The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2011: Symbol cabinet

"I tell you the truth, your fire spirit has a trace of the soul of the ancestors. As long as she inspires the soul of the phoenix ancestors, naturally, they can enter and exit the Fun Palace. Only know the soul of Fengzu."


This time, Xu Ziyan was really scared and suddenly smashed. When it fell from the sky to the ground, it turned to look at the fire spirit on his shoulder.

" said...the body of it...has...the ancestors of Feng...the soul..."

"Yes, I won't feel wrong! How, Xu Ziyan, you understand this, will you give it to me once?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head very simply, and the pen suddenly ignited. He slammed from the case and screamed:

"A fool, you dare to play with God!"

"It's not a problem to let you use Fire Spirit, but I still have a few questions."

"Oh..." The tone of the pen slowed down: "Then you ask."

"You have never said who the human race monk who entered the Fun Palace to take away the guinea pig."

"I don't know that person very well. I have been sealed in this pen for too long, and I have been staying in the fun palace. However, I listened to Fengzu and called him Yutian."

"Yu Tian?"

Xu Ziyan thought hard and thought about it. He didn't find out a trace of this jade thing from his memory. Then he shook his head with a funny smile. The era was too far away from himself. How could he know?

"Well, now is the second question, that is, what do you want to do with Fire Spirit?"

"There is nothing wrong with this problem!" It was obvious that the pen was relieved. At the same time, there is still a hint of excitement in the tone.

"This thing originally had to tell you that you still need your help."


"It is like this. I am already tired in this pen. I want to come out from this pen. But this pen has the seal of Fengzu’s original, I can’t come out at all, only have the phoenix. The soul of the ancestors can crack those seals. So I need a fire spirit."

"After you are not afraid to come out, the soul flies away?" Xu Ziyan looked at the pen up and down with some suspicion.

"So you still need your help." The pen prayed.

"How can I help?"

"There are two ways, there are two ways, one is to find the material to reshape the body, let me reshape the body. But this is too difficult, that is, the original Fengzu can not do it, I am not difficult to You are the second. The second is to find a congenital treasure teacher, make me a skeleton. Then live in it."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded. "This question is not big, but why don't you choose to win?"

"I have already won it once. I once died once, and then I lost my life. Later I was killed by the dragons. Naturally, I can't take it anymore. A monk can only win once."

"Understood!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "You are really troubled!"

"Who said no!" The voice of the pen was crying.

"What do you need to do with Fire Spirit?"

"Use it to control the entire Fun Palace. Then you can use the locker, and use the locker to break the seal of my body."

“Can Fire Spirit control the Fun Palace?”

"Yes. It has a trace of the soul of the ancestors in the body. Although I don't know why she has a trace of the soul of the ancestors, but it is certain that it is the soul of Fengzu. And on the top of the symbol cabinet is also kept. The soul of a phoenix ancestor, as long as the fire spirit combines the soul power in its body with the soul power in the symbolic cabinet, it can become the master of this colorful palace."

Xu Ziyan heard it for a long time and asked: "Why is the soul of Fengzu able to stay that long? Why does your soul gradually dissipate?"





"Okay!" In the end, the pen was the first to slow down the tone because of the request for Xu Ziyan: "The Fengzuo level of the masters of the monks is what we can imagine!"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan thought for a long time and nodded and agreed with the pen's point of view.

"Forget it, or say something between us, are we going to the cabinet now?"


One person, one for the door to the left. Xu Ziyan asked as he walked: "You really don't know what identity is that Yutian?"

"do not know."

"You don't know where the guinea pigs were finally moved by Yutian?"

"do not know!"

"That... what was the repair of Yutian at that time?"

"Strong. Stronger than me!"

"What are you doing?"

"Tian Zun's late peak!"

"That jade... is... holy..." Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"No!" The pen swayed and said: "It should be a glimpse of the peak of the sacred Tianzun. But by his glimpse of the sacred heaven, it will be much stronger than me."

"Right, is the Fu family really disappearing?" the pen asked unwillingly.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head. "I haven't heard of any races anyway. Isn't the Terran still divided into many races?"

