"This... this is a congenital treasure... and it is... the middle..."

Jiang Tianshui sat down on the ground, and his heart was shocked. When did the world appear in the world of a congenital fairy teacher?

My feelings can't be wrong. The fire and phoenix is ​​the power of people's respect. This is only the legendary Chinese product Xianxian Xianbao can do it...

Xu Ziyan’s sleeves flew away, and his body flew toward the Fire Phoenix Palace. A thick pressure came down on Xu Ziyan’s body, which made Xu Ziyan no longer able to maintain the position of flying in the air. The figure could not help but fall to the bottom and landed. Above the steps before the gate.

A huge pressure on her body, even the steps have become difficult. Xu Ziyan believes that if it is not because of the intrinsic strength of the early stage of the land, I am afraid that this time has been crushed on the steps.

The hot flames around him shone toward Xu Ziyan.


A phoenix sounded, the fire phoenix hovering around Xu Ziyan screamed and protected Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan could clearly feel that this was only turned into a phoenix by the Chinese genius congenital genus, which is rapidly weakening, I am afraid there are three more breaths. Time will disappear.

Xu Ziyan’s only thought at this time was to leave here immediately, but the heavy pressure made her unable to move.


Just as Xu Ziyan was burning, just in the moment when the congenital fairy disappeared, the fire spiriter who had been kneeling on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan gave a scream, and the body radiated a dazzling light, and the figure instantly magnified, and Xu Ziyan shrouded inside. .

Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the heat had disappeared. Instead, there is a feeling of warmth, and the pressure on the body has disappeared...

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, stepping up to the top to climb, the first level steps up. Then stood in front of the palace gate.

Take a deep breath and reach out and push **** the door...


The door opened to the sides, and Xu Ziyan stood in the doorway and looked inside. The palace was bright. It was the radiance of the gemstones embedded in the ceiling.

Stepping into the gates of the palace, while walking slowly toward the inside, I looked around. Everything is arranged to give Xu Ziyan only one feeling.


Xu Ziyan’s gaze was attracted by a treasure, which was the light released from the things on a case...

Xu Ziyan went to the side of the case and his eyes fell on the item on the case. That is a pen, an unusual pen.

The end of the pen is the shape of the phoenix tail, the tip of the pen is the shape of the phoenix mouth, and more importantly, the body of the pen actually releases endless power. This kind of power has even raised a trace of fear in Xu Ziyan's heart. This kind of power can only be felt in the original Thunder giant sword.

Xu Ziyan trembled and grabbed the hand toward the one...

Holding the pen in her hand, a kind of warmth makes her feel very comfortable.

"The rude girl, let me go!"

Xu Ziyan’s hand was a trembling, but he did not let go of the pen, but he grabbed it even tighter. At this point she has realized the value of this pen, a pen that can talk. Isn't that the same as the Thunder giant sword?

"I still catch? Don't let go?" An old female voice shouted angrily.

"Is you talking?" Xu Ziyan took the pen and looked at it seriously.

"I bite you!"

The phoenix mouth of the nib suddenly opened and bite into the nose of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan hurriedly leaned back and avoided the other bite.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already determined that the pen in his hand would talk again, and at the same time, his heart was a little uneasy. At the beginning, the power and arrogance of the Thunder giant sword, she had seen it. If this pen really had any hostility towards her, Xu Ziyan really didn't know if he was the opponent of this pen.

So Xu Ziyan stood there with the pen in his hand.


"Oh okay, I know……"

Being called a fool by a pen, Xu Ziyan did not dare to lose his temper, carefully placed the pen on the case, and then carefully asked:

"That... do you respect the name of the surname? Miss pen and pen. Is it a pen-in-law?"

"What pen..." The pen jumped on the case. Expressing your own anger: "Please call me a god!"

"Fu Shen?" Xu Ziyan touched his head and looked confused.

"Not bad!"


Both sides were silent, Xu Ziyan did not know what to say, and the pen seemed to be looking at Xu Ziyan.

"You are human?"

"Oh... I am human..."

"Weird. How dare humans dare to come here, don't you die? Or do you say that Fengzu has become kind to humanity?"

"Feng...zu..." Xu Ziyan almost jumped up. Stutteringly asked: "You...what...meaning..."

"What do you mean? Fengzu is Fengzu, how come I met a fool!"

Xu Ziyan gasped a few mouthfuls and then carefully asked: "Do you mean the ancestors of the Feng nationality?"


