon and the phoenix fought in order to compete for the rule of the Yaozu. This war has been lingering for a long time, and the Yaozu has been divided into two camps. The two sides have suffered numerous deaths and injuries, resulting in a significant decline in the strength of the Yaozu.

And in this long and long war of the Yaozu, the Terran and the Mozu grew up.

When the Yaozu discovered that the Terran and the Mozu had grown to make them feel threatened, they found that they were no longer able to control the Terran and the Mozu, and the most important thing was that the Yaozu camp was separated by the Dragon and the Phoenix. It is impossible for the enemy to join forces.

So the three worlds between the heavens and the earth have also begun the great era of family warfare.

The Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu tribes have been conquering each other for hundreds of millions of years. Gradually, the Terran gradually gained the upper hand.

Until now, although the Terran has not become the master between the heavens and the earth, it is undoubtedly in a dominant position among the three tribes.

At this time, Xu Ziyan felt the pressure released by the Fire Phoenix Palace, and Xu Ziyan had to suspect that this palace was the product left by the era of the Yaozu who was farther away than ancient times. Because only the Yaozu of that era has this kind of domineering atmosphere.

The entire palace was cast from the legendary celestial gold. The two eyes of the phoenix are made from the legendary very rare star fire crystal.

This unparalleled atmosphere makes the widely-expanded Xu Ziyan feel like a bun from an occluded place...

In today's fairy world, whether it is the sun, or the stars, even the size of the nail. It will cause the madness of the whole fairy world, but it is here now. But where is it to build a house...

Just think about it, you will feel crazy...

"I... grass..."

Jiang Tianshui stood there, his eyes were straight, his body was screaming with excitement, and his mouth muttered unconsciously.

As a person who is a great monk, and is always mixed with the wealth of the Tianfu business, how can he not recognize the building materials of this palace?

It is Bo Yan who can maintain a little calm here. Although he also thinks that the palace is very shocking, he has not recognized the building materials of this palace.

I have been squatting on the shoulders of Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan. Some of the flaming Lingling children seem to have recovered from the buds at this time. In the knowledge of the gods, they said to Xu Ziyan:

"Master, go in, go in..."

I remembered that Huo Linger wrapped them up to enter here, and should be able to enter the palace, so Xu Ziyan turned to Bo Yan and said:

"Bo Yan, you stay here and look at him! I will go in and see."

"Yeah!" Bo Yan hurriedly nodded, although he also wanted to go in, but the pressure released by the palace still made him feel the fear, and Xu Ziyan did not let him in, he did not dare to violate the order of Xu Ziyan.

He was very afraid of Xu Ziyan at this time. Well, at least it is very fearful here, and I dare not violate the will of Xu Ziyan.

As for the Jiang Tianshui, not to mention, although his eyes are red like a rabbit's eye at this time, but when he thinks about the violence of Xu Ziyan, he still stands in the same place, seeing Xu Ziyan looked over, he hurriedly offered a A good smile.

If Xu Ziyan is alone, she would never dare to walk into the palace. As long as she feels the heat released by the palace, she knows that she does not need to go in. As soon as she is close, she will be burned to ashes.

Now she has a fire, and her heart is settled a lot.

However, Xu Ziyan still has some reluctance, and it is better to rely on others than to rely on others. Still be a little more prepared for yourself.

Xu Ziyan grabbed the void and grabbed the pen from the chaotic gas in the purple smoke space. Then I took out a piece of skin that the peach blossom had just cut the sacred fire cloud beast, and took out the blood of a bottle of fire cloud beast.

The pen is swept into the jade bottle, the blood is absorbed by the pen, and the pen is taken out. I began to draw on the demon skin.

At the moment when Xu Ziyan took out the pen, Bo Yan’s eyes were bright. As a seven-character charm teacher, it was natural to recognize that it was a good pen. The heart can't help but tremble. Is Xu Ziyan still a fairy teacher?

This shocked him too much.

First, the behavior of Xu Ziyan in the southwest corner of Huo Rongshan told him that he was a fairy singer. Then when he received the sputum flower, he let him know that Xu Ziyan was an elixir teacher. What is Xu Ziyan doing now?

Bo Yan felt that his head seemed to be a little inadequate.

Jiang Tianshui on the side also widened his eyes. Although he was not a top-level fairy teacher, he was an elder in Tianfu Commercial Bank. It was because he was a great monk.

However, he is a long-time elder of the business. Why is it a fairy charm teacher, although it is only a five-character charm teacher, although the level of the standard is not good, but the vision is first-class.

At a glance, he recognized that the pen in the hands of Xu Ziyan was definitely a congenital treasure, and that demon skin was the skin of the fire cloud beast.

Sucking the nose, the smell of the blood is also clearly the blood of the fire cloud beast.

What is Xu Ziyan doing?

She took the pen of the congenital Xianbao, using the demon skin and blood of the early stage.

Is she still a clerk?

A wand with the innate fairy treasure and the demon skin and blood at the beginning of the earth. What level of fairy is she making?

Xu Ziyan's pen moves fast, even pulling out the afterimage in the air, a continuous line of lines on the demon skin quickly form a mysterious pattern.

Today, Xu Ziyan is already a middle-aged peak performer. At this time, she is making a masterpiece of the inferior Xianbao, a defensive congenital treasure called "Feng Panxuan".

The innate Xianbao of Zhongpin has made a lot of rumors, and a little accident will cause an explosion.

In fact, any level of fairy charm in the production process will cause an explosion, but the level is different, the power of the explosion is different.

Looking at Xu Ziyan's smooth and fast action, Jiang Tianshui and Bo Yan were sluggish. At this time, both of them knew very well that Xu Ziyan was indeed a fairy teacher. And it is still a level teacher who is not low.

It’s just that both of them don’t understand what kind of emperor is being made by Xu Ziyan at this time. They know that Xu Ziyan is in the system, but Xu Ziyan's technique has never been seen.

I remembered that Bo Yan’s level of making is higher than himself. Jiang Tianshui looked at Bo Yan and whispered:

"What is she doing?"

"The system!"


Jiang Tianshui’s face is dark. Like a black pig, if not because he is now blocked. He couldn’t beat Bo Yan. He couldn’t wait to squat on Jiang Tianshui’s face.

"Mom*, is there such a humiliating thing? I am also a Japanese-born business. Well, even if the Laozi system is lower, but I have always seen a high level of fairy charms? And I am a person. Master of the period, IQ is absolutely no problem? Do I not know that she is in the system? I want to know what level of fairy is she making?

"Mom*, no wonder he doesn't want to join the Tianfu business. It turns out that his head is sick, and the direction of the matter is not normal..."

I was too lazy to pay attention to Bo Yan. I felt that I would say a word to Bo Yan and I would be infected by Bo Yan’s mental retardation. I looked at Xu Ziyan and could not help but sigh.

"Her style is so fast! I have never seen the speed of a fairy teacher so fast!"

Suddenly a thought rose in his heart, and then the thought expanded uncontrollably.

Just a little faster, then I made a mistake, and then I banged, and the fairy symbol exploded, killing the purple smoke...

This thought has not been put down, I saw Xu Ziyan will collect the pen, and then release the fairy.


A phoenix sounded, the fairy symbol became a huge phoenix, hovering around Xu Ziyan, shrouded Xu Ziyan inside. Unleash the power of human respect...


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*(To be continued~^~)

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