The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2012: Crying god

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Don't look at Huo Linger's power nowadays is very powerful, it is also the role of Feng Zu's soul. How many years has it been born, its soul power is much weaker than Xu Ziyan, how can it withstand the fusion of Fengzu soul power?

It was only the moment that the soul of Huo Linger was swaying in the wind and rain, and a few desires to disperse, and sent a cry for help to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and Huo Linger are soul-thinking. Understand the situation of Huo Linger at this time, Xu Ziyan will immediately open the spiritual brand left in Huo Linger.


Xu Ziyan felt a loud noise, and the fire spirit was just a passage equivalent to the soul of Feng Zu, and it was collided with the spirit of Xu Ziyan to the soul of Xu Ziyan.

With that loud sound like the opening of the gate, the inexhaustible power of the soul rushed toward the smoke, and rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan with a violent gesture.

The labyrinth in the sea suddenly collapsed, and even the central palace collapsed without insisting on a few moments, revealing the **** of the purple smoke inside.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen Zhangkou sucked, and the extremely large Fengzu’s soul power rushed toward the mouth of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen.

The endless Fengzuo spirit kept moving toward the heart of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen, and the **** of Xu Ziyan gradually began to light up and gradually began to swell up...

Xu Ziyan felt a huge spiritual power filled with her god. Let her gods begin to bear it. It is the spiritual power from the ancient Fengzu, and with the huge and fragmentary memory of Fengzu...

This kind of mental collision is not the current realm of Xu Ziyan, she will be destroyed by the torrent of this spiritual power.

Xu Ziyan has already felt it at this time. At this time, his own **** is like a balloon that has been pushed to the limit, and it will explode at any time.

Xu Ziyan immediately thought of a move, and dropped a palm of water to the sea of ​​knowledge, so that the water of one palm wrapped his own gods tightly inside.

She knows that the power of a palm of water is very powerful. Strong to Xu Ziyan did not know the extent of it, I did not want to use a palm of water to resist the enemy's mental attack.

The water of one palm immediately blocked the majestic spirits. Although the spiritual power of Fengzu’s soul was constantly slamming into the water of a palm, the water of the palm of the hand did not move.

This made Xu Ziyan finally relieved, thinking that his little life was almost here, and the heart was a while. However, things have already reached this point, and this fun palace must be in control. The purple **** of Xu Ziyan left to begin to merge the spiritual powers that were swallowed up.

When you combine these spiritual powers into your own. Xu Ziyan let a palm of water open a mouth, let the spirit of the outside Fengzu rushed in, and then the gods open their mouths, continually swallowing these spirits, and when they reach the limit, let one The water of the palm is closed, and then Xu Ziyan continues to fuse the Fengzu spirit that has swallowed it.

I don't know how long it has been. I don't know how many times I swallowed it. When I finally let a palm of water open a hole, I found that there is no spirit of Fengzu outside.

Xu Ziyan returned the water of a palm to the purple smoke space, and then she closed her eyes and combed the memories of the fusion. As her time of integration merged, her body gradually exhaled an ancient atmosphere, which kept The pen on the side was shocked. She felt that the body of Xu Ziyan was exuding the familiar Fengzuo.

Gradually, this ancient atmosphere has been absorbed into the body of Xu Ziyan, releasing a noble, extremely noble atmosphere from her body...

After this noble atmosphere gradually came back into the body of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. There is a trace in the eyes. A little excited...

Xu Ziyan’s memory is the memory of Feng Zu’s stay in the symbolic cabinet. She has a complete understanding of the Fun Palace, and she is excited to let her God God when she has just swallowed and merged Feng Zuo’s spiritual strength. Got a huge boost.

Now Xu Ziyan has been in the midst of the strength of the gods. At the same time, the integration of Fengzu's soul power is a tremendous improvement in the power of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen, and also promoted Xu Ziyan. Let her cultivation be promoted from the middle of the Emperor to the mid-peak of the Emperor.

Do not underestimate the improvement of this small order, which is of great significance to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's special physique makes her every small step of promotion become very difficult, but once it is promoted, even if it is a small step, her strength increase is huge.

At the same time, she was excited that she had completely controlled the Fun Palace, and she became the true master of the Fun Palace.