Xu Ziyan heard this sentence, scared almost did not jump up, the ancestors of the Feng nationality? Doesn't that mean the first phoenix between heaven and earth? For a moment, I stumbled and asked:

"That...here...what is it?"

"This is the place where the fun of the palace, the ancestral hall of Fengzu."

"Fengzu... will it be a sign?"

Xu Ziyan is ignorant, isn't humanity best at making symbols, refining, alchemy and arrays? How does Fengzu also make a mark? Moreover, I also made a special palace to make a sign, then... her level of making is not bad...

"Stupid, what do you say?" The pen jumped from the table and stood on the table. The tip of the pen's phoenix opened and said:

"Who doesn't know that Fengzu is the ancestor of the world, and there is no such thing as a ancestor in the world."

Xu Ziyan stood there in a sluggish way, but in his heart he kept searching for his own things about Fengzu in his memory. Xu Ziyan was too fast because of his own cultivation, and his foundation was a little thin. So whenever she gets to one place, she will look at the library there. It’s not just the practice of cultivation, but some legendary biographies that she will read.

Because that is the understanding of the fairy world, it is an integration. A kind of heritage. Therefore, Xu Ziyan saw too many books, and gradually she remembered some records about Fengzu, although it was very sporadic. Very indefinite, but still able to feel the mystery and power of Fengzu.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the first generation of all ethnic groups were born out of heaven. When the Fengzu was born, the heavens and the earth gathered together and the colors were colorful. The relationship between the heavens and the earth was absorbed by Fengzu, so the feathers on Fengzu’s body were branded with a mysterious symbol, which also created the Phoenix. The beauty of the ancestors. As soon as it appears, it will be colorful and colorful.

Legend has it that in the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the Yaozu is the master of this world, and the human beings are surrendered to the Yaozu, who are the people of the Yaozu. There is also a human family among the ancestors of Fengzu. What is specifically called has no one to remember, this is not the Terran does not respect him. But the Terran respects him as a god, not his name, and no one remembers his name.

Looking at the pen in front of me, Xu Ziyan really didn't know what to say.

"Right, how did you get in?"

"I?" Xu Ziyan hesitated and said: "I was forced to come in."

"Is it forced to come in? Is it forced by Feng Zu?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan hurriedly shook his head: "It was forced into by a fire cloud beast of a land." Xu Ziyan's look was somewhat depressed.

"The fire cloud beast in the land of honor..." The pen looked up and down Xu Ziyan: "What about the fire cloud beast?"


"Dead? How did you die?"

"burned to death!"

"Then why haven't you been burned to death?"

Xu Ziyan boss unwillingly turned a white eye: "I don't know."

"No, there must be a reason."

The pen looked up and down Xu Ziyan carefully, and finally fell his eyes on the fire spirit of Xu Ziyan's shoulder. Xu Ziyan also remembered the fire Linger at this time, and suddenly shot his forehead. I was a little confused by this pen. So I hurriedly said:

"It’s Huo Linger who is protecting me."

"Does it protect you in?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

The pen floated up, and it was carefully measured by the fire spiriter. The mouth of the pen was opened and sucked a few breaths as if to smell something, how to make Xu Ziyan look strange.

"Not right!" the pen whispered. "It's very ordinary. How could this be?"

Huo Linger was irritated by the pen "it is very ordinary", and a "snap" sound made a long sound. The body suddenly released a majesty.

Xu Ziyan and Huo Linger were very familiar, but they didn't feel anything, but the pen slammed into the case under the majesty of Huo Linger, and then saw it jump from the table.


I shuttled back and forth in the space inside the house, and laughed with excitement: "Ha ha ha ha..."


The pen flew back to the front of Xu Ziyan and stared at Xu Ziyan: "This..."

"Fire Linger!" Xu Ziyan hurriedly added,

"Well, yes, is this fire spirit yours?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

The pen was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Stupid... Little girl, let's make a deal?"

Hearing that the pen no longer calls himself a fool, but changing his mouth, he will know that it must be that Huo Linger is very important to the opposite pen. The heart will be securely divided:

"What transaction?"

"Let your fire spirit listen to my command once, I will give you a best gift, how?"

"The best fairy?" Xu Ziyan's heart is a shock.

"Not bad! As long as you let Huo Linger help me once, I will give you a special gift."



I don't know what is going on! I stayed in the sixth place on the pink ticket list, and then I was left on the last day. Ten of my comrades went back to liberation...

Ask for the bottom of the pink, comrades will give me the bottom of the pink, bells and thanks...


*(To be continued~^~)

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