"Of course, at that time, the Terran did not have the sects you just said. Everything is divided by ethnicity, such as the Tianci family. The earthen family..."

Xu Ziyan also understood some of it for a while. In fact, the race at that time was equivalent to the current Zongmen. It was only that the Terran who lived in one area regarded themselves as a race and then named their own race. The Fu family should be one of the thousands of races.

Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed the door open, and his look was sluggish there. Today, she has been sluggish a lot back. She thought that there was nothing that would make her sluggish again. She did not expect that she would not be left alone when she saw the situation here.

In front of the eyes is a void, in the middle of the void is a cupboard with a lid that can lie in and laugh at a person, releasing the glory of the glory.

At the top is a starry little bit. I can feel the movement of the heavens, and let people feel refreshed at first glance. But below is a space full of darkness, able to see some translucent things piled up in one place, entangled with each other.

Two completely different spaces are connected to one place by the middle symbol cabinet. Let that cabinet look more mysterious.

"Shock?" The pen said excitedly: "Feng Zu will communicate two spaces in the cabinet, one is the fairyland above, and the other is the **** below."


Xu Ziyan has not yet recovered from the sluggishness, and has passed a half-tone. Her petrified face had a vivid expression, looking up at the empty road above:

"You said that the communication above the fairy world, isn't that we can leave here?"

"Stupid! Don't you feel the heavens that work above?"

What is rare is that this time Xu Ziyan did not return her mouth and pen, but said: "Yes, I can feel it."

"Then you can feel the heavens working so easily in your life before you enter this colorful palace?"

Xu Ziyan thought a little, then immediately shook his head: "No!"

"That's it!" the pen said in a adoring tone: "This is Fengzu's use of her great skills to condense the heavens, so that the heavens become so rich. Let you feel it easily. So say here It is not the real fairy world outside, but the projection of the fairy world that has been concentrated and left here."

"It's just a projection!" Xu Ziyan was shocked and unable to add to it. It was a true yearning for Feng Zu.

"What is just a projection?" The pen was angry and angry.

"Okay!" At this time, Xu Ziyan also had no intention of quarreling with the pen. He went to the signboard and said:

"Let's go see the locker!"

While walking toward the locker, Xu Ziyan looked down at the bottom, and countless translucent things were struggling, and screaming.

"The **** below is also a projection?"


Standing in front of the locker. Xu Ziyan carefully looked at the symbol cabinet, could not see what the material was, and the whole cabinet was very smooth and tidy, without a trace of embarrassment.

It can be felt faintly, instead of seeing a circle of symbols that circle around the symbolic cabinet, extending in the upper and lower directions, extending into the endless void above, and the endless areas below.

"Now let Hua Linger imprint the soul of the phoenix in her body on the symbol cabinet."

"that's it?"

"What about you?"


Xu Ziyan nodded and said to Huo Linger: "Fire Linger, how are you thinking about it?"

At this time, the eyes of Huo Linger are all kind. Can't wait to take a nap. Just flew over to the signboard.


The body of Huo Linger suddenly magnified and became a huge phoenix. The endless majesty spread and then shrouded the past to the Fu...


But it was only a time of breathing. There was a call sign of the horror of Huo Linger, and Huo Linger’s body was obviously struggling to leave the locker. But can't leave.

"What happened?" Xu Ziyan grabbed the pen and shouted.

"I don't know!" The tone of the pen is full of fear and confusion.

In the middle of the room, Xu Ziyan’s look changed, and her god’s knowledge received the sound of Huo Linger. She instantly understood what problems Huo Linger had encountered.

It turned out that the fire linger had refining the wick and got a great power, but the soul of the phoenix ancestors did not merge. All these flaming spirits simply did not know, and then said that the soul of the fire was originally weak. It is impossible to feel it.

However, now that the soul of the phoenix in the body of Huo Linger is merged with the soul of the symbolic cabinet, they need a body, a body connected to the cabinet, which requires two fusions. The soul of Feng Zu and the soul of Huo Linger are combined.


Buy a pink ticket at the end!


*(To be continued~^~)

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