But one thing that makes Xu Ziyan helpless is that she can't put the Fun Palace into the purple smoke space. In fact, it is not impossible to collect the Fun Palace into the purple smoke space. Instead, once the Fun Palace is included in the purple smoke space, the Fun Palace will stop running. Specifically, the locker will stop working.

Because this fun palace is built by Feng Zu in an independent space, and the position of this independent space just communicates with the projection and **** of the fairy world, it is the operation of the two forces of the yin and **** of the fairy world to promote the operation of the cabinet. . If the Fun Palace is included in the purple smoke space, the Fu cabinet will naturally lose its effect.

However, now Xu Ziyan has completely controlled the Fun Palace, and after fully integrating the soul of Feng Zu, the soul of Xu Ziyan will automatically leave a trace of soul in the length of the Fu cabinet.

In this way, no matter if Xu Ziyan is there, as long as Xu Ziyan is willing, he can enter here at any time.

"How? You...had it been successful?" the pen asked cautiously.

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to her, but looked at the fire Linger. At this time, the fire spirit is still a pair of phoenixes, and it seems to be as strong as the original, but it seems that there is less pressure. Xu Ziyan touched the fire spirit with pity, and then took it into the purple smoke space.

"You dare not take care of this God!" The pen was angry, and suddenly jumped to the front of Xu Ziyan, jumping in front of Xu Ziyan to express her dissatisfaction.

Xu Ziyan grabbed the pen and set her in the air.

"Let me go, you are an rude fool..."

"I have completely controlled the Fun Palace!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The pen was quiet in an instant, and then slammed out from the hands of Xu Ziyan, and continually shuttled back and forth in the air.

"Ha ha ha... I want to be free... hahaha..."

"Sorry, I can't give you freedom for the time being!" Xu Ziyan's voice rang softly.

The pen was shaking in the air, and then flew to the front of Xu Ziyan with a bang, and shouted loudly:

"Why? You want to go back? You liar! Liar! Liar! Liar..."

"be quiet!"

Xu Ziyan really can't stand this pen. Only the tiger's face screamed, and this screaming made the pen stay, and then it was in the air, like a person twitching, the voice is even more grievous. :

"You don't count, you promised someone else..."

Xu Ziyan looked helplessly: "You listen to me explaining it!"

"Good! You said! If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you with a symbol." The pen threatened evilly.

Hearing the threat of the pen, I really shocked Xu Ziyan. Only then did this pen say that she had the best fairy charm. If I really threw a few of the best charms to myself, I couldn’t afford it. So, quickly said:

"I don't want to help you, but now I can't help!"

"Can't help? Why? You haven't already controlled the Fun Palace?"

Xu Ziyan snorted and smiled bitterly: "What I can control now is to enter and leave the fun palace at any time, and the rest will not work."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s face has a few black airways: “Pen, you said that Fengzu is sick, and a locker allows her to make a monk with only Tianzun level to use. If you want to be so advanced, I am now the peak of the Mid-Autumn Emperor. I can’t use it now.”

When I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, the pen was also depressed and depressed. She knew the truth that Xu Ziyan said. She didn’t know how many times Fengzu used the symbol cabinet. It was natural to know the level of the cabinet. It’s just that she hasn’t seen a monk here for a long time, and she forgot it for a moment. Now that I think about it, Fushen is really crying.

Although the shape of the pen has not changed, but Xu Ziyan can feel a kind of sorrow from the pen, think about it, this is not a pity, but it is really pitiful, then stretched out his hand and gently touched it. She said:

"Forget it, don't worry, I am now the peak of the Emperor's mid-term. Anyway, you have been waiting for a long time, and don't care to continue waiting for it. When I arrive at the Tianzun period, I can help you."

"Oh..." Fushen finally cried out, and cried very sadly, twitching and saying:

"Wait for you... Waiting for you to break through to Tianzun... Then...what year is it? You are now... It’s a mid-peak of the Emperor... It’s still a lot of different levels from Tianzun. Say... Hey... You think that it is a person who can break through to the heavenly lord... oh... maybe you will not reach the realm of heaven in your life... oh... I am so miserable... oh..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the pen crying and wanted to break the air. The heart was silent for a while. Is this really a legendary god?

Will the gods cry like this?

I thought about it and thought that if I was sealed in a pen, I don’t know how many millions of years, then I had the hope, and then I was told to wait indefinitely, I am afraid that I would cry more than her. Right?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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